School Canyoning Tragedy | Students Swept Away

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all day I'd had this sort of feeling that things were not good it was pouring with rain I keep saying to people all day at school they're not going to put them in the water and weather like this are they and as soon as I walked in and mum said oh sit down I went what's happened to Tara he said ah she's missing in the water and I mean I was she's dead then [Music] I must here I've got no other children so it robbed me of my chance to see her grow up what she would have made of herself as an adult it robbed me of the chance to see her finish school go to university get married robbed me of the chance to have grandchildren you know there's always sorts of things but I try not to dwell on them because nothing's going to change the situation now that's you know I just built a new life I loved it turn the clock back you just said there are six stunning students in a teacher with so much promise it's almost like God chose the best I see their photograph every day right as I walk to my office at Botany campus each of them incredible the water level is down here when they decide that that that ledge was no longer tenable as a safe place the water was up to the earth eyes and they're starting to get washed off there obviously we were devastated I had a physical pain in there for months I woke up every morning for about three months crying before I workout when I die don't cry I'm being an officer in the army of being a rugby player I don't cry but I woke up even before I and I was already crying I feel robbed in that tiny lost the potential for a wonderful life we've lost her has at him but we've lost the potential of grandchildren end or you know his life but I don't feel Jodi's robbed us of it really I just feel that Jodi probably was a little but gained home when tragedies happen it's never one thing that goes wrong it's multiple things and to stop one seemingly little thing which is being done incorrectly can change the whole course of a tragedy it's their links and chains and that day there were multiple little things all lined up my whole JD Sullivan and OPC responsible so an OPC shouldn't have seen that somebody who wasn't signed off to do that trip and she should not have gone she should have reminded them that actually I'm not signed off to be in charge of that trip OPC were taken to court and charged found guilty but Jodi was never singled out she was treated by everybody as a victim in a way and she made a mistake and you should step up for your mistakes and be held accountable and I just don't feel that she ever really said sorry properly [Music] whenever a school goes to in that education center we we inherently know that there are risks in fact the reason we choose to do at the education is because there are challenges that will grow our students but of course you hope that everything is in order in terms of Health and Safety I was not there but there was a pivotal moment where Jodie and her supervisor of the day were making decisions about what the day looked like for the activities and the end of the day Jodie was allowed to make her own decision and had to live with the consequences of that but there's a wider leadership discussion around that and it's a salient point as we make these decisions that on a daily basis sometimes and the perception is this tragedy has happened it must be unsafe what we wrong how could that have happened but it's not okay just to have those unanswered questions for long you've got to come to a point where okay it shouldn't have happened but I accept it so what now what do we do with this absolutely I would hope Jody event you would find it in your heart to embrace life to its full you only get to live once and I trust you have mentors and people around you who will encourage you I believe the best in you and know that the best is yet to come and I wish you all the very very best and I'm very very happy to offer my help my guidance even my friendship at any point you [Music]
Views: 33,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NZ Herald,, nz documentaries, new zealand documentaries, short docs, short films, nz news, kiwi news, new zealand news, elim school, elim college, canyoning disaster, canyoning drowning, school death, elim tragedy, elim christian school, Mangatepopo, Mangatepopo school, Natasha Bray, Portia McPhail, Tara Gregory, Anthony Mulder, Floyd Fernandes, Tom Tsu, Antony McClean, outdoor eduation nz, outsoor school, kiwi canyoning, canyoning nz
Id: FwG6edcZJuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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