Divers reveal extraordinary behind-the-scenes details of Thailand cave rescue | Four Corners
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Channel: ABC News In-depth
Views: 2,147,957
Rating: 4.9076967 out of 5
Keywords: Thailand, Thailand Cave Rescue, Thai cave rescue explained, thai cave, cave rescue, thai cave rescue, thai cave rescue behind the scenes, Thai soccer team, Wild Boars, four corners, 4 corners, bangkok, rescue mission, operation, Craig Challen, Dr Richard Harris, Australian of the Year
Id: -esjQLvsgTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 45sec (3345 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Those kids were meditating the whole time, I'm sure that played into them remaining cool headed and not panicking during the rescue.
It's always underappreciated how lucky this story is. If the rain would start pouring again, the rescue would least for month or more.
I didn't realize a Thai rescuer died. 1+ kilometers underground. 2+ kilometers in. Strong Current. Narrow, winding, underwater passages. No visibility even with military grade lighting. Divers learned about random , 3 dimensional , underwater turns only when they bumped face first into rocks. Sometimes individual obstacles could take minutes to get around for a diver transporting a boy breathing with an air mask that could easily be knocked off or leak and drown the untrained kid. One trip lasting over 5 hours of blind swim time. Every expectation of multiple deaths that day. So many elements of risk. A life changing experience for all of them.
I knew that Elon Musk was being a wanna-be last minute hero, but watching the video you realise that there were people on the ground from day one planning and anticipating all possible scenarios; they shouldn't have allowed Musk anywhere near the caves.
kinda neat they had to knock em out to take them out. makes sense though, don't want any of them panicking