Sceleritas acting a little too zetsy - Baldur's Gate 3

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oh bravo bravo you are growing up to be a fine fellow of the most degraded caliber the clinic and last Light all an Albert an ichord slaggy and it was all your own work you didn't even need your Butler's advice who have acted with the utmost decorum first The Bard now this Triumph hey don't worry master I will ensure you have a diverse roster of victims from now on helpless men folk deserve death just as much as the girl is it would damage your reputation if the fearing public thought you were Predator after all you're far worse than one of those base Lusty spree killers oh I rather got carried away there wherever are my manners scalaritus fell your undyingly loyal servant your butler before our separation yourself for I was earnestly trying to find a moment to help set you on the right path but you were just frolicking away with your dagger weren't you hmm a little in this position has not been able to get rid of what's on the inside the evil in your rotten heart a part of your past is here for you I come with your disgusting prize price is no payment but a sign of reverence towards you come closer my depraved prodigy ah try on your new gym jams they're a present from father it would be rude not to oh such a strapping young behemoth you cannot speak but you have command over your own cruelty thank you oh yes please wondrous manslaughter kill me ah that was so refreshing thank you your clothes hit like a kiss how horrible this poem is the Slayer you will do many naughty Feats with it oh I wish I had time to wax your hide and brush your spines but your adoring Butler must away oh you are going to kill again soon you will keep chopping down the moon maidens family tree I shall return When you next have need of me I have your estate to attend to we will meet again there good night sweet master
Channel: Kayn
Views: 8,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NdKBP2i0wAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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