Scaring my Wife in the New Toy!!!

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[Music] welcome to off the ranch my name is matt glad that you're here let's take a little walk down memory lane so i make t-shirts and sometimes some idea comes my head and i want to make it happen and my wife doesn't think it's a great idea and i uh i usually just do it anyway and then i get in trouble later so i came up the idea to have a slightly more controversial shirt uh a little edgy just i thought it was funny and i wanted to make it happen so we came out with the thick shirt so i don't know if you guys know but thick with two c's it's a term it's a slang term used for like a girl who has curves in all the right places right she thick she that girl thick you know what i mean you wouldn't like i wouldn't call my wife that because she wouldn't get it but like some girls they like it that's an endearing term thick a lot of girls it's not they don't they don't get it they don't know that like you actually it's a good thing to be like a little thick like mayor just she wouldn't understand so i i would not advise calling your wives thick but like when the homies with the bros you know we're all talking with my homies and you say that girl i would never i'm married i don't i don't talk about girls that way i'm like that girl looks like she's probably good at math that's what i would say but like the homies though would say that girl thick and it's a good thing we made a shirt with a you know a little little tool it's got curves in all the right places and we ran this shirt for like i don't know i think it was a week or two i think it was a two-week run we just did it for two weeks and we cut it and it was pretty it did pretty good you guys seemed to really dig it and that was several months ago and then i thought i kinda i kind of have another idea for another slightly controversial maybe even a little more controversial shirt i told mayor about it she was not a fan again i told the guys at the bunker about it big fans they were big fans of it so we ran with it mayor knows about it you don't have to not tell me about this but she knows she doesn't approve but she knows about it there's another term used to describe a woman that is kind of good and kind of bad uh you definitely would not want to say this one to any woman no woman is going to take this one as a compliment even though parts of it are good overall it is not a compliment and the word is butterface for those who know butterface you know you wouldn't you wouldn't say that to a woman i guess i'll just explain what butterface means butterface is where it's like man that girl fine but her face i'm sorry ladies i'm sorry i'm sorry it just is funny and so then i was like now what tool is a butterface and i was like a freaking glock a glock is a butter like it's it's such a good tool but it's face it's face is just it's just not very good looking i love them don't get me wrong i love them have used tons of them own four of them right now so we came out with the butterfinger shirt oh okay let me know in the comments what you think about it is it too far is butterface is it not is it not good is it too i think it's funny i think it's hilarious and it's just it's just a joke that's why meredith said fine you can print butterface shirts so we are going to print butterface shirts for two weeks only it's gonna be a limited time run just like the thick shirts so two weeks only on the butterface shirts and if you order the butter face shirt within the next 24 hours so by like tomorrow like midday we will throw in one free butterface sticker check that out these are also for sale separately but if you want to get one for free we got you okay i think it's the best shirt we've ever made and so of course i'm gonna i'm gonna throw it on because i don't wanna wear this this old demolish ranch shirt that's so so bland and not edgy i'm edgy guys totally edgy i am sitting in my df kit cars goblin and so they basically take the drivetrain most of it the engine transmission transaxle out of a chevy cobalt a front wheel drive front engine car and they put it in the back so it's actually a mid-engine car and it's rear-wheel drive now and they build this little custom tube chassis frame and make it into a freaking race car it weighs half what a chevy cobalt weighs and mine was the ss engine it was a turbocharged engine that we put a bigger turbocharger on and tuned it in different exhaust and so now this car makes 328 yeah 328 horsepower at the wheels in a car that weighs 1500 pounds it's very fast i already warmed it up so you guys don't hate on me [Music] i don't know if the turbo noises come across on here but when driving this thing it is so cool because it's constantly going it's so cool the noises that this car makes are just so awesome and so you all know why we're doing this video it's because they made an all-terrain version we had one we had a prototype version here for a while but my version finally came in the one that i paid money for and i'm giving away that's the saddest part let me show it to you [Music] done hey this is the new df kit car all terrain goblin and so let me first for those who did not see the video with the other one in it let me tell you the differences between the street version and the dirt version ground clearance of street version ground clearance of dirt version about twice that of my little road car over here and that is accomplished by a couple things first you can see these wheels and tires are made for the street very nice tires but don't give you much ground clearance these bf goodrich hooked it up with some km threes on their mud terrain tire check out that mud terrain ah so good this is the bf goodrich km3 the same tires i have on the raptor but a little bit different size but they're such good tires and they make this car look so good slightly different suspension with slightly different springs and shocks there so kind of look at the geometry of this one as compared to this one a little bit different which gives it a little bit taller stance and again in the back not only is this a different shock in the back as opposed to this one this one is mounted higher as well so slightly different geometry plus much bigger tires give this thing a ton more ground clearance than this thing also this one only has the half cage here which you can see there that roll bar over our heads this one has a full enclosed cage which i kind of like that look it looks super cool the nose is different this one actually has the radiator right up there in the front it pipes from the rear it pipes the coolant up here and then back to the engine that way this one has no radiator up front this one has the radiator right here on the back and up front it's open has a bumper and a winch down in there so you can see our little winch right there which is very cool feature i also just kind of like the look of the new one better i like that bumper i mean that looks cool too just it's one's a race car and one's like an off-roading like dirt racer looking thing just totally different some other minor differences like seats and steering wheel and things like that but overall these cars are pretty much the same oh this one actually has a slightly longer frame since we were giving this to someone they uh they made the frame a little longer just so in case he's like six four if you're six four that'd be it's a small car it would be a little tight um i'm six foot i fit in that thing fine but if you were four inches taller you would wish you had a few extra inches no pun intended this one is an automatic that one is a manual transmission this one is a naturally aspirated engine with it's all stock the engine is completely stock naturally aspirated or that one has a turbo and a big turbo and makes crazy power so we had the prototype version of this at my house for a while and basically that was because it was the first one they had ever built they have built tons like i'm pretty sure over a hundred of these and so they're very good at it they know exactly what they need and what they don't the all-terrain version that was their first one the prototype that was at my house was their first one so they told me matt take this drive it around tell us what you like what you don't like any changes that you might want to make let us know while we build yours so they just kind of gave me a loaner basically the difference is between the loaner and this one this one has bigger tires they gave me one with some off-road small tires i don't know what they were but they weren't this good looking they weren't this big this one also is not wrapped yet it will be we still needed that another really big difference with this one is the door entry right here so look at mine it has a bar straight from here all the way over there this one however dips down and that's for a reason the other prototype also had one that went straight across but that meant you had to climb in between this and this and then get under that steering wheel and it was just really a pain in the butt for something that i didn't feel was necessary so they made this an easy entry so you can easily just slide your legs right in here to sit down the other all-terrain had a five-point harness my car has a five point harness this one has just regular car seat belts just like a regular cobalt would have and that's because this thing takes forever to get in five point harnesses in a race for sure you want five point harnesses they're way better this thing is not made to race that thing yeah we'll probably actually we need to i'm gonna schedule taking that thing to an auto cross i want to go race this thing that thing goes so fast i want to be in a five-point harness we 8th mile dragged that thing and in the 8th mile it went 101 or 102 miles an hour in just an eighth mile race that thing needs a harness this one you're not drag racing you're just going down dirt roads probably not doing anything to sketch and it's so much easier to just get in click your seat belt and go this one takes a few minutes to get set up get them all cinched down and then like you'll get all locked in and you'll be like oh i forgot my phone you have to unhook climb out go do everything so i was like you know what we need easy entry easy seat belts let's make this thing user friendly this is a fun car this is not a race car let's make it fun what do you think it's great you love it would you want to drive it today do the seats move because the other one i can't reach the puck i think so you notice my shirt you're a terrible person what did you know what it meant before i told you oh yeah the seat looks too good yes you knew what i meant yeah would you ever wear it no would you rather wear this shirt or a picture neither one you have to pick one i don't even think can girls even wear that shirt the butterface shirt like i don't i think thick a girl can be proud of being thick no one would ever be proud to be a butterface and you're terrible that's a terrible phrase you have a smile on your face though that is a terrible phrase can you go behind the car and film this startup this is called cold start mayor all the cool car guys do it you ready a bunch of deer up there oh my gosh hey guys those are axis deer they're spotted i think they're originally from india did you know this i knew they weren't native to here they're not native to here i think they're from india everywhere and they i mean i think someone brought them in like a big game ranch and then they started getting out you know 50 years ago or whatever and now they're every axis deer everywhere where we are in the hill country of texas let's try its off-roading abilities on this big mound we'll just go over on the side a little bit [Music] oh yeah oh yeah that's great all right mayor i'm gonna send it a little bit are you ready no you're just scared we're gonna crash i don't know this thing freaks me out you're not about off-road life i don't think no i don't think so i'm [Music] [Laughter] no it's not mud it's just it's just wet dirt did they go in your hair yeah these tires hook up and throw a lot of dirt yeah i spun them i'm gonna do it again here just sink in sink into the middle ready [Music] i think it's time for you to drive because you're just not loving the passenger seat maybe you'll love the driver's seat [Music] it's like a race car driver so fun yeah you can't flip this over right uh you can't you really just say you can't flip this over well i mean it's it's not like the go-karts that'll just roll uh no it probably would yeah if you get crazy don't get crazy this one we have to give to someone it can't roll oh yeah go for it look at you nice didn't even touch that was one difference between this one and the prototype two is they put thicker floor plan four pans the first one they dented them on rocks so they put thicker ones in this one to be stronger i think go over the hill straight up the middle let's see if it high centers on it this is a pretty steep short little hill i think it'll hide center on the way down yep there it is it made it i want it gone by monday you know likey would you ever drive this thing on the street would you like take it to go on errands and stuff it's pretty fun yeah i mean it's gonna be street legal just like this one this thing is totally street legal we have a plate on it has turn signals this one does two this one doesn't play it yet because this one well we are not allowed to drive this one this one's not legal yet um but it's gonna be shipped up to tennessee where the new owner will get it all street legal and he'll be able to drive this thing anywhere take it to the grocery store take it to the movies date night in this thing take it to the sand dunes on the beaches in tennessee so this thing is not wrapped yet and so we're giving um him the reigns on what he wants to do he was thinking i was asking him the other day what he thinks about a rap he said i was thinking a worn american flag that runs kind of catty corner with a faded color look so not real bright that's pretty cool like a faded kind of i think that's a really good idea it's kind of cool too and then he said he thought it'd be cool somewhere in small bright red lettering putting demolition maybe on the side in front of the rear wheel yeah i think that's a good idea stars and stripes kind of going angled and faded look over that probably some stripes back here on the back end as well and then on the side just maybe saying demolition on both sides that would be pretty sweet that'd be the coolest demolition vehicle on the roads that's for sure so we're gonna basically take these off and take them to a wrap place and they will kind of mock up some ideas for us on what it'll look like and we'll say yay or nay and we'll give him the option to say yay or nay and then we'll do it we'll get this thing wrapped let me know in the comments what you like more do you like the street version or do you like the dirt version and then the small differences like the the entry the complete cage tell me what you like what is what is your if you could build one of these df kit car df goblins what would you do on your perfect ideal car man i'm really digging this like i love the crazy horsepower and speed of this one but that's pretty cool you what do you think i have no idea you don't like either one of them that one was terrifying i mean i was just i was driving it i still feel like i'm gonna throw it i was driving it hard though like if i drove this one hard you would be terrified yeah that's true like i never go hard in this one when you're in there in ohio i that was pretty sure yeah that's right yeah you were in the drag yeah mayor was on the drag strip and you were scared in this thing that one i think is more i was more scared we were going two miles an hour next to a wall in this one we would hit that wall yeah it would have been bad but it's true i kind of love this thing now i'm like really considering like well do i do i make mine into an off-road beast do i trade it in and get another you know like i don't know wanted to say thanks again to bf goodrich for sending us the new km3 mud terrain tires because it really sets this car off also link in description to get your butterface shirts love you get them quick before mayor takes them off the site thank you for watching off the ranch we love you and we'll see you next time [Music] hey what camera is that number shut up don't tell mayor [Music] [Applause] oh
Channel: OffTheRanch
Views: 676,237
Rating: 4.9327378 out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged
Id: bXkc5u9EHAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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