SCARFACE Movie - The Begining of the Fall

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I was kidding I was only kidding I guess sometimes my life is not always cracked up to be you know where'd you going I got a date you got a date yeah come here what about yeah it's all set up yeah what you forget stay out of it I take care of it wom me stay out of it it's my deal I set it up you're not a negotiator man you know that come on but you like the ladies more than you like the money that's your problem right there what the [ __ ] are you talking about okay I'm your partner okay you're not going to trust me with that kind of thing who the [ __ ] you going to trust join your partner [ __ ] man okay don't talk to me about PR I don't like it you know what you just listen to your wife man she's right you are an [ __ ] man come here give me a kiss come here come here hey hey hey [ __ ] you man who put this thing together me that's who who do I trust me [ __ ] trust I that assho [ __ ] man that's I need that [ __ ] I don't need him I don't need her [ __ ] it I don't need nobody back then I worked in pictures down in Colombia I was in that movie burn you ever see H you saw me with Mur BR you know we're good friend I was a driver no [ __ ] yeah yeah they sh there yeah he was the director Italian tell me about him man sure well I also work I also know Paul I work with him in Tu no kiding hey uh do you know Benny alar there took some Benny Alvarez sub total no he's a nice guy $283,600 let's count it again come on come on come on business is business come on we're talking $1,500 here okay you keep the change okay I don't give a [ __ ] what can it again for no no come on I mean this check here where does this check go Montana realt company monana what Montana realy company Montana realy company it's 284 284 600 say um how come you don't know Benny Alvarez me and Benny Al have lunch together yeah he probably knows me you ask [Music] him we're up to what 7 a million 325 623 200,000 more we off can take a Le get them up get your hands up get your hands against the wall turn around you're not kidding put them up against the wall you're under arrest for violation of the RICO statute you have a right to remain s anything you say can and will be taken against [ __ ] you man how do I know you guys are [ __ ] huh what's I say assho oh that's pretty good man what' you get up you call yourself Cuban you make a real Cuban throw up call your dog off me I want to call my lawyer yeah a lot of good he's going to do you Montana you see that eye there on the clock say hi honey all that's pretty cute look at that you jump off in front of that son and I supposed to meet this chick at your CL [ __ ] pain in the ass all right Danny kill it you understand the rights I've given you huh I know all that [ __ ] Cal bound save your breath you got nothing on me you know it I know it I'm changing dollar bills that's all you want to waste my time okay I call my lawyer he's the best lawyer in Miami he's such a good lawyer that by tomorrow morning you're going to be working in a last so dress warm you give me a check for 100 grand plus 300 in cash and I guarantee you walk on a conspiracy charge but they're going to come back at us on a tax evasion and they'll get it so what am I looking at that five years you'll be out in three maybe less if I can make a deal three [ __ ] ju for what wash your money the [ __ ] country was built our was man it can't be that bad you know it's not like Kaa you know hey what the [ __ ] you talking man man the jails are like [ __ ] hotels you [ __ ] you kidding me away come on what you [ __ ] high or what I'll delay the trial a year and a half 2 years you won't even start doing [ __ ] you [ __ ] you man I'm not going back in a cage okay no way I've been there okay look I give you $400,000 more okay now that's $800,000 with that kind of money you can buy the Supreme Court Tony the law has to prove Beyond A Reasonable Doubt I'm an expert at raising that doubt but when you got a million3 Undeclared dollars staring into a videotape camera honey baby it's hard to convince a jury you found it in a taxi cab
Channel: Josh Head
Views: 360,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scarface movie, scarface, tony montana, al pacino, scarface scene
Id: lfBP8VEr0K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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