Carlito's Way | Al Pacino's Pool Hall Shootout in 4K HDR

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so what are you doing these days uh nothing much you know i'm still in school man all right i got a job though no kidding doing what ah just a little legwork for senor pablo cabrales cabralas yeah we want to do that that's not good oh come on kalito i'm not making a career out of it i'm a delivery boy that's all check this out that's 30 grand [Laughter] yo can i ask you for a favor man what's that i got to go down the block for this pickup man can you come with me come on don't get me involved with that stuff oh come on i know these guys they're friends i just want to walk in with you they see who my backup is and those in their pants man you ain't gonna know me you you're a legend come on right 10 minutes i promised your mother we'd be there for dinner oh that's no problem man these guys they're real pros man boom boom in and out so the kids walking in there with 30 big ones and the legend me i'm walking right in with them five minutes from now we're going to be on the streets with 30 grand worth of very sweet candy more than enough to put me right back where i just come from just come along for the ride man come on you know right i got nothing here he just got out of lewisburg man he used to be partners with rolando rivas oh carlito i heard you man you used to run smack with rolando right a little bit yeah a little bit a little bit that's a good one i hear you guys really kings man [Music] we gotta do some business you don't mind if i count it right i saw that man i counted anyway come on come on what you want to rush for i'm just going to beat you again that's your bathroom man oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the bathroom yeah don't worry yeah come back then we'll have a fix for it turn it on man i love that song [Music] man [Music] you got a light yeah sure man you playing that part right yeah i can't resist this i got to show you people a shot yo yo we in the middle of a game here man right you're playing eight ball right right before you rap it's nothing ain't gonna bother you game where you see this you ain't gonna believe it you're gonna line them up like this hey you're gonna show us a drink charcoal no trick shot this is magic time after you see this shot you're going to give up your religious beliefs okay yeah man you got to check this out kylito's doing one of his tricks man i ain't done counting here you want to call bienvenue not yourself it took me six months to learn this six months you gotta help me though sure see this over the top okay so how's your voice oh he's good man you know i saw him this morning you got to put your finger right here right on top of the twelve to hold it let's see like that that's right you gotta get it even with that so you didn't hear the nose one news yo there's no beard out here man sure way down in the bottom and climb base working on this you looking at that man let me have your cue okay line them up are you even a little given to me come on get your bro what news [Music] [Music] so i'm reloading okay come on in here come on i'm waiting for you why you ain't coming in okay i'm coming up are you up against it now i'm gonna blow your brains off you think you're big time you're gonna die big time you ready here come the pain [Music] oh jesus jesus christ look at you you said they were friends who are you but they ain't no friends in this business adios primo [Music] you
Channel: Universal Pictures
Views: 3,774,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: universal pictures, universal pictures home entertainment, uphe, Universal Pictures, carlitos way, al pacino, brian de palma, carlitos way scenes, watch carlitos way, carlitos way watch, carlitos way movie, carlitos way movie clips, carlitos way movie scenes, carlitos way al pacino, carlitos way pool hall scene, carlitos way pool scene, carlitos way al pacino pool, al pacino carlitos way, al pacino carlitos way pool scene, carlitos way opening, carlitos way opening scene
Id: PuKKL3tOXfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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