Scaramouche Boss Fight is INSANE! Guide, Tips, & Tricks. F2P Friendly Strategies! Genshin Impact 3.2

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hello and welcome to my Channel I want to lose gaming so I've just been running the New World boss or new weekly World boss a few times and it is absolutely an insane fight but it is a lot of fun however it is very mechanics focused and I was going to show you guys some tips and tricks for dealing with this boss's mechanics [Music] first an initial run where I just knew enough about the mechanics to defeat the boss with a free-to-play friendlies team and then after that it's published that attempt to kill the new weekly boss as fast as I possibly can now do keep in mind that if you have not done this new weekly boss and you do not want spoilers obviously do not click this video do not watch this video but there's not really going to be any story mode spoilers except for a little bit of the dialogue but really I don't think it gives away much I don't remember exactly what nahida's build is but it's something very similar to this I was using the widget or the four with the four piece gilded dreams now the stats weren't great but yeah then we have sayu who just is running the viridescent veneer and after that we have kooky for healing as well as the Deep wood memories to amplify now it is damage and finally we have Fishel with the wind Bloom ode as well as the Thundering fear all right so the first thing you'll notice about this new boss is that it's quite a long walk to the actual boss fight itself so sorry is very nice for that because she can move very quickly to the new boss but we're gonna go ahead and the boss with Electro as well as um dendro or nahida's little burst thing now you want to have hey editing I went to lose and I realized I did not explain this mechanic very well at all but on the screen we can actually see all the mechanics that are needed to know and play here we have this little buddy guy he has this little energy thing that you charge by grabbing these of whatever shape they are kind of like a round diamond three three-dimensional shape and then you stand on these pads here and you press T to charge it up to you to discharge this thing and then it will do something based on the elemental pad that you stepped on from when I saw the electro ones are by far the most useful because it actually stuns the boss and for my observations I think you can only use each pad once but I'm not 100 sure about that anyway back to the actual running I went to lose void obviously the giant uh smash hand smash thing because that hurts a lot and you can zap it with Electro like that uh to do to kind of like knock it down and do some damage and then it will get upset and do some stuff and now if you zap it again with another Electro you'll actually knock it down which then gives you some time to do some DPS to it [Music] and we can just use nahida to do a good amount of damage while it's down [Music] and it's going pretty well but these lasers are very dangerous I think you can walk in between them and dash through them like this to dodge them now you will kind of uh be a little low on stamina during all that but hey not a big deal so just finish it off and you know it's going to do the same stuff over and over now at this point we've pretty much seen it all for the first phase so yeah the other elements do some stuff but I think you want to prioritize the electrodes and watch The Traveler be a boss look at that she is holding up like a giant Megaton fist being smashed through the ground and falling from who knows how high and pymon is like oh my God why am I here and look at that just threw off the slide like she's a legit superhero Powers but anyway this thing's gonna go into phase two where it gets legs it's in the metaverse guys it finally got some legs and here we go so phase two is kind of crazy um but you want to kind of keep semi-close so that way this little guy can shoot it uh your little robot friend here and you can use T to save a lot of stamina and to Traverse to the boss as well I'm not even sure why I'm attacking it really uh there's it pretty much does a negligible amount of damage as you can see but more importantly what you can do is you can go for these these things here and uh you can bait it to shoot them as well as hitting them with your own elements now after you oh dear oh dear after you have this you press T and then you shoot the giant thingy which you don't generally don't want to miss it like that because oh my God oh my goodness oh didn't I need to die no I had to die oh we'll just revive her because that's what food is for I know a lot of you guys really hate food but you know what I'm not good enough at this game to uh not use food but we have you pretty much need to hit it twice [Music] with the little uh robots um t e ability [Music] and really you're just dodging everything for now until you can finally knock it down with this now after it's knocked down you might think oh hey it's knocked down I can do some DPS to it no no my friends that's not how it works well also not hit his little aimed mode thing doesn't work to destroy these things you need to use her normal attacks and for these flying ones I find I don't even know how to actually hit them without something like nahida's um charge attack or a bow attack right so uh what okay anyway now we can finally do a little bit of DPS to this thing [Music] okay oh sorry I had to get a drink of water there a very inopportune time to do that but you could see that the attacks hitting its legs and stuff were barely doing any damage however nahida Auto targets kind of the core weak point of it and now at this point uh even though like the knockdown phase is over it's just gonna start repeating its attacks and you can just rely on your little dendrobot to kill it uh if you're kind of like a free-to-play setup like this because it is pretty challenging to actually kill it after you knock it down um with most EPS characters because the core in the center oh dear the core in the center is out of range of most of your DPS characters especially like all the melee DPS characters I've seen so one last little detail that I just noticed at the very end after editing this video but there are actually little Clover things that you can teleport upwards and to the boss's weak point so this way melee characters can actually hit the weak point uh pretty funny for me to just notice at the very end but yeah just definitely use that to your advantage if you don't have milk on you to just you know nuke it and kill it from the ground [Music] okay so as promised I'm gonna show you guys my day one attempt at kind of speed running this boss now of course a lot of this boss fight is just kind of stuck in cinematics as well as you know picking up the crystals and stuff so there's only so much time you can save so I'm gonna let this play out with just the key moments and then afterwards I'm going to explain some stuff that will also help you guys take on this boss as well um even if you're not a giant whale like myself you no we got more Cecilia [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so now that you guys have actually seen the run we're gonna go through it and I'm gonna explain a little bit so first this is a melt on you nuke setup where even constellation zero gun you should be able to pull it off quite effectively but it'll take probably two or three shots to actually take it out now what's really interesting about using nahida as a support here for ganyu is that she provides 250 Elemental Mastery and another 40 if you use her signature weapon or with the thrilling Tails Dragon Slayers you can give gun you 48 attack as well and based on this nuke what we can see here 172.7.6 K damage and we can see based on the amount of Health missing it's roughly the same amounts that mount Health Miss as the amount of Health missing so if we do three and a half of these that gives us roughly I don't know 500-ish maybe at most 600k damage but probably closer to 500k hit points for the first phase and we see that there's no nothing really stopping you from just one-shotting it like this you could use many different one shot compositions but for me I felt like milk on use perfect especially for the second phase and what we can see in this clip is that after you knock out its Shield here you actually have a bit of time to kind of reap but okay so before we get to that I was really focused on filling up Bennett's and kazuho's bursts which you guys will see in a bit so anyway after you knock out his little shield with the last bit of zappy zaps from a little robot you can run to the center and pre-cast some abilities in anticipation of the turrets spawning here I don't actually think you need ganyu's birth here but I did it because it actually allows you to exit the animation that he's doing to prepare your Bennett and causes Hood burst if you time it correctly now causes his burst will swirl and Destroy any of the thing the flying turrets in the air that are within the radius as you can see from what I noticed they tend to be placed in a specific way where one of the turrets will be missed by kaza's burst and you will need a way to take it out I believe ganyes charge actually takes it out in one shot however I decide to go safe because I'm bad at aiming so I just used now he does charge attack to take it out now ideally you actually want to lock onto this one here so that way from this one here you'll grab the one in the center if you lock onto the far one and then you can lock onto this one but here I did it a little sub-optimally and I ended up warping three times instead of just the two times that we that you would need to otherwise so one more quick detail we can see here that after I knock the boss down my bursts are not ready yet we can see Bennett Kaza and gonyu they all don't have their burst however after this thing is knocked down you actually get a free burst reset everyone gets their energy completely full what this means is that you should burn your bursts in this phase to destroy these flying nodes faster because that way you'll immediately get your burst back up and that way you can just start attacking it now one more tip is that in this phase when it's knocked down on the ground it its legs and arms take severely reduced damage like I'm talking like half or even a third or something I didn't pay attention the exact amount of damage reduction these legs have but they have a ton of damage reduction so that's why it's important to actually hit the core of this body right here while it's in um you know it's weakened state ganyu is able to one shot its core just like that a 165 plus 574k appeared to be a complete overkill for taking out this boss hey guys and do check out my friend not Irwin's gentian utils bot so right here we can just go to any Channel with his bot in it and you can just pretty much type slash Wiki and then we can type in for example nahida the gentian wiki bot in your favorite Discord channel will be able to show you guys some information about nahide for example she is dendro her constellations name is sapient or ramastis check that out my videos here as well and finally we have even more more information on her and a fun fact her birthday is October 27th that is extremely close to my wife's birthday and one of my favorite other commands for the gentian util bot is g dot Chibis which will actually show you a bunch of different chibis and if you do own a Discord server give this link a smash to add the gungeon utosbot to your Discord server alright so let me know if you enjoyed this format of explanation where I actually use the video editing tool to kind of live explain it this actually makes it a lot easier on me and if you actually found this helpful as well I absolutely let me know down in the comments below as always I appreciate every single one of you this is iwant to lose signing out
Channel: IWinToLose Gaming
Views: 176,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact archon quest 3.2, genshin impact archon quest, genshin impact scaramouche, genshin impact scaramouche cutscene, genshin impact scaramouche boss fight, genshin impact scaramouche boss theme, genshin impact scaramouche boss, genshin impact scaramouche boss fight guide, genshin impact scaramouche 3.2, genshin impact scaramouche boss fight cutscene, scaramouche, scaramouche boss theme, scaramouche boss fight, scaramouche gameplay, scaramouche boss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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