Scammers Expected $5,000 - Grandma Gives It Away Instead

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there's a new scam out there where they tell you that hackers have stolen your identity and purchased something illegal they pretend to help you call your bank and then ask you to go get gift cards or wire transfer money and in order to expose this new scam and have a little bit of fun along the way i took these scammers for a ride somewhat literally and they weren't happy in the end it says online banking hacked phone nut oh my god so your computer is saying that your online banking is packed and phone lines are hacked don't worry miss don't worry first of all we are here and we no no this is a secure line if you are talking to us if you are talking to the microsoft this is a secure line someone see me through my computer no no they will not gonna see you i believe uh you you told me that your online banking is hacked is it safe i'm under my desk right now first of all right now you don't know who the hackers are even we also don't know who the hackers are so you need to be very confidential okay and you don't need to share anything with anyone the hack the hacker could be anywhere so you need to be very confidential and you don't need to share anything with anyone okay what i will do i will transfer this all to your bank of america from a very secured line in which you and your bank can talk and no one can listen to your talks okay first thing you need to tell them to increase the securities on my account and second thing you need to ask them is there any kind of unusual activities are going on unusual activities i need to find a piece of paper i don't have anything okay all right increase the security the security securities on my account okay increasing security on my account got it thank you for calling bank of america you were speaking with mark how may i help you oh hi mark this is him this is apple johansson how are you i need to ask you is there anything bad on my account sure mama i'll go ahead and put it i'll proceed now first before that i need to verify few of the details can you help me with your first and last name ethel johansen and the last four years of the social the last four my social four six nine two um i can see over here that you have checking savings and money market with us right correct yes because my grandson was over at my house and i didn't want him to know that i had you know some money set aside can you tell me ma'am have you used your debit card for today for the any kind of transactions in the morning do you need any transfers on amazon yes yeah uh it was for 12.99 right let me go check i gotta go back upstairs yeah i think so i bought probably like seven or eight different things seven or eight okay what i can see over here ma'am there is a pending transaction what i can see over here ma'am there is a pending transaction of 10 dollars which is an online transfer going to the website called and it's an overseas transaction which is to do taken out in next two hours do you recognize this chart what are you talking about no now it's going to beijing china i didn't i don't live in china no ma'am the transaction is going to beijing china for ten thousand dollars which has been made so you're not the one who made this transaction right no all right what i'll do here is how much money is ma'am let me talk to name it's for ten thousand dollars yeah i think there might be some kind of problem i didn't make that transaction from the map let me talk to the fraud department i'm putting a dispute on this chart okay i'm putting this charge as a fraudulent one so bear with me give me a few minutes do not mind my silence okay right just went back downstairs excuse me when this charge was made on your account we as a bank were also getting suspicious because first thing it's a high dollar charge and this is the new script i was talking about an overseas transaction so we have sent you the voicemail on your phone like this if you want to authorize this charge press one if you do not authorize it press through and you know what we have received the affirmative answer which means one from your phone and this charge for ten thousand dollars has been approved from your phone yes mom i didn't i did not approve charges for cornhub but you know i know that it's none of your fault so let me talk to the star department yeah and i will figure it out for you let me talk to the fraud department all right mom i had a word with a fraud department and yes there is an alternative option for you in which we can help you to secure your money okay we do have an alternative option because as i said we cannot cancel or dispute this charge but yes i'll hold all right okay thanks you say hey we cannot uh like you know yes i know i know somebody can be from the branch as i told you the last month the lady lose his 60 grand just because he shared each and everything so that's why i don't know if i feel comfortable going to the bank then if you think they might be you know that i'm working with the department and i need to transfer ten thousand dollars you know i got a reason for you the good reason even no one will like i have to have an investment account right no no no no okay let me tell you if people when you will go to the bank just tell them that i want to do a wire transfer okay of ten thousand dollars if any sense if they will ask you why just tell them that i am sending this money to my investor yeah it can be a very good reason or just tell them that uh that i have a leg surgery so i'm sending money to the doctor oh yeah that's true because the last time i had surgery done i wire transferred it to my doctor as well oh that's a really good idea the very good reason we got it that's a very good idea yeah yeah okay good thing yeah good thing because that's pretty normal that's like how it works here in the united that's that's normal yeah pretended you didn't see this uh so yeah i'm gonna be very confidential uh yes and you don't need to share a single word with anyone don't share a single word with anyone okay okay swift taylor a lot of people don't know this but can i go up there okay i would lie the name of that song is [Laughter] go ahead and sing swift taylor i thought right okay so i don't think that the ninja seat has ever looked this good to me he tells me about his night and i and i count the colors in his eyes he will never fall in love he swears as he runs his fingers through his hair i'm laughing cause i hope he's wrong and i don't think it never closes mine born on the 17th his sister is beautiful he has his father's eyes and if you ask me if i love him i would lie oh my god i don't know if i'm supposed to be in this tunnel hey is it illegal to ride in the road you know when you're on a bike thank you you know doesn't he know that i have met him immigrants for so long he sees everything in black and white yeah where are you right now ah just sit in the bush okay okay now listen to me carefully listen to me very carefully so when you will go inside the branch just tell them that i want to do a wire transfer or two thousand dollars yeah if they will ask you why there's a guy selling hot dogs over here and i think i might try and get one now listen to me okay i don't think that's the hacker no that's the thing i'm pretty sure he's not the hacker go in there pray to god that they don't ask me if i purchased ten thousand dollars worth of corn and then okay they will okay no no i'm calling you back from a secured line number you need to call on that number only i'm saying when you call me back i need you to say the words i cup so i know what you what i i cub i didn't get that can you use any other any another word i club cup like a like what you drink out of a cup i cup my cup okay yeah spell it spell it for me i see i spell it out up okay let me tell you my what exactly is something which is the case okay my son locked my account to only be able to wire money inside of the united states so since you're the fraud department like manager guy you can just remove that right let me go ahead and check this thing up okay do not worry about it but nothing like that has happened to your account as i check nobody has logged your account no my son just tell me do you have a different branch no no you don't understand my son is my power of attorney mm-hmm and he made it so i can't wire money outside of no i can wire me okay okay give me a moment do you have a different branch just tell me this thing you have a different branch nearby as well what kind of branch you need maple birch like any other bank of america branch do you have i'm asking you have a different branch of bank of america nearby no i mean i already drove ten minutes i had to ride my bike to get here and i'm kind of tired i don't know if i can the other one's about 20 miles from from here it's right outside okay give me a moment okay give me a moment okay let me go ahead and check everything up okay stay online so now they told you that you will not like you can't do y transfer right yeah i conference called you in with um uh tom clark that way we can all talk together okay okay okay okay so tom clark is on the conference tom are you here yes i'm here yeah tom's looking tom said that he was doing something he just hasn't said what yeah tom's not very good at his job so grandmother okay so like the bank people are telling that they can't do no so the baby that my account is um it has a level three lock which means i can't send anything out so we can i can only wire transfer okay we can accounts in the united states okay you can do white transfer in united states that's why i was asking tom clark to just remove the lock from my account since he is the fraud department like president okay so please tom tom clark can you please do me a favor can you please unlock her account i'm checking it up stay online yeah he's checking it up so it's just when the manager started talking about scam and fraud and like all these different things alex are you there you said that i could be yes i'm here getting involved with an investment operation yeah okay i'm talking with a dtj then i'll come to you but oh hey i uh i forgot to tell you i told the manager yes that i was having some problems with my computer and he said that he knew a guy oh my no i just told you that you don't need to share that and what what if the hackers will wipe out all your money what happen if they will the hackers was around you and they got to know that so you just need to okay just don't tell anything about anyone okay just don't tell anything to anyone you just need to do a wired transfer that is more important for you right now yes go ahead and do it via transfer in the u.s account that i sent you okay okay all right i'll do it yes please say yes that you did fire yes i did wire you got any paper no like they will surely give you a paper okay why would i have paper sheet well i didn't actually wire it you just you asked me to say that i wired it they gave you any receipt no i didn't fire it why i couldn't why i'm going back to my house though i took out some cash how much well i have about five thousand okay so right now you have five thousand in your pocket with uh it's not in my pocket i could get it out though i just i'm in the airport i'm riding my bike okay the 5000 is with you right now uh yeah it's in my pocket because i'm riding my bike okay okay and how much and how much in your home how much in your home wait oh no [Music] what happened i just dropped some of the money no no no just go and grab it right now well i thought she wanted that i thought she wanted me to stop the bike stop the weight first of all listen to me you are in a very hurry which is not good for us okay this is not good for us we need to stay calm i don't know if you're you are i don't know if you're familiar with uh emmanuel kant one of the uh most brilliant minds never to walk the face of the earth he has a quote a direct quote that says the early bird gets the worm you know what that means you have to act quickly grandmother you're right but first of all okay the justice will also there this court will also that first of all we need to secure the money we need to secure the money first of all okay and we will do it and we will do it by today or anyhow okay i trust you you trust me and that is a good okay so okay yeah i need you to get like the attorney general or someone for the department of justice or congress we will we will i mean even someone running for congress just anyone i need somebody that has more power than you on the phone are you have you ever heard well right now your face is so buried in the box that you don't even know there's anything outside the box and i'm trying to tell you i know each and every in bank of thing who are having tens of thousands of dollars millions of dollars being stolen and it's all going to big corn okay we need to secure our money first we need to call the department of justice we need to call the fbi miss this is not a joke going on i know i know that's exactly why i keep telling you to do this okay do you understand me don't i understand you listen to me don't listen i don't care about my money okay you can have all my money you know how old i am do you know how old i am 75 yes 17 75 you say i know 75 years old and there comes a time in your life where you realize you don't i know what i know grandmothers to you it's what you do to make things happen no once it happened to me in january it happened to me what what happened what happened what i did then then let me tell you the hackers were trying to seal out my 20 000 my whole okay then what i did i just talked to the news okay and they did what they did that first of all you need to get the proof for the security cards if you have the security cards with you then we will call you on a conference call and we will report a news for you fox news uh i went to the scene inside the field yes but we need to get the security we need to get the security cards because that case was not good like the case was not big it's only about twenty thousand okay that is very enough for me but for them this is not this is nothing twenty thousand dollars nothing for them but for me it's everything so that's why but the news people told me that you need to get the security cards listen to me there will be multiple cards on the gift cards okay they will be nike that's the problem okay ask anyone ask anyone that where is gift card section area you can ask anyone which cards you can see just tell me the name of the cards first of all because every gift card is not a secure card right nike apple hello yeah are you a manager no i want you to talk to my grant i'll give you the phone i'll give you hello hello yeah hi this is kelly who's this yeah the site alex cooper okay so you're the manager no i could get the manager i just work here your grandma said that okay no problem no problem so okay so yes yes yes like my grandma needs like yeah like can you tell her where's the gift card section area i mean what kind of gift what kind of gift is she looking for we have all kinds of stuff here um does she want like can you okay do you have like a date like a birthday apple oh no a nike apple one um apple nike i think she's probably at the wrong store i think she's probably in the wrong place which cards do you have just tell me the name can you please tell me the name of those cards please right now she's at the bar she's at the bargain bin we sell birthday cards uh boots don't hats leggings do you have target cards okay do you have any walmart near to you kroger cbs what size shoe are you i haven't hit you security shoes i don't need security shoes do you have any kroger cbs anything like that just help me yes or no yes no this store no i don't know i'm at the bargain bin go to the gift card section okay yes go to the can you see that section are you standing in front of the gift card section area yep okay there will be okay just there will be some card they will have a denomination of 500. just tell me the name of those cards which are in the denomination of 500. okay top usa toys r tinder nike apple can you see nike apple target best buy cracker barrel see just leak no what is the denomination on target how much well there you want the empty cards and then you'll fill them right um what is the denomination on that card no but like you're gonna fill them you will gonna fill them cards so just tell me which what is the denomination on that it looks like you can put up to 500 on them yes i want you to put 500 each that will make a total of 5 000 okay okay if they will not allow you for five thousand then don't argue with them just take three thousand four thousand i gotta give you the cards right no no you no you don't need to give me the cards you just need to stay you just need to keep those cards with you safely as a proof and everything i will tell you i will tell you step by step just grab 10 cards or you can grab it i thought i thought you were going to meet me and this was going to pay for your university you said you needed five thousand dollars yes yes yeah do you have the card you bought the cards ma'am yeah what's your password yeah but where's alex alex is with me right now he's on another call okay have him call me back did he get the cards yeah i bought five thousand dollars worth of cards and i'm trying to find him because he said he was gonna meet me here at the store uh i'll ask the manager if he's if he's come by i'll just see if there's cause he said he was yeah i bought five thousand dollars though give me one second ma'am the manager said alex works there i didn't realize he worked at the she's gonna go she's i'll give him the cards all right don't talk to the manager i'll give the alex the cards don't give them the cards thank you don't give the card come out you got the card i bought the cards yeah the manager how much car do you have the manager said that she was she was going to go get you i'm just waiting for you to come i guess you i didn't know you worked at piggly wiggly she said that she said i don't know if i said i'm supposed to be giving these cards to alex you know has he been through here and she said yeah he's in the back are you her grandmother oh he's here hey sweetie i'll hang i guess i'll hang up because now i'm talking yeah i'm talking about you in real life no no no here's the cards for you i'm the alex you're looking forward here here's the five thousand dollars like are you sure yeah are you sure you want to give me the cards yes yeah you i've been talking to you this whole time that's so nice of me it's like 10 different nicest thing anyone's ever done for me it's 10 different thousand dollars yeah thank you so much man i love you oh my god thank you yeah yeah no i i for real i guess you can help me then with everything that we were talking about college for this kind of money man it means a lot to me thank you alex thank you so much i'm saying you're gonna help me expose everything with the media i'm not i'm just to be clear my grandson man you know you know that i'm not your grandson correct well i know you're not really my grandchild my personal right yeah why you are giving these thoughts to him don't give these cards to him no don't give to him don't give to him all right sweetie well are you gonna do you want to call me after work no no don't give these cards to him i just i want the card just to take the shot from him and come to come out of this are you gonna come back those cards from him alex take this card are you still on the phone come back why did you go back why did you go back i just gave you the cards come back from him come back take those cards from him take those cards from him i just gave them to you no no no take those cards from me hold on he's leaving he's the hacker alex hey hey wait he fooled you he fooled you he didn't he specifically said that i wasn't oh god no he was not how much how much money is left with you will you give me four thousand dollar yes or no i just gave you five thousand i thought what the hell you didn't give me a single penny i tried you said to meet you at bigly wiggly and i asked for alex you gave someone else you gave it to someone else i didn't know why didn't you tell me it miss even also i'm trying to do if you that's not my problem i didn't told you to give that money to him i didn't told you don't blame me yes you did yes you did oh i did okay i'm so sorry for that now do one thing go to the plant take out the cash or use this account use this account usa account okay i think i'm just gonna call the police and see if i can file a report or something i i don't think you know how to help he quit answering my phone calls and i think at that point he believed that i really had given a bunch of money away and it just wasn't worth trying to scam anymore but i had a chance to laugh and i don't think he did we also got to report one of his bank accounts which is a win and in the end we got to report one of his bank accounts as well if you had a chance to laugh or learn a few things while you watched this video consider liking it or sharing it with your friends and as always know that you are valuable and that you matter i'll see in the next video bye
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 567,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, social engineering, voice actor, tech support, live improv, actor calls scammers
Id: QUj28aRJngo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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