Sayori is my Girlfriend | Doki Doki Encore #1 (DDLC Mod)

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hey yo spaghetto here and welcome to doki doki encore this was made by ultra star wars fan with some help from agent gold i believe and i've been wanting to play this for a while and i'm excited to play this for you guys so yeah hope everyone's having a good day and i thought it'd be fun to play this for you how's everybody in the chat doing welcome to the stream everybody how you click so fast i'm going to give you guys about a minute or so before i get started on this um the stream isn't going to be too long it should only be around 30 to 40 minutes and then i'll call it because i want to keep these episodes on a more shorter end but yeah hopefully everybody's doing well in the chat i'm doing good i'm doing good i've had a good day i'm gonna wait about 30 more seconds and then we're gonna jump into this with our legs of course i heard that this mod was very good and i'm excited to play it i thought it'd be fun to play something good oh you thought sakura gamer was enough for me i needed something that was more calm oh i'm one of your favorite youtubers thanks so much that's really nice of you to say i'm glad you guys think so all right let's jump into this doki encore is not affiliated with team slovak so sullivan selena nagaba okay i agree let's go it's time it's on court time oh shoot i forgot that the theme song for this was doki forever [Music] oh it's so cool this slaps it slaps harder than natsuki's dad [Music] all right let's go it's noodle time man that slap's so good oh welcome to doki doki encore before we begin you need to answer a few quick questions see how i confessed to you in the base game did you accept siori's confession i did originally good now there's yuri and natsuki in the base game you chose to spend the weekend with one of them for the festival preparations if you chose note on the last question you'll either start off on yuri's or natsuki's route in this mod depending on who you choose next if you chose yes the last question we'll then we'll see how things will go now won't you uh who did you help prepare for the festival going off of my original let's play i chose yuri shall we then shall we begin doodle boy every good story needs an encore here we go i'm excited this is going to be great i as i regain consciousness i'm created by a sharp pain in my forehead this pain is almost unbearable i stand up slowly with my legs clutching my forehead in an attempt to nurse the stinging pain what what just happened i groggily open my eyes what the heck where am i what is this i look around in all directions but as far as the eye can see there's nothing but black empty space hello hello hello hello i hear nothing but the sound of my own voice echo into oblivion how did this happen what even happened everything was normal just until a few minutes ago up until suddenly i hear something walk towards me i'm able to make out a dark silhouette i think i recognize that outline hello the figure finally comes into my view it's monica oh good you're awake monica where are we what just happened where are the others what is this oh you mean you don't remember i i tried to remember but what happened but i i no longer can monica everything is now blur to me no not really well then i guess i tried to do must i guess whatever i tried to do must have caused you to forget everything i guess my coding skills aren't aren't quite up to scratch monica what the heck are you talking about what coding you don't make any sense oh dear i messed this up pretty badly well i guess i'll just have to try and take us back then ah take us back what are you talking about where are you taking me to the beginning silly you need to remember something if it's going to work now just give me a second no monika wait ah i hear a loud banging on my door hey what what's that shouting oh wakey wakey sleepyhead i opened my eyes i see my door swing open as my annoying yet sweet girlfriend sorry enters the room hey don't just run into my bedroom little boy your voice sounds a little weird are you okay yeah i'm fine don't worry siri theory startling goes back outside and shuts the door sorry noodle boy oh sayori always doing things without thinking and all the years i've known her she hasn't changed a bit even through the period of time we jerked it apart it's still good to see that she's the same person still ever since we reconnected after convincing me to join the literary at your club i've still learned some pretty unexpected things about her it was only last weekend that i learned about her depression and her feelings for me so i decided on that day to tell her how i felt i told her that i loved her and well we've been dating ever since why is she here anyway oh right i guess it'd make sense for siri to be here lately i've accidentally picked up on her habit of sleeping in dealing with the stress of everything in the last two weeks has really taken a bigger toll on me than i first realized siori has now made it a habit of her morning routine to make sure that i don't oversleep at least she seems to be doing much better now wait what time is it i roll over and get a better look at my clock oh crap i'm going to be late i launched myself out of my bed and get ready for the day oh my gosh oh my voice hurts okay [Laughter] colonel i need some water ah that's better okay and so another ordinary day of school awaits me at least we finally get to have our first club meeting since the festival while doing an abridged version of my morning routine a wave of nostalgia hits me and i think about the club meeting we'll be holding later today it's hard to believe how invested i've become in this club club since i first joined but a lot of things have happened since then i got the chance to get to know yuri a little bit better as we prepared for the festival i fondly recall back to last sunday when we spent the afternoon working on the banner a smile comes across my face as i remember the towel incident oh yuri she's great then there was sayori's confession in the fallout afterwards after the festival was over i was on i was honestly so burnt out that i was tempted to skip the rest of the school week still i think our performance at the festival was okay we should still be getting a few new people at the very least oh despite having to perform at this year's festival i certainly had much more fun compared to last year's uh especially since i was able to spend it with sayori nuri they wouldn't let me out of their sight for some reason little boy are you almost ready we're going to be late just hang on just hang on everybody panic i look in the mirror to see how i look currently i'm too tired to really pay much attention to my appearance and that's ought to do you ready yet yeah come on in oh hey king of the aliens welcome to the stream buddy sierra enters my room again hey needle boy she beams at me with her laser eyes hey siori you're looking great today sierra starts to blush at the comet oh thanks doodle boy you're too kind sierra then frowns at my appearance little boy whoa look at that that's so cool look at that ah that's so cool oh look at that new art whoa thankful this isn't the other game thank you for the donation spaghetto team i appreciate the support thanks thanks buddy i really appreciate it sierra goes up to me and attempt to fix my hair i blush to see where his fingers swirl through my hair hey come on is this really necessary you look like you just got out of bed well maybe that's because i just kinda did sarah and i fall silent for a second as she continues i can't help but be reminded of the times my mother would do this to me when i was about to go to school i'd always get so embarrassed when she did especially in front of the other kids how much sleep did she get considering everything that's happened in the last two weeks a lot and i still think i need more sleep cereal looks a little taken back by my comment sorry i didn't mean to wake you up so soon did i really just come across as that rude i know that sarah is still going through her depressive episodes and how it makes her want to avoid being a burden on other people especially me hey hey hey it's not your fault really honestly i feel a lot more rested now sarah's face returns her gleeful expression well that's good i really need to be more careful with what i say around her we stand we stand there smiling at each other looking into each other's eyes it didn't occur to me didn't occur to me two weeks ago hell ever in my life that i would ever have dated my childhood best friend wow that's cool it's something i kind of always thought to myself as a what if scenario but i never really gave it a serious thought until we started reconnecting i guess after spending all that time together we were able to reconsider that tight bond we once shared as the memories continue to swirl my head i suddenly remember that we still at school i snap out of my gaze we should probably get going we don't want to be late yeah you're right she said she says slightly flustered wow uh when are we gonna get another horror game stream i don't know yet but i would like to continue um outlast and uh walking dead that would be fun i can tell she would rather stay but we reluctantly make our way downstairs and start making our way to school awesome as we walk we can't help but catch glances in each other's direction only to quickly look away while blushing i remember i mumble under my breath gosh we're really together now aren't we huh did you say something oh nothing important the warmth of her hugs the scent of cinnamon that radiates from her hair that infects you a smile that never feels bright in my day by the way before i continue guys um i wanted to ask do you want me to do the voices for the characters or do you want me to just do them all in my normal voice before i continue because i never really asked that if you guys like the voices or not you want the voices you don't know no voices normal please i'm seeing i'm seeing a lot of in between do it in my real voice hmm i don't know [Laughter] you guys want face cam really really did youtube here reproduce accent voice i remember yeah i do uh face cam wow okay okay i guess i'll turn face cam on temporarily i don't know if i'll do this every stream uh video capture create new all right there we go i apologize uh for my face looking a little bad i um have your i have a little bit of an irritated skin at the moment there we go okay how's the face cam look um no thigh cam i draw the line at the thigh cam okay let's continue it's no wonder i fell for her as we continue our walk i just keep thinking to myself about the next chance we'll be able to spend some time together as soon as we arrive at school the morning bell rings making all the other students scramble to reach their first period classes walking through the mass of other students i can't help but reminisce at some of the memories i've had with sayori in these halls i didn't really realize how much i missed out on enjoying the craziness in the hallways before classes until i started walking with sayori again some of our fondest memories with each other were watching the shenanigans in my school's halls in hindsight that's probably why our school started using hall monitors oh man you guys think my face is ugly oh okay still hall monitors or not we always find something to laugh at [Music] after a few minutes of navigating our way through the crowded hallways we finally get to see where's uh first class uh switch the sides um there that's better okay that's better yeah that's a little easier okay yeah i like that i like that position more okay you like my face i'll thank you king and the aliens so i guess this is my stop i can't help but detect an ounce of disappointment in her voice as she says that honestly i can't blame her especially after my little comment from earlier it really sucks that we're not able to share any classes this semester we only occasionally see each other walking through the hallways between periods yeah i guess so we stand there awkwardly for a moment well i guess i'll see you at the literature club right sarah's disappointment quickly erased by her usual cheery attitude yeah i can't wait siori and i briefly embraced each other see you later needle boy we release each other her warmth escaping me as we go our separate ways on spaghetto team donated you look like you just went dumpster diving man jeez wow hi anthony welcome to the stream [Music] ouch i got roasted in a donation uh thank you for the donation [Laughter] yikes the school day is as boring as ever listening to the same old teachers teaching the same old things eventually my torment comes to an end as the final bell rings throughout the school that means it's time for the literature club as i leave my class and walk through the door i see siri standing outside hey little boy ready to go you look like you would ask me for spare change outside of a store okay i'm gonna just i'm i'm just gonna there no more no more face cam yep let's go and so we head off to the club room we go up through the same familiar set of stairs and distant corridors straight to the club room i've been wondering all day if anyone knew would stop by today we got a whole week away from the club after the festival though monica still expected us to spread the word around the club we did it boys face canvas no more yeah i guess so i'd say our performances at the festival were pretty well received not to mention we had a pretty good turnout for our event the audience seemed to love our performances though i'm just glad i didn't end up embarrassing myself truth be told i still feel somewhat guilty for just using a poem i found online especially considering the others actually took the time and effort to write their poems for the festival not long after my train of thought ends we finally arrive at the club room i look at the door and see the sign up sheet is no longer there so i'm taking that as a promising sign you think anyone signed up to join noodle boy only one way to find out i gently opened the door uh well i don't see anybody new [Laughter] wow there's nobody new [Laughter] do you guys actually really want the face cam if not i'll just leave it off um because i don't want to have the face cam on if it distracts you guys from the game uh yeah this club is dead as always you you guys want the face cam okay hand cam all right here i'll enable it again temporarily there perfect okay the club is dead as always i find that usual scene we've become accustomed to over the last two weeks is still the same as ever i see yuri reading her book in her usual spot in natsuki in the closet organizing her manga i glance around the room but see no sign of monica hey guys yuri sets her book down on the desk hello noodle boy anybody new stop by no not yet it's just been me and natsuki monica hasn't even showed up yet that's odd she's usually here by now natsuki must have overheard us as she walked to join the conversation with her legs she's she's probably still sulking that nobody decided to join natsuki and maybe you should be a little bit more understanding in monica's feelings the festival did mean a lot to her after all i know that but i still don't see what's the big deal with getting new people i'm fine with what we have right now i am too but try to be a little considerate monica comes in wait nobody even signed up nope at least that's what i got from seeing monica around today she looked rather down sayari frowns upon hearing this oh poor monica we should cheer her up cheer me up house sayori in an all too familiar voice sternly asks oh crap we turned around and see monica standing by the doorway [Music] oh she enters the room her footsteps are heavy judging by the look of her face it's easy to tell she's looking rather dejected yuri sensing the incoming tension quickly attempts to hide behind her book while sayori and natsuki and i stand there dumbfounded oh jeez see you later king of the aliens thanks for stopping by buddy it's always nice to have you we've been streaming for 20 minutes now you put emotion into your narrating and i respect you for that well thank you they all they all look just as surprised as i am at monica's sudden entrance oh hey monica uh we were just um all words escaped me in this situation i look at the other girls to bail me out of this situation but nobody has anything to say monica sighs deeply trying to steady her breath it's all right neil boy everyone take a seat everyone takes a seat in the front rows monica looks on with her neck hinges monica slowly pacing the floor in front of us so it's true that despite the glowing reviews we got at the festival nobody decided to join our club natsuki shifts around awkwardly awkwardly in her seat as if monica was directly addressing her are you hitting on spaghetto ah jeez why are you guys wanting to roast me over the webcam why do you think i never turn it on because i get people roasting me just how much demonic over here which in the end of itself is unfortunate we put a lot of effort into making the club look the best the festival and it was all for nothing are you guys sipping or you guys insulting [Laughter] everyone avoids making eye contact with monica wanting to avoid her disappointed gays we tried our best and in the end we couldn't attract one new member maybe if we if i did something different we would be better off this is my fault i exchanged looks with yuri and natsuki and siori in an attempt to figure out what we should say it's pretty clear that all of us at this point that monica's really hung up over this after a moment of silence yuri is the first to speak up um hey monica yuri turns her head full attention to monica yuri immediately averts her eyes as she starts shifting her feet on the floor surprisingly yuri pushes on with what she has to say listen it isn't your fault that we couldn't get anyone new to join our club monica closes her eyes with her eyelids seemingly trying to fight back the tears ah jeez this is getting sad this is getting sad you pushed us out of our comfort zones to give us an opportunity to make something fun for all of us and i could say that from my experience from the preparations it was well worth it yuri shoots me a quick side glance i know exactly what she's referring to unfortunately for me sarah caught that and she shoots me a quizzical look i forgot we're dating sayori and yuri just kind of hit on us oh geez oh that's some tension i don't like this i don't like the tension the funny thing is i haven't quite gotten around to telling the others that siori and i are now a couple the only one who knows that we're dating is monica and i still have no clue how she found out [Music] [Laughter] the only reason i donate to you so that you can look like you just didn't walk out of a homeless shelter oh my gosh wow do i look that bad [Laughter] wow i assume sarah must have told her but i haven't bothered checking with her about it saving me from further embarrassment natsuki is the next to speak up oh come on monica don't be so hard on yourself i had fun preparing for the festival i always enjoyed baking so i wouldn't say it was all for nothing sierra turns her attention back to monica monica yuri natsuki are right there's nothing we could have changed we made the event as fun as we could and even though no one joined that's not so bad we still get to hang out and have fun like we always have finally it's my turn to speak up yeah monica you're a great club president and i couldn't be happier with what we have now if no one wants to join that's on them not you monica opens her eyes and puts on a thankful expression yeah you're right everyone i don't know why i was getting so hung up over this i just i just wanted to push our club to new heights oh man it's my responsibility as the club's president to grow our club and to share what we have with others but i can accept the status quo for now if that's what everyone wants we all look at each other and nod yeah what we have now is fine it's quality over quantity anyways i'm content with our current membership as well i love spending time after school with all four of you and i wouldn't change that for the world yeah let's keep what we have now i've really enjoyed getting to know all of you over the last two weeks i wouldn't want to see that change because of new members monica look monica looks to all of us one by one as we voice our opinions she nods grudgingly but approvingly it's settled then as president of this club it's my responsibility to listen to each of you so based on everyone's feedback we'll keep the literature club at five members at least for now despite her agreeing with us i can't help but feel as though she still isn't completely satisfied oh well i'm sure she'll get over it soon she's a strong person i know that she can overcome anything if she puts her mind to it soon after the discussion disperses we all resume our repetitive our respective activities uh since i have really nothing better to do i decide to see what everyone else is doing who should i hang out with hmm should we hang out with our girlfriend or should we hang out with yuri or monica or natsuki i think i'm gonna pick monica she because she was feeling kind of down i decided to go check up on monica i quietly approach her she but she quickly notices me oh noodle boy i thought you'd want to hang out with sayori again after all you guys aren't you guys are like two peas in a pot over there monica says teasingly i mean sayori and i may be dating but that doesn't mean i can't spend time around other girls right i just thought i should check up on you first that's all huh monica's expression quickly changes as she now looks at me with a curious gaze so you're choosing to spend time with me and not any of the others um yeah i guess monica's eyes suddenly light up with what i can only describe as pure ecstasy oh well what do you want to do i'm surprised by monica's sudden bursts of energy as she starts spouting out ideas for activities that we can do together that's sweet guys don't worry about complimenting me or insulting me i can take it okay i mean i know i've never been like the hands the most handsome person but i'm just me and i've accepted that at this point i do usually have the webcam off though just because i don't feel like having it on um but since you guys asked to have it on i'll leave it on for this stream okay i'm enjoying this mod though it's kind of different and it's interesting to see everything from the point of view after the festival it all it almost reminds me of sayori sugar high from when she ate all of natsuki's cupcakes at the festival i've been actually meaning to read this big novel with someone for a while now i've heard this novel is really fun to read when you have someone with you i'm not sure whether to be amused or concerned at monica's sudden excitement i thought maybe we could just talk about how you're doing you seem to have had a rough day monica sudden realizes how excitable she's become and recomposes herself pardon me oh man oh yeah sorry i got kind of carried away there didn't i sorry noodle boy just seeing you seems to put me in a better spirit well hey i'm glad i can help monica nods happily at me i decided to break the ice so are you sure you're really okay with the club staying the same i know how much expanding the club meant to you and everything i see the joy in her face subside she lets out a pain sigh it's just that it's just hard for me to wrap my mind around all this i thought i did everything i could to make sure everything went smoothly and you guys played your part perfectly so i'm not blaming you or anyone else i just feel like i messed up somewhere her eyes drift towards her feet ah man play a pokemon game i'm not super into pokemon i don't know if i play one or not hey spaghetto i gotta do my homework brb all right nitsuma good luck with your homework buddy let me know if you need help oh man you guys are kind of making weird comments okay anyways her eyes drift towards her feet but tell but to tell you the truth i've just had a lot on my mind lately everything just kind of snowballed into that episode earlier do you want to talk about it monica pauses for a moment almost like she's internally debating if she wants to open up to me after a moment she breaks the silence well let's just say i had a big surprise plan for someone oh for like a birthday party or something monica giggles at me no silly it's not that kind of surprise but it's something i've been working on for quite a while now and very recently something happened that i thought ruined everything but now it seems like i can still salvage the situation monika flashes a smile at me i'm not sure what monica is trying to get at here or who this surprise is supposed to be for but i hope things work out in her for in the end well i hope it all works out for you monica i know you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it i'm sure sooner or later we'll get more members and i'm sure that you're that your surprise will be great for whoever it's for monica blushes at my compliments sorry i'm a little sleepy i had a heavy lunch and it made me tired monica blushes at my compliments yeah you're right needle boy that's cute this is cute oh this is getting cute oh you came back because you didn't want to miss the stream well welcome back aesthetic as heck it's nice to see you monica suddenly looks at me in the eyes with a look at determination that's almost scary i think it'll work out in the end yeah i hope it does hmm monica flashes me with her signature grin and i can i can't help but smile back at her we stand there for a few moments before monica suddenly calls out okay everyone poem time i can't wait to see what you wrote for today noodle boy i must admit i'm not used to monica showing me this much attention not that i mind anyway getting noticed by someone like monica is a good thing you too monica can't wait to see what she wrote as well monica lets out a cute giggle natsuki shoots up a suspicious look are you two gonna stand there and flirt all day are you going to share your poems with us oh my gosh right right sorry see you in a bit noodle boy later monica i go to my bag and retrieve my poem monica knows we're dating sayori [Music] oh my gosh oh jeez [Music] she knows we're dating this is not good i proceeded to exchange my poem with the rest of the club members who all seemed to generally like it sierra's poem was actually rather romantic something that i wasn't used to seeing her write about it was about a girl who'd finally found someone that's able to make her feel something other than loneliness and depression oh gosh [Music] i feel pain i feel pain uh it was oh i was able to quickly pick up that the poem was about us and i was watching the entire time i was reading it so he already said she loved my poem as well which only made me more flustered unfortunately we weren't able to talk to each other for as long as we were getting pestered by the others to hurry up surprisingly yuri actually came to me first excited for us to exchange poems harry's poem uh was in her usual her usual style of being deep and sophisticated but it was usually depressing for what she usually writes about through my best interpretation of her poem it seemed like it was a about a struggle for attention love and acceptance during our conversation i noticed that she really struggled to make eye contact with me either out of jealousy that i didn't spend time with her today or the fact that last sunday was still on her mind i have to tell her about me and sayori sooner or later but there's no telling how she'll take it or how she'll take it out on me but i think that i got at least some insight into what she's going through right now through my best interpretation of her poem it seems like it was about that someone finally feeling wanted but wasn't sure if it was legitimate or if it was just false hope like it usually has been natsuki game her gave me her usual suggestion of not being too wordy but she really struggled to make eye contact with me as if her mind was elsewhere while i've always struggled to understand her poem might have given me some insight into what she's been going through oh let's sacrifice spaghetto oh boy that's fine [Music] but one day the group added another member and the new member spent time with just about everyone else except for her and they wanted to get to know the new person because she found them interesting but it just never worked out leaving the poem feeling alone and unwanted ah jeez too many girls why can't there just be four noodle boys uh [Music] are you the sun cause i'm mud and you're making me pot okay i'm confused and scared i'm scared of the spaghetto team at the moment [Music] oh give me strength okay monica's poem was her usual free form style i didn't really understand the meaning behind it as usual but for my best interpretation of her poem it was about trying to overcome an unknown obstacle in order to be with someone i don't think i'll ever understand her poems unless she tells me still her poem was very inspiring and relatable monica for some reason really liked my poem more than usual she even told me that it was one of my best poems to date when we finished sharing monica unexpectedly asked me if she could keep my poem normally i would think this is weird oh especially okay what what what what it's not in the history that's not in the history what where is it where'd it go it's not here it's not in this the attacks perhaps the archives are incomplete [Music] okay um wow okay okay everyone i think we'll end off on today's meeting on a high note club meeting tomorrow same place same time awesome i've missed our meeting so much it's definitely nice to fall back into our routine we begin cleaning up the room all the while discussing ideas for what we can do for tomorrow's meeting [Laughter] the archives are incomplete as i finish packing my things i feel a tap on my shoulder hey little boy ready to walk home yep let's go sierra and i say our goodbyes to the others as we exit the club room begin our walk home wow that was something during the walk home i see siri catching glances at me every few minutes or so this music by the way can you guys hear my audio and the music okay [Music] this music kind of slaps though yo [Music] i'm vibing this music is actually really good like this is incredible everyone in chat mildly freaking out spaghetto i didn't see anything everyone just let's just jam [Music] i'm turning this up yo oh my gosh this is actually really good i'm vibing guys are you vibing has to be one of my favorite songs i've ever heard in this like in these mods like this is incredibly well done um sorry sarah you can wait i i know you're sad but man [Music] all right let's continue the game [Laughter] okay time to continue [Laughter] oh my gosh time to roast you oh boy here we are with roasting again hello i love your videos i just finished watching doki mercy and then literally threw up i'm sorry you threw up but i'm really glad you liked the videos i'm glad you enjoy my goofiness on camera what happened to sundays with spaghetto i gotta get back into doing that i miss doing them a lot i'll have to doing i'll have to do those again i guess she wants to tell me something since we're almost home i figured we i better ask her now sayori huh what is it you have something on your mind well i was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today if you're free yeah i'd love to spend more time with you yay she beams full of excitement and joy that's the scenery i grew up with it's definitely a relief to see her in better spirits considering how she was earlier but maybe i should have spent more time with her today well as long as siori is happy it's a good thing for both of us i smile to myself as i take steroi's hand and continue the rest of the way in relative silence after a few minutes we arrive at our houses i'll meet you over at your house little boy i need to make a quick stop at my place all right i'll see you in a bit we slowly embrace each other but we quickly let go of each other as sayori enters her house and i walk further down the street back to mine that was great wow okay i'm gonna save um what'd you guys think this was um this was fun right [Music] honestly how do you do them for that long without water i have no idea um thank you guys so much for watching though that was doki doki encore if you would like me to continue let me know if you would like to see more of this mod i enjoyed it i'm having fun with this you played doki mods because you have no girlfriend well i have a girlfriend i'm sorry it is fun though you want to see more okay good i'm glad you guys want to see more thanks guys hey say hey haru oh wait oh hey rockshell 16. hi haru welcome to the stream all right guys that's about it see ya
Channel: Spaghetto
Views: 4,896
Rating: 4.968504 out of 5
Keywords: ddlc, ddlc mod, doki doki exit music, sequel, lucky', good ending, redux, exit music redux, spaghetto, doki doki literature club, visual novel, natsuki mod, yuri, sayori, monika, doki doki blue skies, natsuki kidnaps mc, the bike, month with natsuki, the good ending, act one, download
Id: Uox87ySC3Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 42sec (2562 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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