Losing My Sunshine | Doki Doki One Last Memory (DDLC Sayori Mod)

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oh boy so hello guys welcome to the stream this'll this'll be fun you ready to be sad I'm ready to be sad so hey yo Sui gato here welcome to Doki Doki one last memory this is a mod that was made while back that some of the team from Team spaghett worked on that's why the logos at the beginning and it's made by the same creator of Doki salvation and I've been meaning to play this so I thought what better way to play this that have us do it together simultaneously and cry so I'm gonna try and one-shot this and oh boy it's gonna be fun so strap in grab your tissues for crying and let's go I hope you guys are ready cuz I am not I'm not ready for this oh boy this is gonna be sad this is gonna be really sad isn't it one last memory is a mod for Doki Doki lurcher club that is not affiliated with teens lovato this mod is intended to be play after completing the original game which can be downloaded at D DLC mo all assets using this mod belong with the original creators check the readme file for further details one last memory is a half sequel to the mod Doki salvation and all the assets from salvation also belonged to the original creators this mod contains content that may not be suitable for children under 13 years or younger by continuing you agree to be exposed to this content abso-freaking-lutely I'm so excited alright guys let me know if you can hear me and if the audio is ok oh boy I understand if this games too sad for you to handle right now if you don't want to be sad I understand I'd suggest watching something else so I hope you guys are ready for this I haven't personally played this yet so this is kind of gonna be a blind run you guys ready to be sad we of course have to do the classic name we got to be noodle boy you can't be sad without noodle boy oh by the way can you guys hear the music okay as the music levels okay before I jump into this with my legs [Music] what's the mod about this is a mod about say Ori that's all I'm gonna say I don't want to spoil too much so without further ado let's jump into this with our legs oh boy twelve gears guy presents one last memory let's go oh boy I'm not ready I'm not ready for this I slowly opened my eyes still burning from last night must have cried myself to sleep again I left the covers from off my body and sit up in bed I stare at the wall for what seems like hours only for my alarm to go off I've always hated waking up before my alarm but at least I won't have to deal with that infernal noise for much longer today I see a few text messages from Monica reminding me that the literature Club is always here for me I leave the message open I don't dare scroll down my contact list her number is still saved I don't want to remind myself of her but I guess I'm thinking of her now aren't I I get up from bed walk down stairs and into the restroom to get ready I'll easily put on my uniform it's extremely wrinkled and messy I'm sure I'll get chewed out for that not that I really care it's hard to find the motivation to care for these types of things I quickly make myself some toast and take a few bites before heading outside as I walk out my door I nearly stop out of pure instinct it's a cool it's a cruel reminder that I'm going to walk to school on my own from now on I trudge across the street and down the sidewalk or I feel piercing gazes go right through my skull not that it really matters to me anyway people heard the news so it's not exactly surprising to get a few stares from people sympathetic I'm sure but I'm absolutely certain they're glad they don't have to go through what I have to the day goes by incredibly slowly almost as if the world wants to leave me with my grief for as long as possible I have one more class to get through and I could finally go home I think that but I simply can't find the motivation to move I placed my head down on the desk and rest my eyes I have learned that teachers will generally leave me alone when I do this here's some light footsteps enter the room and I quickly realized they're getting closer to me just leave me alone already hey doodle boy I slowly lift my head up from my desk and look up at the club president ha ha ha a year late for class you know place my head back down and continue thinking about say Ori I hear let out a long sigh and walk closer to me I'm sorry for your loss noodle boy I really am her voice cracks as she says this but I would like to think say or II wouldn't like for your grades to fall because of this she always believed in you from wherever she is now she still does I stay silent what would she say if she were here right now it doesn't matter what she says because she isn't here Monica she'll never be here again I left my head up and look straight into her eyes you just don't get it do you she's gone and it's all my fault how the hell am I supposed to live with myself knowing that I killed my best friend tears are running down my face and I feel my body start shaking in my own emotional outburst I didn't realize I started crying you didn't kill her don't bring yourself down like that this was out of our control yeah well how would you feel if someone killed themselves over something you said Monica looks to the side as if trying to find the right words to say I'd I'd feel horrible but that's not case closed Monica stumbles on her words sighs and walks out of the now empty classroom I feel somewhat guilty I know she just wanted to help but she could never hope to understand what this loss feels like I guess she is right though sitting around like this isn't going to solve anything if say Ari was here she probably guilt trip me into walking out of the classroom by now the hallways are empty meaning I'm already pretty late to my next class as I get closer to the classroom the tiny bit of motivation I had now fades away at the corner at the corner of my eye I see a picture see already posted up on the wall with flowers surrounding it the text underneath the photo reads rest in peace sunshine oh gosh that's really sad so sad ah this is sad this is too sad I can't continue it's just too sad I'm sorry guys I'm ending the stream it's too sad it can't continue it's so sad I walk up to her picture and place my hand on it I feel my chest tightness in my eyes water I'm so sorry I wish I could have done more for you I'm taking out a I've taken out of my emotional state when I hear the toilet flushing I quickly wipe my eyes and regain my bearings the restroom door opens and a familiar face walks out oh no it's not Sookie I swear if she's rude to noodle boy I'm going to freak out the pink haired girl dries her hands on her blazer before realizing she isn't alone boy what are you doing in the hallway don't you have class I don't feel like going uh yeah I understand well I have to get going well I see you at Club today I shrugged my shoulders of my arms I haven't really gone to any club meeting since Sarah's funeral I don't really see the point in going now Sookie sighs and turns around with her legs NAT Sookie wait huh what's up can you uh netsuke raises an eyebrow can you stay here with me I could use some company NAT Sookie blinks with her eyelids a few times clearly shocked by my request yeah sure only because I'd probably appreciate the same thing if I lost a friend like I like how at Sookie blinked an absolute shock that noodle boy was actually asking to spend time with her it's amazing let's see what chat says harder daddy you know what I'm just gonna avoid chat now we're having a serious time here and you guys are talking a lo que time to continue the game oh no you really don't have to you know if you want to go back to class no it's all right it's just dumb history stuff anyway that's Sookie and I walked down the hallway with our legs and find an empty bench to sit on I usually wait here for URI we walk we like walk to the club together uh yeah the club how's it going well I'll be honest it's so boring in there first of all Monika is acting kind of weird I feel like Sayuri's passing really affected her too well she was her vice president true anyway URI took over his vice but considering how slight how shy she is she doesn't really want to do anything that's too outlandish that suka can netsuke continues talking about the club she only brings back more memories to say re man she says say always is dead right off the bat Oh someone's chat says I'm actually thinking of making a literature club in my high school do not not worth it excellent I accidentally interrupt her how are you handling it the fact that she's gone huh well are you sure you want to talk about this I slowly die with my neck hinges netsuke looks down for a moment it it was hard I mean why wouldn't it be she really brought a lot to the club her personality her positive outlook on everything her ability to co-op us off when we argue now that she's gone things she still feel the same that Sookie starts to tear up with her eyeballs she turns her head to look in the other direction I didn't know her for very long but in the time that way that I did she is one of the reasons why I was able to seek peace inside the club spaghetto where are my cheeses um I ate them I'm sorry are you gonna play through the entire mod in this stream yes I am Damon so let's sit back and let's it go I hear netsuke sniffle with her nose and watch her wipe tears away from her face I am really glad that you felt that way about her it's comforting to know that she really did have a lot of people who cared about her you don't think she did well I do believe she had tons of people who cared about her but she told me that's what made her feel worse that Sookie looks back at me with a slight look of confusion on her face not really sure if I should tell her about her depression say or I didn't even want to tell me before netsuke can ask any questions familiar sounds ring over the school's intercom an incident people begin to fill up the hallways Yuri walks out of the classroom door we were seated in front of Oh needle boy this is a nice surprise will you be joining us for the club meeting today I shake my head s mhm oh I'm sorry to hear that I sort of feel bad for denying the girls like this but I really just don't see how visiting the club would be beneficial at all are you spaghetto spaghetto i don't know if i'm spaghetto hmm i don't know sorry maybe another time I have to get back home I'll see you guys later I turn around and leave NAT Sookie and Yuri behind I can't help but feel a little better after today though talking about this with someone who also cared about her has been a nice change of pace for me as I walk home with my legs I get inside I get a sudden urge to do something that I know I'll regret I pull out my phone from my pocket and open up my messages three weeks ago I never knew my last message sure would be hope you're feeling okay ah that's so sad I should have done more I opened up the conversation and begin typing slowly hey I know you're not going to see this but I figured this is the only way you and I can talk now I hit Send oh gosh no it's sad it's sad this is sad [Music] before this funeral starts let's give a shout out today's sponsor Nord VPN the VPN service that will protect your funerals from people spying on your privacy you guys are awful in the chat you know that we're having a sad moment here and I'm literally tearing up and I just see Nord VPN sponsoring the chat and funerals I hit Send I stare blankly at the message the phone tells me the message was delivered yet I know it'll never be received I begin typing more I'm sorry sorry I didn't mean things to end this way I should have been there for you when you needed me I hit Send once again my tears no longer let me type coherently I quickly locked my phone and place it back in my pocket somewhere deep inside my head I expected to receive a message back but it'll never happen and and the angels speak from above with deafening volume their voices shook the hearts of those who have housed to spare within them a lack of true acceptance yearning for something to help them feel once again man real men cry playing this mod I agree Rolex gaming I'm startled awake by my phone vibrating it was a text message that hesitation I quickly grabbed it off my nightstand only to feel slightly disappointed it was a message from URI inviting me to meet her after class before the club meeting I'm not sure why I expect to see Ori to message me back how could I be so stupid I slammed my fist on my bed in frustration I feel my chest tighten up again but I take a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh no more tears say Ori wouldn't want this can we get some F's in the chat please let's get some s in the chat there we go ok I replied back to URI with I'll be there and get up from bed I think it's time I give the club a visit anyway let's just go by a bit faster this time I generally don't feel too down on myself oh my gosh the spamming of the FS and the Chad's nuts I think those messages I sent really helped me cope a little bit I walked towards URIs classroom and the same one at Sookie and I sat in front of the other day the purple haired girl was seated next to NAT Sookie who was eating a cookie hey guys how are you I'm glad you came to see us Natsuki was getting worried you wouldn't be here what you mean you are getting worried you dummy and that Sookie please maybe this was a mistake wait no well we just wanted to see if he wanted to join us at the club today but he doesn't have to come if he doesn't feel like it Yuri and I already - yeah yeah I think I'll stop by the girls look surprised but definitely not disappointed well awesome Monika will probably be happy to see you I think back to lashing out at her yesterday I should apologize for that before I walk in through the familiar doors memories of walking in with CRE come flooding in just take it easy just take it easy noodle boy you're okay you can do this I walk into the club and the familiar smell of the sights already fill my senses Yuri and adzuki follow me behind Monika we'll have it we have a visitor Monika is seated at her desk her expression shows signs of stress but she still shows me that smile I'd never forget oh noodle boy it's so nice to see you back in here hey Monica I'd like to apologize about yesterday now now there's no need for that if anything I should be the one apologizing to you I shouldn't have bothered you in the first place and I understand these feelings take time to handle just know that we're all here for you her smile it's so genuine full support for the first time in weeks I crack a smile to return the favor three girls one noodle boy what can go wrong I agree King Eugene bruh that's my favorite message in the chat Thank You guys what do you mean guys they're all girls at least I think they are hmm I think this is the kind of healing I need I should I shouldn't have abandoned you guys hey you always be a part of the club and that's Sookie's right never feel like you're at fault for leaving we understand these girls continue to talk to me about everything that I've missed in the club I have to admit it's definitely a nice distraction from everything oh that's so cute everything can go wrong I can agree chat I totally agree I caught myself laughing and smiling at URI Natsuki arguing with each other I feel comforted by Monica's kindness I guess the happiness I needed was here at all along well all this catching up has been fun but I have to get home soon my dad will lose his marbles if I get home late again catch you guys later netsuke rushes out of the room URI follows suit I should head out as well I have to take care of some things at home have a nice evening Monika noodle boy I guess that's my cue to head out as well it's been fun Monika this was a nice escape for me hey you're welcome back anytime you're still a member after all monica gives me another one of her famous smiles before walking up to me to my surprise she takes my hands and hers and switches to a more sympathetic expression mmm Monica is good speak Portuguese spaghetto I'm sorry I don't speak Portuguese I'm here for you never forget you're not alone nobody should handle this loss on their own if you ever need someone to talk to you just call me okay whoa I nod my head realizing I'm blushing quite intensely oh it's so cute thank you I appreciate the thought I let go of Monica's hands and head out the door oh that's so sweet see this is sweet this is sweet that was awfully kind of her I mean Monica seems like a nice girl but that was really nice her soft touch made me feel happy I'm snapped out of my little daydream when I realized I forgot my bag in the club room I'll shoot hopefully Monica didn't lock the door yet I walked back over to the club room and luckily the doors were still unlocked Monica you still here no response guess she decided to leave without locking the door or turning off the lights either as I walk over to my bag might's my eyes catch something red on the floor a singular red rose lay there the hell where did this come from I bend over and pick it up observing it closely I give the roses sniff planning it's familiar oh my fill my nostrils without thinking I placed the rose on the desk see I used to sit out during the club meetings I don't really remember what her favorite flower was but I like to think she would have liked to get it rose from me I think I'm finally ready to move on C or E I'll stay strong for you that's what you would have wanted right I place my bag over my shoulder and walk out of the club room not before turning off the lights and locking in the club room doors oh that's sweet if you only knew end of Act one oh boy how many acts are there hopefully there's a second act dang we're already through act 1 guys whoo could someone in chat tell me how long I've been streaming for Oh oh no I have a bad feeling about this act two's about to get wild this is not okay this is not gonna be okay you stream so much yeah streaming is fun hey let me take a sip of my tea that URI gave me that's pretty good thanks Jerry hmm 23 minutes that's not bad all right thanks guys let's continue hey be the person you want to be don't anybody let you feel otherwise don't make others suffer for your own personal hatred I'm staring at my phone my finger hovering over series contact the picture I have saved ever on has one up from our childhood the smile she is showing in this photo how do I know this wasn't another one of her fake smiles how was I supposed to know you felt this way all this time I moved my finger over to the call button shaking slightly I've always been hesitant to actually call her phone if my memory serves me right I closed my eyes take a deep breath and tap the green symbol it begins to ring hello my heart seems to stop dead in its tracks oh hold up wait a minute Sarah is dead how is she answering the phone uh you stream a lot and I always love you all Thank You Martin that's really nice you two say I don't approve of this right now please leave me a message I'll answer as soon as I can oh my gosh it's just her message Oh Oh that freaked me out that freaked me out I thought we were being haunted a terrible stabbed my cheek and accidentally hits the end call button I take a deep breath in sigh it's nice to hear your voice again freakin heck psyche you thought this is depressing freak this chat could I please have some hugs can I get some hugs in the chat thank you this is sad the Third's miss this really hurts yes Kyle this is live I make my way towards school the strange sympathetic glances I used to receive have stopped it feels normal again is that a bad thing hey Kyle's going thanks for the hugs guys I should feel bad for you should I feel bad for getting over this so quickly am I even over it where am I just lying to yourself boy you are not over this okay you literally were just crying and called her phone that is far from being over it as I make my way to the first class of the day I overhear some chatter from a group of guys a short ways from me real shame about that see orici kind of barely found out about it barely jeez you're a little behind yeah it was a suicide or something yeah sucks for her she was hot too I always believe pretty girls couldn't get depressed damn straight I'm gonna made all her depression go right away if you guys get what I'm saying he wish dude three boys walk off snickering and talking amongst themselves oh that's gross that's gross oh that is nasty whoo so those boys have chosen death everyone let's shoot them I almost didn't realize I had stopped dead in my tracks ready to blow my top off I try to walk to class but some otherworldly force is telling me to avoid class altogether I'm not gonna sit in class all day no point if I'm going to keep thinking about what those jerks said about say Orry I straightened up my blazer and quickly turned around to head back home yikes they make fun of cinnamon bun they get the gun yes it's time to Lynch oh my gosh everyone in chats going crazy I walk straight upwards and into my room I throw all my things aggressively on the floor and throw myself in bed face-first into the pillow I'm pathetic letting myself get so worked up over this I mean noodle boy to be fair those jerks were pretty awful that was pretty bad I mean that was pretty bad it's just banter of all people I should be the one to understand that no that was not okay that was not okay but those guys how can I just speak like that about a girl who killed herself is that how she's going to be remembered this whole thing is just a cruel reminder of how harsh reality it really is disgusting I slowly awakened to my phone vibrating as I thought I have a few messages from EURion at Sookie asking if I'm alright I'm responding back saying I feel sick and I put my phone on nightstand I wonder if they'll believe that probably not I feel my phone vibrate iams but I ignore them probably just wishing me well if they took the bait I get up from bed and head downstairs for a snack I walk into the kitchen and open up the cupboard hmm some chips maybe ah yes we're gonna eat some crisps as I reach into the cupboard to grab some potato chips I'm startled by a few short knocks on my door open up noodle boy huh who could that be NAT Sookie Yuri no it's probably Monica I walk over to my door with my legs and slowly crack it open can I help you hey little boy um kid may I come in Monica what are you doing here sorry I wasn't expecting any company right now oh I thought Yuri netsuke message to you about it they said he'd probably be alright with it maybe this is what they meant about probably who must have missed it well you can come in one snacks or anything I'm fine thanks Monica walks into my house with her arms and takes a look around I blushed lightly I wasn't exactly able to clean up the place in advance not to mention having one of the most popular girls at school over at my place alone her and I oh my gosh stop chill timeout say or see auras body isn't even cold yet calm your hormones man no I'm losing my voice no I'm snapped out of my daydream and Monica speaks again lovely house noodle boy mind if I sit here Monica motions towards the couch to which I respond with a simple nod hey so I don't mean to sound rude but why exactly did you come visit me [Music] hmm well that's Sookie and Yuri mentioned you were feeling sick I just wanted to make sure you're all right yeah I'm fine an awkward silence sweeps over us we continue to stare at each other for a way longer than any normal person should so there's something we haven't really discussed since that day you came up to me Monica looks almost relieved to have the silence broken so CRE how different is the club without her around well are you sure you want to talk about this I slowly nod and walk over to sit on the couch I want to know if she really made an impact on people's lives well I mean of course she did she was my vice president for a reason she always brighten up the room we were in just with her personality alone I never would have guessed she had mental issues I would have tried to help her if I could yeah me too I looked down on the floor debating if I should talk about the weird things I did to cope with their loss spaghetto question how many chapters are there I have no idea I haven't played this before oh yeah by the way people this is life this is not a premiere so I'm actually seeing chat Hey I look up at Monica who to my surprise is sitting a lot close to me that then she was earlier hey Monica hi how's it going you're rather close there's this thing I've been wondering Matt for some time do you believe that we're alone in the universe who why what why this all of a sudden that's not really something I think about too often but I I guess not the universe is too big for there to not be another form of life out there right I'm fascinated by it a multiverse with multiple possibilities now comes all playing out in their own worlds oh yes this is this is a multiverse theory making all mods indeed ELC Canon mm-hmm [Music] harem detected on Christian soil lethal holiness engaged earth you guys are weird just kiss her already my boy is crying over his dead best friend don't rush the kissing okay they will make out if they feel like it and I get to live in a world where my best friend is gone Monica's smile disappears that was probably the wrong thing to say considering she was just trying to get my mind off things hey if it makes you feel any better I'm always gonna be here for you she places her hand on mine and for some reason I don't feel comforted by it as I did a few days ago gosh dang it okay I'm trying to be serious and I keep looking over at chat keep you guys don't have is anything sacred it's anything sacred the chat here is weirder than Ronald's chat I agree Eric it is way weirder okay stop saying to kiss Monica we will kiss her when we feel like it okay the guy is trying to be sad let him be sad I quickly moved my hand away and stand up hey Monica it's getting late you should head back home man he said he's sending her off what a shad he's protecting himself from the thought Monica he's saying hey it's getting late you better leave its gamer time spaghetto do you like crunchy Cheetos or soft Cheetos I'm going to tell you that if you picked the wrong one you died I've never had Cheetos actually it's for allergy reasons but okay and Monica gives me a shock look before addressing her blazer and bow Monica was expecting something else what was that expression what's that expression all right now guys it's time to talk about our sponsor crunchyroll have you ever wanted to watch anime on your phone well now you can watch it for free you want to see CRA die crunchyroll has it we want to see Natsu key star crunchyroll has it you want to see URI stab herself guess what crunchyroll has lots of that so subscribe now at the link in the description and we will see you in the description comments amen I am sorry for intruding Monika quickly gets up and walks out through the front door with her legs I sit back down on my couch to place my arms around my head what's wrong with me bro he just kicked Monika how it what a Chad he just kicked Monika out man he's such a sad oh man by the way the crunchyroll dad was a bit I was joking why are you afraid of being close with others what I'm not why are you afraid of being close with others I said I'm not didn't you hear me don't you have ears why are you being free too close to others what is this you're afraid of hurting yourself stop you're afraid paid people bring you you're afraid of her togethers I don't want to lose my I don't want to lose anybody again I don't want to hurt anybody like I heard say Orie what's so wrong with that I killed her no you didn't you did not kill her she killed herself that's what suicide is okay it's a suicide not a homicide Sun sunlight light what is light oh man Monica needs to go to Christianity camp I agree light makes things shine her eyes they shine light makes her eyes shine stop saying to make out Monica left we kicked her out well we don't allow women in our house okay and death there is no light just darkness what is darkness the opposite of light a shadow darkness dimmed her eyes darkness is what took her away I was her darkness she was my light Brad did he just turn into like a poem writer off deviantART what's going on I wake up with a sight with a slight gasp yeah I'm it's already morning and I've woken up before my alarm again uh wait no I'm in my living room I checked the time on my phone turns out I still have time to get dressed I get up from my couch and trudge to the bathroom with my legs my hair is an absolute mess I don't even think I've showered it last night either here I thought I was finally moving on from all of this why does this feel so wrong isn't moving on a good thing I just feel so guilty after showering and getting dressed for school I grabbed some graham crackers for my counter and head outside as I walk through the school yard a familiar face catches my eye URI has her stuff placed on a bench seems like she's looking for something more and Gary looking for something ah no it's nothing I'm sorry good morning sorry if I scared you I just saw you over there and I thought I'd say hello hello that general Kenobi Gary gives me a shy smile and zips up her bag we stand together awkwardly not really making any eye contact so did you guys do anything yesterday in the club sorry for not getting your message about Monika by the way oh it's all right she said she wanted to check on you after you said you weren't feeling well sorry if you didn't want any company we tried to tell her but she insisted it's okay URI it was it's nice to talk URI looks at me inquisitive Lea I guess URI you are very nice what happen you mind if I walk with you to class with my legs oh sure I'd like that URI puts her bag over her shoulder and straightens out her blazer I don't recall hanging out with Yuri outside of the club so this does feel kind of weird I love shy thick purple whamon waifu oh yes me too I like my whamon how I like my ramen cooked Plus URIs timid nature doesn't exactly make it easy to have a conversation hey you want to talk to you hey you want to talk to each other with our mouths oh [Music] yeah you had asked about the club yesterday right mm-hmm I just want to know if I missed anything important or crazy here eh giggles to yourself well he might fun you might call this crazy and that Sookie and I decided to walk over to the local coffee shop although we didn't talk much I just read my novel and she read her manga everyone is desperate I agree Eric okay well sometimes just having someone there to read with you is comforting experience all right check can you stop simple over a you're a police even if there's no talking involved yeah I feel the same way Yuri gives me a comforting smile before heading to class I probably should have head over to mine before I'm late the day goes by as usual I should stop by the literary at your club as well only fair considering I skipped out on them yesterday before I open up the club doors they swing open and nearly smack me in the face welp i'ma head out spaghetto bye Oh see you later piston block have a good day or night oh boy this is a late stream isn't it now Sookie storms out of the room with Monica following after likes Yuri sitting at the desk with their face in her hands I can't do this I can't do this hey what's going on oh she's crying with her eyes that girls crying she lists her face from her hands her eyes full of tears huh noodle boy I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to all see this you're talking as if it was all your fault because it is I'm vice president now and I'm supposed to handle these things as well as their voice trails off ah man Yuri don't don't feel guilty you don't have to hold yourself to say or a standard spaghett are you playing your own mod well this is a mod I was associated with I didn't directly write it or handle the story but part of my team did it was originally done the writing is done by the creator of salvation just letting you know for context I'm sorry noodle boy no don't be it's okay what exactly happened she sniffles and rubs your eyes well Monica and I thought that we should host some sort of reading session or read excerpts from our favorite novels Monica and I stated it must be from a normal novel to which netsuke began to argue I tried to de-escalate the situation by saying mangas are hard to visualize due to their reliance on images but she just wouldn't have it I just feel like I should have done something different to calm her down guilty you feel guilty don't you yes I do feel guilty I stay silent how am I supposed to help someone through this kind of feeling when I can't even help myself with the same dilemma spaghetto question are you a human or an alien playing games uh I think I'm probably the latter yeah Yuri suddenly fidgets in her chair and grabs our all right listen you don't aren't you don't take a comic book to a literature Club be like this is my favorite novel I will now read an excerpt out of Garfield hold on let me grab my Garfield comic I'm gonna go get it I got my Garfield comic see you later Martin have a good evening I'm going to be like NAT Sookie I will now read an excerpt for my favorite manga Garfield page 105 panel 7 Garfield's bath day yep it's Garfield's bath day there we go now we continue the Zenga wait I wonder what the first Garfield comic is I had the first Garfield comic that Jim Davis wrote let me read that hi there I'm Jon Arbuckle I'm a cartoonist and this is my cat Garfield hi there I'm Garfield I'm a cat and this is my cartoonist John our only thought is entertain you feed me wow this is this is a great comic I thank you guys for joining my literature Club spaghetto question how can you make those voices by killing my throat bullets don't work John alright has it become clear to you what has Club is falling apart without a hiss Club won't last without her Yuri stands up with their legs now open wide oh wait no I have to get going excuse me I stand alone in the room completely dumbfounded the silence was only broken by the sounds of other students walking past the open doors I slowly look over that to the desk in the back of the room a same desk where she sat when she was feeling down on herself that day another singular red rose lay in the middle we need you without thinking I call out Thierry Yuri spaghetto story corner why Thank You cyber night yes this is this this this mod is something else okay I run outside and try to catch up with her sure enough she's at the end of the hallway looking extremely anxious oh man Yuri's having a panic attack Yuri is pokeyman of the Doki Doki spaghetto inhales helium to make the Doki voices why yes I do let me inhale some helium right now [Applause] her body is visibly shivering and she is rubbing her arms quite intensely man I walk slowly but briskly up to her in order to avoid scaring her oh yeah I forgot about that Yuri was originally my favorite girl and she was the route that I went for in the original playthrough I don't know if you guys know that or not I decided to ignore what she said earlier and tried to help her calm down hey you're going to look for Monica and NAT Sookie she shakes her head and doesn't respond well would you like to go outside get some fresh air okay Harry sighs and walks close to me I'm absolutely certain she's not used to having to hold their responsible role in social situations are you crying spaghetto no I'm laughing I'm laughing at this ridiculous chat another question for some ago it's normal if my best friend calls herself Yuri I guess I don't know I don't know I'm not I'm no expert cut noodle boy what a simp makes me wonder why would Monica put her in the position of vice president over netsuke yuri timidly walks next to me fidgeting around with her hair i can't help but wonder has they always death affected her more than others were they even close before the club did they even know each other we reach the courtyard and I take a deep breath letting the fresh autumn air enter my lungs oh boy this is fun Oh neat there's 80 of you guys watching spaghetto what time is it wherever you are it is 1005 p.m. this is a late evening stream that's right I want to go to sleep a sad boy and crying URI does the same and her eyes seemed to glisten in the natural light aided by your tears can I ask you something hmm yes you may a look off to the side before continuing oh boy do you miss her too I'm sure she does miss her noodle boy I'm sure I'm very sure she misses say Orie this is sad this chat is so messed up I totally agree I mean really mr. man noodle boys symfon for his dead best friend cringe so sorry I'm sorry I I'm tired it's been a long day this is like my fourth stream today I am losing it yuria looks off into the distance towards the busy street she lets out a sigh and look back towards me did she ever make you feel proud of who you are she pauses and I give her a nonverbal cue to continue on I was always seen as estranged by everyone else my fascination with Lauren similar subjects usually scared people away I always enjoyed expressing myself and my emotions through writing and showing off what I'm passionate about nobody really seemed to care about the side of me until say Ori came into my life she encouraged me to write more encouraged me to express myself in ways that made me feel happy for the person I am spaghetto noodle boy is more of a simp than Mordecai from Regular Show noodle boy is so far beyond your understanding that he is simple beyond the grave don't hide your true self she said take what makes you you and wear it with pride now that's what that now that she was taken from us in the one of the worst ways possible it's hard to believe her own words she spoke to me [Music] and I know that she tried very very hard to believe herself I always think about her noodle boy I always think about her kind words to me say re I know you probably don't want to be remembered he wants to be forgotten how do people's minds and lost a time she begins speaking as a failure listening to her well that's that's really sad it's cute that you're he's talking to say Orie this way but it's also sad why is this chat so messed up I don't know I can't answer that you guys you're the ones that are commenting sorry to disappoint you here words and kindness are staying with me for the rest of my life my lips quiver is your a closes off her speech with this light sniffle I'm sorry noodle boy I didn't mean to make you cry spaghetto question why do you pick why don't you pick SpaghettiOs why did I pick spaghetti was my youtube name and it's just I thought it sounded neat there's a longer story but I don't want to get into it I want to continue the game no it's okay that wasn't quickly that was incredibly nice to hear and very kind of you to say Yuri Fitz it's a bit more with her arms and hair I'm not used to this type of confrontation it's not right I don't think anybody really is unfortunately I think today's club meeting is canceled I guess I'll be heading home alright well take care I could or I cut her off by giving her a light hug my boy noodle boy went for Yuri look at that he swooped in for the hug ma'am what a Chad can I get some Chad noodles in the chat please chat Chad Chad Chad oh my gosh hook time oh boy she whimpers softly in shock but doesn't exist object bro we hug Yuri and she starts whimpering it seems like she's objecting she slowly wraps her arms around me completing a puzzle of to human sharing the despair of losing a friend a she's she's hugging him back Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad noodle Chad let's go even in death you brought us closer just like you said you would sa Ori just like you said and Luigi well that's cute is this the end of act 2 hey end it back to I think there's three acts so I'm almost done with the game do you guys want me to continue should I finish up this mod or should I call it a night since it's getting late let me know so more thick demonicus spaghetto scream into your mic I don't think I'm gonna do that I don't want to scream oh my gosh the Chad's in the chatter going wild [Laughter] call it a night uh-oh do you guys want me to continue alright if I'm just letting you know if I'd continue I'm gonna be ridiculously tired okay what is consciousness what does it mean to be alive why do you guys want me to scream fine there you go have some here rape Ezekiel is a guilt that proves this answer anger happiness sadness what do you live for what reason do you find to do these things you do for the praise of others do you like it when people see you as a friend do you rely on others to be happy I don't know I need you I need you I always say Yuri I need you I miss you a lot Monika stands in the middle of the club room oh man are you gamers ready for more sadness [Music] I like to talk to you all ever since that Sookie left the club I felt wholeheartedly responsible for everything that's happened I know it's only been a few days but without a fourth member I have no clue I have no choice but to shut down the literature Club oh oh no hang on criminy frog here and I am about to commit a foul on you my great pal Yoda can make crimes I must dig up see over his body I will oh man the literature club's over of course it's over I guess I can't read Garfield in the literature club I'll read one last Garfield panel ha ha cats love playing in grocery bags darn no groceries or lasagna Ned John I need my lasagna and that was the last Garfield comic of the literature Club oh boy this is the downfall of DDL see noodle boy X nobody noodle boy doesn't mean anybody but Garfield okay he needs Garfield area looks down at the floor her hands clenching her skirt tightly this is sad sad pasta noise isn't Natsu key you left the club yeah she quit guys she literally quit the club because Yuri wouldn't let her read comic books as a part of her like her a dramatic novel thing before we go I'd like to say a few things the most painful goodbyes are the ones left unsaid the most painful memories are the ones we recall easily but don't let the pain of yesterday be the reason why you're hurting today Monica it was an honor serving with you this club used to be full of incredibly cute Ravin but now it's not full of anything will be missed ah man I'm still drinking tea I've been drinking tea all afternoon why are we still here just to suffer the past is the past the best thing we can do now is keep on moving huh man I feel like I'm watching the ending of a Metal Gear Solid game Monica sighs and looks at her hands and looks back to Yuri and I thanks for listening huh I'll miss having these talks with you guys she walks out with her legs one last time not without giving us one more smile is this really it is it really ending this way Monica Monica wait Monica stops in front of the door still looking towards the hallway we we don't have to end it like this we could start a new club and find new people and such you said it yourself right we have to keep on moving why don't we move on from this and start anew I I don't think I can do it I'm not worthy of being a president of any sort of club these words coming from the great Monica strange they'll let me do it I can handle things myself Monica's eyes widen both in surprise and shock no no that's not a good idea URI gets up from her desk Monica what is it that you're holding in your hand I look over to see what she's talking about hey eros Monica suddenly runs out of the club room with her legs she was the one leaving the roses this whole time Monica wait I run down the hallway with my legs and strangely enough I'm a single student teacher nor janitors around I don't pay too much attention to that though so many questions are racing through my mind why was she leaving those roses behind does she feel what I feel does she miss they re does she feel guilty somehow before I head through the school doors I catch Monica sitting on a bench near the bathroom why does everybody go to the bathroom to cry everyone in this game let me go sit by the bathroom and cry I just want to serenade my sadness and tears the sound of toilets flushing she's breathing heavily and wiping away tears Monica you alright she doesn't move hey it's alright everything's alright I just want to talk you missed her too don't you she looks down at the rose a little wilted it's interesting cuz this mod is I'd like their own little one-on-one scenes just each girl so far you had like the NAT Sookie scene yet the URI scene and now we're having like a full one-on-one scene with Monika seeing them all kind of tear up and break down and I like that I like seeing all the girls experience this and have different like emotions to grief and loss along with the MC and it's I appreciate it's kind of like act 1 continuing and it's fun it's fun this is very sad sad Gojira noises if if you she chokes a bit on her words Oh No if you had the ability to bring someone back would you take the chance I mean it depends on what the catch would be playing God you know boy that's the catch so many things can go wrong knowing this still presented with opportunity would you bring her back of course I would but I wouldn't give to hold her in my arms again Monika nods with her neck hinges and caresses the rose in her hand a reset button would be very appropriate as of right now wouldn't it yeah so get oh I'm crying because of this mod I'm crying because of this chat it's so funny what if someone offered you that power I look at Monika curiously why is she bringing all this up these are question these questions are getting very existential Monica's having an existential crisis being the president of the club that's what I mean could you handle that position could you handle the strain of that power where's what is this about power is she all right um I mean I was only talking in the moment of it all I don't really think I'm cut out for being president I couldn't handle the unlimited I see Monica generally brushes her hand against the rose petal have you visited her grave ever since the funeral excuse me a soul for a soul I'm taken aback by her question I don't think I ever have I never came to mind not recently why let's pay a visit do you do you mind going i gulp no no I don't mind I think it'll be nice I wait for Monica to get up from receipt before we make our way towards the cemetery almost as if the weather started to reflect our mood clouds begin to roll in Monica and I continued our walk in silence not much to talk about when we're walking to the place of our dead friend is buried in nan Sookie suddenly comes up from behind us with Uri falling close behind oh boy NAT Sookie's back hey we overheard your conversation with little boy we thought it would be nice to come together and visit her just like we used to meet in the club I stare at the girls in chalking on what side they're having a club meeting with say are you around her grave ah no no no what's sad thanks guys so we arrived to his grave if it begins to rain gentlemen it's a terrible day it's a terrible day for rain Monica shelters the rows of their hands while in that zucchini area pull out umbrellas to write some cover oh we positioned ourselves in front of her grave careful not to step over where she was buried it's decorated with roses she always were and the bow she was wore lay atop the gravestone I have never liked graves it's hard to imagine that someone is in a better place and their body is right under my feet I stare blankly at the gravestone our signature bow now looking dull and faded ah man no oh man oh man this is sad this is sad man this is sad he's four sad gamer hours and a cruel reminder that want her once hopeful attitude and soul are gone weathering away thanks to time time time ends at all time is everyone's number one fear everyone constantly wants more of it or less depending on the circumstances time heals all wounds they say but I didn't have time to say goodbye I suddenly feel as if I'm the only one he knows I'm the only one here I look around me the girls are nowhere to be found Monika atsuki eerie what's going on where are you guys before I take any steps away from the gravestone the roads Monika held in their hand before now lies on the ground pelted by the heavy rain I swiftly and gently pick it up and cover it with my hands just as Monika did what if you could bring me back I can't that's just too foolish to think what if he could bring me back you can't bring people back once they're gone they're gone what if don't matter this is real life there's no way it could be done what if he could bring me back I'd do anything anything I'd do anything to see you again Volta my knees and let the Rose fall to the ground there's nothing I could do she's gone lots of time lost in darkness only kept alive by Yuri's memory every only kept alive by at Sookie's memory of her only kept alive by Monica's memory ever only kept alive by my own memory of her her last memory is one of pain nothing but a carousel of agony and nothing in this world can take those thoughts away from me oh man okay okay at it worlds realities infinite possibilities my name is Monika is it Rose Rose Parker who is she Who am I who was the player is it me or is it then across a parallel plane am i but a small role in someone else's story who were they living in another world dead in another I am Monica they are Monica good endings bad endings each existing in its own pocket of universe alternative realities a multiverse parallels which I could never reach worlds where I'm locked away worlds where I can finally meet the one I love multiple versions of me multiple versions of this world okay so what this mods getting at is every mod and other things are like parallels 2d DLC and all the endings and outcomes that can happen so it's like self-aware of the other stories where say or he's okay and all that stuff this this game yet I am me there's nobody like me there's nobody like you this is my retribution give me one last memory with you that's it isn't it I think that's it one last memory I need you yep there it is oh wait no it's not over it's not okay so I'm over here crying and chats talking about peeing tears spaghetto have you ever cried never oh why what is wrong with you guys if you're crying let me know and chat I slowly walk backwards not just out of anger out of complete fear and disbelief it's true all true no you're lying this is some cruel stuff you're pulling here Monica I wouldn't lie to you noodle boy about thinking I feel my legs propel my body forward I grabbed Monica by her arms and push her against the wall making her in that Sookie screaming bro bro bro my boy noodle boy just pinned Monica to the wall that's hot man this is hot how could you do this why would you do this why would you even think of saying such crap my boys about my boys about a beat up Monica he's gonna forget her up we're about to beat her up let's punch it fight fight fight fight oh man what a lad I just won't believe it I won't she fricking looked up to you and you were a dang role model for her my grip loosens well those are bad language words please just just say this is all cruel joke I like Oh Monica I start crying in front of her half hoping my tears will help her we'll help her tell me what I want to hear like I said I wouldn't lie about this you have the right to know about the things I said I place my arm back on Monica's arms tightening my grip once more that goes my eyes and start hyperventilating I'll kill you you killed her place my hands around her neck oh my gosh no bra Monica starts the gastro breath suddenly from my arms go limp everything turns into slow-motion my body falls to the ground last thing I sobbed for my vision went black was Monica's tired face dang Monica why you why are you so tired just go take a nap you little weirdo SM H if you're tired just sleep but what is happening what is happening he died the end all there's more I'm in bed my own bed I recognized the feeling of my own sheets before opening my eyes I stood up and rubbed my head was that all a dream oh man we'll help spaghetti I'm going to sleep crying right now have a good night grabs man sleep well dude don't be too sad I her knock at my door frightening me awake it's late isn't it it sure is sorry if I woke you little boy huh who said that was it me no it was me what who I guess that's it then I'm officially losing my mind check your pocket my pocket all right then I reach in and to my surprise a crumpled-up rose petal is in here who put it put this here what's going on come outside all right voice in my head whatever you say I never thought this whole consciousness thing was real I always thought it was a thing done in cartoons but maybe I am going insane oh well I'll play along what is going on I don't even know what's happening anymore what is it what is it you wish for I'm not sure what I want do you wish to see her again of course hmm I walk outside my vision being supported by a fulbright moon what the goofy what is going on a trail of rose petals lay on the sidewalk seemingly leading to her house a bit more freaked out rather than saddened by this realization oh man it's a conga we're gonna go conga shape this tree or his house oh yeah whoa Oh hundred viewers awesome what sick jerks doing this and what did I do to deserve it I almost don't want to follow this trail but I can't help but wonder what could be at the end waiting for me then what is going on let's do the limbo can I get some Limbo's in the chat limbo limbo limbo limbo limbo limbo No the voice in my head that longer speaks to me know what what the heck is going on I slowly walk forward counting each rose petal as I go what do you truly want I just I just want to live my life as if nothing ever happened are you running away from your problem no it never was that I just wish I didn't have to feel responsible for her debt it was never anybody's fault in the end I'm watching on two devices there is now an echo oh thank you for the double watch time buddy things were meant to play out this way but you have a chance to make it right again oh boy one my heart begins to beat as I get flashbacks to that day the day I lost my best friend to someone has to be pranking me it has to be one of the girls maybe those three boys that talk bad about C or E once did they somehow see me getting angry that morning three I'm probably going to get jumped or something of that sort I hear these stories all the time four five six why can I stop walking clearly this is a joke what else could it possibly be this is obviously a limbo conga line limbo limbo limbo I'm most likely in danger I should stop walking now seven eight this is not okay I could die if I don't turn back turn back nine ten what is happening I'm going to die turn back turn back now but will this be your way of feeling happy I don't know how is anyone supposed to know that you know what makes you happy only yourself can know that this is really uncomfortable I am so uncomfortable Mike Gabriel donated $2 lei Frick thank you buddy thanks for the donation Mike I really appreciate it I agree with you what the Frick is going on I'm here her front gate is open and I hear strange noise coming from inside why is he counting I walk up to her front door and find that it's open as well I decided to let myself in it's dark yet I still remember my way around her home oh man a familiar smell fills my nostrils it's her smell I'm surprised it's remained after this long as I move further inside I bump into some furniture I didn't expect to find strange have her parents not moved away yet I assume they did after she passed the syringe noise gets louder and now sounds like music OMG he noticed me you're welcome aesthetic as heck yes no swearing Christian channel we got to stay monetize gamers oh gosh here we go it becomes clear it's coming from her room I go up and begin to walk upstairs why am I so uncomfortable flashbacks are coming back to me almost PTSD at this point but this doesn't stop me are we about to gently open the door oh no I gently knock on her door which opens up slightly after I do so how are you I'm doing okay it's been a long day oh man oh hey it's mr. cow hey mr. cow the room is exactly the way it was left since the day I found her the song is coming from the radio on the desk explaining the noise from earlier I take a look around the room letting the bitter sweet aroma fill my nostrils everything still smells just like her I walk further into a room not caring about the repercussions of breaking into her home oh man I freeze when a slight creak sound behind me hey boy what the Frick what the Frick you get out no no get out I don't like zombies and I don't like dead people get out now I don't want I don't want no viruses out be gone now Oh what is happening leave now my gasps boy okay what is ooh look at her neck oh no no you you a cold chill rushes over me say you know what go of me I do not consent I fool to arms wrap around me I feel a head rest on my shoulders sit shh shh I don't want you to be afraid everything is okay I'm right here you have me now I slowly drop to my knees tears are rushing out of my eyes and I began to sob loudly don't hate yourself he always be on your own worst enemy but you can change become your own best friend you always be able to rely on yourself be true to yourself and don't let your past define who you are be kind to yourself and be kind to others and don't be upset noodle boy we're finally together again feel warm lips against my cheek I reach over and brush her face gently her skin soft warm say re mi see already puts her hand over mine I can't help but rub her palm gently everything is okay now you don't have to worry about anything anymore she leans in and kisses me gently on my lips every single negative thought seemed to be slow slowly slip away from my mind her soft lips meeting mine makes my heart race faster than it ever has before she breaks the kiss I can't help but bury my face into her shoulder is this the end thank you thank you for giving me another chance thank you for giving me one last memory oh is that it oh it's so cute oh no she's oh it she's actually live what Monica gave FC another chance say where he's alive but I thought she was like some demon so I gave her a creepy voice Braz she's alive one last memory the end all right I will give you any amount of money just to stop alright I'll stop pay up man that was a confusing mod I'm sorry things had to end this way I hope you can find peace within your heart give me one last memory with you story by 12 gives guy sings well oh by the way I'm gonna Institute month with that Sookie tomorrow just letting you know that so just chill I'll I'll get it done so that was one last memory it was a bit confusing overall I understand the the the thing he was trying to convey the message I liked it I think I would have I don't know that it got a little goofy at the end but hmm I don't know man like it wasn't a bad mod it just was a little confusing oh this was an 80-minute show thanks kids gay thank you for the special things I liked it though I had fun oh hey or poor Dino or Brie's my specialist wheatish meatball I had fun sorry about the demon voice am I gonna finish blue skies I don't know maybe oh it's so sad no it's all the stuff from salvation I'll say or he was dummy thick in salvation she was dummy thick for without despair and heartbreak one cannot know true happiness [Music] we did it gamers spaghetto question are you going to finish blue skies yes I do plan on think I think I will finish it probably spaghetti oh she was dead MC did died of shock basically like a heart attack didn't you see the halo oh she what I what thanks for playing you're welcome spaghetto yes I will finish blue skies I didn't know that she was dead wait whoa hold up MC died of a heart attack you know I don't buy that I know I don't buy that now no I don't buy that now Monica changed the files that's why she was talking to MC at the end and right right come on come on right I don't want it to end like that come on yeah okay yeah MC died of I guess MC died of sadness or a heart attack hmm I don't know I'd have to go back and look at this eg well what did you guys have fun during this stream should I stream stuff more often was this fun I think I had fun I laughed I cried I cried at the chat from laughter and I was disappointed and everybody but yeah I had fun it was good this was good there's a good experience maybe I should do a full stream of fallen angel just to torture us all that was great so thank you guys so much for watching make sure like and subscribe yes I did cry but I am I'm not sitting I'm proud to admit it it was fun this was good and as always I will see you in the next stream goodbye gamers and stay safe I'm gonna go sleep I'm actually gonna sleep I'm so tired so time to quit [Music]
Channel: Spaghetto
Views: 7,013
Rating: 4.9754601 out of 5
Keywords: ddlc, ddlc mod, spaghetto, spaghetto ddlc, sayori, sayori mod, death, salvation, fallen angel, doki doki, outcast, blue skies, exit music, god syndrome, purist, natsuki, monika, yuri, just yuri, after story, orber, ronald mconepunch, combodev, spegady, a week with yuri, month with natsuki, monika meets monika, natsuki kidnaps mc, mommy monika, sayori steals yuri's bra, nobody else like yuri, the bike, drechenaux
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 6sec (5046 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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