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this is the worst idea ever don't leave down please oh my god we're gonna miss you what's up guys welcome or welcome back to my channel today i have a very exciting video i'm going to be pulling a big fat prank on my best friend so um some of you may know my best friend pearson she's a lovely gal we have become very close over the last few months and i cannot imagine my life without her so everyone in the squad except obviously pearson is going to be in on this prank basically i'm telling her that i am moving by the end of the week and i'm saying goodbye so step one is gonna be telling her step two i'm gonna have movers move all my furniture out of my apartment and have her pack up the smaller things step three we're throwing a going away party where everyone's gonna be all like sad and sappy to really sell it and step four i'm gonna ask her to take me to the airport so very excited for this video let's see what happens i have no clue how this is going to go subscribe if you want to it's up to you though we're getting close to 2 million thank you so much for 1.5 seriously blows my mind also i have a very exciting announcement coming in like a week or two so stay tuned for that and turn on your post notifications so that you don't miss anything and all right let's get into it so um i have a pearson here what's up guys how are you i'm great how are you you sound so weird weird what's going on i'm really good i think i'm just having a hard time because something happened i want to tell you first because obviously you're my best friend and then i think we'll tell the rest of the group it's like it's gonna be she's pregnant i don't know it is a big life change though but i'm not pregnant so as you know i spend a lot of my time in hawaii i don't even know what you're gonna say but i'm like crying so i've been looking at apartments in hawaii and i don't know i haven't even said it yet and i i applied to i applied to an apartment and i didn't think it would like happen this quickly but i got it you didn't even tell me i already did that i didn't know like i i just kind of did it like i mean i'm happy for you so i'm moving no at least i have like a second beach house like yeah you can i have it i have like a vacation home now that's true yeah but wait this is so sad and i think like the hardest part of this is i'm moving by the end of this week excuse me you just spring this on me right now i don't know i'm sorry i only have a week left with you i wait what it's kind of like sprung on me like i only have a week to like pack up all of my stuff i am shook are you this is this is a joke it's not i'm so shook you're literally leaving this week no i know wait if this isn't a joke then i'm gonna be really upset i know it really sucks we better hang out like every single day before you leave every single day we will even if you don't want to i'm going to sleep at your house for the next seven days please this is so exciting i'm gonna miss you so much no i forgot to mention so basically like this week's video is like saying goodbye to all my friends so i'm just gonna vlog like my last week here oh my god this is gonna be the saddest video on youtube this is the worst idea ever don't leave don't leave i'm upset now my whole day is ruined well let's go have the best week of our lives okay yeah all right guys so it is actually the next day it is currently tuesday yesterday was monday when i ended up telling pearson that i'm leaving i feel really bad right now after i told her i literally just sat like in my room for like 20 minutes and i was like i feel like such a jerk like i don't know why but i didn't expect it to like affect her that much but i mean obviously like if your best friend is moving away it would like affect you a lot but we're gonna continue on with this prank and just see how it goes i'm about to facetime her i know she's in huntington right now filming with the guy so i'm gonna facetime her and ask if she wouldn't mind coming over and like helping me pat and then i'm gonna move a bunch of my furniture out before she gets here so it looks like legit but um yeah so we'll facetime her right now see what she's up to hopefully she answers she usually answers my calls hey what are you up to oh wow lucky um i have like so much stuff to pack and i'm kind of stressing out would you be free to help me pack later today like like 1 30 maybe like two hours yeah i'm just finishing up some chores right now and then i'll be down right after okay perfect yay thank you so much see you soon bye my gosh i feel so bad okay so i have like two hours to move as much of this furniture out of my apartment as i can we'll see how this goes let's get started all right so this is what we've got and done so far the coffee table is gone we're still packing up all the stuff here and then we can move that out too i'm sad me too it's not fun oh my gosh don't say we can't dance because we already know we can't dance oh we're almost done we have a few more stuff this is like getting so surreal this is crazy so i am going to be visiting you every single week how are you gonna do that that's a good question right that's a good question i'll figure it out maybe i shouldn't be sad about you moving maybe this is like a great idea now you have a free place to stay in hawaii this is the best place it's the best idea if you've had all all right so the prank continues right now we are basically throwing a going away party for me i'm gonna go meet up with pearson right now and walk up and act like it's a big surprise and i had no idea yeah and then i'm just gonna say my goodbyes to all my good friends and i'm so sad you're leaving like we're gonna miss yourself don't leave us and it's really gonna sell this prank so i'm gonna go get it right now walk over at super surprise and let's go do it surprise [Applause] oh my god we're gonna miss you oh this is so sweet we're gonna anymore it's getting so real no this sucks right i can't believe you guys threw me apart harrison are you gonna are you gonna miss me of course i'm gonna make some what are you doing yeah you came in kidding yeah i told her i told her that we're gonna be visiting her like every weekend like if anything this is a good thing that she's moving to hawaii yeah i'm a lion i'm gonna cry on my face right now this is so scary who wants cake hey best friends for life we're here i cannot believe this is happening dude this feels so surreal you got it is that the last of it i cannot believe this next stop hawaii wait i was just kidding before don't go thanks for taking me to the airport of course but i'm gonna cry don't cry it'll be okay oh my god dude this is it'll be okay i'll see you tomorrow what i'll see you tomorrow because this is all a big fat prank your attention is one character are you you're joking serious joking you're joking yeah no this i'm so sorry pearson um wait this is all a prank i am not moving to hawaii my mind is like racing right now i do want to move to hawaii one day wait you're not moving wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you're actually not moving no um would you mind helping me unpack all my stuff though because my entire life you know what i'm taking the car i'm leaving i am so livid bye lexi you can find your own ride home you can find your own ride home you literally tricked me for a week i told my parents that you were leaving i hate you are you i'm [ __ ] you can't leave me here your activity guards are looking at me like i'm a psycho oh you really believed it huh of course i believed it i wouldn't hold that i sold that really well probably i do feel terrible though honestly i am so sorry for putting you through that but honestly like if you i made a slideshow of pictures of us and i was gonna send it to you as soon as you got there so you wouldn't be sad i hate you you're kidding me i hate you so much i still want to see the slideshow i feel like no you don't get it guys if this video gets 200 000 likes i'm going to pull 10 times worse of a prank on lexi because that's what she deserves you lied to me for a week you threw a party you threw a going away party like your stupid camera i don't want to see your face anymore so sorry we're going home i guess i'm excited to have you back okay but yeah slumber parties wait this is so exciting okay now that i'm not mad anymore this is actually very exciting you're just 360. i will see you guys next week thank you so much for watching this video i am so sorry to pearson everyone drop a big heart comment for her um make sure you subscribe to her her link will be in my bio subscribe if you guys want to i hope we get to 2 million soon that would be crazy and i hope you have a great week you
Channel: Lexi Hensler
Views: 3,841,084
Rating: 4.9713821 out of 5
Id: RtQc_0BYQdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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