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foreign [Music] this happens every single year I promise you I see people repeating information that someone scripted out for them or they told them to say or was misinformation that they barely did halfway research on themselves and then they spew it out to you as gospel and then you go walking away believing well we're going to address the three most common things I've seen this season and if you hang around to the end I'll give you a couple bonus ones too let's get [Music] topic number one the first offense that I've been seeing is buy this fertilizer because it's going to help you crack the seed well you really need this fertilizer because it's really going to help with germination and that couldn't be further from the truth in fact it's a straight up lie the only thing that you need for seed germination is moisture now of course when you're trying to establish a lawn you're going to like moisture see the soil contact adequate amount of sunlight need to germinate seed is moisture if you don't believe me check out the many studies where people have been pre-germinating their seeds in their garage with no lights or little to any light with nothing but moisture or from a gardening room because you know I I dabble in the garden just a little bit I pre-germinate seeds all the time I take a paper towel moisten it put the seeds in there close it up throw it in the bag let it sit in the Shelf sometimes I put it on the windowsill you don't need sunlight to germinate you know why because the seed has everything it has needs in it in order to germinate other than moisture that's it there's no fertilizer out there that's going to help with seed germination let's go ahead and dispel that claim right now get it straight for the record all right I think we beat that dead horse let's move on to the next one [Music] now we got Halloween coming up get your bank cards ready because I'm here to sell you some iron now if you just completed a long renovation or an overseed this fall and you're looking at your lawn and it doesn't quite look right let me show you something before you go getting your bank card out swiping it just hold on now this is my side plot the side on the right I just did not even a month ago this grass is brand new look at the difference in the color from the right into the left now I did overseed into this long but it's the same sea that's on the left why the dramatic difference well I'm gonna let my hand cam handle that for me get it what is going on Turf man that lawn over there is on five man you're doing your thing so to talk about this topic of iron is not the solution to the color that they're looking for all right so let's think about this a newborn at first it doesn't display all of its genetic characteristics uh when it is first born but as it matures and it starts to get older those characteristics start to become on display your lawn is no different it goes through the exact same process as it comes up and it's getting established it may not have the color that you're looking for it may be a little lime green light green in color but that's where planning a quality seed comes into play if you chose a quality seed with those genetic characteristics that color will come and you won't have to worry about it and you won't have to chase it with products but if you are impatient I understand and you have to put something down to get that color going sooner than when it wants to what would I reach for I would say that all Iron products are not created equal so you want to be looking for a chelated or a EDD ha form of iron source those sources of iron are readily available and soluble for the plant to uptake which all forms of iron are not really available for the plant therefore not giving you the best result that you're actually looking for in that color response so these are my tips that is my take on that I actually have a full video talking about not using iron to chase color we'll leave it linked here and you can go back and check that one out so if you're striving to have those Immaculate Lawns or Gardens let's know we work thank you listen I apologize for my yeah I'm passionate about this stuff I don't want to steer y'all wrong man I get passionate about it and I it really grinds my gears when people make it seem like you can't both enjoy what you're doing and be educated about it at the same time I feel like that's a cop-out for people who do not want to push themselves to learn more about their hobby that they love so much they started making all types of excuses which we won't get into here we're going to move on to the next step for the next topic the next offense as I see it let's go [Music] okay so the next one you're gonna hear people tell you to do is just throw out more Scene or encourage you to just throw out more seed prematurely what I mean prematurely is take my side plot for example about two weeks ago these spots right here were very weak they were thin look at them pretty thin and now fast forward two weeks later and look what's happening now there is some unique quality factors in this iPod that are pretty cool and that's why I picked the seed like this which is it's a chewing Fescue perennial rye and Kentucky bluegrass so that grass spreads and it fills in and creeps and it fills those gaps quite well with that in mind even if you're doing the straight perennial ride Turf type tall fescue blend unless you get a complete washout I wouldn't add too much TC too quick too fast and here's why now that we'll see germinates at the same time you have early risers late risers and I promise you that if you follow the steps and got proper seed to Soul contact maintained adequate moisture you'll be all right whether it was Bear ground seating or overseat renovation it will buff out you just have to be patient and give it time now those same people that's trying to convince you to just go ahead and add some more seed I want you to wash the Lawns closely throughout the remainder of this season and next season and I guarantee you more than likely they'll have issues overcrowding over competition fungus issues because there's not enough airflow coming through there it's too tight so this is the point where I tell you to trust the process don't grow impatient and all over the Kentucky Bluegrass in there if you're worried about it you know it's not wrong with kbg kbg deserves his love too all right so you hung around this long I got a couple extra bonus ones for you I'm gonna make them quick so we can get up out of here the first one is you must aerate when you oversee the renovate and that's just not the case it couldn't be further from the truth everything I did here in Germany to my lawn was done without aeration and I have clay-based soil and that's another misnomer but we're not going to get into it but clay soil does not mean your soil is compacted it just doesn't it takes a little bit of extra work we'll cover a video on that let me know down below if you want it but it's just not so you do not have to aerate in order to have a successful full renovation or overseeing in the next lie just flat out lie I've seen is the full nitrogen Blitz is going to replace a good overseas bro that's a lie I just I don't know what they're smoking but if your lawn is thin and it's had adequate die off there is no amount of nitrogen that's going to replace you getting that seed filled in no space is filled back in with some quality seeds it's a hat trick they do them all the time pulling rabbits out the hats but I need you to be able to discern from reality and was just going to make a cool video okay all right that pretty much wraps this one up I hope you have a good day and I'll catch you next time peace [Music] foreign
Channel: Turf Therapy
Views: 35,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LAWNCARE, LANDSCAPING, MOWING, LAWN, THERAPY, lawn care, bad lawn to good lawn, bad lawn, bad lawn care advice, fall lawn care, fall lawn renovation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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