Why I Love Fescue The Most // Sprinkler Advice Needed

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how's it going YouTube It's Mr Ferguson here once again thank you back thank you guys for coming back to another video we're back in my lawn here we got a couple things to show you here in my lawn of course if uh you watched the last video if not go check it out we did uh something that we rarely or have actually we've never done it on my channel we talked about warm season grass we mowed some warm seasoned grass down in Myrtle Beach South Carolina and for the very first time I used an electric mower I've never used an electric mower in my life man walking out here it is not a cloud in the sky it's it's uh pretty cool out here right now at least so anyways uh thank you so much for tuning in we're back we're talking about Fescue um I wasn't sure how you all would receive a warm season grass type video um so anyways it was fun to go down the beach coming home um not too surprised on what I found um the grass was long I knew it was going to be long it's kind of the aftermath of the freedom fertilizer that I put down um it's been like 3 weeks now it's been several rains back we're kind of getting into a drought mode here in North Carolina we've not had a good amount of rain while I was gone I think we had 33 um Ines according to Mr Kevin's uh weather station over next door so we did have a little bit of rain uh but today we're actually while I'm recording this actually I'm going well maybe after I'm going to set the sprinkler out so let me show you we're in drought mode and I kind of want to talk about since we talked about warm season grass down at the beach I want to talk about why I love Fescue so much why I enjoy it the perks of it um and just kind of talk about why Fescue seems to be the best to me and we'll kind of stay on that topic of why I love Fescue while I kind of show you the lawn um I love fescue grass man and I know that's why many of you uh tune into to this Channel and I know that more now because when I post about St Augustine and warm season it doesn't get as many views and it tells me that you guys are more interested in cool season Turf which is cool so I mowed it a simple get it done uh late last night um and up and down like this and I didn't even do it double I just did single pass up and down um it was probably 4 and 1/2 5 in tall we cut it back down to 3 and 1/2 but we are seeing some lawn stress and guess where we're seeing it we're seeing over here in the hydran zone um so again um don't know how I feel about hydr tame sometimes I feel like it really helps out here in the main part of the lawn where we never have any stress we've got pretty good dirt um I mean it's doing fine um it's hot it's dry I think I can tell a little bit over here it's starting to kind of show some signs of Summer wear and tear um over here it's a darker green look and then when we come back to our weaker areas this is one of the areas we know stress out first I think what this is right here is simply some of the poetri Riv that's kind of hung on in the cooler months it's starting to feel the the Heat and the lack of water so it's starting to stress because it's the only spot we've put down our fungicides our aoxy and our propy not seeing anything fungus related at all so everything is hydration water um and so right here if you guys recall we put down a whole bottle heavily um of hydran hose in we did it all right here on this whole entire side all the way back to the woods and regardless of that we didn't put any no hydran went over here so again this could have you know while I was at the beach I came home like wow it's not stressed out we did get a little bit of rain but now we're showing stress we're getting in the 90s today it's going to be in the 80s we've got high heat coming and it doesn't look like any rain in the forecast so it's time to start watering just to try to limp by so this section is going to get some watering here soon you can see the sun shining off the stripes but again just to kind of talk about hydran it's not going to save your lawn and we talk about it over and over and over again but again we put it down heavily in this section it still is stressing out it's going to stress out you know regardless of what you put down whether you put the um fourl down the hydran if you don't get rain it's going to stress out so it's not a testament of hydran sucks but it's not you know it's not a replacement for water so anyways um so we've got lawn stress here in the side and again if you're like well how do I know if my lawn stressed out then you'll see it kind of getting very skinny and a a darker grayish nasty looking green and uh it just doesn't look healthy and if it continues on this then it begins to lose its color you see over here a healthy fescue grass we're seeing those thick wide open enjoying the sun rays then when we come over here to the areas that are thirsty they curl up they're not wide open they're round almost and they begin to lose color so we'll put some water I'm going to water this well over here just just this one section and uh while my wife's not home because she gets so nervous that the utility company's going to come by and uh find me um but anyways we need water and so that's what we're going to do anyways moving up to the front lawn real fast just to show you how that's going again these sections right here um is just POA Tri that's dying off I know it is I've watched it and so it doesn't look pretty but that's what that is that's what the Browning is here other than that the front lawn looks pretty good we did again you can see the move Stripes right here uh the flowers are doing well so they're not stressed out they're not thirsty I can't remember if I sprayed hydran on this section or not I know we did like what the first four flowers over here we didn't do the back four so we'll look at that in a second but the middle of the lawn both sides hydran section non hydran section they both look the same they both look good when we're doing the bank this is not a fair way to show you guys the bank um I've been watering I did water both after we came back but I hand water right here standing on the sidewalk or on the driveway and so I hand water right here so it's not fair because this gets more water most of the time than down there because it's on the further part of my lawn sometimes I'll put it on the beam and you know kind of spread it out there so the bank's not terrible because I have watered it but it's still after today it's probably going to look worse uh no rain high heat direct sunlight um that's just how it is in North Carolina but uh over here same thing I handw watered this I've I've handw watered this before we left I hand watered it afterwards we're so showing stress here by the road it's a little brown if we was to water water water this will come back it's not dead and gone I did trim I thought about it I was like well I like that shadow over the concrete to keep it cool um but anyways we did uh we did trim this up a little bit but but again why do I like Fescue so much you know going down there looking at pretty warm season Lawns I like the fact number one I can keep this lawn green for 12 months out of the year or at least 10 you know what I'm saying it's not the pretty you know two of those months July August um it's green but it's not a pretty green um but having it green for 10 to 11 months out of the year is definitely to me a huge benefit even when we're dealing with stress you know if I had a whale that's it's not a problem uh if I have irrigation that's not a problem I would absolutely prefer to have fescue with irrigation because all I got to do is give it that once a week deep watering and we're good to roll and it's going to stay without these dry spots um without having irrigation you know one of the the fixes is to dig up this section before we overseed in the fall and we would want to replace that dirt put some topso down in there um and and fix that but not going there um so that's one of the reasons I love Fescue I know that we've talked about uh some of the professionals from Simply uh simple Lawn Care um Solutions or something like that was talking about Disease Control is much more difficult in Fescue than warm season uh we know the fix on this channel we've told you all about that Scott's diseas X aoxy strobin propic conazol if you're putting that down and you're staying you know every 21 days or less um or at the max 21 25 days you're fine most of the time you don't run into at least for me I've not run into any major disease areas sometimes I'll see grade leaf spot pops up but I've not had yet to date I've not had an outbreak that's just like taken out half my lawn as long you know even with all and it's hard to pinpoint what exactly uh helps with that obviously fungicides clearly prevention is better than reacting you got to put down more product and it's not as effective when you see fungus and then have to react to it um we want to be preventative but I've not had an outbreak of anything disease-- Wise It's just taking out my lawn um when I'm using those two products uh in a preventative nature and manner uh it it works and so all you got it yeah it's cost you know it's more cost than warm season but it looks great uh we'll just kind of mosy down here the other thing um besides 12 months of um 12 months of uh green grass every year where warm season they're turning brown for 6 months and then they're green and looks good for six months months I grew up with Fescue that's what my dad grew in the front yard just as a average guy who went to you know 9 to5 or actually he got up and left he was like a seven to five or six um and so I grew up with Fescue that's what my dad did if my dad grew up sewing or or soing warm season grass I would probably have grown up learning about that but I cut Fescue All My Life um I like the way it looks I like the way it Stripes not that you can't stripe warm season um but I just like Fescue but the main reason is the 12 months out of the year it's green I don't have to deal with the brown lawn unless I just completely Let It Go and it goes dormant in that time where we got to start breaking out sprinklers speaking of which one of my sprinklers let me show you real fast broke on me um and sometimes it's just because it sits in the sun and the sun UV rays just destroy anything and outside this is one of the sprinklers that I need to replace I like it it uh it's great for the bank um this part right here um I'm not sure how to fix it this part works but when the sprinkler comes and hits this and straightens out and it goes backwards this knob just continues to fall forward and it doesn't work anymore so basically you can either go this way and the long farther you move this one you're doing the whole thing when I'm trying to do the bank I want it you know I only want it to move a little bit so that it stays on the bank and the water stays right there um and so it's it's it's broke on me but this was a great sprinkler again I kind of mistreat them because I keep them outside in the corner here and when the sun gets over in this direction it shines right on it and you can see the the wear and tear this used to be yellow U and now it's a very very light yellow but this this uh what is it melor I think I got it off Amazon U but let me know what do you guys like if if you have a small I don't know 3ot wide Bank strip this is what I found to be most effective cuz it'll just like I said it'll just kind of bounce back and forth the wind it does shoot high in the air and the wind can affect it um so I need to replace this at some point for now my sprinkler has been this guy that I told you this is an orbit that I picked up at Lowe's like two years ago um it's tall enough to throw the circle you know it throws it out the top and a circular pattern on the the rotating part and it does so you have to move it more often than doing the other one the other mner or meler uh on the bank so anyways I got got to figure out sprinkler but it's time to actually I need to bring this over here cuz we're going to use this round one and uh water this section to get it a little more hydrated but thanks for tuning in today we're back in the Fescue laon let me know what sprinklers you recommend um if you uh you know just give me some names I know it probably won't let you copy links um in the uh comments but let me know what sprinklers you guys have figured out give the video a thumbs up if you enjoy it comment your sprinkler advice for me below and we'll see you on Friday with another long care video God bless you guys [Music]
Channel: Mr. Ferguson Lawn
Views: 2,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PDaw4KHa-mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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