Saving My Wife From Slime Minecraft Prison

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today is a really bad day new one two three four trapped my wife in a rainbow prison and then when I almost saved her from the prison he captured her yet again save me don't you guys hear that Briana's here I just heard her inside Breanna don't you worry I'm coming for you noob 1 2 3 4 is not gonna get you again we've got to get down to business and save my wife from this slime Prison look at this everything's all slimy and gross I don't want to touch anything and what is this guy doing what do you mean you're a farmer you're not a farmer you're a cop and I know you're working with knew one two three four to keep me away from my wife but let me tell you something bud that ain't gonna happen what is this slime block to you we know this is doing something oh yeah oh yeah here we go ladies and gentlemen see a chest up here we're gonna grab it really fast come on and oh there we go crowbar can break iron bars wait did you guys just see that something just [ __ ] hold on hold just okay what can this break this can break iron bars but the interesting thing about this is even if this can break iron bars which apparently turn into iron ingots this is crazy Bri please if you could hear me right now I'm coming for you don't worry sweetheart I'll be there as soon as I can new 1 2 3 4 is about to pay for what he's done to my family none of this nonsense of capturing my wife anymore but I saw something whenever I would up this did you guys see that like look if you're going f5 more did you guys see that it opens up whoa wait oh did you see that see it's like opens wait wait so if this opens up how do I get inside of these areas there's got to be something about this and there's some way that we can get into there or maybe what we have to do is use the slime levitation yep that's gotta be it never mind guys use the slime levitation get up inside of here and let's check this bad boy out looks like this the same prison room we were Justin we're about to go back into prison that is not gonna happen wait sneaky chest above my head with a padlock so instead of a crowbar now we've got a padlock check this out ladies and gentlemen this can break iron doors let's go Britta I'm coming for you sweetheart Oh No it just took my crowbar bad luck Oh what is this guy want look at him over here just being all kinds of smelly and stuff looks like we've got a lock it looks like to be like an on-and-off power switch another security camera a button that I'm wait what just happened hold on hold on what just happened wait there's something behind it oh my gosh is a chest wait what there's a crafting recipe okay so if we get six iron ingots which we already have ladies and gentlemen Rick and craft and iron key the only question is where do we find we gotta find a crafting bench unless the crafting bench is hidden somewhere it could be hidden behind this chest for all I know no okay doesn't look like it's there but with this rigid place this on peat concrete which is really interesting because I don't know about you guys we're in a slime prison and I'm not seeing a whole lot of pink concrete in the area I know for a fact that this is not pink concrete this is pink slime I want some crazy is this actual weight this is pink concrete I thought that was pink slime guys I'm not even getting you so there's the crafting bench now we can make the keys there we go the key has now been crafted so now that we've got this key we can definitely save Briana I know my wife is in prison right now and this is probably a really bad time to do it but you could get this brand-new press of style so they down below in the description static I'm telling you you're gonna need the Saudi if you're ever gonna save your wife from prison okay it is literally a life saver so with this key the question is what are we able to do with it can we trade the farmer I don't know that is a very good question now it looks like we have a chest that's hidden behind the green concrete then the reddish concrete there's another chest hidden behind it there's got to be something more I feel like to this area I don't know what it it oh my I'm so dumb I'm so dumb guys check it out if you hover your Meowth it literally just unlocks like it it just vanishes this is the coolest thing ever okay Bryn I get it I promoted my merchandise and you're kind of stuck inside the slime prison but I'm trying really hard to save you it's not my fault you got captured by noob one two three four okay still I feel really bad that she's captured we got to get her out here let's see what's inside the chest can't place online concrete so obviously we're gonna place this bad boy over here looks like we've got a bone in arrow the arrow problem Oh what's it what the heck what did you guys leave it okay I did not even see this thing pop open so I'm curious so I've to shoot all four of these whoo oh my gosh what is happening this is the coolest thing ever I have no idea what's happening it's like this multitude of colors now I'm a little bit worried to be honest with you guys what does this mean can I go back here there's nothing inside the chest wait oh I just got this lever can be placed on red concrete here we go Jess got a slime block that can be placed on redstone what the heck ladies and gentlemen this is giving I can't even speak I'm excited to see my wife again guys I haven't seen Briana what feels like weeks she's been locked up here in the prison and it took me so long to find it in the first place so with this slime block were able to place it down on a block of redstone now I'm not sure where that oh okay this prison is freaking me out listen here man you got to get a hold of your prison it's just randomly unlocking areas and doors that make no sense here's what we have to do we have to perfectly place the slime block down on the redstone block as we're middle of the air has one the middle of the air and then land onto the ledge there goes nothing we did it let's go I wasn't necessarily bragging I was just you know I was proud okay I feel like I'm really getting close guys whoa what bag is this no slime guards oh this was not what I had anticipated all right slime guards stay back you guys are too big to fit through the door come on man yeah let's go you want some of this yeah I'll give you some of that yeah it takes over this to give me all your XP um take that buddy oh yeah you want some too mr. slime guard check it out yeah these slimes didn't even stand a chance now wait wait what are we just getting we just got a door can be placed on lime concrete what am I about to see I'm a little bit scared what that is the coolest thing ever okay so I imagine right now guys if we touch the red we are going to die usually if you see red things in a Minecraft map that means if you touch it you is gonna die wait a minute do you guys see this what if hold on we're gonna just try this hold it oh my I knew it whenever you see a block that's colored differently sometimes it means there's like a secret entrance take that prison look at this man whoever built this prison thought they were so sneaky you're not keeping me for my wife bud sorry that's just not happening not in a million bajillion years okay should we press this button I don't think I did anything okay here we go there goes nothin guys I'm gonna press the button real quick again you never know just for some good luck wait what it didn't kill me wink is that what the button did way what are you doing here I don't want to ever see you again you're literally trapping my wife do you know that you're working for an evil henchmen new boy one two three four that traps innocent wives I feel like he doesn't even care fine you know what I care I'm saving my wife from this prison nice you've made it but now get to the beginning wait we have to go all the way back and do exactly what wait why do we have to go all the way back that makes no sense but we can do this guys I know that we have what it takes to get all the way back to the beginning without failing even once we've got this holy cat what is this parkour wait what is this guy doing here okay but I am sick and tired of being followed by you all right guys let's just get out of here whoa what the heck there's like this red stuff that's beneath me chasing me what did I say in Minecraft guys if you ever see red stuff it's got to be dangerous avoided at all costs wait what the heck I'm floating wait what okay up here whoa what in the heck is going on right now wait there he is wait there's two of them guys I feel like Brianna's insanely close to us right now Currency Converter one slime block equals one level pass what are you guys looking at you have my wife and you're trying to get me to convert currency new people are an evil okay so maybe there's something in here that's hittin slime balls all right so we've got one slime ball we need to check every single chest are you kidding me this is gonna take forever two thousand years later okay I've got all nine of the slime balls what does this guy think I am stupid you think I'm not gonna notice a giant crafting bench in here give me that slime block so now that we've got the sign block we can convert the currency right here currency converter all right I don't know how to give it to them oh I guess I just throw it in there oh this market stall number one who the heck is Thomas I don't want to be here guys look I have a wife to save and I'm stuck here for no apparent reason at all this is getting ridiculous so all I have right now is a wooden sword guys so somehow I've got to use this wooden sword which can't even break anything maybe one of these villagers wants to trade my sword for something more useful wait what there's a chest of but I knew there be it there's always a hidden chest now I've got to do is somehow just grab here's how we do it jump on the shulker boxes on top ladies and gentlemen to easy all right who wants the string okay Henry my boy you want the string here's what we got to do we're gonna trade Chris grab a block of dirt now we're at Thomas we're gonna trade him a stick for an oak plank I know sounds weird then we gotta go back to our boy James over here trade him the dirt block for some more oak planks boom make four sticks and now the real fun begins now we're gonna trade Thomas again for more oak planks in fact I think we're gonna just try to bunch more so that way we could get as many sticks as possible this is pretty much a really unfair trade because I can get infinite sticks this way now that I've got my practically infinite sticks we're gonna go back over here to Chris we're gonna get one dirt block go over to our boy and retrain him ten sticks get one diamond then go to our other boy Chris again grab the emerald go to Thomas we're gonna trade him a stick and an emerald and we're gonna get the shovel that's gonna allow us to finally break this piece of gravel Oh which can be apparently broken infinite amounts of times so that way we can get a piece of Flint ladies and gentlemen we need the Flint yes we got it guys we got the piece of Flint so here's what we do Flint for the nether star and there we go ladies and gentlemen on to the next part okay this looks like one of those puzzles where you have to move one piece wait I think we have to move a redstone block or something like that in order to save Brianna this is nuts I'm gonna kind of begin just by flicking a bunch of levers and hopefully eventually something good happens ladies and gentlemen wait we did it I told you man sometimes just flicking a bunch of levers helps out a lot okay wait this one looks really simple am I crazy here but is this gonna do it for us okay now we gotta suck it back okay there we go now this one perfect boom boom got to the next stage ladies and gentlemen wait what is this security cameras floating this security guard I'm sick of this guy man come on there we go all right big bounces ladies and gentlemen big bounces only one more bounce ah there we go whoa what the heck is what are you doing here wait I see that there's some kind of Oh under the staircase line bounce inside let's go now we're back up here I'm sick and tired of looking at you buddy I'm putting you off the map there you go he didn't even die this guy's a monster okay big leap of faith here ladies and gentleman we're gonna go all the way down here then back up and then on to the diamond block well what's happening what's happening what the heck is this if you think are truly worthy to escape try to beat this slime boss this live loss is going down take this slime boss live give me my wife new one two three four hired you didn't eat I'm telling you guys what you're doing is wrong let my wife go and no slime will be harmed in the process you'll better let this go ladies and gentlemen let this go come on come on oh this slime boss is crazy man it's like he never dies this is insanity there's too much slime I don't know if we're gonna be able to beat them all finally I think we're doing something we're thinning the numbers I found the slime boss come on slime boss you will eventually follow my brother Oh take that slime boss I knew you were no match for me oh here we go guys I feel like we're really close to saving Brianna oh this is a big drop let's do it breathe oh my gosh you're okay Bri watch out dawg are you kidding me you'll get away with this no no don't you rock I can't believe this
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 19,970,117
Rating: 4.8168097 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, prestonplayz, preston, prestonplayz saving my wife, saving my wife from slime minecraft prison, saving my wife from prison, slime prison, prestonplayz wife, prestonplayz slime prison, slime
Id: cYaUqIbzsJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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