Save Time with Email Templates in Outlook Microsoft 365

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do you send a lot of emails are there times when you need to send the same email multiple times when today's video I'm going to introduce you to email templates in Outlook and they might just save you a lot of time but before we start just a quick intro my name is J redwards from integral it we help businesses all over the world with their Microsoft 365 now email is still the most common communication tool that we use in our businesses but are there times when you need to send the same email multiple times perhaps you work in sales and you might get a new inquiry through your website so you send the same email with a booking link or perhaps you're working finance and you need to chase up some unpaid invoices so you send the same email chasing up payment now I've seen people use a lot of different tactics to make this work I've seen people go into their scent items and copy old emails into a new one don't forget to change the name at the top I've also seen people save emails as drafts and they just simply go into it and copy and paste it but neither of these tactics are very good what if I told you there was a better way if you're using Outlook in Microsoft 365 this way is called email templates you can simp L craft your most commonly used emails and save them as templates when you need to send these with just two clicks you can send them it'll save you a whole host of time now the great thing about using these in Microsoft 365 is that these templates are stored in Microsoft 365 so even if you haven't got your usual computer with you you can hop on to any computer and use email templates over the web so without further Ado let me show you how these email templates work let's jump onto that computer behind me so this is my outlook here so how do you get hold of the email template addin well I've already got it but if you've not got it you will go up to here where it says all apps and you click on there and then you click on add apps now you've got lots of different apps that you can add into your outlook now you can see here built for your org there's one called my templates by Microsoft and that is the one we want so I I click on there and I click on open now I've already got this in my Outlook but that would then add it to your outlook so we can then close out of there now when I go to open a new email this is a new email here you can see at the top right hand corner there's view templates so this is where I get my templates from if I click on there a little pop out opens now Microsoft have added a few templates to get us started you probably won't use these so you hover over it and it gives you some more options firstly if you can delete the template or you can amend it by clicking here if you click on there a little box will open and then you can type some changes into there and you can click on Save now if you ever want to use a template you simply go to view templates and you click on the template and it adds it into your outlook there now you're probably not going to use these Microsoft templates the very very basic so how do you create a new one well you simply click on here and then you give your template a title so a common email that I send on a daily basis is when people contact me and say I've seen your videos on YouTube I'd like some more information about your Microsoft 365 support so I always reply to them and say thanks for your interest I'll put in here now book a meeting something like that and then I click on Save now you can see that that is here so I can I can simply go to here and I can put that into my email now that's a little bit Bland as you can see so what I would usually do to get the template looking a bit better I'll delete that I would write my email in this body here so I'll go ahead and do that now so this is my finished email here now I can I can format it if we like I could do something like go on to YouTube make that yellow uh this is just an example I could make that bold like that so I can format it however I want once I'm happy with that I can simply copy that and then I can go out to my view templates again I can click on template book at meeting new we'll call it and then I can copy that in there now you can see that it's added all the formatting so the Red's there the little smiley faces there what I would then do is just sort this out a little bit because it just a little niggle it just puts some spaces in which I don't like and that'll annoy me and I can save it okay so that is saved there so simply I come out of email in future I go to new email I go on view templates and I've got my nicely formatted one here I simply click on there it's all there you've got to put the title in which is a bit of a pain but there you go you put the email address in there and that has saved a whole bunch of time so that is email templates in Outlook so I hope you've enjoyed this quick Outlook tip using email templates in Microsoft 365 can save you loads of time I look forward to seeing you again next week
Channel: Jonathan Edwards
Views: 27,968
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Keywords: microsoft outlook, email template, outlook email templates, email templates in outlook, microsoft 365, outlook tutorial, create email template in outlook, how to create email templates in outlook, create email templates in outlook, how to make email template in outlook, microsoft outlook tips and tricks, microsoft outlook tips, microsoft outlook tips and tricks 2023, microsoft outlook tips and tricks 2022, microsoft outlook 2023, template reply
Id: bMRLRhbbotE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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