Save Hundreds with Raspberry Pi 5 & Free Software Alternatives

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hey robot makers hope you having a good day so  far so do you want to learn how to save money   with a Raspberry Pi 5 then this is the show for  you let's dive straight in my name is Kevin come   with me as we build robots bring them to life  with code and have a whole load of fun along the   way so yes today is all about raspberry pi5 how  we can use that to save some money so you might   be thinking how can we do this this is what the  show is all about so there are seven different   ways that you can use your raspby pi to save you  some money every month and it does add up to quite   a bit um in the particularly if you use these uh  Online subscription services that these online   Alternatives or raspber Pi hosted Alternatives can  uh provide instead so we're going to give a demo   of each of them where possible and you're going to  learn yourself how to set these up and if you're   here for the the live stream we'll also have a  bit of a live Q&A for the live stream audience at   the end okay let's dive straight into this then  shall we so first of all if you're using Office   365 or Microsoft 365 um as it is now known then  you might want to consider trying Libra office so   Libra office has been around for quite a while  I think it used to be called open office and   they've had a few changes behind the scenes in the  background but essentially it provides many of the   same services that you would get from Microsoft  particularly if you have like the the home or   student edition of Microsoft Office and you're  paying for um this as a subscription service it's   about $7.99 I think per month if you're in the  UK uh but for that in on The Office 365 side you   would get the word processor word you get Excel  you get PowerPoint you get the teams collaboration   get OneNote and you also get some online storage  with one drive as well so on the Libra office   side um this is also a word processor also has a  spreadsheet all these are completely compatible   with Microsoft Office so you can open up a word a  docx uh document a PowerPoint or an Excel and I'll   show you that in a second running on the Raspberry  Pi as well it also has some collaboration features   and some note taking as well it also has a  database package which is pretty good as well   so let me show you what that actually looks like  online so I'm just going to load up a machine that   I have just here let's go full screen on this one  um let me just jump back to it I've got this bug   in this software and it always seems to do this  right let me just jump back to that one there   there we go so this is a Raspberry Pi 5 I've got  a couple of um applications installed on this if   I just go here you can see that we have the Libra  office so if you want to get this installed you   can simply go down to the recommended software you  can pick on the office criteria that appears on   the left hand side in a second just reading all  the things that you can install and you simply   just take that to Libra office and it will install  on your Raspberry Pi um Works particularly well on   Raspberry Pi 5 this will obviously work on all  previous versions of raspby pi as well but today   we're talking about the five because some of the  other applications we're looking at really require   that kind of speed and power so if I just double  click on this document which is a Word document   one I prepared earlier you can see here we have  the familiar kind of Microsoft Word style toolbar   and we've got all the usual kind of functions  that we would expect to see on there all the   text formatting and so on um so this is great  because it means you can create a document in   here you can save it as a Word document if I go  out here I can say save as and I can choose to   save this as a an open do open Office document  odf or as a Word document which is what I went   for here and Word 2007 to 365 as they call it  uh and simply by just clicking the uh the save   button down there we can save that as a let's call  this one test two something like that now it will   always come up with this um it might contain some  additional formatting that can't be saved in the   word format but it it's really just saying that  to try and keep you in the open Office the Open   document format but yeah you can see we got all  the usual kind of things we can change the fonts   the colors this style we've even got um a document  Navigator I think in word it's on the left hand   side but on this version of um Libra office you  can see that's on the right hand side there we can   also navigate all the other things like we've got  the table there as well that I put in there it's   very easy to add to this we can simply just click  on um this side there and we can add extra things   to that so if we click on that little drop down we  can even embed a table within a table for example   so I'm just going to back out of that so that's um  the word alternative and this is completely free   this is what I like about this we have the  PowerPoint alternative let's just load this one   up this one's called impress and you can see here  here's Today's show that we're going to go through   and um this works just as well on a Raspberry p  it's pretty quick and responsive we can do all   the usual kind of things like putting images on  there putting um all the different components and   media that we'd expect to see in there as you  can see these are really quick to load because   the Raspberry Pi 5 is a very capable machine  there we go this is a um an Excel sheet if I   just make this one full screen just so I can see  the tabs at the bottom of the screen and I think   I just need to size this slightly scroll down  there we go so the bottom of the screen there   we've got the different worksheets so I've just  put on there um some sample data so we got some   fruits there we've got some quantity sold and  then we've got the salesperson that sold them   and if we go to that other tab there you can see  um that we have have a pivot table and a chart   and this is just to demonstrate this this can do  all the kind of modern things that Excel can do as   well so this is actually a pivot table um and  then we have a um a chart there that's taking   that data and showing you that Alex is a better  salesperson than the Kevin person in this example   here so let's just close that out and you got  all the templates and the usual kind of things   and if we also go back up to the top there we  can also see some of the other things that we   get with Libra office so base is their database  uh this is very similar to Microsoft Access but   it's a full um uh relational database package  if I just move this up here just click on the   next button click finish and let's just save this  as know test oops that's the search window test database like so we can then start using this  and it looks very similar to Microsoft Access if   you've ever used that before you can create tables  you can do that in a sort of design view and you   can say what the fields are so let's just have an  ID name and I don't know quantity following the   other thing we had before so the name would the  uh this would be U an auto incremental number I   guess let's go for integer let's go for name is  character and then quantity that could also be   like a number and we can just save that out ah  there we go we can also configure the the type   of is it or not Auto Value yes um and just having  a bit of a struggle there because the screen that   I'm showing this and I'm having to scroll a little  bit but you can see there we can fill in all those   different examples and so on until we're happy  with this and then we can just save that let's   call that table one and then we can close that  out um and we can go back to the other view so   I don't want to make this into sort of a how to  make things using Libra office kind of tutorial   but you get the idea this that's um table one we  can then create relationships between them build   forms build reports the whole works and that's  very similar to Microsoft Access uh let's have   a see what else we've got on here so we have  draw so this is similar to Vio you've used a   Visio before so this is like a vector based um  package for drawing things so you can see that   we we draw lines we can um put on all kinds of  things we could even use these connectors so   if we want to have things connecting together  we can very easily do that um again I'm not an   expert at using this particular package but  it does everything that viio will do and I   think it's even interoperable with viio as well  and let's have us see what else we have we have   um math which is uh for doing equation so there  isn't an equivalent of this in Microsoft Office   and think they have it as kind of a I know  the Apple products have an equation editor   in there but this is quite fancy this means you  can do all the the technical notation if you're   you're putting together um a presentation or  something so writer is word if you like calc   is Excel draw is viso base is access impress is  Powerpoint so we have the full Suite there very   easy to install very easy to use and the files  that you can create uh completely compatible with   the Microsoft Office Suite as well okay let's  get back over to our notes okay so let's talk   about how much we can save so this the package  Microsoft Office 365 is around $799 a month uh I   know that's at the UK it's probably about the same  in uh US dollars as well so if we didn't require   uh an online subscription to Microsoft Office we  could save $7.99 per month by using Libra office   and a raspby pi 5 so it does require you have the  raspby pi 5 already uh but you would you would   be able to save money if you have that uh already  in place instead of using uh Microsoft 365 now if   you're like me and you use chat GPT an awful lot  I use this for all kinds of um creating content um   brainstorming ideas or at least generating some  ideas I might not have thought of as a starting   point and tweaking code suggesting code things  like that the the things that people use chat   GPT for if you're using this uh this is quite  an expensive thing to have a subscription to if   you have the the premium or paid package you  might want to consider hosting your own ol l   instance with the web UI we did a show on this  a while back instead of chat GPT so let's have a   look at how these stack up so jck chat GPT runs  large language models uh they're con constantly   updating this I think every couple months there's  a new model that is added to this um it can answer   questions it runs in the cloud and they use your  data that you type in and your results to further   train their model um you might not like that  you might not be comfortable with the idea that   other people can see your data and are using your  data uh but you have to sign up to that when you   use their service now occasionally even if you're  using the paid version if you're using chat GPT 4   um and you've used that for so many tokens how so  many words in effect uh it might say that uh it's   busy and other users um are using the system and  you might have to try back later on or you have   to use the slow model actually the faster model  but not as accurate chat GPT 3.5 instead now if   you're using us or Lama you don't need to worry  about any of those things you can simply run the   models of your choice when you want how often  you want it'll have the same kind of features   and functionality so answers the questions runs  locally and it's completely private so all your   questions all your data stays on your device um  so no data is shared across the cloud whatsoever   so I want to show you how I have this uh currently  working so I'm just going to go back just going to   go to me for a second just load up my browser  and I'm just going to get um let me load up   my instance of Al LL okay let's let that uh fire  up so what I've done I've um I've actually hooked   this up there's that funky bug again let me just  go back there there we go so I've actually hooked   this up to my Kev domain name so Kev  GPT is my own hosted instance of Al LL which is   running just behind me on one of the raspby pies  in the background there um and we can use this   just like we would chat GPT so we we've got the  little window at the side there um which is very   similar to chat GPT and we can type in all the  kinds of queries that we would do normally so I   just uh uh type in something like um um give me a  greeting for my live stream audience are watching   now now I do have to select which model I want  to use so I've already downloaded dolphin mixol   which is quite a big model uh we have dolphin  Fe which is the smallest model I've got on here   Gemma 2 and the Llama 2 which um is slightly kind  of in between 3.6 gig so I'm going to use for the   sake of speed the dolphin fee model and I'm just  going to hit the generate button it takes about 10   seconds in my experience to come back with an  answer you can see there that I've previously   asked it to do a a greeting just so I could test  out how quickly this would respond but you'll see   that it's responding quite quickly now this is  probably about the same speed as chat GP pt4 or   less and it seems to be in general cases as good  as chat gbt 4 even though there's is a lot larger   language model so there you go says hello everyone  Thanks for tuning to our live stream I hope you're   having a great time watching this enjoying the  content if there's any specific things you'd like   to discuss and questions here feel free to ask  right away there we go so that's uh how we can use   that now the other cool thing with chat GPT well  chat GPT only lets you run on one model on ol Lama   we can actually run this on several models at the  same time so I can actually select two different   models uh so let's go for the dolphin fee and  let's say um tell me a fact about bats okay uh   what it will do is it will run this on both of  the different models so we might get a slightly   different answer it might actually be exactly the  same depending on what data they've been trained   on um and where they've got that information  from in the first place oh I've actually done   it on the exact same one that's uh that's not very  cever as let me start that one again um so in fact   we'll just do a new chat that was a bit silly  so let's do it on Dolphin fee and let's do it   on Gemma B so tell me a fact about bats there we  go so it might take a little bit longer because   it's probably generating that on the other one in  the other instance in the background so let's uh   let's see how far this gets and essentially it has  to run through one model wait for that to finish   and then it tries it on the other one now we can  actually go over to that rasby Pi that's running   this I think this is running on um uh is it this  rasby Pi no I think it's this rasby Pi so if I go   over to here and I do H top which shows us the  CPU usage and what's actually using the CPU you   can see there the AL service is using pretty much  100% of all four cores on the raspby pi 5 so it's   really maxing out about um the capabilities of  that rasby Pi doesn't use that much memory you can   see they we're only using about 1.6 gig of RAM um  it's really just processing through the model um   which takes the time and we've asked it to do it  twice which it's uh um basically struggling to do   now so I'll come back to that one later on but you  can see there that we have there you go so here's   a fun fact about bats uh bats are only mammals  that can fly they're able to do this because   they have a flexible and lightweight body strong  wings and a powerful flight muscle called the   rectus perus is that and you can see there there's  these little ones and twos now this is showing you   the different answers from the different models  so dolphin fee gives you a much longer one and   the second one the Gemma um the two billion Gemma  model that's got a much smaller one so we can go   back to that and they run like I said almost  concurrently um and then you get your answer   there and you can copy them just like you would  normally to a clipboard and you can paste that   and do whatever you want there you can even give  it a thumbs up to tell it that the that worked   particularly well or you can get it to regenerate  all the same you can also get some stats there   just to see how well that performed and how  quickly it did that so you can see there it   took uh let's see 28 seconds I think that is to to  generate that and we can go over to the other chat   that we had as well that one seems to be stalled  I think because I clicked off it uh sometimes   if you refresh you can actually get it to show  you what was on the the other one there but it   remembers it there we go you can see the the live  stream messages from before and it works just the   same as chat GPT let's get back over to our our  slides and carry on and have us see how much we   could save with this so there's our Libra office  $799 so if you have the premium version of chat   GPT that's $20 per month so we could potentially  now save up to 27 $28 per month by uh quitting   those subscription and using our own instead I've  actually been using this one myself um in Earnest   been using it for things at work for things uh to  do with keb's robots just to try and see is it as   good as chat GPT and do I find myself going back  to that subscription uh and to be fair this one   works just as well it's even good at doing the  code generating code um and formatting documents   and everything it's very very good so definitely  worth checking out that one and considering you   want to save some money if you're on the premium  version of that okay let's up next we have the   ring or Nest any kind of home um security system  that you might have I'm sure there are other ones   as well you might want to consider frig now I  actually don't have frig installed on my raspber   pies yet uh but what I do have and I'll be doing  a show about this one very soon is this Google   Coral device this is a pineberry pie hat you can  buy these and they have the Google Coral device   that comes with it it's a little nvme uh plugin  so you can put that into the nvme key and M2 key   slot there and this one plugs into the Raspberry  Pi 5 just like you would do with a mvme drive so   it just goes on the top or underneath I think this  one kind of goes underneath um the Raspberry Pi 5   but this is a it's a TPU in effect it's like  a graphics processor that's external to the   Raspberry Pi 5 and it can take all the workload um  of doing things like detecting faces and objects   so frig if we just go over to the slide here and  do a bit of a comp so we use Google home our home   automation and also our home security and Google  home records through the little cameras that you   can buy I've got one of them next to me here  I'm sure I've actually got one on my other desk   somewhere but uh I can't see that immediately  uh so I use them for pointing with 3D printers   and we also have them for home security as well  so they record the footage up to the cloud and   the devices can also detect things like Parcels  people dogs barking all that kind of stuff so   some of them depending which model of camera you  buy um you can have different functionality there   uh it will delete the data after 30 days I think  it is unless you click on the clips functionality   within the Google home app and uh save that piece  of information it'll save it there uh for a period   of time but once again you're saving your data up  to the cloud to a third party you don't know what   they're doing with that data are they training on  it I'm pretty sure if you look through the terms   and condition they do have the right to look  through your data and use it to train their   AIS even further so frig on the other hand is a  very similar kind of offering this will is a home   security footage um platform it saves the data  locally and it has all the AI detection stuff that   you would expect um of a home security system now  but it does that on the raspber pi itself now if   you have one of these uh Google Coral devices you  can actually speed up how quickly it can do that   the number of devices that it can do that on uh  so everything stays in your private um within your   privacy realm if you like so it's not going out to  the cloud and you can store this data as long as   you like as long as you have storage to do that so  friger is something we'll be doing a show about um   particularly with this pinebury pie hat uh a later  period in time so check back for that one so let's   have a compare how much we could save by ditching  um Google homes um Security package so it's about   $8 per month again it's about $7.99 $8 per month  so if we use friger into instead of that we could   save another $8 so up to 35 nearly $36 per month  that we could save just by using some open source   Alternatives okay next up this is I think the gold  of this particular show this we're going to leave   Dropbox or Google drive or iCloud and we're going  to try nextcloud instead I did have a few people   talk to me on social media and in comments from  other shows saying you've got to try nextcloud   it really really is good so um you've got to check  this one out out so let's have a compare I'm going   to compare Dropbox just feature-- wise but the  other offerings are very similar Google Drive   and iCloud are very similar so Dropbox is hosted  on dropbox's servers so you don't know where your   data is when you save files to Dropbox it is very  easy to set up very easy to use it provides file   syncing sharing and personal backup so you can  access things from your mobile phone um and also   have access to this on your home computers where  it's Max PCS and so on and they also include some   other additional features like Dropbox paper for  collaborative editing they've kind of tried to   make this more than just a file syncing service  and they generally offer less control over data   privacy compared to hosting this yourself so  talking about hosting this yourself next cloud is   the answer to this so this is a selfhosted cloud  storage solution the data is stored in your own   servers at once again so when I've done with my  raspber Pi 5ivs each of them has a terabyte drive   on them and that's plenty of space um I pretty  much don't have to worry about storage now because   each one has a terabyte each uh and I've got some  additional storage um Elsewhere on the network if   that should run out but um it's pretty much more  than I need for now I don't tend to store lots of   video footage on there surprisingly I do have  a separate machine for storing video for doing   YouTube editing for example so yes stored on  your local um your local server you could also   store this on a third party if you wish you're  not limited to that um but this is really what   it comes into its own it supports a file syncing  sharing collaboration so you can have this on a   number of different machines or access to it on  a number of different machines and integrates   productivity productivity tools such as Calenders  contacts task management and there's another gem   in there that we'll have a look at in a minute  which I think really makes it the special one of   this show and it also allows for plugins for ex um  extra extended functionality as well so let's have   a look at um next Cloud so again I'm just going to  drop out to my browser let me just bring this one   up um and let's have a see what this is all about  right so I'm just going to load it up into two   places so let me just do next Cloud on there as  well okay so let's go over to here so this is next   Cloud running on one of my raspberry pies so this  one is they're all hosted in Docker and I'll get   on to why I've done that shortly but you can see  on here we have a file sharing system so if I just   click on here we can see a list of some example  files on there so there's like a a PDF document   there about how to use nextcloud and look how  responsive this is how quick it is to open these   things up and use them this again is the power of  the rasby pi 5 they've got a little intro video   there as well so really love how quick responsive  this is and the fact that it's a completely free   file sharing system so this is all good if I just  shareing um files within my own home network but   what if I want to share this um with other people  on the worldwide web or if I want to access this   remotely so once again I've set up um nexcloud  dokev uh and I've installed the app   on my mobile phone as well so I can access all  those are very similar things if I go over to that   readme file for example um so I'm accessing this  from um from the from the web and let's uh let's   edit this so if I just say hello live streamers  and if we just click okay on that close that out   and let's go back to our other desktop there  the local version and let's open up that read me   file and you'll see that there it says hello live  stream it's the same file that we're accessing uh   and we can do all the usual kind of things like  sharing out these files so we can um if I just   close out we can do the usual kind of file sharing  that you would expect to see on something like   Dropbox so we can click on that and we can edit  locally we can download it uh and so on and you   got there shares you can start to share things out  as well folders and so on also tells you how much   file storage you've used and you've got an entire  like administrative console so you can um add   extra users to your home sharing facility if you  like so I think this is great as well as a kind   of home internet you can quickly throw things on  there you can have an email client there's a talk   client as well so you can even replace things like  um uh messenger you can basically just have uh   chats I you would expect ECT um I've actually not  used that too much and there's also a note taking   app as well which is very similar to um notepad  uses one markdown to formatting the documents so   very nice very simple to use so I absolutely love  this this is definitely staying on uh my Rasberry   Pi servers and I'm going to be accessing this uh  all the time now just to try out in Earnest and   there's extra features I want to show you later  on but I'm only going to tease what they are so   um you know notice down here we've got um let me  find this documents folder and we have some Word   documents um Excel that sales thing we looked at  in the Libra office we've also got that on here   as well we're going to have a look at that um a  little bit later on cool so let's jump back to   our presentation let's see how much we could save  if we decided to drop Dropbox and use nextcloud   instead so it's another $8 per month these things  start to add up so we're already at $43 $44 per   month if you round it up that we could be saving  if we ditched those online subscription services   and used our Raspberry Pi and uh free open source  software instead okay if you like what I do and   you want me to make more of these kinds of videos  please drop me a like uh drop me a comment as well   if you're interested um in any of these Solutions  if there's anything you want to tell me that I   should add to this list definitely let me know  that I'll I'll do a part two as a followup if   if there's enough content there and if you've  not already subscribed to the Channel please   consider subscribing it's completely free free  it means an awful lot to me so you might want   to consider doing that if you enjoy these kinds  of videos and I do go live every single Sunday   at 7:00 uh local time which is currently British  summertime BST uh so feel free to drop in on the   live stream ask some questions at the end of  the show and yeah we're going to hang out and   have a bit of a chat okay now this one's a bit  controversial well let's let's go through it   you might want to consider dropping Netflix  or any of the other streaming services like   Disney Paramount plus Prime and so on and try  something called jelly fin instead um I think   Jeff giling covered this one I think a while back  but it's certainly something you want to consider   playing with as well so Netflix as you know is a  subscription based access they host a very large   library of movies TV shows documentaries and  original content um and the content is streamed   from Netflix's server so they have uh whole uh  contribute content uh distribution Network to make   sure it's as fast as it can be so there's no laggy  or delay and they provide commendations based on   your viewing history as well now they don't allow  you to upload your own content or download content   from them um and it's or any kind of customization  of that platform other than changing the icon for   your profile picture now there's an alternative  solution that you could use instead which is   called jellyfin and this is an open- Source media  server and you can host your own media library so   if you have DVDs and Blu-rays you can essentially  rip them store them on your local file system   on your Raspberry Pi and it will grab all the  art all the um information about that particular   movie or TV show or um music or audiobooks and it  will store that in this really beautiful interface   there's no builting content so it's not quite the  same as dropping Netflix so it's all that original   material um but it but you can add in thirdparty  providers now some of those um are legal some of   them are completely not legal so um let's not go  down the illegal route on this one so I would say   just anything you previously bought and you have  the DVD for the Blu-ray I think that's fair game   to uh to to use that as long you're not sharing  that with a very large audience it's free to use   no ads no subscription fees and let's have a  look at jelly fin so I'm just going to go over   to jelly fin I've got this one set up already so  let's jump over to there so this is the interface   it's a a very kind of minimal uh inter face and  obviously the more content you have on here the   more this will fill out um so we've got on there  the little drop- down menu we can look at uh for   example I've got just movies installed at the  moment you can have audiobooks and there is an   awful lot of free audiobooks available as well um  so we could add them to this um very very simply   so I've I've essentially just uploaded one video  which is what a my own YouTube videos you can see   that it's got the chapters it's just done this  uh every five minutes it's created a new chapter   uh but we can do things like you know like and  um add this to our um collection if we like and   it also gives us some information about that too  and if we simply just like click the thing it'll   start playing that there I am uh talking away so  let's jump back and let's go to the home location   as well and you can see there we can even favorite  things and it's favorited uh that particular one   so we can set up different groups we can set up  different users for this this is probably great   a home network um a home um media streaming  service so if you have your own your own home   movies you want to put on there you could have  them in your library too so it's pretty cool very   simple to set up uh and it's completely free  and like I said there are extra plugins that   are available I've not really looked into any  of those um but there's an awful lot of extra   Services you can add to that to get to get more  content for free included in that so that's jelly   finin now I'll talk about how to set up each  of these different Services uh in a minute or   two uh but it's basically very very simple to do  this so there we go that's Netflix versus jelly   fin it could be prime it could be Disney Plus or  whatever so how much would we save if we dropped   Netflix and we used jelly so I'm currently on the  uh the premium version of Netflix I think it's   the one way it's like a family one you can have a  couple of different users um watching at the same   time and that's $17.99 per month currently so  if we drop that and use jelly fin instead we'd   be saving 6198 per month so these savings are  really stacking up now and this is per month so   uh jelly fin is definitely something we can look  at uh as an extra saving there now another one   that might be controversial dropping Xbox game  pass and trying retr piie instead so behind me   um in fact if I go to the full screen there I've  got a there it is a Pimon um pade arcade machine   which runs rasby Pi runs on rasby pi and runs  retro pi and has a whole bunch of retro games on there so let's have a look and see how this  Stacks up shall we so the Xbox um Game Pass is   a subscription based uh service for providing  access to a rotating library of games so you   don't get the same games kind of locked in it's a  bit like Netflix things will drop off new things   will appear on there uh offers new releases from  the Xbox um game Studio on the day that they are   launched so that's an extra perk there available  on all Xbox consoles at The X and Xs and S ones I   think Xbox one and and it's a cloud-based gaming  uh Service as well so there you can basically run   this in the cloud rather than running on your  own device as well I believe it's a monthly   subscription fee and they have different tiers  with benefits like Xbox Gold Xbox live gold and   EA play so these are different additional benefits  there and it's very high quality modern gaming   experience focus on current and recent titles so  what I'm saying is if you want to still play games   and have a lot of fun there is decades worth of  games available to you completely for free um via   open-source Solutions such as retr Pi so retr Pi  runs game station emulation station um to emulate   all video game consoles uh on a rasby pi 5 uh so  the users must be able to provide their own ROMs   um ideally by backing the games up they have so  again this is like if you have a um a game that   you used to play and you have the rum for this you  can probably find the download of that ROM without   having to go through the excise of extracting that  so that you can play that on your Raspberry Pi and   it currently supports a wide range of retro gaming  systems such as the tari 2600 the Nintendo 64 um   ZX Spectrum Commodore 64 there's a whole bunch  of them even like PlayStation um who I think   is supported on there completely free to download  and use there's a massive Community out there with   support for troubleshooting and they offer this  nostalgic gaming experience focusing on classic   games so yeah they might not be the latest games  but they are still a lot of fun and there's a lot   of them and you can really just get into some  real genuine good game playay you can pick the   absolute best of the past three or four decades  by using retro Pi so it's definitely something   I would check out and you might want to dropped  the expensive Game Pass instead of that U so I'm   not going to demonstrate retro Pi we've done at  least two shows on retro Pi in the past so you   might want to check those out on the channel I'll  put a link in the description below if you want   to check those out uh but yeah you definitely want  to check out retro Pi one of my personal favorites   there sandwich we can we save if we uh drop um  XBox game pass instead we can save $12.99 per   month by switching to Retro Pi so 7497 in savings  per month now okay let's see what else we have so   if you have novpn you might want to consider using  a free alternative which is called Pi VPN instead   so I've actually not installed this one myself yet  um simply because I don't use vpns very much but   if you use a subscription service such as nordvpn  there are other ones available as well like surf   shark and so on none of these are sponsors  of the show I hesitate to add um but these   ones um basically provide a layer of security  by um encrypting the traffic that goes through   the internet um and making it so when it pops out  the other end um because it does pop out somewhere   on someone's computer and then gets decrypted at  that point um so they they'll talk about security   but it's kind of just moving the goal post a  little bit of where the where the risk would   be and it's really designed for people who want  an easy to use like a very quick to set up VPN   service um and be able to access things like Geo  restricted content like if going to watch Netflix   in a different country so when we're going into  like San Francisco later in the year for open   source if we you want to watch the the British  version of Netflix we could use something like   novpn to pop out back in the UK but we'd have to  pay a a monthly subscription for that so Pi VPN is   an open- Source alternative that runs on Raspberry  Pi's or the compatible devices it can run on your   PCS and Macs as well but designed for rasby pies  uses openvpn or wire guard protocols to create a   secure connection and users you do need a bit of  um technical understanding on how to do this um   but once you've got this set up you basically can  use your own home broadband as your exit point so   you can from any location in the world you can pop  out of your own home broadband just like you would   and therefore Geor restricted content would work  the same way as it would through something like   nvpm so it doesn't provide a network of global  servers uh and the connectivity is Li limited to   which servers you um you have access to yourself  uh but the good thing is it is completely free so   Pi VPN let's have a look at the savings on this  one it's not a massive saving cuz vpn's don't   tend to be that much but I think it's about  $4.99 per month if you currently subscribe to   something like nordvpn Surf Shack that kind of  thing so we can stick in another $4.99 savings   um into our pot so we're nearly at $80 there  per month so if we're leaving um if we want to   consider leaving Windows behind and just having  our daily driver as a rasb pi 5 device you really   want to consider doing that uh the experience is  completely different than a raspby pi 4 or any   of the previous raspberry pies it is just like  a regular desktop PC so let's have a look at   how these compare I put the prices on the bottom  as well just so you can see the difference so I   looked a Dell Optiplex uh by way of comparison  so this has got an Intel i5 processor it's got   six cores running 4.4 GHz and uh it has 8 gig of  RAM and a half a terabyte of storage on an SSD   drive also comes with a case as you would expect  power supply keyboard and mouse now rasby Pi 5   um comes as a bare board Bare Bones board so if  you want to have a case keyboard power supply the   mvme base to be able to store um I can go over to  my overhead camera actually to show you one I've   got set up just here this one is currently set  up with this this robot that I'm building we can   see there it's got uh an mvme uh hat on it this  is a piano hat it's like an unreleased one from   pimber PI but it's also got the mvme drive there  as well providing some uh much needed storage   uh to the raspby pi 5 it's also in the case we've  got the keyboard and the mouse as well these nice   little um Raspberry Pi branded that's the uh the  mouse we bought on cuz uh Jenny's Mouse stopped   working so spec-wise these are very similar so  the broadcom has uh four cores instead of the   six it's running at 2.4 GHz instead of the 4.4  uh but you'll find the the actual experience is   very very similar and the price-wise it's I think  fifth of the price of the dell and um it's very   much very easy to use so let's actually go over  to the uh the Raspberry Pi that I've got um one   of them set up over here we can look at so let's  go full screen on that again let's just jump over   we've got a couple of raspb Pies here that we  can look at so if I launch Chrome for example   so I click on that we're immediately into Chrome  look how quick that is to to load up we go to   Rasberry you can see that it's very very  quick this is full chromium this isn't like a   A reduced version of a browser like we had on  previous versions of rasby Pi this is like a full   um browser so we can go to for example  let's wait for that to load up I've actually not   signed into this so it's basically just saying uh  do you want to sign in and accept everything yes whatever and let's wait for that to start there we go this is more  to do with my my broadband   so there you go some silly short video  playing at the moment we can go back to   the main screen and let's type in  robots see what pops up on YouTube cool so yeah very very usable as a browser  we can also log into all the usual kind of   web services we want to we could even  go to like kev's GPT for example KES and it'll ask me to sign in there  because uh I've got the the authentication   set up on that but we can also go to keev let's go to www.k I Ty that right yes I have uh and there we go  so I've written this article about how to set   up your own next Cloud because I think that's  really the the takeaway from this particular   episode is that's probably something you really  want to consider so what I've done on here I've   uh put everything that you need to know about  how to set this up and what I've created um   I have a repository on GitHub that's called  clustered pi and it has all the stacks as   Docker caum which is kind of all the pre-built  images of things I want to run on my raspberry   pies so we can actually go over to the terminal on  here let's make this a little bit bigger so we can   see what we're doing so shift control and plus  shift there we go hopefully that's uh clear now   so if I go into clustered pi and into the stacks  folder I list this you can see here these are all   the pre-built Docker files the docker composed  files so we need to have Docker installed there   is links in the article that I've just shown you  on kevs robots on how to install Docker there's   even like a course I built to do that uh but we  can see on here all the different things that we   might possibly want to install so uh for example  let's look at um let's look at random facts that's   a little service that I created to provide  random facts to my my K website   so if I go into random facts if I list what's in  there oh actually not included anything in there   let's go for redis instead I'm actually going to  go for redis 2 because I think I was playing about   with this uh let's have a look what's in here so  there's a Docker compos file let me do Docker PS   to see if there's anything running we've actually  got reddish running on there already so if we do Docker compose and then down it will actually  take that offline so let's uh let's do Docker   PS again this is just listing all the different  things that are on here so we can see we've got   Al llama Al llama web access we've got something  called painer which is what something I use for   managing um my docket instances can have a look at  that as well if you like but yeah we've not really   got very many things running on there so if we  want to bring up that ready service if I just do   Docker compose up- d for run this headless then  that's it that's all it takes to bring up that R   service so that's now running um as a service  on that Raspberry Pi so if I do Docker PS we   can now see that uh that redis is now running it  was up 8 seconds ago let's run another service   on here so I've got one that's called let's see  let's try [ __ ] well let's try something you   we can actually see running so I'm going to use  kev's robots that might take a little bit longer   L let's give that a go so if I do CD keves robots  a look what's on there so a few more files on   there but really it's the docker compose file  that does all the work for us so if we do Docker   compose up- D um it'll basically just go off and  fire that off let's do Docker PS and see if we've   got that up and running now so there you go ke  robot latest is now running so if I go over to   this machine so if you do and then 3333  I think is the port that this particular thing   is running on you can see it's brought up a web  server running keev robots very very easily now   you might get the idea that that was instant  to run this because the the container which   it runs in has already been built uh if you're  running this and you've never run it before it   might have to download the different images and  build it and it might take a minute or two to do   that uh but you can see that this is very very  simple so Docker compose down we'll bring down   that container so if we now go back over here we  refresh that page it says it can't find it cuz   it's not running anymore so this is what I love  about Docker and we've I've put together uh for   nextcloud uh a container so let's go over to Let's  see we actually running next Cloud on here I don't   think we are so let's go back a folder let's go  into next Cloud so I'm just going to do get pull   cuz I think I've got got the the new ones I built  today which is jelly and nextcloud let's go into   nextcloud you can see there just that one Docker  container um it's kind of like a recipe on how to   build that so let's let's let's just list the  file and see what's in there so there's just a   bunch of instructions such as this is a service  there's one call database and one call app it's   not running very securely at the moment as you  can see on there but we've got um nextcloud as   the the image that it's going to download the  container is going to be called nextcloud app   it runs on port 8080 it depends on that database  as the back end and it has a volume uh which is   where it stores the physical files so if we do  Docker compose up we've not actually downloaded   this one already and what you'll see is it will  try and um let me what is having a problem with   there so unknown method list volumes um maybe it's  having a problem with that volume name there cuz   that currently doesn't exist so if we do Docker  we do Docker build I think see if it'll build   that no no I'm getting into a model here now so  dock compose build do compose pull so will that   work I'm not going to worry about this now um so  these nor I've got a cluster sell this is what   the difference is on these these four raspberry  pies all work together in what it's called a swarm   um I'm not sure I can easily show you that one  running it Docker swarm to show you the docker status and after because I'm doing a live stream  my brain kind of goes fuzzy on trying to to show   you things I can here when I kind of go a  bit off script uh so essentially I've got   four raspberry pies that all work together as  a cluster uh and sometimes when you try and   run things in that cluster in a way that's not  designed for the cluster it kind of complains   about that uh but I have got if I go back over  to that other uh box so this is box number one   if I go to box number two uh and let's have us  see what we have on there let's just open up a terminal that would me just  installing Libra office as a backup yeah that one that one's misbehaving a  little bit as well I'm not sure what's going on   there with that one either it's a live stream  things always go a bit funny don't they Let's   see we can load up a terminal it's as if there's a  key being held down there we go so if I do Docker   PS there's an awful lot of things running on this  particular machine I just try and stretch this out   a little bit it might make the text bit easier  to read so I've got jelly fin running I have   something that's called mey which is a um recipe  management thing homer which is a home um a home   server platform we'll have a look at that we've  got nextcloud we have Linux um server marad DB   which is the back end for nexcloud I've also got  [ __ ] DB running um octopi um and we have pora as   well so if we go over to that browser um if that's  not behaving I'll go back to this one let's just   open up another Tab and let's go to home dot  kevs I think it is or is it kevmac might be this is Homer so I can  log into this um can't remember what my   username is on this I don't know if it's this  or if it's admin can't remember what I put on here Noe I'm not I'm not going to  remember this in a hurry let's just   try my email address instead  no I was not happy with that one more time on there yeah so anyway Homer  is um um probably something I can show you on   here actually because I would have got the  but I've already got it logged in there we   go so this is what hom looks like um so it's a  way of putting like nice tiles for things like   that meley service which is that home recipe so  this redirects to food. if that one   is actually running let going to look what else  we gotve got the home assistant uh I've got no   red so I can click on that and open my node red  instance as well so it's kind of like shortcuts   to things that I want to share or have access to  Elsewhere on the internet so these are running on   that single Raspberry Pi 5 as well as old Lama  and nexcloud as well so you can see there we've   got a a meal planner let's wait for it to load up  the results there so these are some home recipes   that we put together along with some pictures  things like tji Friday's Black Jack Daniel's sauce   teriyaki chicken burritos lemon merang pie Hamming  Coca-Cola and so on so yeah these are all things   that uh you can put together and it makes it  really easy to sort of put the ingredients and   instructions together side by side as well as  having a nice picture so we can share that as   like our own home recipe book and share that  between us so when Alex is away in Sheffield   or wherever uh she can have access to that as well  so all those things are running on these raspberry   pies and we use Docker and Docker um containers to  very quickly bring those up and have them run and   if the machines restart they will restart those  Services as well cool let's get back to here so   you can see that you can use your Raspberry Pi  uh as a daily driver you can do everything you   need to do you would do on a regular pc like  reading your emails accessing uh the internet   watching YouTube uh for a fifth of the price of  a desktop PC so and that's with all the extra   features like a case and power supply and keyboard  and mouse mvme drives mvme bass um and the raspby   pi itself so £46 is a pretty pretty big bargain  if you ask me uh given what you actually get on   there so the total savings per year if you were to  to do all those things I've just shown you there   would be 923 per year if you basically stop some  of your monthly subscriptions so this is probably   a show to me more than anyone else uh to consider  canceling some of those subscriptions cuz think   about all that money that it would unlock just  by using open source and a bit of a Raspberry   Pi 5 as well so total savings per month $80  total savings per year you're getting very   very close to uh $1,000 that you would save so  totally impressed with that let me know what you   think about that how many would actually apply to  you so you want to help the show you can also get   some Merch online at KES you can these  are really nice at robot maker hats they really   make you stand out and are a bit of a talking  point as well and it also helps support the show   too so head over to C merch for that  and if you want to um help um or you want to get   some help with some of the projects you might be  working on uh you can do no better than going over   to Discord so go to Kev Discord to get  a sign up link for that it's completely free it'll   email you a link if you've not signed up and then  you'll have access to our communities and it's a   growing Community I think there's like over a  thousand people in there now it's it's crazy   uh and it covers up you can basically showcase  some of your own projects on there as well I was   interested in seeing what people have built if  you want to follow me on social media you can do   that as well by going over to uh any of these  different social media channels so on threads   I'm at kevinm threads. net on Tik Tok I'm at  Kevin mle 6 on Instagram I'm Kevin mlea on X   I'm kevm on madon I'm kevm master and on  Blue Sky at kzmac so if you're on there   give me a follow say hi let me see what you're  working on and you'll also get some behind the   scenes pictures things like uh this project I'm  currently working on which is a fortune telling   robot that I'm going to build for open source so  this is a volara you'll hear more about her in   the next coming weeks I'm sure and if you want to  join the uh YouTube channel or the buy me a coffee   you can do that as well and get your name in the  end credits so if you want to do that you can go   to coffee to buy physical coffee you can  do that as a oneoff do that as a monthly thing   depending on what suits your budget and only do  that if you can afford to do that as well please   don't do that if uh you're struggling in any way  I really really okay for money it just helps uh   support the the show so you can do a super thanks  if you're watching this um live now let me just   switch on um stream elements to make sure they  pop up uh you can do a super chat so super thanks   is if you're watching a replay super thanks if  you're watching live uh and you want to get your   name up in a little bubble on screen there and if  you want to join the YouTube membership program   if you click on the join button which is just on  the main player down below once you've subscribed   I think it's replaced by join button and you  can join for the price of a coffee per month   as well okay and then let's have us see what's  next and yes this our subscribers let's give our   subscribers and supporters a shout out so we had  Johnny who bought coffee um this week thank you   for that Johnny we've got some new members so  Kevin became a member very recently as well as   Lee got Alvaro we' got Marie Louise mayor we have  Jeff Johnson we' got Dian CTE we have Marine Brent   Tom shmy and Steve Phillips they're on the bu me  a coffee side on the YouTube side we've got Johnny   got hybrid robotics Warren steel Steven Cross  Jonathan R oxr 39 Vince John Paul Jolly aliser   wear Cassie um we have tinkering rocks JDM Johnny  bites hands from Cheer lights Michael and of   course we have Tom as well so yes subscribe so yes  that's everything I've got for you today so what   should happen now is you YouTube should um suggest  on this area of the screen here some other videos   that you might be interested in such as the Retro  Pi one for example do check those out that also   helps the channel grow and uh YouTube sees that  you like this kind of video content and having a   bit of a binge session so definitely check one of  those out and this is the point of the video if   you're watching this on replay I'll say thank you  so much for watching and I shall see you next time
Channel: Kevin McAleer
Views: 3,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi 5, raspberry beretrojects, rasberry pi 5 projects, save money, subscriptions, ollama webui, ollama, docker, pivpn, libre office, Frigate, raspberry pi, linux
Id: ewgBgbqGt0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 19sec (3319 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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