Boot Your Raspberry Pi from SSD | Ultimate Guide for Faster Performance

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hey everyone welcome back to helan explanations today we are diving into something really exciting like how to boot your Raspberry p from an SSD if you are looking to speed up your Raspberry Pi and enhance its performance you are in the right place let's get started with today's video [Music] [Music] why do we use ssds in the first place what are the primary requirements to boot up from an s SSD all these will be answered in today's videos let's first understand why do we use ssds in the place of hard drives or SD cards we have multiple other sources even cloud storage is one of an option nowadays but not for the boot purpose but yeah cloud storage is also one of the options which gives us fast access and you can access it from everywhere without carrying something in your hand or in your pocket but when you you use this SSD in your computer and if you want to transfer a file with you know no lag in the transform bar you like it right when you have no lag in the transfer bar it gives you some speed and faster transfer rates when you compare with SD cards and hdds out there and what is it use case in Raspberry Pi 5 why do we use it in Raspberry Pi is it really advantagous when we use in Raspberry Pi or is it also having some own disadvantages when we use it in Raspberry Pi [Music] 5 today our use case would be if we use llms like Ama or CH GPT or anything else on Raspberry we need some higher speed of dis to access storage or archives or anything but with use of SD card or a powerful SD card also it can't even match up to 50% of an SSD speed right which gives you on gigs of speed and SD card and megas of speed it don't match literally not even 50% what are some advantages of ssds over SD cards they typically have read and WR speeds which are significantly higher than SD cards and hard drives and durability and readability we leveling error correction endurance SSD utilize Advanced wear leveling techniques right and error correction SSD is often incorporate more sophisticated error connection algorithms when compared to SD cards and head hard drives hard drives also do but not same as when compared to an SSD and endurance also the main thing and the main part is about storage capacity we can even find 256 gigs of storage of SD card but you know using a 1 TB or 512gb SSD would be more advantageous than when you use 128 gigs or 64 gigs of SD card right and performance and consistency or let's say literally both performance consistency sustains performance and and very important thing iops input or output operations per second SSD offers higher iops which translates to better performance for multitasking and handling multiple process simultaneously and when it comes to Raspberry Pi our main thing we have to focus on here is power consumption ssds generally consume less power when compared to traditional hard drives which is literally true right because for a hard drive it typically works on RPM like the base level is 5,400 RPM where an SSD doesn't require some mechanical attributes to the dis right so power consumption is very important when it comes to raspberry yeah SSD is having an advantage over raspberry pipe temperature tolerance is one of the most important thing when it comes to the microcontrollers like raspberry form factor and connectivity that's also one of the important one and latency lower latency higher transfer rates and more faster data retrieval which is crucial for performance intense applications if you go on talking about ssds you will find a lot more but these are typically some use cases when we come to Raspberry Pi usage today we'll see how to boot from SSD what are the boot options that we can use to boot the Raspberry Pi from an SSD is there only one option or two or three let's see all of them and let's also see some secret ingredients to boot from SSD which are really really important because I've tried days booting my raspberry from an SSD which did not work till yesterday but it did work today so I'll tell you what all things you have to buy or what all things you need to have in your home to boot a raspberry from your SSD let's get started to get started we first need obviously an SSD and Raspberry Pi fifth generation which is recommendable if you are living in 2024 and then an SD card could be optional but I recommend you to get an SD card of at least you know 8 gigs or 16 gigs 8 gigs is minimum we just need an SD card to just run a script so you know minimum SD card will be also okay and these two are especially important official 27 wat Raspberry Pi power supply which comes with C type cable and compatible sat to USB cable I'll give you the product links in the description below so you can buy it from there I'm not promoting any product I'll just give you the links to the website it will take you to the website you can buy it from there power supply you can buy it from a website called it will give you a one day delivery and uh it is also a trusted one started USB cable you can even buy it on Amazon itself and cooling system for the P it is recommended for you know longer stability of the Raspberry Pi you need to buy it you have to buy it even if you're dealing with experiments with raspberry and if you are dealing with gpios and all that all those you need cooling system to cool the processor right these are the typical ones we need to boot the raspberry and make sure your internet speed is good let's move ahead with the first process of booting your Raspberry Pi from an SSD the first one is to boot up from the image is the common process that everyone use but but here we'll use somewhat different in here so that you can boot from your SSD one thing you have to keep in your mind is that you're booting your SSD from a USB so choose the USB 3.0 the USB 3.0 generally is blue in color so you can plug your SATA to USB cable in that blue color slot of your Raspberry Pi and then what you're going to do is you are telling your raspberry to boot from from an USB right so first without turning on the raspberry or without connecting the raspberry to your desktop or without even doing SSH into your Raspberry Pi you should just have to tell the raspberry or you should configure the raspberry setting such that the boot order will go to USB first and then SD card or nvme or any other boot options you have right what are we going to do is open the major insert your secondary SD card which I've mentioned before which has minimum minimum amount of space in it go to raspberry and select Raspberry Pi 5 as your device because we'll be using fifth one if you are having an earlier versions like four or anything just select them and then choose the operating system for the operating system we don't choose 64 bit or 32 bit just go down you'll find miscellaneous utility images go there and click here you'll find something called NVM boot okay the second one click on that so it'll generally try to boot from NVM before trying USB and then it will go to SD card it doesn't mean that it'll only boot from nvme or USB and you get worried that oh uh what if it doesn't boot from my SD card again how to Ru that that don't have to worry about that it'll first try to boot from nvme and then USB and then SD card it will just change your boot order okay and choose your storage I'm choosing my secondary SD card and then click on next it'll write to the SD card after completion of that remove our SD card out of your PC and then insert it to your Raspberry Pi without turning it on Mark this word don't turn it on before inserting your SD card after inserting your SD card just turn the Raspberry Pi on plug into the power supply and then your yellow LED on your Raspberry Pi will blink continuously let that blink for 10 to 20 seconds at least so that we can ensure that the script is completely written in the Raspberry Pi and the configuration settings are completely changed so that we can alter the boot order and then after that you can just remove your power supply remove the SD card out and then plug in your USB you SATA to USB cable just keep that plug in we have more process to do and then when you come back to your imager just connect your SSD to your PC and then choose Raspberry Pi 5 remember this is the second step we are doing now now your SSD is connected to your PC choose the operating system which you like to op operate on your Raspberry Pi in my case I'm going with 64bit Raspberry Pi OS you can choose anything if you want general purpose yes or Raspberry p other images yes you're good with it I'm choosing the first one and then choose the storage it's again 8GB SD card but you have your SSD inserted here right so choose that SSD don't choose I mean don't choose the SD card again that's of no use choose the SSD insert the SSD before you know operating this imager so that it'll refresh and give you the SSD option there and close this and you know if you want to change some or edit some settings of your Raspberry Pi or know boot settings if you want to ssh in your Raspberry Pi automatically after booting it up you can see our first video on how to install Raspberry p on your latest new chip so that you you won't have your troubleshooting issues Again the video link will be on the cards or on the end screen so don't miss that you can view that video and then come back here so that you'll you can edit the settings you can directly SSH into your Raspberry Pi and then click on next here so that it'll write to your SSD and then the process is done just take your SSD out put it in in the Raspberry Pi and that's it you're booting up from your Raspberry Pi Congo congrats but what if I want to get my data or you know back up my data from an older SD card which has been running in my raspberry for Just 2 months or 2 weeks but that data is important to me right what if I want to get that data to this SSD and then boot it you know you can you can also do that right Raspberry Pi have some buil-in applications for that let's go and see what are there the second option in our order is to copy our previous data of your SD card to your new SSD so that you can just run your SSD as same as your SD card data but with you know faster read and write rate and you know more things and more Advan an ages of SSD okay what you are going to do is just start your raspberry with your old SD card first okay boot up your raspberry connect it and then what you have to do is click on this raspberry symbol and go to accessories here you can find SD Card Copier right so before connecting your Raspberry Pi to the power supply just connect your SSD to the Raspberry Pi through SATA USB cable to the USB 3.0 Port don't forget that and also you should have your SD card inserted in it which could run Raspberry Pi o on your Rasberry and then connected to the power supply so you have to see an external dis image here which is your external SSD itself if you see that your SSD is successfully connected to your raspberry and it could boot eventually right if you don't see that then your Sata cable isn't compatible with your raspberry so that you have to get a new one I'll just provide the link in the description you can go check out there you can also find some more models and if you don't find my model compatible with yours just let me know in the comment section below so that we could discuss about that and then I'll suggest a new one right I did not insert an SSD here so that I don't see an external disc over here don't worry about me just worry about yourself so here you have to select copy from device I've have mentioned right so select your SD card over here okay your old SD card and copy two device I don't have any devices available over here but you will get your SSD name or your SSD manufacturer name there and then start the copying process right this start will be only enabled if you just uh click on this copy to device and then double click on that s SSD name so that it will be selected there if you single click it it won't be selected okay just make sure you double click it and then start it the copying process will start and your SD card data will be successfully copied to your SSD okay and then close this just uh just shut down your raspberry and what you do is remove the power supply remove our old SD card and one more thing one more thing just go to your uh not I'm sorry go to your terminal we did not configure the raspberry to boot from USB first right in the previous step we have done it through imager and the second SD card but here we have our raspberry operating right so we can do from inside itself so what you do is Pudo rasp config there's the command and uh just I'll just zoom this in 1 minute yeah here go to Advanced options or uh yeah yeah in the advanced options go to boot order okay go to boot order and then select USB or nvme first SD card will be default you choose USB or nvme so that it'll first try to boot from nvme ensure that you don't have nvme on your raspberry so that the PCI is not connected and then ensure that your SSD is connected so that it'll eventually try to boot from your SSD with no delay I guess that one be an issue delay won't be an issue so you can change your boot order from here itself okay don't try to edit uh config.txt that's not suggestable as of now because Raspberry Pi 5 is doing a lot of things and they're doing a lot of changes in this chip so that you don't have to change config.txt and then you know going to config.txt and changing the boot order to you know if it is 64 4 1 you just change it to 41 and then that's not correct actually you just you can go to rasp config and change it there it will change you know it will change after changing this just reboot your raspberry and then remove your SD card out remove the power supply just plug the SSD in and then you can boot it from there you don't have to change your config.txt right and of course Raspberry Pi Fire doesn't allow you to edit your your config.txt in that case you can just enter this in the middle of your uh path of your config.txt what you'll do is firware config.txt this is the newer thing which you can edit you can't edit mean you can't edit uh config.txt directly there they are storing a separate file and separate directory so that you can go there you can change it from there and now your second process is also done if you have any other process to you know generally work out or if you are not being able to boot from these two processes just let me know in the comment section below and if you really want to if you really want to edit your config.txt and do it from there you're good with it you can go but it is not advisable if you do it right these are the two options I could find to boot your raspberry via USB seta cable that's it for this video I've done this video for the future video which is going to be mindblowing because you need your SSD on your Pi so that we could do some amazing amazing projects which are coming ahead I'll give you a surprise at the end don't miss it just watch more 10 seconds ahead don't miss it thanks for hanging there for just 5 to 10 seconds this is the surprise I was talking about so don't stress your eyes much it is visible I know that the coming project is my most anticipated project that I wanted to do on this YouTube channel the main purpose of buying my raspberry is because of this one itself so the coming video is so special for me and it'll be special for you too if you watch it completely from the first to the end so that we'll be building more and more projects on this starting building blocks of AI that's correct helican explanations alas helex is entering into the world of AI with Halo AI module in the beginning and then we'll run some amazing llms on this Raspberry Pi this mini computer which can fit in your pocket itself so imagine the power of that and the power of your your own custom SSD get ready the video will be releasing soon until then signing off [Music] [Music]
Channel: HelEx
Views: 410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RasberryPi5, Linux, LinuxTutorial, techGuide, RemoteAccess, SSH, TechTips, PiProjects, DIYTech, Innovation, NoVNC, WithoutVNC, Bash, MacOS, Windows, AI, SSD, SSDBoot, SSD vs SD, SSD boot guide, Boot from SSD, Improve raspberry pi Prefomance, raspberry pi perfomance, Raspberry pi SSD boot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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