Savannah: The Don'ts of Visiting Savannah, Georgia

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hey there fellow travelers mark here with wolters world and today we're here in savannah georgia the hostess city and yes it is a gorgeous place with beautiful architecture great museums beautiful historic homes cool tours amazing food and this great southern charm atmosphere that you're going to love coming here but we're not going to focus on those things you do do when you come here we're going to focus on those things you don't do when you come to savannah and that's why this video is the don'ts of visiting savannah georgia and my first don't for you i'm going to start actually at the airport is don't freak out when you walk out the airport in the summer time the reason i say that is the heat and humidity here in savannah in july august early september can be super super high super intense and i remember the first time i came to visit jocelyn here she lived here for 10 years i remember i'm in the airport with the air conditioning all this stuff i'm like oh this is great i'm already excited kisses here let's go see savannah and the doors open i go i mean i couldn't breathe because the humidity was so strong and so dense and so it kind of freaked me out the thing is it took like 10 seconds i was okay but that first humidity man don't freak out don't freak out it'll be okay that's why joss will tell you it's like look your best times to come is from october through april or may those are the best times to come actually jocelyn will tell you her favorite times or april and october because you got great weather you got the foliage you've got the the flowers in the spring and all kinds of stuff so that's really cool but that's my first one it's just just fyi for that one my second dome for you is when you come to savannah and really in the south but in savannah specifically don't forget your manners your sunblock and your bug spray okay look don't forget those thank yous and pleases and yes you are going to give your seat up to that nice old lady or nice old man that's in that room with you you're going to do that manners are key here in savannah and anywhere in the south it should be anywhere in the world but here specifically okay so don't forget your manners another don't go along with that is look the sunblock the sun is very can be very hot here very intense and yes we do have these beautiful trees here but the thing is you're going to be walking around the city a lot so make sure you put on your sunblock and reapply and if you're going to go to tybee island and go to the beaches out there man make sure you're lathering up a lot and those bug spray okay the the baseball team now is called the savannah bananas it used to be called the savannah sand gnats which i thought was more appropriate because the sand nets the palmetto bugs which are like big flying roaches yeah those things will freak you out and the mosquitoes although eat you alive in season so make sure you do bring those bug sprays to kind of help out with those things there's cvs and all those places around here you can pick it up but just just a heads up for those now my next don't for you is don't be surprised how friendly the people are here in savannah i mean it's kind of like that you're going to the store and people randomly talk to you and be friendly with you yes that is how it is here people are super friendly that's why it's called the hostess city because people go out of their way to help you be friendly to you show the tourists around and things like that we're at this restaurant it called flying fish and my credit card fell out of the container it went through the slit in the floor they pried open the floor to get my credit card out i'm like well that i mean i gotta cancel it man you didn't need to do that but that's the kind of friendliness you see here in savannah and that's why i really love coming back here because the people are super friendly so don't freak out about it they're not being fake they really are that friendly you know one of the things that might help along that friendliness is don't be surprised if you see a few open containers of alcohol when you're walking around the downtown area look savannah is one of the few places in the u.s where you can walk around with open liquor in a plastic cup no glass containers all plastic and stuff like that you can do that so that kind of is one of those things but just know that don't take that plastic cup of beer or whatever anywhere downtown there's specific places where you can go with that so just a heads up for that one now my next stop for you is don't forget to book your accommodation early savannah is an incredibly popular weekend destination and holiday destination not just for couples and romantics or art connoisseurs or architecture history buffs it's for all kinds of people the girl scouts of america were founded here so in the summer you have girl scout troops going all over the place and they'll have conferences here and all kinds of things because it is such a gorgeous city with usually great weather and so things book up very quickly so if you're going to come here and you want a good place you want to be on base right here at the river street and or wherever you need to book early okay and the thing is if you're looking at st patrick's day which is really popular i mean the st patrick's day parade here in in savannah is one of the biggest in the u.s you really need a book quite early okay now my next stone for you has to do with when you fly in you're coming into the savannah hilton head airport look my next don't for you is don't tell savannians that they're like hilton head it is night and day hilton head versus savannah savannah is his storage center and charm and all kind of stuff like that and hilton head is uh oh it's it's time shares and golf courses okay it's a very different setup so even though the airports had the name together realize the cities are completely different all right and don't again don't call the slovenians hilton headers that will not go over well now my next stone for you is don't be scared when you come to savannah savannah is one of the most haunted cities in america yes you will see ghost tours and haunted tours and all kinds of stuff that you can do when you're here and you'll see the cemeteries you'll see the pie go to the pirates house to eat they'll tell the stories of the pirates and getting shanghaied and stuff like that and realize that there are a lot of ghost stories there are things like that so you don't have to be scared about that but i will say one of the don'ts for the things to worry about is don't be complacent with your safety downtown late at night okay savannah has had a crime problem for a while they're working on it but it is something that tourists should probably take heed too so if you're going out you don't feel comfortable maybe it's time to head to a different part or a different street or head back to your hotel but that is something you really have to consider when you do come here now we stay we're staying here down on river street and bay street stuff like that we haven't had any problems this time but we have seen there have been issues so just a heads up for that one okay but most likely the most dangerous thing you're going to run into as a tourist here is probably the spanish moss when you see the spanish moss around here it looks cool it's that stuff that moss is hanging from the trees like oh that is so cool let me grab it let me touch it let me hold it rub it on me no no no no don't touch it don't rub it on you don't get anywhere near it because the spanish moss is full of little bugs that are going to bite you bite you bite you and make you itch all over so keep it off of you so you got little kids and it falls off do not let them play with it because ouch oh mommy it itches and it just that will happen okay now another thing that kind of throws the tourists off here so i want to give you a donut on this one is don't think that the monuments inside of the square have anything to do with the actual name of the square so it can kind of throw you off for one squares name this but the monuments to this person and that there's another square named out of that person in a different and a different monument there it gets really confusing so just be like hey what square is it at don't do the monument thing just say which square you're going to also with those squares don't forget how to drive around the square that is one of the things that frustrates the locals the most is tourists driving the squares look if you're going to be coming up on the squares here and there's lots of them is when you have to realize this you have to give way to the people that are already going around the square okay so if you're coming to a square you have to let the other cars go around first you don't just go right into it and sometime that can be confusing because you're on a straight road going and then all of a sudden you're out of square you have to realize you know i have to stop even though it's a straight road i wait for them to go around and then i can go it's one of the biggest things i see tourists make mistakes and that's where i see the most car accidents here in savannah so do have a heads up for that and i guess another don't i have for you is parking don't oh it sucks to park downtown here in savannah there are a few parking garages and but there but there's not a lot of them and it gets really frustrating to find parking so that's one thing is you're going to stay downtown and they valet park you and you will have to pay the valet parking for it just valley park it leave it there and then just walk around the historic part of town because you can do that easily the trolley tours and stuff like that you can do to hop on hop off there's plenty of stuff for that i guess that would be another don't i have to use don't skip the trolley tours that and actually any kind of tourists here because savannah has some of the most excellent tour guides in the country i mean they have to take tests to be the tour guides here it's really great and if you're going to take one of those trolley tours you know take it from the savannah city history museum where the georgia state railroad is over there really two fun museums to go to it's also where the the children's museum is too so you can have a nice like day there with the kitties too you hop on the trolley it takes you around the town gives you a great tour of the city with great explanations so when you walk around and see these beautiful buildings you know the history behind the davenport house another don't in savannah is don't mess with the meter maids pay your pay wherever you're parking you make sure you're paid up because they will get you about five seconds after it expires also there are sweep zones in much of the historic district so it'll be like a weird time in the middle of the night and i remember running out and pouring down rain and well all kinds of weather to move my car before the meter may got there or before the sweeper got there so don't mess around with those because you will get tickets and those fines double and triple and oh man you can get your car booted real quick so don't mess with the meter maids make sure you pay those meters and don't park in the sweep zones what other don't i have to do is if you are going to be driving downtown don't get too close to the line when you're driving on bay street that's that kind of main draft that goes to the city because you have big trucks that actually go through there and johnson has lost a mirror off the side of her car and you will see that so do pay attention when you're driving down bay street because it can be pretty bad okay another don't i have for you is don't think savannah is just the historic center yes you have the bells going off and the great tour guides and the great trolleybuses see they're ringing to say hi you have these fantastic peoples but don't think it's just the historic center they've got all kinds of other fun stuff you can do you can go out and explore and yes i do make fun of hilton head but you can go golfing there and doing that but for me what you want to do is you want to head out to tybee island and hit the beach there with the beach bars and get your beach cruiser and ride around there and you can have a lot of fun when you are here and that's why i say don't be surprised if you fall in love with savannah because it's got something for everybody it's got the history it's got the architecture it's got great museums it's got great people great food great atmosphere beach you know i think it really sucks is the you know the hot weather where i'm melting away here all right honestly this place is fantastic and you will not regret coming here if you want to learn more about coming to savannah maybe loves and hates of coming here i have a video on that we have done the south in general which i really recommend you watch as well which covers you know don't think tea here is not sweet because it's always sweet tea and what is it the difference between barbecue and all kinds of stuff we talk about that in our southern food video we have all kinds of stuff to get you prepared to enjoy this beautiful city and this beautiful part of the country of the southeast and savannah so i'll say bye from here in savannah georgia's the hostess city if you want to learn more check out our other travel videos on or here on our youtube channel waltersworld we're also on twitter facebook instagram of course youtube and we really appreciate your likes subscriptions we hope you have a great time here in savannah but don't worry you will it's a beautiful place bye from savannah
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 346,937
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: 450hWeT7gqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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