Savage Opress Scenes (Clone Wars)

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pharaoh try not to draw attention to yourself that won't be a problem for me savage [Music] and him [Music] these men are to your liking sister we must be vigilant pharaoh brother get out the witch where is she where are the warriors i came for [Music] show yourself there are only two of us left brother but only one will survive no not if i can help it stick together we must work as a team go as long as i live you will not harm him please spare him take me okay my life is yours [Music] he has surrendered his life to me this one is strong a perfect male specimen uh he is ready sisters look at the strength [Music] ah no brother weakling good very good yes sister and enchanted blade blessed with our most potent magics savage [Music] [Music] proof of your abilities as a warrior a temple it is essential that we seize the temple if the separatists ever hope to take control of that corner of the galaxy yes my lord um jedi yes the temple has been taken and the jedi did very well my lord you have done well savage i'll have much use for you thank you my lord i foresee we will do great things together i shall teach you the ways of the dark side i am your servant [Music] master uh with the proper training you could be a powerful warrior you have a natural ability but we must hone it are you up for the challenge of putting your hate to better use yes master theron correct you are obi-wan a creature of the same species he is from dathomir dathomir is the planet where maul was raised eredonia is where the rest of the males of the species dwell you must strengthen your connection with the force my apprentice feel its power within you you ask is impossible must connect with your hatred do not think of anyone or anything else your anger is your strength i hate you good how does one defend against such power and i am sending you on an assignment to toy daria yes my master it will be done [Music] [Music] so [Music] yes [Music] [Music] ignorant beast forgive me my master that's no way to treat your apprentice remember where your true loyalties lie with you mistress [Music] get up kill him you fall i can't he's too powerful they're not after us [Music] i was betrayed by ventress the jedi are after me i'm not nearly strong enough to defeat them all i i don't understand who will teach me a brother but all of my kin were killed how will i find him you have an important destiny to fulfill savage has suffered a humiliating betrayal at the hands of our own assassins of bajo press that in the creation of a new menace in the galaxy savage oppressed caught in a deadly game of revenge between ventress and doku savage barely escaped the carnage beaten and alone he returned to mother towson his creator who gave him a new quest mother thompson this dust it's a clue uh cargo you just dropped off what planet did it come from take me there okay okay you're not gonna kill me are you just my luck i gotta go back to that scrap pile floating in space just get moving fine i guess things could be worse though i'm not sure how he is close get brother no no not when i'm so close hey big guy i don't have time for you over here what do you know about it we've got everything here i can get you what you want i think i can manage on my own show me something show me which way to go leave me alone it's not show me fire breathers follow me yeah looks like [Music] [Music] wow go my brother i've been searching for him have you seen him how old over there this is it i can see that [Music] mother thompson she betrayed me my brother must be dead she's not the only one who betrayed you is that you brother is that you brother you stop there what have you done with my brother answer me it can be you are the brother i've been searching for yes we are we are brothers i know i am your blood never ready for my leftovers who did this to my brother are you part of this i found him this way you should have been helping him this is where you live how long have you been here you have been lost my brother do you remember who you are where you came from your legs who who took them you remembered your mercy master mercy is a lie a deletion of the peak to think themselves patience brother we're almost home brother brother we have to go fine stay here mother what happened here where are the rest of the sisters sent his minions to destroy us he is damaged he doesn't remember much of his old life but he does remember something something or someone named kenobi it is an obsession know what [Music] brother my my legs they have been restored by mother towson and yet you survived [Applause] my hatred get my spirit intact even though my body was not out of balance yes there is conflict the clone wars oh yes so it began without me you can begin again brother destined to become so much more then you must have your revenge my brother brother what are we doing here the jedi won't be out this far in a galaxy in the galaxy at war savage there is only one way to get the attention of the jedi slaughter of the innocent whoa the savage [Music] oh [Music] thank you what a surprise animal and you have a brother a death a mere witch she betrayed me she knows too much destroy here [Music] uh we're outmatched you want to run i learned from watching you come on what now brother do we go after them no we will be patient savage i've waited so many years for my revenge i can wait a little longer but the jedi will know that you have survived they will be coming for us death and destruction darth maul and savage opress after rescuing his brother from despair sauvage and maul murder and pillage at every turn fueled by rage and vengeance they search for meaning in their new alliance as reports of their brutal attacks spread across the galaxy look brother a fortune ships are meaningless without a plan to survive the jedi are hunting us we will be forced to make a stand and we will deal with them they are too many to continue we need one singular vision brother let us share our strength no need for dominance between us always two there are my brother a master and an apprentice and you are the apprentice so it is time for a lesson you have grown so powerful and i shall complete your training not as your brother but as your master we will make you rich jedi brother found us too soon um [Music] this way [Music] both [Music] come my apprentice this plan has failed but we will have another [Music] opportunity [Music] [Applause] [Music] our engines have been compromised get to the escape pod it's too late trust me apprentice evil alliance darth maul and savage oppressed unknown space [Music] [Music] savage [Music] rest apprentice you're safe i'll cry are we prisoners another weakness i see you have your strength back i am maul this is savage this duchess of yours will soon discover the true burden of peace [Music] a battalion brother they will serve us well we seek an army ships and weapons this is your last opportunity to join us hmm very well then [Music] it would seem the decision to join us is now yours there are many things the hots influence and possess that would be useful to us your lives in exchange for hot space in everything in its borders true [Music] um let them go they're only bounty hunters they have no in agents sir the hutts have escaped except one [Music] where are the others kill him oh tatooine tatooine [Music] give up jabba you're the only ones left your press publishing a vast criminal i empire this love will betray us we have no the promise of wealth will find us a new face on mandalore let's go k-pop you wigglings this monster will not trouble the people of mandalore any longer duchess have fled and cowardice while the death watch brought these criminals to justice your new prime minister pre-business you with the lords of the most feared crime families in the galaxy fizzler has captured the support there is still time for us to put in place let us escape and we shall find one page who do you mean brother fizzler has imprisoned the duchess here other political advisers of hers will be within these walls who will suit our purposes well hey quiet youtube are you not what do you want you monster nothing yet but i will have a use for you in time really thank you for being so cooperative i'll neck right [Music] bonjour press enterprise fast criminal empire raped including the renegade death watch soldiers but we will find them the duchess appears to have contacted the jedi just as anticipated good if you have dodged a prime minister mandalore is a sovereign planet and you will maintain its neutrality and what of the jedi my world quiet vengeance is in front of us i never planned on killing you but i will make you share my pain do we kill him now brother let him drown in his misery hmm my sense of presence the presence i haven't felt since [Music] master i am how unfortunate master you have become a rival uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] brother i am an unworthy apprentice i'm not like you i never [Music] was mercy please
Channel: Journal of the Whills
Views: 2,684,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CnUNRcd1EaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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