Sausage Gravy Recipe and Biscuits Recipe Tutorial S2 Ep277

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guys look at this gorgeous meal this is sausage gravy on homemade flaky biscuits nothing better than this give this a try you're going to love it it's such a good [Music] escort [Music] [Music] and [Music] well howdy folks welcome back to Texas cooking today on this episode we're going to be making an old-world breakfast dish now you can do this for dinner also my mom did it for us occasionally for dinner it's just so good this is a very simple basic old-world country cooking this is sausage gravy on top of homemade biscuits so guys let me show you how it's done come on let's go there we go hey guys this is a wonderful simple old-world dish like I said now first thing you're going to need is to get you one of these little chubs of sausage okay whatever kind of sausage you like the most that's the one to go with this is not a matter of oh you have to get this brand or that it's this is a matter of to taste so whichever of those patty sausages you like go with that our biscuits let's start with those biscuits are going to be 2 cups of flour now I like to use a high gluten flour you don't have to just an all-purpose will work fine for this I have 3/4 of a cup of milk you can also use half and a half on this recipe 2 tablespoons of lard I know that sounds strange but yeah lard it makes your biscuit lighter and flakier works guys you really need to try it I'll be using 6 tablespoons of butter now your lard your butter your milk flour all of these ingredients need to be as cold as possible when you go to working them and that's important and I'll explain it in a little bit in addition you'll need a two and a half teaspoons of some baking powder 1 teaspoon of salt oh yeah and we're going to get all that mixed together we're going to turn it into some Magnificent biscuits now I want to teach you what cutting-in means and how to do it so we'll get onto that in a moment for your gravy you're going to be needing three to four cups of your choice milk half-and-half or cream on this one I'm using 1/2 three quarters excuse me one third of course one third of a cup of flour to make the roux for our gravy it's going to be so good so guys let's get on with making these biscuits get those in the oven and then we'll start cooking up that sausage come on okay guys let's get on with making what's called rolled biscuits and that means the kind of rolled out before you cook them this is a really simple thing you have to create small bits of fact meaning butter and or lard or both in between the or small bits of fat inside of this flour basically and so that's what we're going to do we're going to do what's called cutting in first thing I need to do my flour into a larger bowl that's the ball I'm going to use to work all of this out and the item I'm going to do this with is a little goodie called a pastry blender guys I've had this one for next two forever it still serves me well I've been using it for decades quite literally so please don't spend the $2.50 it cost to get one of these and have yourself a pastry blender for any time you need it whenever you are going to be mixing together lots of little powdered goodies along with fats and stuff the first thing you want to do is handle your powder items so we're going to put our baking powder right down in there that's a double acting baking powder and I want one teaspoon of salt to put with that now as I do with things I measure salt into my hand and that's what I've done here that's one teaspoon of salt we'll put that in there I'm just going to kind of work those items together there we go so that's ready for the fats now this was six tablespoons of butter and if you look on the outside of a package of butter it's actually labeled so you don't have to guess how much tablespoon you can just cut it according to the labeling once you get used to it it's not that difficult but you can also lay your packaging out flat and it shows you right where to cut isn't that handy there's the two tablespoons I don't need and the rest of this is going to get cut into smaller pieces and like I said guys the color your fats are the butter and the lard the better off you are for this dish and there's an importance there put that inside and the important thing about that and what you need to know about it you don't want the butter or any of the fats for that matter melting while you're working them into the flour get my lard in here also let's go ahead and start cutting this in and then the last ingredient I have back here is this is going to be half in half in my biscuits I'm making a little more rich but I need to cut this butter in now let me get this camera angle right down in the bowl so you can see what I'm doing okay now you can see the butter and fat will collect on my pastry blender just knock it off you see how it's breaking it into smaller pieces what I'm looking for is to break all of this down into little pieces about like so and that's what we call about pea size so making your fat just right is important as I mentioned making good biscuits the color your ingredients the better off you are if a little bit of that flour gets kicked out of the bowl don't despair it happens see that didn't take that long and look at what we have we have this flower with all those little bits in it just like I was looking for okay and like I said that's what makes for flaky biscuits as these are cooking up what happens to make them flaky is the flour separates just a little bit from those fats and when they do that it acts like a fried layer there and it forms these little thin layers so the same exact way a puff pastry works guys biscuits are in a way related to puff pastries that way now our cream won't add in just a little bit at a time I said cream half and a half more just keep working it in until you have a dough the rest of it okay the moisture in that cream acts as a binder on that the next thing we have to do is get some flour out here so we can work this into biscuits well here we go to work your biscuits out this is simple guys and don't forget turn your oven on you're going to need that sucker at 425 degrees and you're going to need a sheet pan or a piece of foil to cook these up on first thing you want to do is to flour your hands get some on that board that way your dough is not going to stick to you or your board the whole idea there to make things easier to work there we go I'm trying to get all the rest of that out of there the important thing about biscuits do not overwork that dough you see how I'm just kind of giving it a light workout here I'll guess out that workout is over I'm going to use a little more flour more on top if you don't have a rolling pin for this you can just press it out flat with your hand you don't have to make huge honking biscuits guys that's about a half inch thick and it's only about a flippin diameter okay and that's going to make some biscuits that are Oh about three quarters of an inch to an inch in thick if you want thicker biscuits you know those real puffy ones don't roll it out quite as much as this and you're going to need probably a larger batch if you're going to want a lot of them now guys if you don't have anything to cut biscuits out with that means that you're normal okay a biscuit cutter isn't exactly the first item that everybody has in their kitchen a glass works just fine and this is the old-world way of doing it remember this is an old-world dish so let's stick with old world techniques there we have it I'll transfer these over to my cooking sheet my baking sheet and I have biscuits ready to go and that nice now some of them stick I'm not going to use a scraper to free them up just like that and all of the rest of this dough is going to be gathered up and made into what biscuits that's right just because and I want to make one last one and it's going to be just a little bit imperfect and guess what that's just the way the world is isn't it there's always one that's just a little bit imperfect all right biscuits are ready to go on the baking sheet and get baked up now the thing of it is some of these that are thin doesn't really matter guys because we're going to drench them in gravy and it's really the crusty part of the biscuit that matters for that okay guys now it's time for us to get on with what we're doing here I have my oven heating my biscuits are sitting up over here my pan is ready to cook up my sausage and gravy in and my goodies for that right down here so what I'm going to do is we are going to cut the tip off of this little retaining clip right there little metal clip cut that pull it back and I want to squeeze what's in this chub right out and you want to remove what's in here we have to do is grab the end and kind of give it a twist and keep doing that and it will force out very cleanly everything it's in that chub okay I kind of figured out this little little trick some years back there you go it's all extracted clean and what little is left on the tip there is sort of inconsequential if you know what I mean if you don't drag it out I guess you can but that's my time we're telling me in five more minutes to put them biscuits in the oven okay now let's turn on the heat for that sausage I'm going to take a spatula I'm just going to break this up so what I'm looking for here is crumbled sausage plain and simple and the other thing I'm looking for is the fat that's in this sausage guy this is guys this is real important what we're going to be doing here is making a gravy why is fat important to gravy well it is it's a part of the whole binding process and there's a great deal of flavor in the process so everything that I can cook out of that meat into the bottom of the pan being anything that Browns and any oils and fats that come out of it that is enhancement to my gravy it's all done in this one pan guys and you're going to be really amazed at how this works and there's a trick that I'm going to show you that's going to push you past people that are amateurs at making this dish and I'll show you what that is here in just a little bit and I want to set this over a medium-high heat guys pan has come up in temperature now what I'm doing here by turning it you're chopping it as it cooks it'll cook together and if you do this that will break it back apart until those nice little crumbles we're looking for so guys as you see this is a beautiful delightful meal we don't need to season this alright think about it all the seasoning is already in there that is a process to meat there's plenty of sodium in it there's plenty of spices and flavors in it everything is already built in right there my timers about to go off for my biscuits once you've done this long enough let me tell you this gets in the oven guys whoo there we go guys biscuits in the oven now I'm going to go ahead and set my timer and usually my biscuits take around 10 to 12 minutes so that's exactly what I'm going for and I wanted to set this for 10 minutes check it and if it needs a few extra that's what I'll do so as you see here hey it's not that tough is it now this step right here is important even though this has lost most of its pink and started to turn a little bit on the gray side I want this to cook down just a little bit more I want it to develop some Brown I want it to get some Brown on the bottom of the pan that's flavor guys what that is that's carmelization and that's where you're basically starting to brown sugars and getting them to stack on top of one of each other carmelization and it's really cool it leads to these complex and very delicious flavors that's that searing on the outside of the meat that makes it so tasty caramelization two things are happening on the outside of meat right here let's take a close-up and I'll explain those two actions for those of you that are watching the cook alone tutorial come over a little closer guys lookee here see how the meat has kind of turned to this grayish brown color there and what's happening here is you've got two different things happening at once you have a maelard reaction okay and that happens more so it's more recognizable and things like bread than it is and things like meat but it's still happening and that is a reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that causes it to change color to a grayish or brownish color so that's one kind of browning that's happening here the other type of browning is what's going on down here in the skillet and that's what you see up here on the side this right here this is brown color is actually caramelize ation and that's an effect that we're going for right now so I'm doing two things I'm rendering out some of the fat it's in my sausage and the other thing I'm doing I'm causing the flavor buildup in this to only been a couple of minutes and I'm starting to get that oil release I'm looking for and a little bit of that browning that I've been looking for a nice let's take another close-up at that so you can really see that browning I'm talking about you see that edge that Brown edge up in here that's what we're looking for I'll let it keep on cooking I don't want too much of that guys I don't want everything to get kind of dark and overcooked because we ik that's just not cool this is about patience if you try to rush this by hitting it with too much heat you're really really going to mess it up things have to take the amount of time they take sometimes that's my timer telling me I have five minutes left to check my biscuits so we're five minutes in on that bake now you'll notice I don't try to break all of the sausage into tiny tiny pieces there's some big pieces in here and there's some small pieces and I want them all mixed in together because you know it's that the kind of random variety that makes for good sausage gravy nobody wants just specks of sausage and the gravy they want pieces now at this point you're going to need a separate bowl you're going to be placing all of that sausage into a separate Bowl to make your gravy guys this is the point that I really wanted to make in this show and I've seen this mistake in a lot of other people's and I would like to say hey angry grandpa and kid behind the camera sorry to have to say this when you're making your sausage gravy you don't flour the meat guys okay and there's a good reason behind it if I put flour on this meat there's a little off the side there if I put flour in this meat it's going to happen is it I'm going to end up with a some nasty needs first of all the the meats going to have a really bizarre yucky kind of texture to it and it's not going to cook the flour properly and the reason is the flour on bottom is going to get cooked thoroughly but the flour on top well and if you'll look here this is a perfect example do you see how some of the meat is feeling a lot great some of its turned very Brown your flour will end up being cooked exactly the same way and we don't want that affect what we want and this is the point right here half of my need is brown this is the point where I want to go ahead and get my flour in there so what do I do I pull my meat up to one edge what that's doing is its allowing that fat to flow down and the idea here is I'm wanting to keep as much of the fat as possible down in that pan that fat is what's going to be a part of my roof now guys in addition to the fact that I have in here which is substantial there's more than enough really but I want to bring a little more flavor to it so I'm going to add some butter to that now this is salted butter so it brings a unique kind of flavor to your roof I will put my flour in here and I'm going to switch from using the spatula to a whisk I put my flour in this sprinkle it in give it a stir sprinkle some more in now as I mentioned we don't flour the meat okay if I don't properly cook this flour in this room I'm going to end up with some real problems on it so let's take a look at this I want you see how it has a light color to it right now kind of a butter and flour color mixture I'm wanting that to turn to a light tan about the color of a peanut is the way I like to describe it this light hand color means that that butter is starting to brown that the flour has gotten cooked off at that point and it's ready to receive the cream or the milk whichever way you're going with it and what's going to happen here this mixture this roux is going to foam up and it's going to cook really beautifully you guys at this point if you want to once your biscuits are most of the way cooked just shut down the oven it'll keep cooking on the residual so you see the color I'm getting there is a little more tan light now now one of the reasons it's changing color here dies is because it's also picking up some of that Fond that we built in the bottom of the pan now the Fond what that is that's that caramelized surface that's what they like to call that as a fawn see how this has gotten cooked down now folks look at this that's when your biscuits are cooked right there all right let's go ahead and get busy making this gravy you see how I pour it in there just go ahead and get it on in that roots thickening as we speak there we go now two things that are going to happen there guys if you're not used to doing this I am used to doing this but if you're not used to doing this something that you might want to take note of when I was pouring my milk in there if I went too slow as you saw it started building up on the edges and started getting thick if you do it at the wrong speed you're going to have lumpy gravy okay if you end up doing it Oh too fast you may get your gravy too thin another while suits thick enough and will turn my heat down to a medium to thicken this up because the bubbling I'm getting is beautiful I'm starting to see the bottom of the skillet a little bit as I stir it add a little more my cream remember we started with three cups and I said it would take three to four and the reason I say three to four guys it depends on the flour the same measurement of two different kinds of flour will give you two different gravies okay meaning that one gravy might be a little thicker than the next if you use exact amounts flours weird that way now that we have this beautiful gravy wonderful gravy this is where the chef does what the shift does you want to give a spoon you want to find out what this tastes like does it need adjustment do I need to put in seasoning salt anything like that mmm yes I do it's delicious but it's flat so I'm going to add salt right there it's about 3/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon and will drop some black pepper in it and I want a teaspoon or two of black pepper now always remember that lesson taste it find out is it flat is it bland does it need something it's getting thick again thicker than I want we'll put the remainder of my half-and-half in there and I may have called it milk earlier but I'm using half and half today guys it gives a little more rich flavor it simply has more butter fat in it now let's do our taste test again I need to adjust that again or not mmm Oh yummy spot-on perfect now that my gravy tastes right it's time to get get that sausage in there ladies and gentlemen we now have full on real-deal sausage gravy now let me tell you something about this you're going to want to go ahead and allow your sausage when your sausage gray be sitting you want to go ahead and cover it don't allow this to sit open the little skin over turning off that heat to it my gravy is finished my biscuits are ready to go looks like all I need to do is pull s and fruit and turn this into a beautiful beautiful breakfast let me get this out of here and get this covered now guys I have set myself up a little plate with some fruit on it I like some berries with my breakfast let's take one of these biscuits look at that look at the flaky quality on that how it's coming apart what did I tell you about keeping those fats separated out isn't that too cool now I want to take one of these thin biscuits like it is we're just going to stack him right here just like so there we go now time to fill it up with some gravy best part right here and the guys plating is so important because let me tell you something when it comes to plating when it comes to the foods that we eat well the first thing that we do is we eat with our eyes okay and if what we're having isn't appealing to the eye then it's not going to be enjoyable so it needs to really stand out there you have it beautiful isn't it sausage gravy this gets a whole what a wonderful delight all right there it is guys that is a gorgeous and wonderful dish you gotta try this out this is old-fashioned country versus country country cooking folks and let me tell you when it comes to it flavors I can't wait nothing like the gentle crunch of a perfectly flaky biscuit these beautiful one and tons of this sausage cooled by that cream gravy guys there is nothing like a country-style creamy gravy the flavors and then you throw that sausage in there unbelievable give this a try you'll love it thank you very much for watching my show guys I do appreciate it in to my subscribers I would like to say cheers and a special thank you to you guys for those of you that write in regularly I would like to say thank you to you I do appreciate your support it is very appreciated guys if you haven't subscribed please do please share my videos click the like button it does help me out and if you would also have a good day good [Music] you
Channel: Texas Cooking Today
Views: 58,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sausage Gravy, Flaky Biscuits, recipe, cooking, breakfast, Texas Cooking Today, Chef Trotter, sausage gravy recipe, gravy recipe, biscuit recipe, how to make sausage gravy, how to make gravy, how to make country gravy, country gravy recipe, how to make biscuits, Stuart Trotter, biscuits and gravy recipe, biscuits and sausage gravy recipe, biscuits, biscuits and gravy
Id: UlZ1EK1mvZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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