Sausage and Peppers - Italian Style - Recipe by Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Ep. 73

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hi guys I'm Laura Vitale and on this episode of Laura in the kitchen I'm going to show you how to make a classic Italian sandwich sausage peppers and onions now it's very easy but it's one of those things where any Italian household has their own recipe for and this happens to be my favorite way of making it to sing when my mother makes it my grandmother makes it it's super super easy and so incredible all right let's go over the ingredients so we can get started okay you're gonna need some crusty rolls of course you're also going to need some red bell peppers that I've cut in strips some just regular onions and I'm going to use talent turkey sausage but you can use any kind of salt that you like some red wine some sliced garlic of course you also need the basics which is salt pepper and some olive oil you don't have to use the expensive extra-virgin olive oil in this case you can just use a regular olive oil now this like I said it's my way of making it and it's the same way as my mother makes it so I know it's pretty good I know it's really good actually but the only difference is I'm using turkey sausage this is Italian turkey sausage but you can use any kind of sauce that you'd like I just happen to like turkey sausage and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut them in half okay this is Brees this is why I love it so much because if you cut them in half you're gonna get maximum Chris penis and that is a big reason why her sausages anyway my mother makes them are so good because she makes sure that there are crispy everywhere here we go we have our sausages prepped all right now I have to go over to the stove so we can start cooking up now I have a nonstick skillet here with somewhat of a high side you want to scale it to be and I have it over medium-high heat with about two tablespoons of regular olive oil and then I'm gonna put them cut side down whoa you want to make sure it's nice and hot your sausages cut side down and we don't have to we just want to get them nice and brown and crispy on the outside because we're gonna finish cooking them with the rest of the ingredient it's gonna be so so good I can't wait all right just a few minutes on each side so were nice and brown and crispy and golden my sauces are perfect if I want some crispy golden brown on both sides just gonna take these out whoa here we go now in all religious juices now we're gonna add in the bell peppers and the onions now these were just two red bell peppers and those huge huge yellow onion here we go I'm going to salt it remember all the season every element on your dish here we go and a little pepper and just want to work this oh so everything's coated with the oil on the drippings from the sausage we're not gonna have the garlic from yet because I want this to cook down and for that to happen it's gonna take probably needs to be tender crisp about ten minutes or so you want to have a really nice color to it but not be too mushy and then at that point we'll add in the garlic for the last few minutes with the wine so you can cook everything together represent onions are perfect I try to use junk um I'm gonna add in my garlic it instantly goes called awesome oh yeah love it I can't wait to have a sandwich something so so good now you notice that I'm not putting any sauce in here because my family it's considered a sausage parm if you put sauce into the thing like this no pepper I like this it's considered a sausage par and we're not making that one making the sausage and pepper sandwich the garlic is in been in for about 30 seconds now we're going to add in the red wine this is my mother's secret not so much an excuse anymore though without a half a cup scraping all those bits from the bottom get a hand someone ever use too much now I'm going to put the sausages back in nestle them in so we can finish cooking them through remember we cut these in half for maximum Chris penis all right then that goes in and that's gonna cook for another I would say maybe seven to eight minutes until everything is kind of reduced and the sausages are cooked all the way and then we're going to finish up a basil and then we're going to dig into this beauty here we go guys the sausages are cooked through this is perfect the vegetables are still a little crisp but mostly cooked down kind of finish this just like my mother does with just torn big leaves basil smells so incredible now I'm using mild sausage but you can use sweet you can use hot and you use a combination whatever you want just gonna make a sandwich for my stuff now it's kind of equine yeah nice thing rusty just like I like it mmm and I do about a sausage and a half per person just like that like I said if you wanted to make this a parm you might want to add some marinara sauce to this put a little provolone pop it on a broiler and it's perfect but for me this is just what I like all right cut this in the middle look at that that is amazing that's moisture that's fabulous right there it's gonna be so hot but at the risk of burning the roof of a meal I'm doing it mmm just like I remember eating it as a kid it's so perfect so easy it's just a basic but it's unbeatable mmm this is such great hanging out food with your friends there's nothing better than a good Italian sandwich either guys that enjoy spending time with me to get this right between other recipes check out my website visit
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 474,125
Rating: 4.8633223 out of 5
Keywords: italian sandwich, recipe, italian, peppers, onions, vitale, sausage recipe, italians, italian sandwich recipe, sausage, Sec Main Course, sausage and peppers, laura, sausage and pepper recipe, cooking show, cookware, kitchen, appliances
Id: TLnDSHr8gdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2010
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