Homemade Cheesesteaks - Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 283

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hi guys I'm Laura Vitale on this episode of Laura in the kitchen I'm going to show you how to make cheese sticks at home they're much easier than you think to make it Oni just a few ingredients and trust me I have made cheese sticks in my life so let's go over the ingredients to get started you're going to need some thin slices of steak I'm using sirloin you're getting a large onion thinly sliced salt pepper a little olive oil your cheese of choice and some buns that's it now in this large nonstick skillet I have about 2 tablespoons of olive oil over high heat and it's really important that you do everything over high heat because you don't want to overcook you just want to get develop a nice amount of color and fast so to those onions just to get the moisture to come out and cook down quicker I'm gonna salt them because salt brings out the moisture and everything as we know I'm also going to put such a pepper on them I'm going to let these cook for about 5 minutes or until they develop a lovely golden color my onions look great now you can care like cook them even longer if you want them super mushy I don't like that I like them for them to have color but still have texture my personal preference but to each his own cook them however you like now you're going to have to most likely due to some batches unless you have it just a huge you know stovetop grill like in the restaurants do I don't have one of those so we're going to have to cook the steaks in batches over high heat with some olive oil one layer you want to do always on a single layer because you won't develop color otherwise you'll just kind of steam the meat but you won't sear it so just put everything in one layer and these cook within a minute they're so thin make sure you salt pepper every single layer again just about one two ready already cook through you just want to pile them up and put some cheese on top you can use any kind of cheese you want and I'm going to do two without onions and two with onions and then you can serve them whatever roll that you have I love these little crispy rolls and you just cut them in half like so and then add the cheese is starting to melt scoop it up put it in there now I have made my share of cheese sticks in my life that's why I can pretty much do these with my eyes shut now I'm going to do is continue with my next batch and I'll show you what those look like when they're done just top them with a bit more cheese and like I said you can use pretty much any kind that you prefer let it sit on there for about 30 seconds or until it starts to melt right in your crusty roll and you can put ketchup in here if you want to I'm just a plain American cheese fried onion state okay that's it because that's just how I prefer it but again to each his own so it makes the world go round after all dip turn this off this is going to be my personal one and then you always take your knife you sink it in okay and then and that's it now if it looks like I was rushing it's because when you make a cheese steak like I said you have to do everything so so fast because this kind of meat you just want to cook until it's cooked through if I would cook this for 10 minutes it would be so tough you wouldn't even be able to bite it it would like the whole thing will come with you because you couldn't even chew through it mmm ha but why mm-hmm so I hope you enjoyed spending time with me to get this recipes another this recipe and others will WWWE at home yeah
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 667,373
Rating: 4.9217649 out of 5
Keywords: Meat, Cuisine, easy, delicious, Kitchen, Commercial, super bowl recipes, chicken, homemade, superbowl, Restaurant, how to make cheese steak, simple, Sec Main Course, Recipe, Cheesesteak, cheese steak, Food, Cooking, Recipes, recipe, cookware, kitchen, appliances
Id: m3elsEKCS8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2012
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