How to Make Giada's Sausage with Marsala Sauce | Food Network

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in Italy getting sausage and peppers is like getting a hot dog from a cart here in America my version combines peppers with onions and herbs I Brown sweet Italian sausage and add Marsala wine for rich tangy sauce sausage peppers and onions are hearty and satisfying I'm just putting some olive oil into my pan and heating it up to about medium-high so I'm just going to add some turkey sausage to my pan and we'll just turn the heat up a little bit there there we go so while those brown I am going to prepare my veggies just some onions and some peppers and we're just going to peel our onions about some nice big yellow onions here I just love these yellow onions to just have a kind of a sweeter flavor we'll use two of them when you lock the onions the chocolate peppers and grab both the peppers I just cut the peppers in half and then just core them take out the ribs and as much as the seeds as possible if you leave some of the seeds in is no big deal all right now you just slice them up all right let's get a sausage it out nice and golden and they'll finish cooking later on alright it's not so good it's all the flavors they put inside the turkey sausage the fennel the pepper the herbs it's makes them smell so good all right you got some oil in there the pans nice and half so let's get the onions in let's cook up all the onions a little bit of peppers let's grab all of that there we go salt guy have some salt and ground black pepper right on top we'll just give it a nice there we go all right well that cooks down it's time to chop some garlic gotta have garlic in this dish so about four cloves of garlic and when you buy bought garlic make sure you look for nice tight heads it means the garlic is fresh and it's going to have a nice pungent flavor and then we're gonna add it on top of the peppers and onions because the peppers and onions will act as a bed so that way the garlic doesn't burn it does have to cook for a while just chop it there we go sweet garlic and basil some fresh sweet basil about a handful or so so just chop that up and we can add the garlic and the basil all together right there you can smell that basil it's so lemony and so fresh so it cooks that down a little bit and we're also gonna add some oregano and this time you're adding dried oregano and the same about the dried oregano it sort of has like a al warmth to it it's slightly peppery slightly sharp and it works really well with the sausages so add that in there and secret ingredient tomato paste now the tomato paste it's a concentrated flavor of tomatoes so they dry the tomatoes out and it becomes really red and sort of sweet and thick and what it does is it just intensifies the flavors and it brings out depth to a sauce then there we go see it's starting to melt now some Marsala wine gotta have some wine in the sausage and peppers and I'm gonna add one cup of Marsala wine all right and now for the canned tomatoes they're gonna add body through the sauce add keep the sausage is moist so tomatoes a little bit more salt and of course a little bit of kick some spiciness you can't have Italian street food without giving it a little bit of a kick so red pepper flakes and now time to put the sausage is back in we got to finish cooking them because we didn't cook them completely but we did give them a nice brown color and all of that juice lots of flavor in that juice so this is going to similar another 20 minutes and after it's all cooked and the sauce is thickened and the onions of sort of softened and fall apart we are going to cut up the sausages I'm going to show you how to put them in sandwiches just put the sausage mixture right on top of the bread with all those great colors and then just put the top on and I've got a fun little way to present my legs better just there it's a great way to hold a sandwich together because as you bite into it and little pieces kind of fall out the sausage and the pepper in the onion it just falls right in the bottom of the bag and not all over you and it's a really inexpensive way to make the sandwiches look so great so there you go sandwiches are done
Channel: Food Network
Views: 220,417
Rating: 4.8256345 out of 5
Keywords: Food, Network, Everyday, Italian, bread, filling, sausage, cooking, peppers, onions, marsala, dinner, Giada, DeLaurentiis
Id: bj3vZcAbVyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2009
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