Saturday, February 26, 2022 4:45PM Mass

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so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so um so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] good afternoon welcome to all you celebrating mass with us in person and online today we celebrate the eighth sunday in ordinary time our celebrant today is father hank our leaders of song today are chris and chris susan is serving as sacristan and myron is on the tech desk my name is joan and i will be serving as lecter this mass is being offered for the repose of the soul of allison rose hammer and the people of the parish please take a moment to check that your phones are silenced for those who are participating at home remember to speak the responses as if you were physically at mass and remember you are still very much connected to your parish home please join in now for three rounds of our jesus prayer lord jesus christ living son of the living god help me to know what you want to watch what you want and to do what you want lord jesus christ living son of the living god help me to know what you want to want what you want and to do what you want lord jesus christ living son of the living god help me to know what you want to want what you want and to do what you want [Music] he bears to those who trust in his ways we the daughters and sons of him who built [Music] raise the wonders our god has done in every heart that sees [Music] glory and praise [Music] he bears to those who trust in his race before mass starts we're going to pray for two special um causes the first is we're going to pray for harrison uh harrison's sister charlotte is here and harrison as i mentioned to some of you this week at daily mass you know that harrison's down at children's hospital at rutgers and uh the good news is harrison has a good had a good couple of days what i understand that harrison's treatment is going well and that there's lots of good stuff going on so we want to pray for harrison we want to pray for his sister harrison's three in charlotte's seven is that seven that many yeah yeah okay good so we're going to pray for those guys and of course we're going to join the church universal in praying for peace in europe and we will we'll join the church everywhere in praying for an outbreak of peace somehow against all odds but i invite all parishioners to pray throughout this lent for as long as this disaster endures let's pray let's make a special prayer for mercy in the heart of every combatant as much mercy as possible we know that so many of the atrocities of war are committed unnecessarily and at the last moment by somebody who thinks this is a good idea if mercy can replace that impulse we'll have much less to regret when we look back on this disaster so let's pray for all of those things for harrison for peace and for every combatant that everybody will exercise as much mercy as is humanly possible in every moment and for all of these causes we pray hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen our lady of the way our lady queen of peace and saint joseph in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit the lord be with you so it's the last day of the green sorry all you are people from ireland it's that's the end of it okay it goes away now we start with the purple but we've since the feast of the baptism of the lord until today keep looking at those virtues those practices those habits of hours that the lord loves to see in us that delight the lord and the lord asks us to affirm in others and so we have considered christian courage thick skin the right kind of mirror stream seeking trees you name it mercy and today for the last one of these it's about christian speech it's about fruitful christian speech the first reading today from the book of sirach reminds us of the link between holiness and the things that we say and in the gospel today jesus furthers that talking about the good fruit and the things that we say and our christianity for the ways in which we have misused the gift of speech for the ways in which we've failed to use it for the glory of god for the way we have used it to hurt other people for whatever other sins we've committed we acknowledge it we entrust ourselves to god's mercy as we pray you were sent to heal the contrite of heart lord have mercy you came to call sinners christ have mercy you are seated at the right hand of the father to intercede for us lord have mercy may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sin and bring us to the everlasting life glory to god in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will we praise you we bless you we adore you we glorify you we give you thanks for your great glory lord god heavenly king oh god almighty father lord jesus christ only begotten son lord god lamb of god son of the father you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us you take away the sins of the world receive our prayer you are seated at the right hand of the father have mercy on us for you alone are the holy one you alone are the lord you alone are the most high jesus christ with the holy spirit and the glory of god the father amen let us pray lord grant we pray that the course of our world may be directed by your peaceful rule and that your church may rejoice untroubled in her devotion through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit god forever and ever amen a reading from the book of sirach when a sieve is shaken the husks appear so do one's faults when one speaks as the test of what the potter molds is in the furnace so in tribulation is the test of the just the fruit of a tree shows the care it has had so too does one's speech disclose the bend of one's mind praise no one before he speaks for it is then that people are tested the word of the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] it is good to give thanks to the lord to sing christmas time to proclaim your kindness at dawn and your faithfulness [Music] to give thanks to you the just one shall flourish like the palm tree like a cedar of lebanon shall he grow they that are planted in the house of the lord flourish [Music] they shall bear fruit even in old age vigorous and sturdy shall they be declaring how just is the lord my rock in whom there is no wrong [Music] to give thanks to you a reading from the first letter of saint paul to the corinthians brothers and sisters when this which is corruptable clothed itself with incorruptibility and that which is mortal clothes itself with immorality then the word that is written shall come about death is swallowed up in victory where o death is your victory where o death is your sting the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law but thanks be to god who gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my beloved brothers and sisters be firm steadfast always fully devoted to the work of the lord knowing that in the lord your labor is not in vain the word of the lord [Music] oh [Music] shine like lights in the world as you hold on to the word of life [Music] the lord be with you a reading from the holy gospel according to luke jesus told his disciples a parable can a blind person guide a blind person will not both fall into a pit no disciple is superior to the teacher but when fully trained every disciple will be like his teacher why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own how can you say to your brother brother let me remove that splinter in your eye when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye you hypocrite remove the wooden beam from your own eye first and then you will see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother's eye a good tree does not bear rotten fruit nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit for every tree is known by its own fruit for people do not pick figs from thorn pig figs pick figs from thorn bushes nor do they gather grapes from brambles a good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good but an evil person out of an evil store produces evil for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks the gospel of the lord praise you lord jesus christ many of you have seen that pillow uh it's been advertised in all those sort of catalogs that have are full of stuff that you don't need and it's uh if you have nothing nice to say sit next to me or if you have nothing nice to say sit right here or if you have nothing nice to say make yourself comfortable right and i keep waiting for the opposite pillow to come out if you have something nice to say sit next to me or if you have nothing mean to say sit here right someday we'll see that pillow someday someday but sometimes we just know that people live according to that would-be phrase if you have nothing nice to say say nothing right if you have something good to say come and sit down next to me i want to hear it i want to hear everybody wants to scoop but we can determine you know whether it's a good scoop or a bad scoop and um some of you not too many parishioners had the pleasure of knowing elizabeth fowler elizabeth worked here for about 20 years maybe even a little bit longer than 20 years she worked just one day a week elizabeth had what we call some special needs so every weekend when you come into church when the windows were clean where people's thumbprints would be on them elizabeth wiped them all off every tuesday for 20 years and then in kovid we got pretty much separated and then um she would call us once a week and she would talk to everybody on the staff and the name of the game was guess my temperature and we'd go through the whole drill and then after a while should keep people on the phone so long the people would run up and down the hall and say it's 97.3 everybody it's 97.3 so everybody would know and you'd have to make a couple of bad guesses so she'd know that you didn't get tipped off and then elizabeth had just had a fall and she had some other complications and then we kind of lost track of her not entirely but she didn't call as much and it was hard to get in touch with her and then we got a call on wednesday that she was very ill and we were just starting to mobilize to get ready to figure out okay who's going to go visit her now and when she'd been moved into a group home and then she was in a hospital down in ocean county and just on wednesday afternoon before i left the office we were mobilizing about how do we figure out who's going to go when i said well i have to go down that way next the 10th so i'll i'll be down there and then to our shock and horror she died on thursday afternoon it's a real loss for all of us but one of the things is that this gospel fits so perfectly elizabeth had really strict rules of speech when her job coach would come sometimes and the job coach would want to talk to me and elizabeth at the same moment and the job coach would have something sort of challenging to say elizabeth when she's chain smoked so she had this real sort of what is it betty davis voice she chain smoked and she she just raised her hand and she said to the to the job coach stop talking okay just stop talking i thought who would say that she had really strict rules if you're not going to say something nice just keep your yap shut right and you couldn't use any off-color words i got my head taken off for saying darn you know that's really close to that other word okay okay come on elizabeth but the one place where she made an exception the one place where you could have any dicey kind of labels or conversation or anything else was with me i'd come in on a tuesday morning and she'd be standing down there and she'd say look at that here comes the old goat and my canned response was that's nice that's a nice thing to hear coming from that old battle axe and she'd say for a geezer you got a lot to say i think she had really strict rules of speech and for the most part it was intolerable for here you could never even tease about a harsh word about another staff member she just wouldn't hear it she just would not hear it stop it stop it don't like she said to the job coach just stop talking okay today's readings and i don't mean to get to be too melancholy about it she just got i'm horrified by the prospect horrified by the possibility that nobody was with her when she died that that's enough to keep us awake at night throughout the next 10 years but as we wonder about the miracle of elizabeth in our lives we wonder about the miracle of regulated speech and how good it is to spend time around people who have certain rules and we don't want to be too you know sweat holy water syrupy weirdo catholic christian fanatics but we do want to make sure that we keep the company of the people who really do bring out the best of the speech and today's readings remind us of the importance of the things that we say yeah it's not we can't you know devolve into all talk and no action and we we can't worry you know ignatius says and the bible says in a different way the love expresses itself in deeds not in words so let's not be too too uptight about the way the things that we say and how we say them but let's recognize that our speech points us in certain directions and our speech either does or doesn't glorify god and our speech either does or doesn't make life better for other people a lot of speech is neutral but a lot of speech goes off the neutral section of the continuum and into the positive or the negative the constructive or the destructive the author of sirach today is all about that sirach is a is it has a lot of chapters today's chapter 27 right yeah 27. shirak is written it's one of the last books it counts as the wisdom book fun fact about sirach it's in the catholic bible but it's not in the protestant bible because it's not in the jewish bible and if it's not in the jewish bible it can't make the cut into the protestant bible but we catholics we call it it's part of our deuterocanonical books they call it the apocrypha we call it deuterocanonical there's a bunch of books in there but it was written around the year 175 it was written by a geezer an old fellow and it was translated then by his grandson and brought to the attention of a lot of people who thought it should be in the bible but the passage today is is from the first 11 verses i think it is is it today i think today is four to seven yeah 4-7 but the first 11 verses of chapter 24 are all about the importance of speech and here it says praise no one before he speaks because by what they say you'll know who they are but the fruit of a tree shows the care at his head and so does one's speech so what the author of syroc is doing here is saying that fruit is to a tree what speech is to a person if you look at the fruit of a tree you'll know is it a good tree or a bad tree is it a well-cultivated tree or is it a diseased tree same thing you listen to the things that people say and you know do they have a christian heart do they have something else going on and it's not as if we have one kind of heart forever and for all time or we are forever a bad tree or a good tree no the gospel three weeks ago reminded us that sometimes we are the unhealthy trees who live in the lava waste but we can always pray for the grace to be transplanted right by the living streams where our roots reach out to the living waters but the analogy holds here there we look at the fruit we know what kind of tree it is and we listen to what people say and we know what's going on in their hearts and we all have our moments and we all have things that we're going to say that we're going to regret welcome to the human race but the question is what makes you a good tree who are those people whose company you keep that makes you speak the speech as shakespeare would say that makes you speak the speech that glorifies god who are the people who are going to be like elizabeth who really do get you to stick away from the ugly topics we all have to vent we know it but we know the difference between a therapeutic vent and an assassin's vent right sometimes we just need to spew to get it out of our systems and sometimes we're spewing to hurt another person there's a big difference and we know it when we live it but i'd ask you to notice what makes the good tree two weeks ago would have been the stream seeking tree and the stream seeking tree that healthy tree that one that really brings out the best of your speech and it's not we put on errors that we try to impress someone with quotes from the bible or just speak pious things that make everybody know that we're not really speaking as ourselves but people who enable you to see what's good around you and the people who enable you to focus on and share the news that's worth reporting to habitually those people who make when you're in their presence you wouldn't think and it's not about bad words or vulgarities or something that's not the point the point is about the things on which you focus do you focus on love truth and beauty the people who make you talk about the things that paul describes in philippians 2 whatever is whatever is true whatever is just whatever is honest whatever is pure whatever is lovely think on these things and the peace of christ will guard your heart who are the people that get you to talk about just you that's just what you do when you're with them you share the good news you share the nice things you share the good reports the fruit of a tree is to a tree what the speech is to a person and we know that we want to put good fruit into the world we know that we want to put good speech out there speech that helps point people toward god again not pious gorpy weirdo stuff no staying in our own voice but speaking of things that matter to god to give god the glory today we hear in the gospel from the sixth chapter of luke luke's sermon on the on the plane of course is his version of matthew's sermon on the mount luke's sermon on the plane is just um it goes from 6 20 to 6 49 so it's that 29 verses and matthews takes up a lot more territory than that luke gets down to this sort of condensed version of it matthew includes a whole lot of things that are going to be of particular importance to a jewish audience luke's not so much worried about that but here in this home stretch of the sermon on the plane in the sermon on the plane luke has jesus talking about the importance of speech for from the fullness of the heart to mouth speaks and jesus like the author of sirach combines the metaphor of speech with the image of the fruit right it puts those two things together and jesus i think in what he says here a good tree does not bear rotten fruit and a rotten tree does not bear good fruit and skip a couple of lines and you'll know what's in the heart from the way the person speaks yeah i think jesus agrees with the author of sirach or perhaps the author of sirach anticipates jesus's metaphor that as fruit is an indication of the quality of the tree so also the speech is an indication of what's in the person's heart and as much as i was holding out hope for the espalier apple tree on the south wall of the parish hall when the when the apples came out and they were about as big as an acorn and they were all full of beetles i thought time to pull this one up this tree needs to find another way to serve the lord right the fruit was so bad and it wasn't coming back i think jesus and when you connect this to the other things that are going on in the sermon on the plane it's fair to suggest that that jesus is thinking take a look at the speech and take a look at when you are a good tree and when you're a bad tree and it's not as if we're called to have some radical promise that we're never going to say anything uncharitable or something again now the question today is not about taking the pledge such things maybe don't get us so close to the heart of the lord but maybe the the promise and the question in the challenge today are just to notice those people who really do help you to be the tree that produces the good fruit to be that presence that calls people's attention toward the ways of the lord that affirms spend more time affirming the beauty and the true and the just and the honest as saint paul says rather than dwelling on what's negative with no possibility of improving things just to harp who brings out the best speech in you and are you spending enough time with those people once more it's not about people who are going to make you recite the the psalms could be it but it's more likely the people who bring out everything in you that is kinder and gentler and more christ-like whether you use good words or bad words you know difference let's not miss the difference between vulgarity and cursing the two very different things it's not it's got nothing to do with that every one of us has the ability to put speech into the world that glorifies god in certain people's presence encourages us to do that who are those people for you and i'd ask you to do a thought experiment i'd ask you to do a thought experiment now and as we continue to pray for the combatants in the ukraine disaster we know that the company we keep determines the speech that we speak and the speech that we speak determines the actions that we take i'd ask you to notice how good it would be if if every combatant who most of whom have no choice about being there but if they took it upon themselves to speak the speech that glorifies god and to speak the speech that affirms mercy rather than bravado speech that affirms cruelty what would it be like if every one of those russians coming over the border had it in their heart that don't do any more damage than you know is in your rule book which means gratuitous swerving of tanks to crush vehicles is not part of the story what would it be like what would it be like if mercy filled the hearts of everybody who had a chance to make a difference there so let's pray for that let's pray for mercy in the heart of every combatant and as we pray for that as we pray for that let's pray that the speak the speech that they share the things that they say the stories that they tell at the end of the day will somehow lift hearts to glorify god despite what vladimir putin has in store that every one of those choices is ultimately an individual choice let us pray for mercy in the hearts of the combatants and speech that points people towards mercy i'm almost to the point where i want to get another one of those bracelets wwjd and all that kind of stuff maybe we'll have to get a new one that says what would i say if elizabeth were listening because lord knows if i said the wrong thing she'd fire back with not only are you a geezer her other favorite word for me you've become a lunatic let's stand for the profession of faith believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth and in jesus christ his only son our lord he was conceived by the holy spirit and born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended into hell on the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of god the father almighty from there he will come to judge the living and the dead i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting amen and knowing and trusting and hoping and believing that god wants to hear our prayers especially in this distressed time in the world we bring those prayers to god now for peace in europe an end to hostilities in ukraine and for special protection for the last the least and the littlest in the combat zones we pray lord hear our prayer for all members of our church including pope francis and bishop cecchio for the grace to spend time with the people who elicit our most fruitful charitable christian speech we pray lord hear our prayer for the leaders of all human communities for extra grace for val valdez putin and for the graces of brilliance and stamina for voldemort zielinski president biden and all nato leaders that all will speak the speech that leads to peace we pray lord hear our prayer for all parishioners in person and on live stream and the loved ones of all parishioners who seek healing from distress addiction illness or injury especially harrison chung janine ackee jay mcchesney andrew carroll nance arlene stafford elizabeth smith patricia milinski maria palmquist and alana morales we pray lord hear our prayer for all our faithful departed and for all deceased loved ones for all parishioners who are mourning the loss of a loved one for those who died on today's date pasquale bernie father of ann splitzer columbia bove mother of jerry bove brendan glennon brother of sean glennon barbara a walsh mother-in-law of amy walsh and geraldine theresa moore sister of nancy casey for those who have died recently especially for john michael cleary husband of diane cleary elizabeth fowler employee of saint joe's and maria ratano sister of joan norton we pray lord hear our prayer for alison rose hammer and for the people of our parish who are especially remembered at this mass we pray for the vision to see the beam in our own eyes before we judge the splinter in others and for our own personal intentions and those written in the book of intentions we pray lord hear our prayer and as we offer up the um the hell holy queen i'd say let's just offer it up once again we'll pray in a special way for charlotte's brother who's also jones grandson and jim's grandson and for peace all throughout the world and for elizabeth and for all the other elizabeths in the world that they all have good company at their final hour for all this we pray hail holy queen mother of mercy our life our sweetness and our hope to you do we cry poor banished children of eve to you do we send up our size mourning and weeping in this valley of tears turn then most gracious advocate thine eyes of mercy toward us and after this our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb jesus o clement o loving o sweet virgin mary pray for us a holy mother of god so that we too may be made worthy of the promises of christ and we make these prayers through christ our lord okay [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] cleanse me from my sins pray friends that our sacrifice may be acceptable to god the almighty father may the god you provide gifts to be offered to your name and you count our oblations as signs of our desire to serve you with devotion we ask of your mercy that what you grant us as the source of merit may also help us to attain merit's reward we ask this through christ our lord the lord be with you let us give thanks to the lord our god it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to thank you lord holy father almighty and eternal god for in you we live and move and have our being and while in this body we not only experience the daily effects of your care but even now we possess the pledge of life eternal for having received the first fruits of the spirit through whom you raised jesus from the dead we hope for an everlasting share in the paschal mystery and so with all the angels we praise you as in joyful celebration we acclaim [Music] oh [Music] heaven and earth [Music] who comes in [Music] god you are holy indeed and always to be glorified you love us and you walk with us on the journey of life blessed indeed is your son present in our midst when his love gathers us together and when is once for the disciples ends now for us he opens the scripture and he breaks the bread therefore father most merciful we ask that you send forth your holy spirit to sanctify these gifts of bread and wine that they may become for us the body and the blood of our lord jesus christ on the day before he was to suffer on the night of his last supper he took bread and said the blessing he broke the bread he gave it to the disciples and he said take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body it will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and gave you thanks he gave the chalice to the disciples and he said take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood it is the blood of the new and the eternal covenant it will be poured out for you and for the many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me the mystery of faith [Music] we proclaim your death [Music] therefore holy father as we celebrate the memorial of christ your son our savior whom you led through his passion and death on the cross to the glory of the resurrection and whom you have seated at your right hand we proclaim the work of your love until he comes again we offer you the bread of life and the chalice of salvation look with favor on the offering of your church in which we show forth the paschal sacrifice of christ that has been handed on to us grant that by the power of the spirit of your love we may be counted now and until the day of eternity among the members of your son in whose body and blood we have communion and so having called us to your table lord please confirm us in unity so that together with francis our pope and james our bishop with all the bishops the priests the deacons and the entire people your son has gained for you as we walk your ways with faith and with hope we may strive to bring your joy and your peace into our world remember all of our brothers and sisters who have died especially allison and elizabeth and all who have fallen asleep in the peace of christ and all the dead whose faith is known to you alone please admit them to rejoice in the light of your face and in the resurrection give them the fullness of life grant also to us when our earthly pilgrimage is done that we may come to an eternal dwelling place and live with you forever there in communion with the blessed virgin mary mother of god with the apostles the martyrs saint joseph saint elizabeth saint isaac saint jude with apollonia dymphna lucy sebastian and polycarp we shall praise and exalt you through jesus christ your son for it is through him and with him and in him in the unity of the holy spirit all glory all honor is yours almighty father forever and ever [Music] oh [Music] at the savior's command and formed by divine teaching we dare to pray our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ for the kingdom the power and the glory are yours now and forever lord jesus christ you said to your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not on our sins but on the faith of your church and graciously grant her peace and grant her unity in accordance with your will who live and reign for ever and ever amen the peace of the lord be with you always we offer each other a sign of christ peace [Music] peace [Music] mercy on us [Music] our mercy on [Music] you take over the sins of the world [Music] remember anybody who in any section of the church who has any issues with mobility please stay where you are and the eucharistic ministers will come to you the best thing to do is when your section is seated just stand up and if they don't get there right away they'll get there okay so please just stay where you are if the issue of mobility is in any way a concern for you okay thank you behold the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sin of the world blessed are those who are called to the supper of the lamb lord i am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed may the body of christ bring us to the everlasting life may the blood of christ bring us to the everlasting life [Music] for those of you participating at home please join in an act of spiritual communion my jesus i believe that you are present in the most blessed sacrament i love you above all things and i desire to receive you into my soul since i cannot now receive you sacramentally come at least spiritually into my heart i embrace you as if you were already here and unite myself holy to you never permit me to be separated from you amen [Music] tastes [Music] the lord [Music] see [Music] [Music] i will pass the lord [Music] is [Music] my soul shall glory in the lord for her [Music] taste and see [Music] see [Music] taste and see [Music] glorify the lord with me together call the lord and he answered me [Music] he set me free [Music] taste [Music] the lord of the lords [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] announcements there's a world day of peace on march 2nd please check the parish website on monday afternoon for information about how we're going to be praying our way through the world day of peace on ash wednesday ash wednesday masses are at 8 35 a.m and 7 p.m in the church okay ash wednesday's 8 35 a.m 7 p.m in the church the communion service on wednesdays will happen as usual and will include ashes so the outside communion service is at 10 o'clock that's communion and ashes at ten o'clock then at five o'clock in the parking lot there's just the word and ashes and there's no leaving early okay you come in you get your ashes you're stable everybody else does and then you go home to skip dinner so remember that uh it's not a hit and run thing we've got to organize it so that people don't get run over little black books are here every household should have one no fewer than one no more than one if you take communion to a homebound person make sure you take one to that homebound person a little black book it's a parish wide prayer thing you know we all kind of share that we can talk about that and if we have enough starting two weeks from now you can have more than one per household that usually happens but just for now please just take one stations of the cross traditional stations in the morning in the memorial hallway and then the scriptural stations of the cross these are scriptural stations of the cross not the traditional stations of the cross these are the ones that john paul the second liked so much uh those are at 7 00 p.m in the church sunday 6 pm mass starts next sunday it will be like a low key mass no music just mass you know uh and it will be monsignor fell and i will be taking turns with that in doses monsignor fell we'll have the six o'clock mass for lent and i'll take it for the easter season and then he'll switch over to the uh 11 30. we'll go back and forth between those two liturgical ministries will be recruiting a lot of ushers eucharistic ministers lecters and sacristans will also have really succinct job descriptions that enable you to know what do you have to do it's not rocket science we need everybody's help the folks who've been doing it through the pandemic have been doing it yeoman's job and are ready for a little bit of help this week's poor box uh is for the benefit of becker's friends thanks so much for your help last two weeks with the poor box for uh st vincent de paul food pantry you donated 872 the adult immersion trips to philadelphia to the saint francis center down there and then to appalachia the information sections about those are on march 10th at 7 00 pm the respect life is having a new project for people who want to make it easier for people to have the baby once they've conceived right rather than to to have an abortion and so what we're doing is is sending people to unwrap these packages puts the stuff together make the packages for the moms who are having difficult pregnancies or unexpected whatever it is crisis pregnancies um it's a great way to join in the effort to make it easier to have the baby becca's friends march 4th is use your noodle night contact janet if you uh know of anybody who should be at a becca's friend's event and especially to use your noodle sages monday the 28th there are a few more sections open for the uh crap game and the poker game whatever other kind of debauchery takes place there but it's all none of it violates the bible and thank you to the people who donated the marked cards and the poker chips that are sitting out in front of church that really helps our reputation with the neighbors i'm grateful to that okay youth group tomorrow night is winter olympics indoors you haven't lived until you've done youth group indoor winter olympics and uh the baby news is posted so here's what we want with all the sad news of the last couple of years especially with the pandemic and all um you know we really now that we find if you know god willing omicron will go away and stay away and by easter we'll be really on the way out of this thing but we want to we want to start sharing some more of the good news and some of the good news is the babies that have been born for the last we're going to do ketchup any baby that's been born since march 15th of 2020 we want to know about the baby there's a form on the website are you the parent the grandparent the great grandparent send us the news we'll be sharing the news with the parish and praying for the babies each week as we pray for the recently deceased we'll pray for the recently born as well okay and we need to have the news to do that um we've already gotten one crackpot sending in the announcement of the birth of their husband who was 78 years old she did it at his recommendation thinking it was an unheralded event it wasn't sufficiently noticed by the human race so he wanted a little bit more notice of the fact that he was born skip it two years and under okay that's all he can do we got a lot of special intentions tonight for the prayer part so let's pray for um this thing isn't on the right there for um nancy's sister jerry who died last year for amy walsh's mother-in-law for brendan shawn's brother who died on this day for jerry bob's mom and for pasquale verney also we pray for allison hammer who just died a few weeks ago for all of them and for elizabeth too we pray eternal rest grant unto them o lord and let perpetual light shine upon them may their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of god rest in peace amen our lady of the way saint joseph saint elizabeth and all of our patron saints keep praying for peace in ukraine and keep wondering and all those things that the lord sees in you when you choose to keep the company of people who bring out your finest speech not your erudition or your pretense no to help you focus on what's beautiful in the world and what's right and what's lovely what's true on is just and pure right saint paul says talk about those things and the peace of christ will guard your hearts who helps you to do that who helps you to have fruitful christian speech right who are the people where you need to spend a little bit more time around them because just by being with them you notice what's right and you talk about it and it glorifies god see you wednesday no excuses let us pray lord nourished by your saving gifts we seek your mercy that by this same sacrament with which you feed us in the present age you may make us partakers of life eternal we ask all this through christ our lord amen the lord be with you may almighty god bless you the father and the son and the holy spirit the mass has ended we go in peace to know to love and to serve the lord hallelujah [Music] he who won the cross a savior for the works [Music] jesus christ the king of glory now is risen from the dead [Music] of love and sanctity [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Parish Community of St. Joseph
Views: 813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hLu7LiUCu80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 35sec (4295 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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