[Satisfactory] - Episode 01 - Playing for the First Time.

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hey guys creamy caesar here we got a new series uh i finished up alien isolation and i wasn't sure what to do to kind of fill that back uh time slot i guess i like to do you know uploads twelve o'clock three o'clock six o'clock nine o'clock east coast time um so for a few days maybe even a week now that six o'clock slot's been open and i've just been juggling a bunch of different ideas i was thinking maybe i'd play the dark souls series you know dark souls bloodborne elden ring beccaro um which i've all played before so it's kind of like [Music] something i can always do in the future uh i just wasn't feeling it and there was nothing really grabbing me uh until uh i saw a friend of mine was telling me he's been playing satisfactory that he's been raving about it and um a streamer that i like to watch has been getting into it as well so i played a bunch of factorio many years ago i'm familiar with the with the concept though i figured i'll try it um so we're just gonna hop right into it and learn the game i imagine it's very similar to factorio just in a 3d space uh we won't skip the intro i guess we'll do ideal for first time pioneers suitable good for more experience recommended for advanced let's just do the grass fields ep private session we'll just hop right into it attention pioneer the following instructional video is a summary of your impending duties as an exoplanetary pioneer for fixit incorporated fix-it pioneers have three cyclical assigned pillars of work to ultimately accomplish project assembly use provided blueprints to build the necessary buildings chart the planet and gather resources to provide desired results and improve your infrastructure make sure to report any unusual discoveries to r d for analysis expand your factories outposts and pipelines through automation and augmentation that's it get to work and be effective morning planetfall imminent please remain seated during full procedure atmospheric entry in 5 4 3 this is pretty cool [Music] planet fall complete please ensure the integrity of your multi-purpose exploration suit is at 100 [Music] remember efficiency first godspeed okay is that our multi-tool a pretty cool opening all right hold on one sec welcome to planet massage 2 abb your designated sector in the binary star system of akija i am ada also known as artificial directory and assistant tasked to support pioneers such as you in their mission you are the third of your sector to survive planetfall congratulations note objective-based introduction initialized welcome to i feel like i'm getting a little screen tearing i want to ah here we go uh video first objective please dismantle the draw pod the resulting materials will be repurposed to construct a habitat and utility base from now on referred to as the effective and efficient we do not waste all right let's try that okay that seems a little bit better okay press f to enter dismantle mode [Music] hold left mouse button to dismantle mantle the drop pod okay okay all important fix it data and communication is recorded and stored in the codex including these steps let me just turn down [Music] try that okay that feels better all tutorials and eat all tutorials messages and emails will be saved to the codex press o to open the codex open the codex okay all important fix it data and communication is recorded and stored in the codex including these steps okay box all important fix it data and communication is recorded and stored in the codecs including these steps okay marco is red second objective please ensure you have your fixit incorporated xeno zapper equipped before leaving the drop zone note according to fix it regulations every pioneer should have access to a means of defense against extraterrestrial threats press tab to open the inventory i wish that stayed open while you had a window up the heck is that that's cool okay so is there like factorio where there's alien bug creatures that come and attack you too drag and drop equipment to the hand slot to equip it further instructions on how to use the inventory listed below the menu okay what is this of parts for an objective please familiarize yourself with the resource scanner to find iron note the acquisition of iron is considered essential in preparation for all future objectives press v to scan friar nodes location of scan resource nodes will appear on the hud compass hold e to gather resources from resource nodes and deposits oh okay map okay 200 some meters 300 meters 300 meters so we go to this one okay we can sprint there's no stamina that's e to pick up barrel nut with a jet pack or anything and it doesn't seem like it okay c is crouch and we can slide like apex legends all right what's that leaves okay okay so ah press and hold e to pick up iron fourth objective build the hub note to complete this objective the resources salvaged from the draw pod will be consumed caution ensure the hub is built on spacious open terrain close to the presence of iron sources failure to do so will likely result in non-optimal progress okay that's cool to prove efficiency the hub is best built near iron notes the hub can be found in the build menu by pressing q further instructions on how to use the build menu are listed below okay all right where should is there a map how do we look at a map what made that noise that thing uh b oh no v is a scanner okay i know it said i kind of want to build the that's cool all right let's build the hub down here press q the heart of your factory this is where you complete fix-it milestones to unlock additional blueprints of buildings vehicles parts equipment etc and we rotate build sample building rotate all right let's go like this snap to guidelines got none of that okay all right put it down congratulations you have unlocked hub feature manual craft bench hub feature hub terminal fifth objective complete hub upgrade one note the craft bench and hub terminal are essential for progression to the next objective okay hub terminal tier zero how about grade one equipment workshop portable miner inventories oh these are the rewards milestone costs 10 iron rods select milestone waiting for resource 10 iron rods okay so on the craft bench iron rods take iron ingots craft get rid of that okay yes i understand craft oh space to craft wait oven items do i put this somewhere [Music] and their costs can be found and activated in the hub terminal parts like iron rods can be crafted at the craft bench in the hub oh okay it's working okay it's one to one iron ore makes one iron ingot okay now we need iron rods hold on hold on spill out chill out [Music] all right that's fine we can just get more iron ore okay gonna take those over here create the hub okay congratulations you have unlocked building workshop equipment portable miner inventory additional slots hub feature personal storage sixth objective complete hub upgrade to note portable miners require no power and will mine a node until their inventory is full note multiple portable miners can be used on a single node okay the equipment workshop is used to craft equipment like the portable miner a portable miner can be placed on nearby resort node by pressing left mouse button while it is equipped currently building conveyor pole conveyor belt power line power pole interesting craft bench equipment workshop okay oh wait how do we do i have to build the equipment workshop first copper ore smelter power line ingot wire cable okay so let's just go get some iron reminder press q to open the build menu i don't have a minor buildings can be dismantled without any loss of resources you enter dismantle mode press f i don't have a minor though we have power pole power line conveyor belt conveyor pull okay let's let's make the equipment workshop got like 20 of these okay back to our hub i do like the motion in this game you move quickly a lot of fun okay ironing it i'm curious can you set the number you want to make if i hold it manually i can stop it interesting okay so [Music] we want to make the equipment workshop which requires six and four so we need to make six plating okay this thing auto saves a lot can we game play auto save intervals let's do uh 15 minutes i don't need the autosave thing to be popping up all the time okay so we needed okay place the equipment workshop oh it doesn't go in here [Music] um hold left control snap to guidelines what are the guidelines just talking about [Music] hold on can we get on top here [Music] little ocd about this workshop the heck is that thing okay let's build it there heck was this [Music] oh my god okay now we've made the press e to configure the equipment uh portable miner so we need two iron plates is that it xeno zapper we have one of those does it degrade over time doesn't seem like it okay so we need two more iron plates okay now we have the portable miner how do we place the portable miner ah okay portable miner can be placed on a nearby resort node by pressing that left mouse button while it's eclipse look at this little guy just need to open the portable miner grab all awesome okay okay so what is the hub upgrade to we didn't even start that yet i'm upgrade to 20 those 10 of those okay uh do we need 20 of these do i need to stay here while it does it oh i do okay look at that up there going on up there world is very cool okay grab all 21 more okay oh i see what we need in the top in the top right 20 rods 10 beats okay let's make all those we got 17 rods so let's make oh hold on okay we got plenty of those let's make the rest of these okay all right upgrade the hub very cool congratulations you have unlocked hub feature biomass burner scanner feature copper new buildings and recipes which can be found in the build menu and craft bench respectively 7th objective complete hub upgrade 3 note connect buildings to a biomass burner for power note buildings such as the smelter require a recipe to be set advice automate the smelting process and use portable miners for optimal results okay v to select which resources to scan with the resource scanner okay we can scan for copper now buildings like the smelter require recipe to be selected and power to function okay what do you mean a recipe to be selected that's melted uh oh that's cool make a little to-do list buildings like the smelter require a recipe to be selected and powered to function the biomass burner located in the hub generates power by consuming biomass like wooden leaves power generators and most buildings only have a single power line connection okay i would upgrade three so we need a bunch more iron and but we also need copper so we need to build another um portable miner right what do we need for the portable miner okay let's go get some iron hurry up with copper one over there okay the closest one is up there all right let's make a portable miner get that copper going [Music] i guess we need to collect uh leaves and stuff how do we [Music] let uh get wood how did i get wood all right don't i have wood [Music] okay let us just do all these iron ingots [Music] and i can do copper ingots oh i see so if i build a smelter i can have it i can just throw the iron ore right into the smelter or the copper water [Music] i imagine we don't have the good i imagine there's a better mining building slash machine that we can connect all right hold on chill out [Music] make 20 of these and we'll make 20 of these [Music] and we'll make one of these [Music] okay oops oh b is a flashlight okay [Music] because these don't just spew it out grab all those [Music] okay interesting this looks like copper guess we'll grab grab these leaves yeah come here buddy okay throw this down okay this is doing some copper i'm just getting some leaves here for the biofuel reactor not sure how you get woods can we get wood from this tree don't seem like it [Music] looks like only certain types of trees maybe we have to upgrade a pool or something look at that thing what the [ __ ] yeah let's not go near that okay i'm lost all right let's grab some of this copper nice 61 okay and we'll head back home and we need to make copper wire let's grab some iron mama here too okay so copper ingots i'll make all these how much wire do we need 20 wire we need a couple more that [Music] okay hold on chill out this thing was getting hot or something huh does that matter it gets hot i think it's just for effect right okay and okay uh we'll toss those in upgrade the hub congratulations you have unlocked scanner feature limestone new buildings and recipes which can be found in the build menu and craft bench respectively there okay eighth objective complete hub upgrade calendar use power poles to expand the power network for optimal results okay power poles can be used to connect multiple buildings to the same power grid buildings like the constructor require a recipe to be selected and power to function data on recipes and buildings can always be accessed in the codex which is open by pressing zero okay so the constructor crafts one part into another part can be automated uh by feeding parts into it with a conveyor belt connected to the input the produced parts can be automatically extracted by connecting a conveyor belt to the output whoops power line power pole okay wait smelt ore into ingots i feel like all right hold on let's start the next upgrade conveyor belt conveyor pole so we can't even make these yet what is this cable concrete okay all right so we need to make once again make a minor can't afford recipe what what do we need to make the minor we need iron okay so all right so i want to make a smelter we need iron rods and cable the or wire make another 20 wire and we need iron rods let's just make these all into iron reps okay smelter [Music] so i see the input and output i see it okay so we're going to do it like this smelter number one right melter number one for iron i want it to always be smelting iron grab all okay butt and it's power right power line can't afford conveyor belt conveyor pole i'm i'm confused here so we need to build power line in order to build cable okay and now can i build powerline so there okay you can always fix it later all right figure smelter iron ingots select recipe i see iron ingots okay [Music] no power that's fine we're gonna load this up with with burnable material okay let's take that uh i guess we'll take the flower petals too for that okay insert fuel wood one word there 12 minutes okay so is this going now it's going okay conveyor belt we need iron plates and they are full i don't like power pole okay um i kind of want to build another one for upper uh so i need more iron rods and we need more all right just develop the rest of this do we need copper wire and iron rods this doesn't matter right it's getting very hot i wish there was a way although i guess it doesn't matter at the end we're just gonna have buildings that produce all these different things okay new smelter no no no why is it it wants to be higher up can you do it lower or no i guess not uh power line it's in concrete oh can we not connect this can't connect more lines to this connection uh okay we need concrete okay let that go all right so we need to find limestone we need to also make some iron plates i think we have enough i don't know portable miner i guess we can make i don't know let's just make them okay uh limestone 172. okay let's do this one we got all our all our mining stuff is over here already so this is here okay get that going yeah so we want to do is build the power pole right and connect all those to the power pole and then the power pole to the biofuel generator i'm assuming they handle up to four powerline connections yeah that's what we need to do okay okay how much we got 14 let's get like 20 or 30. i want to be building conveyor belts man so we could just mine some zoom over here i wonder if the resources are infinite nothing that really tells you like how much i haven't seen anything that tells you how much is in the ground okay that should be good [Music] foreign let's just do it okay just toss some more wood in there all right so we need to make concrete concrete do it okay now power pull powerful oh it can be there oh interesting uh okay let's build a couple more of these cables okay so power lines how can i dismantle this okay power line there power line there [Music] power line there okay that's running um copper ingots we have copper ore iron ore okay i gotta go grab some copper ore iron ore why is this idle output ah it was full okay okay all right so we gotta go grab some more i wish you could just press like the r button to grab all in these things like other pretty much every other video game maybe the maybe it's a different button i don't know yet let's go up here and grab some copper and then let's go back down here uh i think it's over here i wish we had a map as well okay okay you want some more iron ore take those out you perfect let us make some concrete and we'll need to make cable and plates i kind of don't like how it just keeps going like you just click like if you're automatically crafting it keeps going when you click to another item and i don't like that and i kind of wish it would craft while you leave like you can leave it to craft [Music] i know there's the machines that do that and we'll get to that point but uh [Music] just make the rest of some rods [Music] okay uh what is this barrel nut i guess wait can we can we eaten to restore half a health segment okay uh oh put that in our hands over that store that okay okay upgrade the hub it look different a little bit congratulations you have unlocked building conveyor belts and holes inventory additional slots ninth objective complete hub upgrade five note portable miners cannot be connected to conveyor belts advice when planning the construction of buildings note the placement of conveyor belts i kind of want to shift this over a little bit this is yellow overlapping others clearance clipping may occur uh what if we did i don't want it to be like that up so conveyor belts are used to fully automate resource transportation between buildings buildings have specific inputs and outputs to connect conveyor belts miner there we go storage container inventory slots so we need more concrete and more cable okay awesome we're getting there all right guys that's gonna be it for this episode one i think uh i want to keep each episode like around 45 minutes just i feel like 30 minutes is too quick for this kind of stuff and if i go over an hour of recording the audio i could have audio issues sometimes where the audio gets desynced it doesn't happen often uh but it happens enough that it's a pain in the ass so thank you for watching the first episode check back tomorrow for episode two alright thank you guys have a great night
Channel: Creamy Caesar
Views: 4,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, Update 6, lets play, let's play, gameplay, fresh, start, new, player, guide, beginner, update, game, gaming, starter, factory, layout, experimental, getting, started, day9
Id: Dnd47aOVp74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 41sec (2861 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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