Is this a TRAP? 🤔 | HERMITCRAFT 10 (Episode 3 Extended Cut)

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FSE is still alive I'm still alive oh hello F hi stress is stress is at the farm do you want to check something out in my house no here come here it's really cool come with me no cuz stress is online I don't trust you come with me why this distance between us I need to keep you know distance between you and stress stress is down there I know I know what's up here I want to show you something mhm where is stress in the farm can she be trusted is that enough distance cuz I want to show you this I want to see your parkour sko a parkour SK no I know what that is I'm not silly come on here Scot what do you mean I saw that area before you covered it over I'm not silly no but stress can wake up you know from a AFK session down there and uh you could be try no stress stress you've just proved that you can't be trusted by by listening in session down there how can Str hear us from there I don't know M suspects very s isn't it yeah so FS what what you think I'm doing look at my lovely my lovely paffs what what are you doing one thing that stressed me out when I was still alive was people getting very close to my face S I got my pillar of safety oh that's Co well car of safety I can keep going I'm not allowed to kill you am I oh that was cool did you see what happened you like blocked up on a I suppose a ghost block State like before the client sent the oh I keep getting that everywhere to be honest at this point it's just like it is very laggy it is very laggy yeah thanks anyway I'm not going to kill you only because I'm not allowed to otherwise I would yeah it's a freeer all after this right I have no idea I have no idea it might be it might be anyway okay well see you later for I'm going to be productive today bye good luck with that I won't be I won't be because someone trapping my stuffs stress could hear from there I know what stress is up to stress wasn't AFK see see when I say someone AFK and then they go yeah no I'm not yes I can be trusted that's definitely here [Laughter] here something I was editing sorry I needed to be safe okay so what I was thinking was that you killed this this person I was thinking you no stress you should kill this person what you got to do is think it's then you would have died and it would have been an accident and it would have been absolutely would K you every single day I look on the server I think I'll take that trade actually okay go on then I think I'll take that trade I'll take that trade as well go on yes go isal only is only yeah yeah so he so he gets in trouble and I get my life back I could be like guys wait he killed me okay actually I'm okay with that let's do it PVP time no I'm not pvping no you this is like part of the deal I thought that's what you said I didn't say PP I'm so confused I said you could kill me and then I get to kill you every single day on the server no to be honest at this point I'm quite happy though coming that close to me be yes with a dirt block yeah false I've got an empty hand false that doesn't make any difference does it come on now false do you really think I would be able to do anything to you well I mean look at that it's this guy this guy's the [Laughter] problem I'm not a problem see you both smacking each other I would never what is I could get her so easily if I was red look I can stress TR that it won't work cuz I'm going to move obviously some lava oh my goodness I can't currently go in my base right now so I'm basically homeless I'm just wandering on the Ser doing paths my base is trapped or something I don't know you want to go check it out for me a skull you go check it out you go dig up the Trap have you really got lava yeah he's not a joker you need to look after this guy he's going to ruin the whole game what do you mean ruin the whole game all the viewers will be like oh F didn't count cuz ISO killed her yeah that would be main it would be me viers it would be funny it would be very funny wait so are you actually actively not going back to your house because you're Afra yes go go in the hole over there and tell I got a hole and then I was like no that's it I'm not going well even at this bit of your house I'm there's a here okay no yeah they're my guys so don't worry about them keep me safe keep me safe wait have you dug this hole to like see if there's anything on house I got I got sneak things see how did you get that oh I don't have ERS oh because there's a skull sensor [Music] here now I'm hoping it's a trap so you set it off go Set It Off did it make a noise I don't want to die I want to see isal die though I'll do it this might be telling me that you guys put the trap in and it's not a trap oh there it is that I saw are activating that sounded like amethyst what yeah I'm going need some water hold on wait it was over here it set it off over here it would be so funny if your entire house just explodes I mean I very funny for I think that would be funny if you're not me maybe let me give a pillar of safety and you know good view view of this what door was it oh it was this door um whose Phantoms are they oh they mind okay well good I'll just just watch um yeah you just watch I'll just get taken out by Phantoms well I'll probably end up swiping you if I try is it just like a bell I don't know what you're doing go down the hole and dig it dig it out dig it out get rid of it I can hire you guys it's my like trap hold on ANS be quiet you're loud there what are you doing up there what are you doing up there it sounded like it was up here I don't know thinking out my roof doesn't look like it's up there when you have a when you have a handyman over in real life do you go like why are you doing that yes why are you taking my when it's in the basement yes I would be like wait yeah why are you doing that okay well I'll I'll have a look is a doorbell like that's what I'm thinking currently oh I see oh I see is it just the doorbell this is fine this is fine what did you find something well I found a hole I that might might be when I was going to I was going to add a placement and then I thought it was a bad idea it's just ripping up I know I'm going to have no Bas left you might as well have just put TNT under and got it you're doing that now by hand I see it over here oh yeah I feel like I'm not doing you any favor though in in doing this like what this is is saving your life is it what's it doing man I mean this is pretty elaborate this is pretty elaborate I feel bad this is not my place see this is why I'm bad I just missed this is not my PL place what you mean it's not your place excuse I hired you to fix it yeah but I mean what about all the work put in by someone who's clearly rigged your entire house which is hilarious by the way that a it's funny what's funny about it tell you what tell you what I will try and disarm the bomb if you are inside your house while I do it [Music] no okay well I'll have a look I can be on the roof do you want me to be on the roof I'll be on the roof no I want you to be in the house no cuz you could just Place Another like a TNT or whatever next to the Redstone or I might not know a lot about Redstone disco but I know enough sometimes okay I don't think this is a bomb this may not be a bomb well it's OB see a doorbell but no one told me about it and I need to talk to the doorbell installer cuz I can make it into a bomb it has all the wires that's the problem see now I don't like you being down there cuz I feel like you're setting something else up no no I'm going to fire you now you fired the sit no more no payment nothing you might have a few mobs down there but uh yeah no it looks safe come down stop slapping me with your Spoon Man shovel yeah yeah I'm I'm upgrading slowly through my inventry till I get to here um it's going to be good [Music] right well that's no it's fine it's not I'm still not going back good great thank you guys for your help that's right and and PS oh anytime because I am and will always be isal man man is Skull M man yeah you know why you've got that head a skull cuz you've died you're not an skull man I'm false woman man there you go aha I don't know how I've won but I've won somehow I'm leaving okay well now I'm not sure what to do but I don't like how stress is getting close oh no okay I think I'm going to go dig it up now I think
Channel: FalseLive
Views: 10,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, falsesymmetry, falsesymmetry livestream, falsesymmetry twitch, twitch, livestream, hightlight, hermitcraft live, false live, hermitcraft behind the scenes, hermitcraft uncut, hermitcraft extended, sneak peek
Id: c3xM7MeEqeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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