I was paid to solve the world's BIGGEST puzzle game!

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ever since the birth of my channel in 2020 I've been on a quest to find the world's best puzzle games from breaking legs to sending crowds for their Doom there's not much I haven't seen in a puzzle game well until now yes hello fellow engineers and welcome to Islands of insight well I have been sponsored to check out this absolutely epic shared World puzzle game which you can check out for yourself by boosting the steam Link in my description anyway we start by creating a character already I can't think of another puzzle game that has this hm no hard hat option how am I meant to solve puzzles without my trusty hard hat but then we load up this quite frankly unnecessarily pretty World which is full of over 10,000 different puzzles this by many many multiples is the biggest puzzle game I've ever seen and whilst we may not see any other people because we are playing this early uh this is actually an MMO hence the character creator meaning as you explore the world you will be able to see and interact with other players an MMO where you're encouraged to solve puzzles together rather than murder everyone in sight who' have thought it all right so anyway we got to follow this Echo thing so wait come back here come back here you knob wait and yeah just looking around there's like there's so much like look over this way if I stand at the top of this waterfall there's everything down there is all is all different areas different puzzles oh boy Anyway come back here come back here got you and now we are rewarded with a very good look at the world map it's mental this is a puzzle game you shouldn't have puzzle games this big oh look we can go into third person as well so you can see you can see my lovely my lovely haircut and my eyebrows anyway next job is complete the pillar of insight so that looks like this thing so if we come up to this interact with the pillar of insight oh it's a puzzle so our first puzzle the rules of this is connect all the Dark Cells so we just do that Bo Puzzle Master you can tell I've done I've done this before I think I right clicked to do the white ones y so that's that done and then I can click and drag to do it quicker okay so just whoop and then whoop sorted some puzzles have multiple rules so connect all the dark connect all the light so pretty much just do that and then that oh and then we have we've been rewarded by that thing going up to the top oh and then we got our next wayo up there okay let's head up there we got a beam to walk across is it a bridge I mean technically it's a bridge and you know what that means we need a bridge review Once used by the ancient Romans as columns this bridge provides a simple solution to cross a quite treacherous span yeah hasn't been that well maintained there's vegetation all over the place it's also cracks down the middle I probably shouldn't stand on this while I'm saying that but when you come from this side and you angle up just like that to get these two Boulders in place you can see extremely efficient engineering has occurred here so therefore I give this bridge an 8.6 out of 10 Bridge review anyway with that out the way we can now finally get onto some more puzzles we got 10,000 to solve well more than 10,000 to solve um what the hell is this Arch made out of by by the way it's like all pulsing and jelly like uh anyway up to this thing show me your puzzles so again Dark Cells light cells type thing can they can they do oh no they can't do that okay okay game if we do that that and then that that is solved oh we just do one that time nice so what is happening here there's something exploding and it's unlocked the rift what does the rift do is it going to like oh it's going to set me flying oh my go oh look at the level look how big it is oh Ms of Discovery okay so top right we got to solve 10 puzzles to uh to progress so let's have a go at this one should just be more of the same oh look don't make this pattern so if I do that and then that we stick by the rules so that's good so that is one down what do we got over here we've got hold release to form a link can you link to that I've linked it oh cuz they're the same they're the same icon it matched ooh okay look there's like there's one in that tree there oh is that the same icon over there so oh what are they what the fre is going on right so we grab that oh I have to I can't move okay I can't move so we need to find a point where I'm looking at that tree and also down there so like that to there Bo we've linked oh this is cool I really like like um sort of visual puzzles where you've got to try and line stuff up like perception puzzles what else we got in here we've got that sort of a box so we'll keep an eye out for another one of those somewhere up there is a different one I can climb this tree I'm in a tree I'm climbing all oh I'm all the way up here oh what is that hidden Cube Master it's a hidden Cube cool okay anyway back at the bottom of the tree we got another puzzle in here so what we got to do don't make big squares so right click left click right click left click oh no right left right left oh no left right left there we go got there in the end oh new upgrade available double jump oh my goodness so up here we have Sparks that we earn by completing puzzles then we can up grade so there's the double jump so if I hold I spent 50 on that I've got 58 remaining oh looks like all my other ones cost like 500ish okay oh here's the map here's the map so oh my goodness oh that is way bigger than I was expecting that's what she said so this is the little island that I'm on now I didn't think it was that little but like zoom out like I thought that with the pyramid was just the map it's all of that oh my goodness all right so what's going on with these invisible things as I walk forward it appears a little bit more oh it's another puzzle I discovered a hidden Archway cool oh look down there there's the there's that box so from there down to there b oh this is decent I'm liking this oh isn't that the one that was at the bottom of the tree yeah there it is so B Bo nice we are smashing the puzzles out we've solved eight already uh do I go over to this what is that oh hidden Relic oh what's happened oh I made a big ball why did I do that I don't understand what is this oh I've got to find five hidden relics in this area and that's what they look like okay I was hide-and seek Champion 1992 so I should be pretty good at this there's one there there's one in that tree and the final one is in the grass down there nice there's another puzzle completed and we got this here as well it's another one of these things connect all dark cells and all light cells so I think we've got white definitely down like that or at least to there that's going to be a black one blacks all the way along that way then blacks around that edge I guess and then just that yeah there we go so basically you just need to sort of split it into two so you've got all the blacks touching and all the whites touching right I've just been rewarded with this super super weird Blobby thing a mirabilis thank you I accept your mirabilis and basically our aim of the game is to get the mirabilis and that will unlock us different areas that we can go visit so anyway I think we've completed everything down here let's head up this way we got another Arch so we go through that we've got what is that look through the golden rings but no dark ones oh oh this is really cool so I think I want to get my mouse through like that boo yes did it oh that was quite cool I like these so this one just up there nice the one above the elephant oh man there's loads of gold rings I'm scared I'm going to like fall off and like break my ankle or something but I think through the middle like that oh no oh there's quite a few we missed there um oh man this one's like harder than I thought it would be oh God I thought I was gone I thought I was doomed then so oh is it just that yeah it's just that there we go there we go oh anyway over this way we've got quite a lot of dark Rings definitely got to look at it from this angle and go Bo right then I found another one of these don't make the square pattern and connect them all oh No Just connect all the dark ones okay that's fine so I can do dark one there there all light dark oh no not dark there oops I think we need a dark there that one's light which means they've got to be light so I got to connect the dark down the bottom that's light there we go by the way we're on like a bonus Quest at the moment to solve any 22 puzzles we've done 16 already now what are these they look like the strongman things but they've already been completed we don't have to pick them up ah so these show you the different types of quests and how to how to complete them okay I haven't seen like any of these oh my goodness so we've got like three new types on this island that'll probably up over this way which we haven't even got to yet so let's have a look where are the puzzles all good what is that I've got to like look at them all all right so I've just got to stand in a certain location where I can look at all of them so like that yay all right there's a puzzle over there can I jump hang on let's try the double jump yeah okay I've got a double jump so I should easily be able to just go oh good oh goodness nearly over jumped that anyway we've got another one of these here so don't have a 2X two black one I don't have a 2 by one can I do it that way no I can't do it anyway so that's got to go there and there and there and there that and there blow out then if we do that one that one that one that one that one that one basically I think just when you do like a white you either do diagonal or like or like that sort of thing so I think that works out lovely all right up here I'm seeing blobs in the air why are there blobs what do you do blobs oh there's loads of blobs do I have to like look at them at a certain angle to like oh yeah look oh here we go complete Sky Drop Bo okay so now they're list up they're all good so we've only got one puzzle remaining let's head up these stairs we got a big portly thing to go through oh man look at these bricks that is architecture I've ever seen architecture I'm sorry that would not be structurally sound as an engineer I do not approve of this structure oh look at this what have we got view gate requirements complete one further campaign okay so I think I've just got to do that bonus thing and then we unlock that which allows me to jump over to over to that land I guess look how big this map is what oh look at that bridge I want to do a bridge review of that but I can't see it from here I got to get closer all right so now this is unlocked we can we jump through here and we've got we got a new little area to go on go explore you want me to head over that way I want to solve puzzles though cuz if I go stand over here I can do another one of those circly things like that yes oh man there's so many of these circles dotted about how how am I meant to know what ones I meant to look at I guess I got to go to the the smallest one first right does that make sense oh oh look out look out there we go B that's a big one and over this way if we do that oh man I'm getting good at these there's another one up there I think I've got to get on this so can I like can I climb on this guy's balls and then jump up on him yes I can right then onto here and I reckon if I head over this way uh that that hasn't helped oh I just found two little balls down here look this is the angle this is the angle oh the Pam now that is a Marvel of engineering as long as the structural support it's not all resting on that little laser beam is it oh come on man that's the I know technology of the future is going to be good but a single laser pillar to hold all of this up all right anyway I'm going to try and not be too distracted by puzzles I'm going to go see what's over at this Waypoint there the entrance to the pyramid let me in let me in I need to know your secrets oh a puzzle all dark regions have an area of four all light regions have an area of two oh they're not all Square grids either okay so that's a four no that can't be a four that's got to be a two and that's a four no CU then I can't do that oh my goodness to what yeah surround surround the ones that you know that are right so then we can do oh no I can't do that and if I do that then that's wrong and if I do that that's wrong right I think I'm on to something now I think I'm on to something we do that then we've just got the top bit to solve which has got to be light dark light dark few I thought I was stuck for a second so is that one worth double with the two things above it there's another one over here this one's got five above oh difficulty I just struggled with medium this is expert oh dear okay so don't make this pattern and all the dark regions are only twos oh boy right 6 and a half hours later right so I think I've worked out how we can actually solve these relatively easily now basically this piece it can't be black cuz cuz the areas have to be two so that's too big so always got to be white and then since we can't make four in a row it means that the ends of those they can't be white ones either they got to be they got to be the dark ones so we do that sort of thing everywhere where a where a four a four white line would have been made and then you just got to try and work out like what way around the the black pieces go cuz we know that they can only be twoo long so we know that down here that one has to be white which mean for this one it's either down there or it's over there and likewise the same for this one it's either there or it's either there now you can either guess or you can try and look at like can you see like there's sort of we can see there's definitely going to be like a line there cuz that's probably going to be a white one cuz well yeah it will be cuz if that was black then that one doesn't work so that's got to be white and then you just keep working along with the white pieces until you get to a point where you're going to have four in a line so that's probably going to be a black one which means this orientation can't be that way around it's got to be that way around if we fill in that corner we got a three and a three so that's fine it means that one's got to be dark pieces which means that one is white that one is white that one's black that one's white so then down here this one has to have that orientation which means that one it can either go there and it can't go there cuz that's a double piece so that's got to be a white one that's black b b b always surround the pieces that you know if they work so again we got two pieces there so we can only get two more whites but look that makes one up there so yes that's got to be black that's got to be black cuz there's a four in that bottom corner that can't be white so it's got to be black which means that one is black which means we can surround that cuz then that's a four so we know it's that like that so then surround those ones and you actually can work this out fairly fairly easily so I think this is the point that we know right cuz we surrounded all the pieces so that one's definitely got to be like that and that and that that one can't be black cuz cuz then that one doesn't work oh no but then that doesn't work oh no I thought I was doing so well at this oh no I'm an idiot I just do it that way oh man I thought I at the final hurdle then but no I did it yay expert difficulty achieved anyway I got to go I got to go get this thing up here now I've been far too distracted so oh what is that is that a person are you one of these statues where I go to like shake your hand and then you're actually real oh we've got a quest we got a quest solve a 100 puzzles I get 2 and a half thousand of those points surely I'm better off doing like some of the other ones though cuz there's way less to do for the point oh man it does say rare though I like rare anyway oh my God goodness I've just unlocked like so much stuff so new checkpoint up that way oh what is this like a hoop have I got to jump through the hoop yay all right hang on just solving a few of these puzzles on my way cuz I'm I'm a boss like that but we've made it up to this point so if we walk through here we get an enclave so head over this way oh was that like a that was like a jumping puzzle wasn't it how do I get back oh I don't know I feel very very stranded out on this island we'll head up here I'm going to solve these on my way as well so area numbers must equal sizes okay so that's a three cuz there's three of those so that's a two that's a four so we just do that we can then fill those in and the five sick right on to the next one so looks like I probably need these to can you see like they're all linked I think we got to do all of these in order anyway so for this one we do a little bit oh we literally just do that do we nice game cheers for that this one to make that a three I just do bsh Bo and then like that a than then we go into to here where oh can I jump through that hoop nice did it cuz we've now got this one to do where that's got to be a two that's got to be a four so like that is done o oh look it's telling me the different sort of hints how you like actually solve these not just like random sort of like how I worked out that that like um the five star difficulty one there is always like a trick to them all right so if this is going to be an eight that's probably all going to be filled in and then we just need one two which means that that and that have to work which means I just do that nice or I found another one of those there so many puzzles I'm actually loving this oh boy it's it's the a of twos so I think that can't be white can it that's where we start and then we literally just work our way work our way around like this yep so we end up like that thank you and up here we got another hoop to jump through oh up here we can go we up there thank thank you locked solve the pre oh I missed a puzzle I missed a puzzle I got to get those ones first nice all right so start with what you know so b b that's got to be a three then I probably do that and then do that sort of thing right so I know that the different number areas I can't touch if we do that then that that's the five done the eight is probably going to be like to there is yeah nice and then the nine oops the nine is all all the rest oh no it doesn't add up to n oh no oh cuz it adds up to more so I just I just thought that one's black I thought I did I thought I messed that up for a second right so we got one of those which I think is just that we got to surround the one there we can do a six down that side oh I can't make oh I can't make that shape always read the rules so something like that does work I can probably do that around that and then this one yeah just fills in all the rest and actually if I want to extend it I can swap that get rid of that and do that so that is that one solved got another hoop there we right and then we are heading further and further up oh so I missed the puzzle again okay so we got a one there so we know we surround that completely I don't need to surround that one though it's just the diagonals so that's how you do that one can then get up to here and do this one where again you just do I think we'll start with the four so we do that we got to do that one do those two that one that one lovely so next puzzle is up this way oh my goodness that was quite High I found more of these I got to I've always got to do these oh look proper donut ring but I think start off by doing what you know so we know that those two shouldn't touch each other so we're going to have to do something like that I can then perhaps start doing the five down to there we know they can't touch so that's got to go in and then that down here the four cuz we got the three over there that's probably the way we're going to have to go so like that that can be a three to there then the four done Mount over here I think that point oh no there you go yeah I did get the right point I just slightly hand eye coordinated that one up a bit incorrectly we'll head up this way we've got oh man there's so much stuff this is probably the most dense like world I've ever seen in a video game everywhere you look there's something to do and I absolutely love it it's like so rewarding I can't even like explain seven down to maybe there let's see what the five does yeah like that sorted all right so I think that's all of those done now I'm just going to head around and do a few more bits and Bobs just while I'm in the area right so this is the final connected puzzle so what have we got uh let's start with everything we know so definitely those two definitely between everything that shouldn't be touching that one in the middle is done to get that four in that's got to go all the way over to there which means that is a four that is a two and then that is a five nice so what have we oh what we got Wings we've got Wings press space three times to Glide 1 2 3 oh my goodness I'm now flying I was not expecting that in a puzzle game I've never I've never had flights unlocked in a in a random puzzle game right we got to follow that blob where you going blob it's going that way there's puzzles everywhere though I've got to solve them all thankfully I'm okay with that so through the hoop down to here solve that puzzle all right so now we've awakened new puzzle types oh and look on the top left there's actual there's other people playing it's not just me I thought I was all alone here but I'm not at all anyway one thing I've got to do let's uh let's fly to the pyramid I mean I could go to the entrance but why do that when I've got wings I can literally go to the Golden Top man look how big this game is by the way like yes there's puzzles dotted about everywhere but still like over 10,000 no wonder the world so big anyway what is that I found a monolith fragment oh look that's going over there oh there's loads have I got to go find them all anyway I've just got to see what's inside this this pyramid they've got Stars rather than blobs does that mean they're like super hard puzzles is this like the final boss maybe let's just see can I enter no I can't even enter I got to find five mysteries but like everywhere you look there's stuff to solve it's oh man this is I'm overwhelmed but like in a good way yes so the devs did did warn me it might be addictive I had no idea it would actually be this addictive I was like yeah yeah I've played ad Ive games before I don't have addictive Tendencies really but yeah I'm trying to find a point to end this video but I'm not sure I'm ever going to be able to cuz I'm it's happened again it's happened again anyway if you want to check it out yourself be sure to uh click the link in my description once again thanks so much to behavior interactive for sponsoring this has absolutely been a dream like oh what have we got here three stars okay this is grandmas difficulty so I guess for now I'll stay trying to solve this and uh and I guess I'll say peace puzzles bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 217,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islands of insight, islands of insight gameplay, island of insight, islands of insight demo, islands of insight review, islands of insight walkthrough, islands of insight solution, islands, insight, islands of insight beta, islands of insight 100%, islands of insight guide, islands of insight steam, islands of insight rating, islands of insight puzzle, islands of insight release, islands of insight puzzles, gameplay islands of insight, islands of insight release date
Id: 7YEW4A0tduI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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