Satisfactory: 200 Hour World Tour!

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hello and welcome to satisfactory today I have a world to show off to you one that I've been working on for 200 hours now as you can see with all the shenanigans going on the stuff in the distance we have a lot to explore well let's just hop in the car and ride around shall we that's there we go now for a little bit of background on this world and myself I have about 12200 hours into this game but I only have 200 hours into this world so I have about a th000 hours experience prior to starting this world another thing is I do have advanced game options on but I've played so so many times that the progression is just not meaningful to me I mean it's good progression but I've done it so many times and I just want to build factories so let's go to one of the most important builds in this world currently that is my power plant and this power plant runs on oil as you could probably imagine from the location if you're familiar with it we'll do a little bit of an overview of the factory it's not quite complete design wise and we're still missing some uh fuel fuel generators but currently my world does not need them so I have not put them in yet so on the outside here we have a train station as you can see it's arriving into the station now this train is not important for the factory itself it's important for my trucks this is the train that helps make a turbo fuel there may be a slight problem with a turbo fuel currently but I'll look into that this train brings in Sulfur and coal and exports its turbo Fuel and we'll see the production line of that later now down here is where all the oil is coming in now since all the fuel isn't being used yet all the oil is not coming in as fast as it needs to I should say but each one of these pipes is is capable of bringing in 600 per minute that is the maximum amount allowed with the mark two pipes and that is the maximum bringing in so the oil comes up here and gets split into three different districts now if you do the math which I have many many times on this build it's a little bit funky but we need one that's slightly less than the others okay my math might be off a little bit in this build currently so slight correction on the math here each one of these pipes can supply 20 of these refineries but there's 21 here and then 21 over there and then there's um 18 here I think so I need to pipe some of this oil into the back of some of these but that's fine I redid the logistics here recently so that is why that is happening but I don't need this at maximum power currently so that's fine for now I will'll put that down though so the first step into the fuel production line is to turn the crude oil into heavy oil residue this is the best recipe to do it because this focuses on the heavy oil residue the polymer resin is just a happy byproduct that we can use so each one of these makes 40 heavy oil residue which comes out to 120 now these here need 30 so we need four for every three of these and that's what's going on here we have three and then four simple simple but these also need package water which is that's why we have this water packager what we do here we package up the water we turn it into Fuel and then we unpack the fuel now when we unpack the fuel we get empty caners is back so we actually recycle them back on the same line and an infinite Loop um each one is preserved to each one of the refineries they're not connected in any way now for the packagers this is where we get all our water we ship it through here into a little waterfall looking thing and distribute it out onto the roof with the 1800 oil per minute coming in we make eight lines of pipes now if you know how to count you may realize this is only seven that's because one of the oil line or one of the fuel lines we turn to Turbo fuel you may ask why don't I just use turn all the fuel Into Turbo fuel that's because it turbo fuel kind of only requires you need sulfur for it now you can correct me if I'm wrong wrong but I'm pretty sure there's no way to make turbo fuel without having sulfur and sulfur is actually very limited and is one of the limied factors in factorio one it's one of the limited factors in satisfactory out of all the nodes in the entire map here there is only 11 sulfur nodes and you need sulfur in later production lines when you involve aluminum and uh eventually uranium so I decided it's just better to just use only oil in this production The Only Exception is with the turbo fuel because trucks I like trucks and we'll get more into them later but you need to give them all the advantages they can they can get anyway since the trucks actually burn up the canisters and don't return them we actually need to make them on site which is handy because uh we can in the byproducts we don't even have to worry that much since to turn the polymer resin into plastic we need water this is where this water comes into it gets shipped up there the byproducts aren't going at their maximum capacity because we're not burning the fuel as maximum as we can um when all set and done and all that fuel is you know cooking away all of these guys will you know be on and make in plastic and all of these will make the canisters but if all else fails and this backs up like this is doing now we do have some awesome sinks here to make sure the byproduct doesn't back up now one of the prominent features of this build is this giant Tower here and you may be wondering to yourself if you don't know much about the fluid mechanics in this game why do I have a giant Tower well fluid Mechanics Work very similar to how they would work in real life in life you water can water or any liquid can kind of push back up if they were in a u shape so if we were to drop this like didn't demonstrated here we have to push the fuel up to here but once it goes onto this side there is no need for it to be pushed back up in Theory we could raise these back up to this level without using any pumps so I just did that for Simplicity sake so I didn't have to worry about pumps on this side which this is what I like to call the bleachers because they look kind of like bleachers that you would find at football games or whatever now I only have two rows complete I think the third row here is not actually complete correct but this still generates plenty of power the net power game from the bleachers here not including the production line for the turbo fuel is 45,900 when I get all fuel generators in as you can see from the power line here my capacity is above my consumption and I have fail safes in check for if this ever goes above that currently those fail saves being the priority power switch so it will just shut down the least important stuff so let's shut down some Jank the steel Forge etc etc just to keep the rest going and I do have quite a bit of battery charge I don't know how much total here's a total about so that pretty much covers the fuel Factory let's move on to the predecessor to the fuel Factory so this right here is my Coal Power Plant now it's not complete design wise and it may never be because I do plan on or I'm thinking about retiring this build it has served me well it allowed me to build the oil power plant but it's kind of run its course now this guy in comparison to this like 45,000 this only makes 2,400 it is not that much and it does take up coal resources now the reason I'm hesitant to delete this is because I kind of like the design I kind of Base it off like a waterfall so you have multiple stacks and the water kind of you know funnel down and it's above an actual waterfall I think the concept can work I just don't know if I want to make this work so I won't be going into the details of quite how this works cuz it's just simple it just Fels this one thing I will mention is this is where a lot of my battery power is currently so I would have to add that somewhere else obviously it's a new power plant I guess one current benefit at my current Tech level it's only using this one coal miner so maybe it has Merit just because it's not using that much coal in the grand scheme of things but I don't know maybe that's something the comments can decide should I keep the coal power plant and maybe Revitalize it a little bit uh let me know know what you think so now we arve to one of the builds that took the most time and still has more time to be consumed because I would want to change some designs about it but that's neither here nor there and that is the construct Factory that's this massive build up here so let's go in know come in and park our car and let's take a little tour the outside is actually quite busy so maybe we'll look at that another minute well the idea with the construct Factory is just to be able to get all the bare necessities for all all the other buildings so we have a list of all the stuff here currently all this is being made either here or at the steel Forge here's a couple of shots we have a lot of moving Parts in this area since the construct Ford in its concept is kind of the main starting area that's where I have my Hub and all my other stuff I need like my uh chest of random stuff like my nuts also I don't know how I have two Hub Parts Plus The Hub Parts in this um yeah now to start the Journey of the conu factory I think it's best to start outside so out here we have the iron input so the follow the line of the iron input all of it comes into these two conveyor belts and get split across all of these furnaces every single one of these and they're all I don't want to say perfectly ratioed cuz I'm using a tactic of if you know the terms this is like a mix of manifold and perfect split using the speed of the belts so we have a tier one Bell here which has 60 items per minute so it takes 60 items per minute off the main line here and it splits between the two furnaces which equals 30 per minute each I do that all across the line here so these furnaces never back up I think this is an autosave I was right anyway the furnaces never back up it has this nice effect to it which I absolutely love and we have one of my favorite spots in the entire Factory like right here because I split out the iron ingots in such a way that almost that allows like different belt speeds we have like three different belt speeds going on here or is it four there's four different belt speeds and they're all kind necessary so this is where the iron plate or the iron rods get made and over here the iron plates simple now I won't go quite into all the ratios here because they're kind of complex and it's been a little bit of time since I worked with this but it clearly works as you can see so this line gets fed into here and this makes the the reinforced plates for the module frames and that's where all this comes into play and as you can see 100% efficiency that rhymes because of cool like that now another side to this production line is the copper which does basically the exact same thing as the iron these two miners is where all the copper needed for the inter ior comes into place all the way into here and does its thing now we go to the second floor we have the storage here we have the wall of all the items being made and processed here we got a little Museum to the basics over here we have a view in for the truck deck now over here we have the production line to make uh reinforced plates as you can see doing everything it needs to be doing we have the screws for the reinforced plates and then we have the kerum processing which is not that much we don't have much cerium needed just got some quick wire and some of the AI stuff being made but one thing to note we can see all the copper coming from the smelters going up to the next floor have another truck viewing deck here working as intended so this little section is actually the screws for the modal frames downstairs they all get shipped down this little shaft correction they're used for the rotors this is where they come out of in the corner here we have the biofuel storage for use with the chainsaw so we finally arrive at the Copper production plant now copper in the early game is only used for three objects the copper sheet for pipes a copper wire for wire related stuff and then cable for cable related stuff now if I were to redo the factory part of this floor a little bit I might produce more sheets and less cables because this is heavily focused on cables I don't think this really needs more wires because they're not used that much but this makes so many cables if we look at the output here I want you to count how many cables there are versus the other two outputs you see what I'm saying there's one major area I have not shown yet now obviously all the cool outputs get put here and this is where I can access them and you know use them for builds and whatnot up here is like the logistics floor it takes all the objects made from the entire Factory and sorts them sorts them into the containers down there and lots of moving Parts I love moving Parts it's my favorite part of this game is the moving Parts if you could not tell one thing to note though is before the regular storage container there is an industrial container beforehand and the Industrial Containers have two outputs and I use them and all all the objects have these lines here and they all go down below which we saw earlier and all of those lines come down here they're stacked a little bit so it's harder to see them but each one of those lines are connected to a train car thing and here we have the main output of this Factory it's the supply train the construct supplies so arriving to the station now is the supply train as you see it's quite long but now since I have every one of these uh products onto a train I can ship this train around the world and just take from the outputs and have all of these items wherever I build train stations for this guy and as you can see as it's going away it currently has one another thing to note this is where the turbo fuel gets dropped off currently there's no over stops but there might be in the future and we have little tractors taken around the fuel so any one of these red little tractors are fuel supply tractors they'll go Supply fuel to the train or the truck hubs and that's their job small little note we have an iron Outpost here for the trucks and now over here we have the truck import for the construct Factory this brings me all my steel products basically which are made elsewhere which we'll get to in a minute now if you played factorio for a good amount of time you know trucks are headaches I think their best use case coming from you know my thousand hours in this game is stuff like this where you make a product elsewhere and you want it chips elsewhere because the low volume you know you don't really care if it doesn't get there in time I think that's the best for these guys now given I said that there are multiple instances where I do have trucks shipping resources one of them we can show here which is how the kerium comes into this place if you wanted an like actual 100% efficient Factory I believe that trucks and trains are not the best conveyor belts just win if you want something to be consistent if you want something to always work with no sort of shenanigans although part of this world is the Aesthetics and I love the Aesthetics of trains and or trucks and trains I absolutely love both and these guys are so stupid and I love them so I do use trucks more than I should more than I practically should anyway let's move on we're going to head off this direction but a couple notable features we have the kerum Outpost here we have a lot little bypass here for tractors now the trucks can fit but eh it's very tight this uh Gap is affectionately named graze Gap because it's a gap in the rocks and the rocks are gray created by no so now on our way still we have the Limestone Outpost now we arrived in our second busiest area of this world the first being over there and here's the second there's not much more in this world but we'll go over to Steel Forge now next now I've tried so many times with these trucks but they are just something else I tried to make it so where the trucks can come in go to their stop and then come out but their turning radius is horrendous and this design is destined to fail unless maybe you gave it like a lot more length but how this sets up is now I cannot have a truck dedicated per each one of these not practically at least so what I ended up doing was just have a bunch of trucks like kind of snake through and that seems to work but that's why the trucks kind of don't really follow the same well I guess you could argue that this logically looks right but the they're um trying their best they're trying their best down here we have the fuel import for the steel construct Factory anyway the steel construct as you can imagine makes a lot of Steel products here we have the iron Limestone and coal we need for this uh production down here we can see we have the miners here now now I want to note I have not upgraded these miners so I could probably reduce them down to like just these two and ignore those two so there's a lot more coal here that I can grab we have the copper coming in here which is like for rotors I believe and then the iron is coming from up here so if we follow the production most of the magic happens into these couple are is here now I'm using the recipe that where you smelt the iron before you make the steel which I'm pretty sure just gives you more it just gives you more steel like it's such a simple thing to do so it's like once you unlock that alt recipe just do it it's the better recipe that's what I'm currently do I'm separating them too um I believe this was limited by my belt speed at the time but now I have all tiers of belts but yeah this is where all the steel for the steel factory gets made now with the steel factory here I had Aesthetics not quite in mind as much so here we have the as I now affectionally called them spikes steel pipes um it's a fun word so all the steel pipes here get made uh some of them get exported down to be shipped off and used in you know buildings and stuff but these guys here get shipped upwards I also over here make [Music] some over here I also make some steel beams now they're not as useful once you get past the tier three belt but they're I mean I think they're used in something oh yeah they're used in the metal metal walls yeah useful useful them guys up here is where our Limestone gets turned into concrete and we use the spike and concrete recipe to make the encase beams well we still have some uh some exports going on but we have even more spyes going up so here's where all our copper gets turned into copper ingots just a little room off just a little room offshoot and on the final floor all the copper and all the spikes that are left over get turned into rotors we turn the copper into copper wire and we combine the copper wire and the spikes into rotors I also believe we make stats here sters I think it's Staters sters Staters stator according to Google is stator so that so we get the sters and we get the rotors and we make the motors who made these names they're goofy I love them but that concludes the steel factory there's a lot of work to be done on the steel factory and design wise but it works flawlessly Al the I have considered maybe replacing it but I'm not too sure before we get to the final building I want to show this is where the supply train currently goes to is currently the only stop but that doesn't mean we won't get more stops in the future when I build more advanced factories there's a couple spots in this world I do want to show off because they are pretty vital to the production of this world mainly because they produce stuff I don't produce in an actual fact currently so here we have like a quartz production line so we can make radio units um the quartz crystal and the silica the silica mainly being used for glass which glass is pretty down here we have the computer production line which also acts as a fabric plastic and rubber as a byproduct along with a couple other things so we're making super computers down here I think I turned that off currently though um and there's other things down here like uh highspeed connectors probably should actually store them so yes we're making the super computers we're now going to be making highspeed connectors uh regular computers are here I don't think I'm store in them but sure uh circuit boards and that's a about it so now we have probably my grand the the best Factory I have on this world currently just from the grand scale of it look how imposing this Factory looks on you it just takes up the world so we'll enter through the front of this building I'm going to note there's a lot I've built this very recently there's still a lot of design choices to be made and there's probably stuff I have overlooked this is the heavy modular frame Factory we are going to enter via the main entrance and we're going to fix that so this will be the main entrance to the factory to the right we have where the train comes through uh it can continue on that way which I probably will do I'm not too sure but we'll I'm thinking real hard on my uh Railway Network because one I want the trains to like I want a lot of the trains to pass through this area because I'm going to be in this area a lot of the time um but we'll see in places like this I have I want to be a high priority for trains to go through because it's cool anyway so up we have the rest of the factory over here we have the truck Depot which I learned from my previous mistakes so I I learned from my mistakes and this is the best way to do a truck system a truck Hub if you will now I could probably compact it a little bit you know in retrospect but it wasn't needed give it more give the trucks more space to do the derpiness but yes this is the best way to do it it and have them go through the uh truck stations if you have them go through there's no like backing up there's no weird turns they just go on through do their thing and go on and do their own thing so this station so this Hub here has an export of the heavy modular frames that get sent to the construct Factory we also import import iron compacted coal Limestone if you remember we saw the Limestone Outpost the Limestone trucks are very important to this they bring in a lot of limestone the compacted coal trucks only need to bring in about 500 per minute which dear God that number seems incorrect that I think that number is wrong I I think this number is wrong holy anyway back to back to oh God so this truck station is a little bit I guess you could say special I did some math wrong I know me doing math wrong insane but I did math wrong and I needed like 170 iron more per minute so that's what this guy is he just supplements the iron from the train that stops here the train brings in most of the iron so as the train arrives with all its delicious iron and here's where all that delicious delicious iron is being mined from I have four pure nodes up here so to be in mind at the maximum that we currently can which is 780 belt limited sadly all that iron gets shipped into uh two cars each and that's the ratio I want to use for cars in the future everyone is basically a normal node and since pure nodes are two normal nodes yeah perfect so what happens to this iron well I'm glad you ask roughly half the iron gets turned into steel this time we're using the compacted coal recipe for the steel production and the other half is just getting turn into ingots and then they get shipped on upwards and that concludes oh and we also as a little side note we have HMF Factory has its own Limestone Supply just this alone wasn't enough that's why we need the import so now we go to the second floor which the first thing you'll see is the concrete being turned into limestone or the Limestone being turned into concrete I always get those mixed up now I'm noticing an error already now if you ever run into some random error that you just do not understand my first advice just rebuild it cuz if it's not working it's just not going to be working there nothing you can really do about it so just rebuilding is probably the best idea over here we have the lovely lovely Spike production now a lot of these spikes are going upwards I believe to be used elsewhere but some of these spikes are being put over here now this isn't quite working 100% because it's backed up on Industrial beams well we'll figure that out later along the line but yeah now the concrete should be filling up all this and then all the indust wait no it shouldn't be fil what why is it fill up on Industrial beams excuse you uh you'll find stuff like this for a while after you build a new Factory anyway the industrial beams are made here and then this is where the magic happens this is where the magic this is the goofier part of the video cuz I don't know you know I thought I caught everything but apparently I didn't but this is like the beaten heart of this Factory the main reason why it's in production and that's to make 20 these heavy module frames per minute that's right I have four of these or I have 10 of these running each of these make two per minute now it's not quite 100% because we're having issues but we'll we'll ignore that it seems to be the industrial beams which we could probably back up and fix it but it's make them it's making them so it this Factory is successful anyway back up here um which this is backing up because that was backing or that wasn't working at full capacity so this couldn't work at full capacity but we have the this looks so stupid we have all the regular module frames being made here which I believe is up to 100 per minute is being made here each one of these making two and yeah there's 50 of the assemblers over here we have the reinforced frames or reinforced plates being made now the biggest logistical challenge here is not the plates I can just run them through fine actually the plates are a little bit interesting I'll talk about them for a second because I'm making this needs more plates than the tier five can handle so I'm doing a little tactic it's like a double manifold T tactic I'm using a method where I'm kind of having two lines of plates because I need more plates than the tier five can produce and I'm sending them down both ends which they then meet in the middle here so it's like a double manifold technique and and we have all our screw lines coming down from above over here we're making uh iron rods I decided to use the steel iron rods because they actually make a lot of iron rods for surprisingly little iron if you actually do the math and I'm making steel so I just threw that into my calculations and I worked it in so that's where the rods are going over here and all that's being made now over here here is the iron plates which are used for the rods nothing special here just a bunch of Constructors and we have the final floor along with the screw production lines now screws are really crazy to work with because you kind of need a lot of them this Factory alone if I check my notes this Factory specifically needs 6 76 these Constructors making screws which comes out to 3,800 screws per minute that doesn't include the logistics which are a nightmare we ignore these floors here the in between floors that's where the shenanigans happen all right we don't we don't involve ourselves in those floors but we have eight Lanes here which admittedly probably could be a markv belt instead of a mark five but I can't have a single mark five belt coming out from one of these so four the lines just come down straight into the heavy frames and just get made there now another four the lines get put here into the reinforced plates and all of that complicated all of this math that I've I written down and did math for this project all that accumulates to these 10 manufacturers as I shown before the heavy module frames come all the way down to the truck output right into here as we can see we already have 50 in here and the truck goes to the construction Factory and all of those heavy modular frames made in the factory come right here for me to enjoy well thank you all for watching this this video I do hope you enjoyed it little bit different than most of my videos but you know I don't really have a consistent style I hope you got some knowledge of satisfactory it's one of my favorite games of all time I hope if you play satisfactory maybe you got a couple ideas from this video and yeah I will hopefully see you next time I will keep updates on this world once I build more and more factories might do a update video every big Factory I make who knows we'll see well as that truck absolutely destroys that tractor down there uh that will be the end of the video so bye
Channel: Ottermin
Views: 835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Redmun, The Redmun, Satisfactory, World Tour, 200 hours, 1000 hours, Factory
Id: rRRQoDRb8Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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