"Satan's Final End Time Deception" - Pastor Stephen Bohr

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the Church of Thessalonica had written a letter to the Apostle Paul asking him about what was going to happen with their loved ones who were dying they knew that those who would be alive when Jesus comes would be taken to heaven with the Lord but they weren't exactly sure what was going to happen with those who during their lifetime believed in Jesus and so they wrote a letter to the Apostle Paul asking him what was going to happen to those who died in Christ the Apostle Paul answered their question by writing to them first Thessalonians chapter 4 and of course in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 15 and 16 we find the famous words of the Apostle Paul I'd like to begin by reading these words to set the stage for what we're going to discuss this evening the Apostle Paul says therefore the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord now the Apostle Paul in this passage gives the impression that he was going to be alive when Jesus comes notice once again he says then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air the Apostle Paul was presumably saying that he was going to be alive when Jesus comes and of course the Thessalonians misunderstood what the Apostle Paul was saying and so the Apostle Paul felt it necessary to write them a second letter to clear up some issues which were not clear in their minds and this was one of the issues and that is was the coming of Jesus so imminent that the Apostle Paul was going to be alive and many of those in the Church of Thessalonica were going to be alive when Jesus comes the Apostle Paul wrote in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 and 2 that that was not the case in fact I'd like to read 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 & 2 where the Apostle Paul clearly tells the Thessalonians that the coming of Christ was not imminent in his day the coming of Christ was not even at the door there was not going to be an any moment coming of Christ in the days of the Apostle Paul we find these words in 2nd 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and verses 1 & 2 now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand the Apostle Paul is saying in this passage that if somebody tells the Thessalonians through a prophecy given by the Holy Spirit that the coming of Jesus is imminent he says don't believe it or if somebody says I heard the Apostle Paul say and they say that he spoke words saying that the coming of Jesus was imminent the Apostle Paul says don't believe it also if somebody should present a letter presumably signed by the Apostle Paul they were not to believe that it was from the Apostle Paul because the Apostle Paul is saying here that the coming of Jesus is not imminent in other words it is not an any moment coming something has to happen before Jesus can come now in this passage 2nd Thessalonians 2 verses 1 and 2 we have a very important word and it's at the beginning of the verse now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ the word coming there is the word parousia I want you to remember that the word is parousia the coming of Jesus is described in this way and you'll notice also in the in this first verse of 2nd Thessalonians 2 then it speaks about our gathering together to Jesus it doesn't speak about Jesus coming to be with us the Apostle Paul speaks about our gathering to Jesus this is in perfect harmony with 1st Thessalonians 4 where he speaks about us being taken up into the air to meet the Lord in the air to be ever more with the Lord now let's notice verse 3 the Apostle Paul says this let no man deceive you by any means deceive them about what let's continue reading for that day which day according to the context which day the day of Christ's parousia for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first let me ask you what comes first the parousia of Christ or a falling away very clearly the Apostle Paul says that before the parousia of Christ before the coming of Christ there will be according to the King James Version are falling away and it says and that men of sin be revealed the son of perdition so my question is this is the Antichrist because everybody agrees that this son of perdition is the Antichrist is the Antichrist going to appear before the parousia of Jesus is he going to appear before the second coming of Christ very clearly yes is it a sign is the appearance of this Antichrist the sign according to this passage that there that Jesus is soon to come absolutely in other words is there a sign that precedes the second coming of Jesus yes it is the appearance of this man of sin now let's say something about the a falling away this is not probably the best translation actually it has the definite article it doesn't say a falling away in the Greek it says V falling away in other words this is a specific falling away this is not a falling away or one falling away among many this is the falling away now what does falling away mean well Hal Lindsey says that it means snatching away the church it means taking the church rapturing the church to heaven well the fact is that the Greek word here as I mentioned in a previous lecture is the word parousia actually the word not piracy in the word apostasy ax what word in English do we get from apostasy ax we get the word apostasy in other words the falling away is a what it is an apostasy what has to take place first before Jesus comes the apostasy by the way the only other place in the New Testament that I was able to find that uses this word is acts 21 in verse 21 let's go there to acts 21 and verse 21 very significant speaking about how the Jews accused the Apostle Paul it says and they are informed of thee that thou tea-chest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses in other words they're saying that you Paul are teaching the Gentiles to forsake Moses what does that mean to forsake Moses in other words to apostatize from Moses - to not follow the writings of Moses to depart from Moses saying that they ought not to circumcise their children neither to walk after the customs so what does the word apostasy mean it means a departure from the accepted faith it means a departure from the truth there's no other way that you can construe this word because in the Greek it means exactly that apostasy the falling away from the truth forsaking the truth in other words J will not come until there is the apostasy from the truth now let's go back to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and continue reading it says let no man deceive you verse 3 by any means for that day shall not come except there come the apostasy first and that man of what and that man of sin be revealed now we need to discuss first of all the word man that man of sin you know those who believe that the Antichrist is going to be a single individual person who will sit in the rebuilt Jerusalem Temple say that the text declares very clearly that it is a man it doesn't say a system it says the man of sin well we need to look at several items in order to notice that man does not mean one singular person it means a system first of all even Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye and those who believe in the rapture will agree that the man of sin of second Thessalonians 2 is the same as the little Horn of Daniel 7 and the Beast of Revelation 13 they all agree on this point now in Revelation chapter 13 the Antichrist is called the Beast correct he governs for forty-two months which is the same as time times and the dividing of time now what does a beast represent invariably in Bible prophecy without exception that I know of a beast represents a kingdom represents a nation it does not represent an individual but a kingdom now desert Kingdom have many rulers in succession one right after the other you know how many presidents has the United States had I think we're the furtive 43rd right 43rd President of the United States and yet it is one Kingdom the United States and by the way in Revelation chapter 13 the second beast of Revelation 13 represents the United States of America and so you'll see the beast represents not a singular person it represents a kingdom a succession of rulers within that kingdom so if this man of sin is called the beast in Revelation 13 you would expect a succession of rulers and not a singular individual furthermore very clearly as we're gonna notice in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 the Apostle Paul says that this man of sin was already wanting to manifest himself in the days of the Apostle Paul he was undercover but he's not gonna be destroyed until Jesus comes now let's let's reach the logical conclusion to this if he's already there wanting to surface in the days of Paul but he's not destroyed until Jesus comes how can it be a singular individual he would have have to have lived 2,000 years anybody of you any of you know someone who has lived 2,000 years in the world today I don't think you know a single single person and so because he's wanting to surface in the days of Paul but he's destroyed at the coming of Christ it must be a system because there is no individual that is 2,000 years old furthermore the expression the man is parallel to other expressions in the Bible where you have a succession for example in Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 7 it speaks about the high priest the high priest doing this if you read that text you're gonna find that it's not talking about the singular individual high priest it's talking about all of the succession of priests that served in the sanctuary yet it is phrased as the high priest also in 1st Samuel chapter 8 and verse 11 it speaks about the king of Israel doing so and so if you read that text it clearly indicates that it is not a singular King that is supposed to follow the rules that are mentioned in that verse it is the succession of all of the kings of Israel in fact the word King there the king represents not only one singular King but it represents a the whole succession of Kings in the history of Israel nor Saul so second Timothy chapter 3 and verses 16 and 17 they're the the expression the man is used the specific expression it says there in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and verses 16 and 17 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that what that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works would anyone want to tell me that the expression the man of God refers to a singular individual is that what it's talking about no it's saying that any man of God that appears in history can be instructed by the Word of God the only difference between this verse and second Thessalonians 2 is that in 2nd Thessalonians 2 it calls him the man of sin whereas here it calls him what the man of God so for these reasons you're not dealing with an individual you are actually dealing with a system that has a succession of individual rulers is this clear in your mind now we need to take a look at why he is called the man of sin sin characterizes him in other words now the question is what is sin door with me - first John chapter 3 and verse 4 first John chapter 3 and verse 4 let's notice what sin is it says there whoever committed sin transgresseth also the law for sin is what sin is the transgression of the law in other words this man or this succession of rulers is going to teach people that sin is not such a serious matter after all actually sin is going to characterize this system or this succession of rulers and what is sin sin is transgression of the law it's a system that is going to encourage people to transgress God's holy law by the way this fits perfectly Daniel 7 verse 25 where it speaks about the little horn and it says there and he shall speak great words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the Most High and shall think to change times and what and laws there you have it the man of sin thinks he can change the times and thinks he can change what he can change laws so the little horn and the man of sin are parallel in the sense that both of them tamper with the law of God and by tampering with the law of God they will encourage people to what they will encourage people to sin now notice also going back to this verse 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 3 it says let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come that is Jesus won't come except there be the apostasy first and that man of sin that individual or succession of individuals who teach that people that the keeping of God's law is not that important and that's significant it says that man of sin be what be revealed now that word revealed there is the Greek word apocalypsis where we get the word apocalypse from the antonym are revealed is what what is the antonym of revealed concealed right or hidden let me ask you is this man of sin hidden in the days of the Apostle Paul is he undercover in the days of Paul he most certainly is he is he wanting to prop up his head and take over he most certainly is he wants to take over and but but it says here that for a while at least he is restrained we'll come to that in a few moments he's restrained from manifesting his power he's undercover in other words he is restrained for a season now notice also in 2nd Thessalonians 2 verse 3 that we are told that he is called the what the son of perdition this system is called the son of perdition do you know that there's only one other place in the whole Bible where that that name the son of perdition is used it's found in John 17 and verse 12 notice what John 1712 says Jesus is speaking to his disciples and he says while I was with them in the world actually speaking to his father about the disciples while I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name those that Dow gave us me I have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled whom does Jesus called the son of perdition in this verse he is calling Judas Iscariot the son of perdition must this mean that this system is going to be similar to Judas what do you think is this character going to be similar to Judas you know in the Bible names denote character whenever a name appears it's not only to distinguish John from Paul the purpose is to denote the character of the individual so in other words if this system is called the son of perdition and Judas is called the son of perdition they must have a similar character so we have to take a look at the character of Judas let me tell you very quickly some things about Judas if you read the Gospels you discover that he had great charisma he was a leader among the disciples he was greatly admired and he was greatly respected he was also a cunning administrator he was a member of Christ's inner circle he was not openly against Christ he professed to be a supporter of Christ but in the background he was seeking to undermine Christ he desired to have an earthly Kingdom according to John chapter 6 and verse 15 he coveted worldly riches and fame in fact he had a form of piety that even duped the disciples you know when Jesus said to Judas what you're going to do do it quickly the disciples actually thought that Jesus was sending Judas on an errand they still didn't catch the point in the upper room he was a hypocrite because when Jesus says one of you is going to betray me he says along with the other disciples is it I he betrayed Jesus how he betrays Jesus with a kiss now the important thing to notice here is that Judas was not some blasphemous individual some atheists which attacked Jesus and the disciples from outside he was an insider he was a member of the inner circle and he professed to be supportive of Jesus but he was actually in the background undercover he was seeking to undermine everything that Jesus was doing and by the way do you know that the Gospels tell us that eventually he was possessed by Satan he became Satan's right-hand man Jesus in fact says one of you that is with me is a devil now he's not saying that he's literally the devil what he's saying is that he was possessed by the devil the main thing that I want us to notice is that Judas Iscariot was publicly a follower follower of Christ but behind the scenes he worked by subterfuge under a cloak of secrecy Ellen White adds a couple of very interesting details she says that Jesus washed the feet of Judas first in the upper room and he washed the feet of Peter last he was trying to say that the last shall be first and the first last because of their attitude she also clarifies that Judas was sitting to the left of Christ and John was on the right hand side in other words Judas was the closest to Jesus at the table in the upper room of any of the disciples and yet he was a betrayer by the way Dave Hunt describes in the book global peace what the Antichrist will be like and he hits the nail on the head but he believes still that it's going to be some future in the blasphemous individual that will sit in the rebuilt Jewish temple in spite of the fact that he says these words notice what he says about the I've read this in a previous lecture he says while the pre-greek prefix anti generally means against or opposed to it can also mean in the place of or a substitute for the Antichrist will embody both meanings he will oppose Christ while pretending to be Christ instead of a frontal assault against Christianity the Evil One will pervert the church from within by posing as its founder he will cunningly misrepresent Christ while pretending to be Christ and right here is where the problem the plot thickens if the Antichrist will indeed pretend to be Christ then his followers must be Christians is he on target he's on target but he still doesn't see the fact that the Anti Christ has been in the world for 1500 years he can't see it because he's looking for a future Antichrist to sit in the Jewish temple in the Middle East by the way allow me to say this the greatest enemies of God's people throughout the history of the world have not been a theists but have been individuals who profess to follow God you begin with a story of Cain and Abel did both of them profess to serve God did both of them come to worship God did both of them raise up an altar yes superficially their religion appeared to be similar but as we all know Cain disobeyed God and worship the God God as he pleased rather than as God had commanded and he arose and killed his brother notice this is not an outsider killing his brother it is his very own blood brother who became is his enemy who killed the prophets of the Old Testament I suppose it was Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians and the Assyrians and the Egyptians know the prophets were killed and hated by those who profess to be followers of God let me ask you who slew Jesus Christ it was the very people that professed to serve God and obey God who slew God's people during the Middle Ages was it some out side force was at the Muslims that came on Crusades against the Christians to kill them absolutely not who are the enemies of God's true Saints during this period of 1260 years it was a system that professed to me what that professed to be Christian and by the way it's not going to change in the end time in John chapter 16 verses 1 & 2 Jesus says the time is coming when those who kill you will think that they're doing God a favor that's what's going to happen at the end of time it's going to be one class of believers rising up against another class of believers true believers against false believers and the Antichrist will arise within the Christian Church not a second Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 4 continuing our study it says who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is what showing himself that He is God let me ask you is this man of sin going to oppose God yes how is he going to oppose God this is the big question is it going to be a blasphemous atheist who is going to attack God from outside no in fact you have an illustration of this kind of Opposition in the book of Acts we're not going to turn there but I'll just mention it in passing in acts 5 38 and 39 when the the Jews wanted to do damage to the Apostle Paul actually not Paul but John and James we find that Gamaliel stands this wise man and he says you know folks maybe we better just wait and see what happens with this movement if it's not of God it's gonna fizzle out but if it is of God it's going to continue to exist and it says who are we then to be fighting against God they would have never professed to be fighting against God but they would have been fighting against God even though they profess to be following God let me ask you did Judas fight against God did he of course Judas fought against God how did he fight against God openly some blasphemous atheists no he professed to follow Jesus Christ openly but under neath he was betraying Jesus Christ you'll notice that this Antichrist then professes that He is God and he's going to demand worship notice that the issue is worship do you see that there are two issues here so far this is the man of sin and what is sin the transgression of the law and secondly he's going to be man what worship two issues the commandments of God and worship in this passage let me ask you is that the same issue in the book of Revelation here are they who keep the commandments of God whoa - he who worships the beast or his image in other words the same two issues in Revelation are the issues that we find here by the way this Antichrist is really a system and it is the Roman Catholic papacy you say well the Roman Catholic papacy does not claim to be God well let me just share some interesting details with you does the papacy claim infallibility who's the only one who's infallible God okay does the Roman Catholic papacy claim that its leader is Christ's representative on earth yes does the Roman Catholic papacy claim to have the power to forgive sins yes by the way who is the only one who can forgive sins God so if the papacy claims to be able to forgive since it's stealing the prerogatives of whom of God what do people call the Pope Holy Father although Jesus has called no man on earth your father's not talking about our literal fathers but you know spiritual fathers and by the way do people bow before the Pope they certainly bow before the Pope does the papacy claim to have power to install and remove kings they can't do it right now because they don't have the power but they still claim to have the power to place kings and remove Kings according to Daniel who is the only one who places kings they remove Kings God furthermore the papacy claims to changed God's law if it changed if it says that it changed God's law is that a prerogative of God absolutely so has this system which claims to be Christian actually fought against God and opposed God by claiming to have the power and the prerogatives of God absolutely no doubt whatsoever about it now you notice it says here that he sits in the temple of God what does that expression mean sitting in the temple of God actually that word sitting means to rule or to judge in other words he's in the temple of God and he claims to have the right to rule and to judge notice a couple of verses Matthew 19 and verse 28 Jesus says verily I say unto you the very identical words sitting verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory ye also shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel does this system claim to have the right to rule on a worldwide basis yes does it claim to have the right to judge all humanity all human beings in fact there are statements from Roman Catholic scholars where they say that the Pope has the right to judge everyone but he but he cannot be judged by anyone that's precise terminology he sits in the temple of God by the way the same word is used in Matthew 23 and verse 2 where it says the scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses seat what does that mean that the scribes and the Pharisees were sitting in Moses seat they actually believed that they were successors of Moses they had the same authority of Moses to dictate to the people what they should believe and what they should observe they felt that they had the authority of Moses so let me ask you if this Antichrist sits in the temple of God he claims to have the authority in the prerogatives of whom of God he claims to have the right to rule and the right to judge all humanity now you notice that it says that he sits where in the of God in other words he rules in the temple of God another question is what is represented by the temple of God who do you suppose would be the person who could best explain to us what the temple of God is do you think maybe Paul would be good thing maybe we should let Paul explain Paul I think so you know do you think Paul knew what he meant of course so we go to other texts of the Apostle Paul where he uses the expression temple of God to find out what he means is he talking about a rebuilt Jerusalem Temple absolutely not allow me to read you a couple of statements from the writings of Paul the identical expression if asians 2 verses 20 to 22 we've read this before we're gonna read it again speaking about the church it says and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets cried Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone is this a temple yes yes what are the foundations of this temple stones no the apostles and prophets what is the chief Cornerstone Jesus and who are the stones that are built up on the foundation and the cornerstone the members it says in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto a what a holy temple in the Lord in whom ye also are builded together for a navigation of God through the spirit according to the Apostle Paul what is the temple of God is it a literal jerusalem temple no it is the church which is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets all the New Testament Jesus Christ the chief Cornerstone and the stones are spiritual the stones represent individuals by the way first Peter chapter 2 verses 5 and following gives the same idea Jesus is the chief Cornerstone and we as living stones are built onto this temple in other words it's a worldwide temple built upon worldwide foundations Jesus Christ the chief Cornerstone having a world impact notice also 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 he's speaking about the Corinthian church and this is what he says no he not that year the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you If any man defile the temple of God there you have the second time that he calls it the temple of God him shall God destroy for the temple of God is holy which temple ye are he st. to the Corinthian church you are what you are the temple of God let me ask you did they live in Jerusalem did these people live in Jerusalem no they lived in Corinth and yet the Apostle Paul says you are what the Corinthian church is the temple of God so what does the Apostle Paul mean when he says that this Antichrist will sit in the temple of God what he's saying is that this will be a system of rulers which will arise within the Christian Church are you following me or not by the way if I could just mention Matthew 21 12 and 13 which we've dealt with before when Jesus at the triumphal entry enters the temple it says there and Jesus went into the temple of God the identical expression went into the temple of God and cast out all of them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them which sold doves and said unto them it is written my house shall be called the house of prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves did Jesus call the literal Jerusalem temple the temple of God and his house at this stage yes he did but then after he preaches to these people in matthew the rest of matthew 21 22 and 23 and they reject his teaches you can read it we find jesus at the end of chapter 23 right before he speaks about the destruction of jerusalem he says this behold your house is left unto you what your house is left unto you desolate had the status of the temple changed between when Jesus entered and when Jesus left yes in fact right after this he speaks about the destruction of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple because they did not know the hour of their visitation and then of course second Thessalonians 2 and verse 5 the Apostle Paul says to the Thessalonians remember D not that when I was yet with you I told you these things in other words I've talked to you about these things do you know these things that I've been talking about now let's notice chapter 2 and verses 6 and 7 here there's going to be a mysterious restrainer which the Apostle Paul is going to talk about he says there in 2nd Thessalonians 2 verse 6 and now ye know notice that they knew ye know what withholdeth what does that mean with holdeth actually it means that something is restraining something is holding back ye know what withholdeth did the Thessalonians know what the restrainer was did they the Apostle Paul says yes ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth in other words with holdeth will let or withhold until he be taken out of the way so the question is is there a restrainer that is keeping this power from being manifested in the days of the Apostle Paul yes and what I want you to notice is that this restrainer is referred to as neuter and as masculine in the first part of verse 6 it says ye know what withholdeth but then later on he says only he who now withholdeth so in other words there is a what that withholds and there is a he that withhold now you say why is this important well we'll come back to it in a moment I want you to notice in Romans chapter 13 verse 1 and verse 4 that the passo Paul speaks about the same phenomenon he speaks about a power that restrains or a power that holds back Romans chapter 13 and verse 1 the Apostle Paul here's talking about the civil government of Rome and he says this whosoever therefore resisteth the power that word power by the way is neuter gender neuter gender resisteth the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation and then notice verse 4 for he that is the power the same power that is spoken of in verse 1 for he masculine is the minister of God to thee for good let me ask you when Romans chapter 13 speaks about the power what is it referring to it's referring to the civil government of Rome but you notice that this civil government is referred to as what not only in the new turbit is referred to as he in fact the Apostle Paul says he is the minister of God is this talking about one particular ruler or is this talking about a system and a succession of rulers it's referring to a system that's neuter and it's referring to rulers which is the reference to the masculine now I'd like to read you an interesting statement from the writings of Ellen White great controversy 49 and 50 she had this straight about who the restrainer was by the way if you read romans 13 what was the purpose of the existence of the civil power of Rome what was the purpose for the power of Rome Rome had the sword to restrain what to restrain evil the manifestation of evil of wickedness of sin let me ask you when that sword is taken away is the man of sin going to appear is lawlessness going to appear obviously yes now notice what Ellen White says about this very very perceptive she says little by little at first by stealth and silence and then more openly as it increased in strength and gained control of the minds of men the mystery of iniquity carried forward it's deceptive and blasphemous work is she making a calm they're in second Thessalonians 2 yes because she mentions the mystery of iniquity how did it work by stealth and what and silence and she speaks about carrying forward it's deceptive and blasphemous work then she says this almost imperceptibly the customs of hedonism found their way into the Christian Church the spirit of compromise and conformity notice this was restrained for a time by the fierce persecutions which the church endured under paganism what was it that restrained the manifestation of this apostasy the existence of paganism which is a reference to what two pagan Rome that's right notice she uses the word restrained then she continued saying but as persecution ceased and Christianity entered the courts and palaces of kings she laid aside the humble simplicity of Christ in his apostles for the pomp and pride of pagan priests and rulers and in place of the requirements of God she substituted human theories and traditions so what was it which was restraining the manifestation of this man of sin it was the sword of Rome the civil power by the way if you look at Daniel 7 revelation 13 and second Thessalonians 2 you have the identical sequence in Daniel chapter 7 you have the dragon with ten horns and the next ruling power is what the little horn in Revelation chapter 13 you have the dragon Beast and then the dragon beast gives his throne and his power and his authority to whom to the Beast in 2nd Thessalonians 2 you have the restrainer and when the restrainer is removed who arises the man of sin so the little horn the Beast and the man of sin all come after the power of Rome in the sequence now did you know that the early church fathers also understood that the restrainer was Rome I've chosen only three church fathers to quote because of the scarcity of time but in the material on Daniel 7 notes Daniel 7 there are many other quotations this is from Tertullian he wrote in the year actually he died in the year 240 he says for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now hinders must hinder until he be taken out of the way and that he says this what obstacle is there but the Roman state the falling of way of which by being scattered into ten kingdoms shall introduced Antichrist upon its own ruins and then shall be revealed the wicked one clearly he understood the restrainer to be Rome when he's taken out of the way the Antichrist will be manifested once again Tertullian says this by the way you'll have a bibliography on the PowerPoint it says the very he says this the very end of all things threatening dreadful woes he is only by the continued existence of the Roman Empire you also have Ambrose who died in the year 390 he says this after the falling or decay of the Roman Empire Antichrist shall appear and finally Chrysostom who died in the year 407 says this when the Roman Empire is taken out of the way notice that he's quoting 2nd Thessalonians 2 then he shall come that is the Antichrist and naturally for as long as the fear of this Empire lasts no one will willingly exalt himself but when that is dissolved he will attack the anarchy and endeavour to seize upon the government both of man and of God so the early church fathers understood along with Ellen White and along with the Apostle Paul that the restrainer was the Roman Empire who had the sword while the church was first persecuted and the state was in the ascendancy the manifestation of this man of sin was restrained but when the state was taken away and actually the church overtakes the state and now uses the sword to persecute then this man of sin is fully white fully manifested now you'll notice here also in that second do that it says that he would be revealed in his own time let me ask you did the Antichrist having a specific allotted time that God had established for his rule yes or no he most certainly had a specific time what was that time see if you go back to Daniel 7 you'll find that it says that God allowed allotted to the little Horn time times and what and the dividing of time in other words that is the time he will appear in his time in other words in the moment in the gods calendar when God said he was going to appear that is exactly when he's going to appear now allow me to summarize then this material about the restrainer from the year 55 to 538 the man of sin is being restrained by the Roman Empire from 538 to 1798 the restrainer has been removed and what and the man of sin has his a lot of time he speaks blasphemies against the Most High you think he can change the times of the lowest high he thinks he can change the laws of God he persecutes the Saints of the Most High he does all these terrible things during the 1260 years has the restraint been removed at this stage yes but what happened in 1798 he received a deadly wound by the what by the sword now if the sword in Romans 13 represents the power of the state whom was the papacy wounded by in 1798 he was wounded by the secular power of France was his temporal power removed did the civil governments of the world once more come to prominence and rule in the world absolutely so let me ask you is the papacy today still being restrained in it is there a second stage of restraint yes who restrains the Roman Catholic papacy from manifesting itself in a secular governments which gave the papacy it's deadly wound in 1798 let me ask you is the restrainer going to be removed according to Revelation 13 once again yes the second beast of Revelation 13 will help in regain his what his power notice how Ellen White caught this point she had it real clear great controversy page 564 notice her terminology speaking about when this restrainer will be removed the secular government in the United States and the papacy joined the civil powers of the world once again the same thing will happen is when the papacy took the ascendancy during the 1260 years Ellen White says this let the restraints now imposed by secular governments be removed and Rome be reinstated in her former power and there would speedily be a revival of her tyranny and persecution did you catch that let the restraints restrain him now imposed by secular governments be removed and Rome be reinstated in her former power and there would speedily be a revival of her tyranny and persecution of course most Christians today aren't even looking at Rome for the fulfillment of prophecy they don't see any role for the papacy in the 1260 years so there's no reason to worry in their minds that's why you can hear politicians today saying that I don't see anything wrong with joining church and state I don't see anything wrong with the government giving money to charitable organizations I don't see anything wrong with having prayer in public schools I don't see anything wrong with with you know teaching religion in our public schools the fact is folks that when the church becomes United with the state that's when the restraint is removed and the papacy once again will ascend to power now go with me quickly the second Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 7 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 7 here the Apostle Paul says for the mystery of iniquity doth already work was this power already working in the days of Paul was he wanting to manifest himself and only waiting for the restrainer to be taken out of the way absolutely so the mystery of iniquity doth already work now I need to talk to you just for a moment about word iniquity probably not the best translation some versions translated properly the mystery of lawlessness see in the Greek the word for law is Nomos and in the Greek when you want to say that someone is against something you add an A to the word so the word here is a no me--is which means one who is opposed to the law or one who is against the law so in two ways in this passage you have an expression that says that this power is against God's holy law by the way you say the Roman Catholic papacy doesn't teach that that you're supposed to sin according to the Roman Catholic papacy what are you supposed to do with your sin you're gonna confess it to the priest that delivers you from that delivers you from the final eternal punishment and then what can you do you can go out and you can continue sinning that's not what they say but that's the end result besides the papacy claims that there's nothing wrong with worshipping idols is that a violation of God's law the papacy teaches that you're supposed to keep Sunday is that what the Bible teaches is that a transgression of the law so does this system teach people to transgress God's law it most certainly does that's why it's called the mystery of lawlessness or iniquity and then of course it says he will be destroyed with this with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming now we need to go to the conclusion of this whole matter 2nd Thessalonians tab chapter 2 verses 8 & 9 here we reach the climax of this prophecy this is still in the future what we're going to read now is the second stage of this power second Thessalonians 2 verses 8 and 9 it says and then shall that wicked be revealed actually the word wicked is lawless once again will that lawless be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming or his parousia and then it says even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders how many comings do you have in this verse how many piracy as do you have in this verse you actually have two of them you say no where do you find the two well it says that he said that he shall be destroyed with the brightness of Christ's parousia right but is there another parousia before that one is there another coming before that one yes it says even him whose coming is after the working of Satan let me ask you is Satan's coming going to precede Christ's coming yes because obviously if he's destroyed at Christ's coming he couldn't do anything afterwards so Satan is going to have a counterfeit what a counterfeit parousia before Jesus comes and what is he going to do it says he will work with all power and signs and lying wonders but let me share this with you do you know that there's only one other verse in all of the New Testament that uses these identical three words power signs and lying wonders power signs and wonders do you suppose it might be a good idea for us to take a look at that verse that uses the same the same three words I think it's important acts 2 verse 22 it's not speaking about the Antichrist here it's speaking about Christ it says here Jesus actually Peter is talking about Christ he says he men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you as ye yourselves also know what did Jesus do when he was on this earth he did miracles and what and wonders and signs and even though the King James does not translate 2nd Thessalonians 2 verse 9 in the same way as it does acts 2 verse 22 they they they are the identical three Greek words in the original language and so it says here that Jesus performed miracles and wonders and signs let me ask you when Satan has his counterfeit parousia his counterfeit coming before Jesus comes at his parousia is devil going to perform many of the same works that Jesus performed are you with me or not is he going to he most certainly is now how will we know that this is Satan and not Christ good question right notice what Jesus says in Matthew 24 26 and 27 he says wherefore if they say unto you behold he is in the desert notice he is in the desert that is the Messiah the Christ is in the desert what go not forth behold he is in the secret chambers believe it not for as the Lightning cometh out of the east and shine it even unto the West so shall also the coming of the Son of man be if somebody says says to you that the that the Christ is anywhere on planet Earth what should you do you should not believe it because when Jesus comes he is not going to what we've already studied this he is not going to touch the earth he's not gonna walk on this earth he's not coming to set up his Millennial Kingdom so what if you believe that Jesus when he comes in his glory is gonna set up his kingdom on this earth you will receive the counterfeit Christ as Christ do you see the importance of these things you know I once had a minister say to me you know I'm not interested in what's coming I'm only interested in who's coming and I said to him if you're not interested in what's coming you're going to receive the wrong room because it will be Satan's counterfeit coming will he perform miracles like Jesus did as he walks upon the earth yes and most of Christendom Christendom is going to say oh this is Christ because they're expecting Christ to come and stay on earth and establish his eternal kingdom now notice second Thessalonians 2 verse 10 we will have to motor here it says and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish why are people going to perish because they received not the what the love of the truth that they might be saved is it a vital thing to accept and believe the truth yes they did not believe or accept or love the truth that they might be saved verse says eleven and twelve and for this cause because they did not receive the truth and love the truth God shall send them what strong delusion actually in the Greek it says an operation of error does God delude people no you see in the Bible what God permits is attributed to God these people chose not to love the truth so does God allow them to believe the lie of course with Pharaoh the Bible says that God hardened Pharaoh's heart you know God didn't harden Pharaoh's heart God presented his message to pharaoh and pharaoh by rejecting it hardened his own heart Saul says that that an evil spirit from the Lord tormented Saul God doesn't send evil spirits to torment anybody saw by his freedom of choice chose to go against God and God simply removed his presence and allowed the evil spirit to take possession of Saul now it says and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe alive bad translation it's not a lie it is the lie it's the definite article v-line which lie because they didn't receive the the love of the truth what do they believe rely what lie according to the context they will receive Satan's counterfeit what Satan's counterfeit second coming how important then is it to believe and to love and to accept the truth it's a matter of life and death that's why Jesus said in John 17:17 sanctify them through thy truth thy Word is truth psalm 119 142 the psalmist says thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and thy law is the truth folks the final battle is between truth and error and one thing which really concerns me is that in many churches too you know what people want is this freely type of religion nothing that appeals to the intellect nothing that appeals to the thinking to the reasoning powers of man nothing that challenges the intellect the idea is I come to church so you make me feel good well the fact is feelings are not going to carry you through because during the time of trouble you're going to feel in the pits so you better have your mind edified and fortified with the Word of God with the truth we should love the truth particularly the truth about the second coming of Jesus allow me to read you in closing how Ellen White describes this counterfeit second coming of Christ by Satan this false parousia which will take over the world like an overwhelming delusion because they're expecting Christ to come to rule on this earth this is great controversy 6 24 and 25 it's kind of a long statement but I'll go as fast as I can Ellen White says as the crowning act in the great drama of deception Satan himself will person 8 Christ the church has long professed to look to the Savior's Advent as the consummation of her hopes now the great deceiver will make it appear that Christ has come in different parts of the earth Satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness resembling the description of the Son of God given by John in the revelation that's in Revelation 1 the glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have yet beheld the shout of triumph rings out upon the air Christ has come Christ has come the people prostrate themselves in adoration before him while he lifts up his hands and pronounces a blessing upon them as Christ blessed his disciples when he was upon the earth his voice is soft and subdued yet full of melody in gentle compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious heavenly truths which the Savior uttered he heals the diseases of the people and then in his assumed character of Christ he claims to have changed the sabbath to sunday and commands hallo the day which he has blessed he declares that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusing to listen to his angels sent to them with light and truth this is the strong almost overmastering delusion but the people of God will not be misled why not because they don't go by their eyes they don't go by their heart they don't go by their ears they don't go by their feelings they go by us saith the Lord this is what you says but the people of God will not be misled the teachings of this false Christ are not in accordance with the scriptures because the scriptures say that when Jesus comes he's not going to touch the earth he's going to take his people to heaven right besides the Bible says you're supposed to keep which day the Sabbath and he's gonna say it's Sunday so even though he looks wonderful dazzling like Christ in the book of Revelation even though he performs miracles and he speaks beautiful nice kind soft words God's people will go by what God says in his word his blessing is notice his blessing that is Satan's blessing is pronounced upon the worshipers of the Beast and His image the very class upon which the Bible declares that God's on mingled wrath shall be poured out and furthermore Satan is not permitted to counterfeit the manner of christ's advent now there was the way in which he will come so i guess it is important it's not only important who's coming and who's coming but also what's coming and how he's coming only those who have been diligent students of the scriptures and who have received the love of the truth will be shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world captive by the bible testimony these will detect the deceiver in his disguise to all the testing time will come by the sifting of temptation the genuine Christian will be revealed are the people of God so firmly established upon his word that they would not to the evidence of their senses would they in such a crisis cling to the Bible and the Bible only Satan will if possible prevent them from obtaining a preparation to stand in that day Ellen White goes one step further she says that Satan and his angels will appear before the Saints disguised as our departed relatives and she says the counterfeit will be perfect same words same appearance knowledge that only the head of us will we have the courage to say I see you I hear you I feel you but the Bible says the living know that they shall die but the dead know not anything and I live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God folks this power is going to be master manifested very soon again Satan himself as the leader of this system is going to appear in this world we better know what we believe and we better love the truth more than anything else in this world so that we won't be deceived so that we will extend our arms and when Jesus comes in it's true policy we'll be able to say lo this is our God we have waited for him and he will save us let us pray father in heaven we thank you for the study we've been able to have this evening Oh father there are so many sincere loving Christians out there that have a false view about the second coming in the Millenium it's a matter of life and death father I just ask that you will help us to reach them with your truth so that they might know the issues the issues concerning your law and worship in the endtime not the oil of the Middle East not anti-semitism but your law and worship that they might understand the issues and make tatemae take their stand on your side help us to remain faithful to you we pray in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: Aaron
Views: 38,481
Rating: 4.7725382 out of 5
Id: ztIZPvpQZm0
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Length: 64min 31sec (3871 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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