Sarah Huckabee Sanders Issues Blunt Warning To Biden: 'We Will Take The Federal Government To Court'

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ERS members of my Administration and Advocates from around Arkansas and from around the country for joining us here today today is our last day of fiscal session can't say I'm sad I'm sure nobody else is either yeah pause for that and I'm proud to say that with our partners in the legislature we contined to advance our promises to the people of Arkansas Chief among them is slowing the growth of government this year's budget grows spending only 1.76% that's far below the 3% we've averaged in years past and only half the current rate of inflation showing a real cost of savings for the people of Arkansas at the same time we're still making critical investments in public safety and education all of which I called for in my stateof the state address just a few weeks ago we'll put more state troopers on our roads making sure we provide them with the resources and training they need to keep our community safe and secure Grant education freedom to more families than ever in Arkansas history and pay for the highest starting teacher salaries anywhere in the nation and we're Paving the way to cut taxes in the future and eventually and responsibly phase out our state income tax to let our kons keep more of their hard-earned money we also continued to shut down Chinese Communist party influence in our state and reestablished local control over crypto mining facilities and crack down on Bad actors I want to once again thank our legislators who made these victories possible but as proud as I am to celebrate these important wins like most AR kons are frankly I'm appalled at what is coming out of Washington I've said before that the dividing line in this country is no longer between right and left it's between normal and crazy and the most recent attack on Common Sense came from President Biden's Department of Education and their total rewrite of Title 9 when Title 9 was first written it was 37 words long the message was simple men and women deserve equal access to higher education in the 52 years since there have been several beneficial additions guarant guaranteeing equal access to College athletics establishing due process for harassment cases and so on however last month President Biden released a reinterpretation of Title 9 that comes in at an insane 459,000 words let that sink in it's a document that should scare every woman and frankly every man in America Title Nine was created to protect women but Biden's Title Nine attempts to erase women completely according to the rule sex is no longer based on the commonly understood biological differences between men and women it's based on how a person feels or their gender identity to put it another way Biden thinks anybody can be a woman just because they say so as a woman the mother of our da of a daughter and our state's first chief executive to give birth thankfully not while in office I can't think of anything more offensive or dismissive of the very real very scientific traits that all women share and that no man does I find myself asking where are all the so-called feminist women fought for so long to have equal access to sports and higher education are we really going to throw that all away in the name of political correctness walk down any Street in Arkansas from Little Rock to Mountain Home and ask someone the difference between a man and a woman you will probably get a pretty straightforward answer but apparently our leaders in Washington can't tell the difference anymore it would be laughable if it weren't so threatening that's because the rule does change just language on a paper it could have a very real impact on Arkansas colleges and universities if Biden gets his way female college students will shower and change next to male college students referring to someone using biologically correct pronouns will get you hauled in front of a disciplinary board for harassment and scholarships previously reserved for women will now be open to anyone claiming to be a woman my message to Joe Biden in the federal government is that we will not comply thanks to the hard work of our legislators Arkansas already has several Common Sense laws on the books that directly contradict President Biden's new title 9 rule those include act 317 ensuring SE sex segregated bathrooms and sleeping quarters the fairness and women's sports act which keep keeps men out of women's sports and the given name act which protects Educator's right to free speech when addressing a student that's the law in Arkansas and we will enforce [Applause] it in a moment I'll sign an executive order reiterating our laws and instructing our educational institutions and the Arkansas Department of Education to follow them and if President Biden threatens our state with loss of Educational Funding because we refus to go along with his election year pandering Arkansas will take the federal government to court that's because this issue goes far beyond a single locker room or a missed scholarship the truth is important biology is important the differences between men and women are important Title 9 was created because of those fundamental truths and for half a century has allowed women and girls to access colleges Sports and scholarships that were previously unavailable we won't let Biden threaten that and we certainly will not let him erase our existence as women across the country young women and girls are showing all of us how to be brave they are leading this fight and I'm happy to join them in standing up against the left's war on women in West Virginia five Middle School girls were just banned from school sports when they refused to compete against a boy here in Arkansas track athlete anley ersen joined a lawsuit against the NCAA to uphold fairness in women's sports it is absurd than in America we have adults like President Biden who are more afraid of their w rical base than these young women with us today we have Riley gains a 12-time All-American swimmer with five SEC titles and one of the bravest voices speaking out on this issue if the weak men running the White House had half the courage of Riley our country would be in a much better place [Applause] despite the fact she swam for the wrong team I love Riley I love her voice I'm going to turn it over to her to speak for a few moments and then I'll come back up take questions and sign the executive order thank you for being here today
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 1,073,608
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Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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