SARAH GERONIMO - CREEP - Vocal Coach and Singer Reaction

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hello everybody my name is katrinka i'm a professional singer and a vocal coach and welcome back to my channel today will be a very special reaction for me because we're gonna be reacting to a song that is very close to my heart it's been covered multiple times and i can say not every single time this song is covered successfully the song we're talking about is creep from radiohead and today we are going to look at the cover of sarah geronimo now i talked about this on my streams many many times but simple songs are so difficult to cover sometimes it's a song that really really really requires you to put all your emotion in it and if you fake the emotion you can spot it immediately many times i talk about the kind of two sides of the songs we have the technical side and then we have the emotional delivery kind of side and then we have others like stage presence and tons and tons and tons others that really contribute to a good live performance but really the main two pillars are always good technical singing and being able to really deliver something emotionally to make it believable to really induce that emotion from yourself to really pull it out of yourself and really portray it in the song creep is extremely special with this or at least maybe that's just my point of view but creep is one of those very rare songs where if you do not really feel the emotion that you are trying to portray it just falls flat it's very very obvious so every single time i hear cover of creep i'm looking for a strong emotional delivery a believable one at the same time creep is a very beautifully very well written song it's not over complicated and it should really stay that way it's one of those rare songs where you have to balance fantastically not over complicating the song so over cluttering it making too many runs making it too too too difficult because it just doesn't look good on this song and on the other side you also don't want to do it so simple that it's just gonna be empty and it's gonna fall flat so you need to film that beautiful perfect equilibrium that is really not easy to find it's really not easy to find and make it a really well balanced so in my opinion one of the very hard songs to cover we're gonna be looking at a numerous covers of creep on this channel for sure so today we're gonna start with sarah geronimo and we're gonna look at her cover of creep and i genuinely cannot wait because i hope it's gonna be everything i want from it and we're gonna see if you are interested in everything music and singing related this might be the right place for you so don't forget to subscribe and if you are interested in more of my music and personal content don't forget to follow me on instagram for all the things that you want to find on youtube and now without any further ado [Music] very dramatic beginning you look like an angel i like her tone quality [Music] makes me cry you float like a feather oh my god that's beautiful in a beautiful world [Music] [Music] special [Music] very good done very well done what the hell am i doing here complete focus is on her solely and only here so i don't care that it hurts i absolutely love the beginning i'm actually quite shocked how much i do like it this is one of the more minimalistic approaches to the song which is absolutely completely okay when you want to go for a minimalistic approach you should go for it on kind of all fronts which is exactly what they're doing it's not just that the arrangement is in a very simple piano but at the same time her a type of approach with her singing is also very minimalistic for example she is not dragging the phrases she's not you know developing them for a very long which you could you definitely could and most of the singers do it in this song your flow like a favor in a beautiful world most of people are actually developing the phrase because you have that space there to really develop the phrase let it really beautifully flow she is actually keeping the phrases very short very minimalistic she's on the verge of breathiness sometimes it's very soft and she's right now focusing just on inducing that emotion more than on uh you know dragging the phrases and make it melodically beautiful she's really focusing on that on bringing it out of her heart which which i'm here for so let's continue [Music] [Music] i like how she's mixing them kind of jessica rabbit with like a woman with a broken heart [Music] very special does he hear how her tone quality changes i always try [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] very frantic sounds [Music] oh that goddamn girl made me cry i uh that was powerful and if you're sitting at home right now and listening to this you cannot deny the power of what that girl just put out of herself that was not just the belting parts but she was literally it's pouring out of her it's incredible as a musician it's really difficult to cut loose like this because she's on the verge of crying if you cry your throat really closes so you want to induce as much immersion as possible she's off the leash though this is this is wild this is this is a lot i really love it because i love expressional performances i'm i love them and this actually like it genuinely made me cry but um damn um it really it's tear-jerking it's incredible let's continue i'm going to talk about her singing after the songs which don't mess up the [Applause] atmosphere [Music] entertainment i see the correlations [Music] here i mean i understand the correlation it's a good match i just didn't expected it yeah [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] oh jesus christ what the hell am i don't belong here i don't belong here i did not expect this um goddamn i really didn't um well i guess unexpected surprises and positive ones like this are probably the best um i i have to do something after this and i'm not sure if i'm gonna be emotionally stable enough to do it this was amazing um and it's morning i still have a long day to go and i'm like wrecked i kind of don't even want to i almost don't even want to like analyze it because i i i feel like there's just the whole performance literally spoke for itself i don't even feel like i should speak for it at this point from technical point of view i'm just i'm just it's surreal to even mention technical point of view at this point but from technical interview of course she was um on point i love how uh the tone quality like her tone quality changed to throughout the whole performance she started with this very soft airy and then it really turned into this very frontal sound and uh very very full like the difference was insane when she started to like put a little bit of a heaviness on top of that voice and like really make it a little bit more substantial i was actually a little surprised because i i knew it's gonna be way heavier but but the difference was huge the emotional delivery from that standpoint it was insane because she didn't even induced one emotion she started with like um very like sad but sexy then she continued to heartbroken raging upsets and finished with a straight up whaling that's what i'm going to show my students and that was you should show someone who's like you want to portray sadness in music you want to portray um different colors of sadness you know you have melancholic set you have a raging set you have a pitiful sad there's just so many timbers and colors and just subcategories too just delivering a sad emotion and and she covered it she covered it from the beginning to the very end she she covered them all she made sexy said she made a mother wailing for her child kind of sad um it was since it was an insane emotional ride it was amazing i am actually pretty shocked uh that i just now found her because this is that kind of a singing this is the kind of performances that i really really love and i'm like an instant fan right now an instant fan of sarah i feel like she really reached and she really pulled out her own emotions her own pain her own feelings and that's what i think made this performance so incredible i love how her a voice was set she was using it as a tool um to what she wanted to achieve with the final effect so she's who she used her full belts but with like a very very frontal sound it's it can sound a little nasally but uh it still sounded very beautiful a lot of people a mistaken nasal sound is something bad nasal sound that's absolutely not bad it's just a certain timbre that you can achieve with your voice someone has it more someone has less it can be a little bit more set by you to achieve the more nasal sound it's really not nothing bad it's just a preferred timber for a voice i like that she went there when she was building because it made that so metallic it made it just so vibrant and i feel like it was super needed in that area just to just to induce that energy of someone like yelling at you in despair i really liked the breathy parts i really like the subtle parts i don't know i just i just love the whole performance this might be this might be i'm setting the bar real high for now on this channel for me reacting to covers of creep this is right now number one place i really have to say that i did not think at all i did not count on this at all that i'm gonna say today i'm gonna set the bar there let me know which interprets which singers you would um like me to react to singing or covering the concrete and yeah if you enjoyed the video don't forget to subscribe and please don't forget to stay safe and healthy enjoy your christmas time and i will see you next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: Katriinka
Views: 217,276
Rating: 4.9473343 out of 5
Keywords: sarah geronimo, vocal coach reacts, sarah geronimo reaction, sarah geronimo creep, sarah geronimo creep reaction, creep sarah geronimo, sarah geronimo creep live, creep sarah geronimo reaction, sarah geronimo vocal coach, Sarah geronimo react, radiohead creep, vocal coach react sarah geronimo, sarah geronimo creep reaction vocal coach, sarah geronimo first time reaction, sarah geronimo creep emotional reaction, sarah geronimo emotional performance, sarah geronimo songs
Id: pSiRd0BvLw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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