Sarah Geronimo AMAZING Performance - Creep Live - Singing Coach Reacts

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okay so she's not singing the song she's crying the song that's how emotional it is [Music] i'm good i'm good hi this age of the stage and for the first time ever i'm going to listen to sarah geronimo the song we're going to listen to is creep originally by radiohat which is one of my favorite songs of all time basically it's an anthem that song is just amazing it just has some beautiful lyrics and it just describes a certain type of people don't mean creeps like people you can't you know look at or be around but but it just describes a certain kind of people and and i kind of feel that i'm that sort of creep or at least i was when i was younger so i'm really connected with that song it really means a lot to me and i can't wait to listen to this performance but first i'm a singing coach and i teach singing every day to skype zoom what's a video call or whatever works for you if that's something you're interested in check out my website sync consider booking a lesson and if you book more lessons upfront there are some discounts so check out my faq section of the page for more information about that or you can send me a clip of you singing there can be an audio clip video clip send it over at wizzle and i will give you some professional pointers or you can book a custom reaction video just send me a link to your favorite performance and you can expect an uploaded reaction on my channel within days okay without further ado let's just jump into this video [Music] you look like an angel [Music] but okay [Music] everybody's saying very nobody wants to curse i wish i was special in the original song they say you're so special but 99 covers that i've listened to just say you're so very special and that's [Music] very minimalistic just the piano and her [Music] voice what the hell am i doing here i don't belong here [Music] okay so far nothing too extraordinary with her voice but it still just pierces through my soul she just has this way of delivering emotion she's not even doing anything too much but yet it's haunting it it just feels so right so right so dark just what the song needs so far it's just mesmerizing and i'm and to tell you the truth i'm not really sure if i will be able to listen to till the end of the song without you know bursting into tears or something i'm just saying i don't care that hurts [Music] i wanna have control i want a perfect body [Music] about translating the emotions [Music] this is special [Music] goosebumps okay so she's not singing the song she's crying the song that's how emotional it is this is so deep and this is so real that i feel like i can almost touch the pain you know it's not it's not inside her it's coming outside it's that strong you know it's like the pain that she's describing with her voice it's like it has some transcendental you know qualities it's just [Music] just [Music] is [Music] i'm good i'm good i'm good it's one thing to get goosebumps on your arms and stuff but having them on your back that's that's always the weirdest part to me wow i'm going to feel these goosebumps like for three days i i don't even want to talk about the singing the singing is pretty darn good there's not too much to talk about i mean it's not too complex though the belting yes the belting is amazing but the emotion i've listened to a lot of singers and i don't remember anybody having a way with the emotions that sarah does having a way of channeling these emotions and just overwhelming me this is so powerful as i already said i'm kind of afraid to listen to till the end because i i don't know i just don't know how i'm going to act i almost just got up and just went away and forgot to record anything because and i'm still this close to doing that but let's try to make it till the end and she's beautiful why would she ever feel like a creep [Music] smells like [Music] real emotions i would never thought of putting these two songs together but they work yeah they work is that that i can't take more but there is more is there more this is like the quietest what the hell am i doing here [Music] i don't belong here [Music] what was i listening to right now this was not an um this was not a performance by somebody from earth this was a spirit this this was uh i don't know how to explain it but sarah she's not singing she's not delivering emotion she is emotional what the hell you know what i thought about when i was listening to this performance i felt like somebody that was clinging for their life there was there was just so desperate that almost gave up on their life was talking to me and they were just crying they didn't know what to do and i just felt like there was just me and sarah in the room because the way she performed the song it was so quiet it was just like maybe i was playing the piano and she was singing and she was just confessing everything she wanted to see and i will be messed up for days because of this song as i already said i adore the song this song means so much to me and this rendition is just beautiful and i've listened to a lot of different renditions and since this song is so powerful to so many people i guess so many people can really you know can find themselves in the lyrics but at the same time everybody is always kind of delivering it in a little bit of a different way i'm not just saying musically of course musically as well but emotionally and sarah may and i would just want to hug her right now i would just want to go there and hug her and make her feel better because that's what these songs are all about i mean just go and search for the lyrics just read them they are poetry they are that much painful and deep and i mean if i were singing this song i would want somebody to hug me after it because it's so damn painful and it's so damn real love this song and the craziest thing about the song is that the band that wrote the song radiohead doesn't really like it that much and it probably has something to do because this is their most famous song and everybody has done a rendition of it and they just have some great other songs as well they're kind of in the shadow of this song and you know just like nirvana everybody everybody knows smells like teen spirit but that's not the best song from nirvana for sure and i'm thinking that sarah might have thought about this before she was performing these songs because neither nirvana ever played smells like teen spirit or maybe just once or twice in their life they they didn't play that much live rarely and radiohead never plays creep now live they played it a couple of times live when the song just came out and i believe they played it at glastonbury as well but just search for their more recent setlist you will never find creep for some reason i think that's a great song but it's just one of those songs that's so popular that it makes every other song live in its shadows and i'm just guessing that the band wanted to break through that anyway i'm just going to leave now and probably cry somewhere this was amazing that's all for today thanks for sticking out till the end of the video if you enjoyed this one like it share with your friends consider subscribing hit that bell to get notified about my next videos i really like these performances so much they really show everybody what the music is all about music is not about just you know belting or just technically being good that's a nice thing but i think that's not the most important thing the most important thing is to reach to people to make them feel something that can be happiness that can be sadness that might just be making them dance or just make them forget everyday struggles but these songs as they already said at the beginning they are like anthems they're just like the anthems of the soul for example this song uh how'd save a lie by the frey i think those are just some of the most powerful songs in the pop culture not saying that they're pop but you know well-known songs anyway if you're interested in singing check out my website think consider booking a lesson and i can teach you tinker too if you enjoy what i do on the channel consider supporting me to my paypal me link and buy me a cup of coffee think about it coffees aren't that expensive but every single thing adds up in the end and it helps me make better and better videos for you guys it helps me in my life in general and it just helps me keep doing this constantly and i always send a thank you message to everybody a private thank you message and if you choose to support me you will get one as well if you want me to review a clip of you singing there can be an audio clip video clip send it over at wizu and i will give you some professional feedback you can also book a custom reaction video overall with you just send me the link to your favorite performance and i will upload a reaction analysis video on my channel within days if you want to see these videos before anybody else consider supporting me to my patreon page there are some cool perks for you there so check it out and once again thank you for these wonderful suggestions and thank you for tearing up my soul this was so freaking good it will take some time for me to recover anyway what can i say you look wonderful and i hope to see you in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: H of The Stage
Views: 143,118
Rating: 4.9515519 out of 5
Keywords: sarah geronimo creep, sarah geronimo creep live, singing coach reacts, singing coach reacts to sarah geronimo, sarah, geronimo, sarah geronimo songs, sarah geronimo songs reaction, sarah geronimo amazing, sarah geronimo amazing performance, sarah geronimo philippines, h of the stage, sarah geronimo vocal coach, sarah geronimo sarah geronimo, creep sarah geronimo, s geronimo, amazing philippines singer, amazing philippines female singer, amazing philippines female singers
Id: ve3LpB3A64A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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