SANS?! | Deltarune #5 (ENDING)

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hey guys Dan here and welcome to the final part of Delta rune now I've already played this is my future self talking I didn't realize how much there was in the after you come out of the dark world so I wanted to put this in its own episode stick around to the end it's absolutely insane I love this game I hope you do too if you excited leave a like they've greatly appreciated and enjoy the video what happened I can't see anything hey watch it well we just playing Dungeons & Dragons the unknown classroom is fine how do we get here hey Chris what what just happened like that wasn't a dream or anything was it anyway as I was saying there's a still office we couldn't find any chalk I mean I guess that's the only way out of here right the door is locked of course it is what else we got here it's a worn down stuffed animal it's a checkerboard there are pawns strewn on it it's a yellowed poorly drawn picture of a green turtle it's like Alvin there's something missing here it's a life switch let's get out of here man the sun's already setting everyone else must have gone home by now guess alphys will know better than us better than to ask us next time huh if we took a long time getting one piece of chalk don't go back in know yet well guess we should go see you later I guess Chris if we're gonna kiss what's on the head that'll be so cute let's go back there tomorrow right yeah for chapter two yeah yeah you know go now the door is locked okay so literally there were slots oh how do we get back in though I guess we can't this is so creepy have you ever been in a school when you're like past hours when you're like a school project or something computer is turned off everything felt peaceful for a moment yeah have you ever been in um in school after hours it just feels like a weird place to be you ready for the Sadie Hawkins dance at this dance all the chaperones we're drying a hawk heads and screech any students to make contact while dancing not for me you ran the water fountain it's lukewarm disgusting oh wait what does it say oh she's a teacher mrs. toriel is written in cursive and the dry erase of board because like it hasn't been a raisin a very long time some kind of primitive sculpture who knows what it represents the pilot shares it's a primitive drawing of your mum and why did why did she look like our mom and I'm so intrigued Chris whatever have you been doing I sat in the car waiting for you after school for half an hour I called and called but you never picked up you had your poor mother worried sick Chris I'm afraid I'm going to have to punt all no huh a friend you were spending time with a friend Chris I will make an exception this time you can continue your adventures a little longer when you return home you're gonna have to go to bed early I mean that's fine I don't mind going to bed early nowadays see you soon honey click wait we walk around swayed this music is awesome I love the music in this game it's so cute looks like we're playing a little bit more than let's finish this up there's the lie baby I can dig it all my goodness everything's back to normal that's you it's was his name okarin bear his name from regular show you survived Suzy I was getting worried now you can finally pay off your family debts how to draw dragons is now 2583 days overdue however Chris a benevolent volunteer assistant if you turn it in this week I'll reduce your fine to a mere $64 consider it I certainly will I love reading books especially the books upstairs you should really read them it's a little snake dude who's also a crocodile at the same time Chris what's up cats he's working so I'm starting on our project ok our project I've already copied a bunch of pictures it's the same picture of a shockable 73 times good job buddy gotta go to college so Tom Toby hard she's reading a comic full of hot demon Caius yeah what a mess it's not a person look that's so cute so we just head home police chief undying is supposed to be directing traffic but what she's doing standing in the middle of the street yelling get out of my way she's the best hot I feel really directed hey punk that's my line don't be doing that get out the road you're blocking traffic oh wait it's just as girls kids sorry I'm a little worked up lately this job is so boring and nothing ever happens in this town yeah I just wish something would shake things up huh you were something to report whoa wait a second dark world what does a dark world inside the school sure kid it's feels like stranger things a little bit as well there's no lore against dark boards anyway that's a job for the school board huh how am I supposed to get past this blue lady I'm stuck I guess I should just run away I guess so this guy looks pretty intimidating though so I'd be a bit scared of him oh my goodness it's one of those sliding beat toys and naturally spawns inside tucked as offices the beads march greenie along their set path oh it's you you here to play the piano again the patients can't hear it well from here but I personally enjoy it okay it's an eclipse carry a little piano I've never been to a hospital as a piano I've been to a train station that has piano but not a hospital as a result is missing much to the good keys play it sure that was horrible never do that again who's in the hospital boy dad y'all can't just say that uh oh my goodness I died literally died Noel sweetheart first time I laid eyes on your mother I walked right up and caught her she was a hot piece of work but really yeah she slapped me so hard I blacked out this dude haha dad let us know it's all anyhow how was dragon blazes three beat it yet I'm still at the Ice Palace I've been kind of kind of wayne's finished it with you dad Noel maybe maybe you should have wait no no no this is sad you should bring it here I'm bored as anything ha fine you win I'll bring it next time oh it's getting late guess I better go I got homework oh that's the group project boys but guy again what's-his-name nerdly it's a bird Lee he's not that bad dad I'll kick his butt ha ha dad you're not even supposed to get up bring him by the window I'll throw something at him goodbye dad bye oh man oh hi Chris what's wrong what happens you it's a get well soon card from your mom it's signed inside hey Chris you know you sign the inside right why are you staring it like you haven't seen it before you'll perish it that good was I not moved enough well jingle my gosh darn bells looks like christmas came I like that that's good all right Chris just give me the straight shot why are you here did your mum make you come here no ray you grown up a lot Chris I'm proud of you wasn't too long ago you were just the creepy kid back door now you're the creepy kid right in front of me ha ha okay okay seriously you want a child sign this is cool this is like the opportunity to find out more about everything let's go illness so why am I in here well if I wanna steal stuff so it's just some tests there's no big deal nothing a holiday can't handle I'll be out of here in a jiff then I can go back to I don't know yelling at you for getting tangled in our light display it's always Christmas Noel she's a sweetheart isn't she Chris smart kind sweet couldn't ask for a better daughter I just wish she wasn't so defenseless scary movies bugs Santa Claus everything scares her and when it happens she freezes like a deer in the headlights remember when she used to be afraid of humans under the bed Chris it was not nice to you to hide under there by the way anyhow that's that's what toughs about being in here Chris not what's going on with me just that in the meantime I can't be there to protect her keep it out for her okay I will you know I will just feel you buddy you warm in my heart family let's go Chris even if we've grown apart we still love your family after all we in a school with college pals right oh hey now that has rules off the college you think he's doing any crazy parties like me and your dad hey I'm just pulling your leg your dad was no party animal your mother on the other end oh ho she'd always fuss about going once party started lights once she hit me clear across the room with a key lime pie see what I mean pie I got smashed into the snack table on top of everything tasty pie though can't complain thanks buddy see you later nice to meet you sis it's a diagram showing a bunch of lines in a circle what's a diagonally you this castles white wizards relegated me to this healing chamber but my blood is boiling for battle it's a classic one-to-ten pain scale using icy as a model as zero pain he's happy at em pain he's happy and sweating see you later buddy get well soon nice to meet you new terrifying beasts should probably get home oh no it's blocked what you knocked on the door to the police station someone's coming up to the window they just closed the point in watts alright seems like the police aren't really feeling it right now it's not the way home police tape is blocking the way the tape simply reads moon yeah okay you got dead fish on their doormat as well so the dead fish police hello coming in we've got a pool down I could not remember the way this town is huge oh I can go this way Chris what a pleasant surprise to see you here on a school day there must be a reason that you came here at such a time I am father Alvin implore you if you have anything weighing on your mind please speak fruit juice Chris if you want some of our sick fruit juice you should come to our service our choir sounds a bit thinner since your brother went away Chris it would be wonderful if you would sing with us or even participated to any extent instead of just trying to drink the fruit juice sorry sorry there's so many places to go and this is a really long way I found a secret bunker it's locked okay we need to remember this bad boy that's a little bit freaky it also takes a long way for my thin right leg or left leg whichever one it is I've got one of the thin legs okay to walk up there oh my goodness these characters are amazing is it Christmas as Christmas trees not decorated though the mayor's Chris Murray is about zero now it's negative but she works hard and has a good track record so she runs unopposed lads politics is this the mayor or is this this Kombi the mayor hey short stuff why would you post me you talked to the mayor your allowance too low ate too much county's lost your frisbee in the wash hey short stuff that's what the cops are for I'm sorry I'm sorry the mayor is busy right now if you need to see her please try causing some terrible crisis I'll try there's a dark world like I might just open the portal too but I'll see you later okay then I might be able to talk to the mayor Oh Mikey this is so much it's to use an absolute tank pizza rabbits these like the rejections from five nights at freddy I think they are oh goodness someone actually here I sees pizza your number one stop for bathing art piece of pizza hey hey wait a second I recognize you well little buddy it's me want to chat for a minute before I lose my mind oh my goodness is so much do you know when as he's coming home yet you can't tell him this but I really missed the guy may be sweet to cruise around town like yo time's picking up for example chicks which as a matter of course may not ever actually happened look it's tiny meme face one time undying made eye contact with me while she was writing me his speeding ticket you're funny oh yeah I need to talk to him I'm gonna do all that to all the texts ah yes little buddy good idea meet the rogues gallery blue is soft-serve obsessed no concept of personal space keep Saxony pouring slushies on me and giggling the warrior thankfully absent dude a piece of agent engine injuries constantly terrorizing customers with war chants purple guy wait yeah is he actually talking about it man that guy you got a actually just had a guy work here ah my coworkers where would I be without them a happy place little buddy a much happier place he's all about purple that he plays five nights at Freddy's that's kind of cool making a mistake little buddy I see Spitzer is hell I can't slack off for seconds without hearing be a team player there's no I MP sir yes there is you just took it out but it's okay little buddy I haven't save it up to go to college whereas he is then I'll get a theater degree become a famous actor and let the fangirls roll in little buddy see you later dude wishful thinking but it's okay would you be interested in trying some of our many 24 pairs of flavors we got normal cheese ice gravy SS pepperonis and more stop on down I seize pizza I'm in let's go it's locked no one's inside seems like all of the employees are outside in costume hello ice me up ice me up boss maybe later I'm going in the diner walnut so many people look at this dude yes you're alive nice I'm working hey there I haven't seen you in a while I remember back on Sundays after service you and your family would come in and order the special of course things happened and then you all stopped coming together but every Sunday you and your brother had still come in he'd order you a hot chocolate all that sounds good and you two sit down in that table in the corner drawing shapes in the window with your breath you must really miss him huh here how about this yes on the house Thanks appreciate it oh this is different it was really different ball of junk a small ball of accumulated things it smells like scratch and sniff marshmallow stickers so this is like an alternate world with also an alternate menu which is mad hot chocolate topped with homemade marshmallows in the shape of bunnies how do I carry that around with me that's insane we'll take the special journey edible glitter the youngest one Moni anything it doesn't look like treasure I will talk to this guy looking at my rugged body you must wonder what kind of Secrets I hold my secret is I put all my leftover pancakes in this giant hat so beauty girls that'll be the crepes a cinnamon latte - bunny parfaits and a piece of firewood oh I see why I like the Bible the waitresses here maybe I should try it up to now serving drinks wouldn't really suit a fire elemental if I got nervous I just melt the ice ice wolf does not like I said his drink ice Popp likes ice to be drink I'm out of here how many places are there hello [Music] sans is here there's so many places to explore I recognize you I beat you up before you're lucky Chris you got to miss class with outfits it's not fair haha I skipped class my dad and never let me hear the end of it ha ha ha it's actually not even remotely funny it's not I'm sorry yo Chris you survived Susy ha ha I mean I never saw her beat anyone up but I'd be careful like one time me snowy and juggling temir playing handball and she just kept creepy watching us from the corner then when the ball rolled over to her she just froze solid and kicked the ball as hard as he could right into officer undines car then Undine came out smiling cracked her knuckles and totally wiped the sambal anyway suzy sucks Chris when he talked to sign just get out of the way buddy what's good Hey look who's walking around how are ya kid great to see you again yeah it's real nice especially considering I'd never met you before named sands sands skeleton I'm new in town what's up what what by me yeah I don't even remember the voice I did for him it's gonna read it normally right now because my voice still are yeah at the grocery store unfortunately it's closed the pain I really wanted to buy some milk someone's gonna complain to the guy who runs it what's up we just moved here I hardly I didn't know anyone why got anyone I couldn't know better me whoa there tiger you can't just jump straight into friendship it takes time all right that's enough time take this call it whatever you feel like sorry this number let's go I can't believe sans in this game and I kind of recognize this store and this house hey bud you busy tomorrow I need some help with something it'll be great if you could come over I live just next door you know sure bro you answer quickly huh that's not good I'm a total stranger you should probably had to take more well guess I shouldn't complain what are we what are we going to be doing oh I'm not going to be there that'd be weird it's just gonna be you and my little brother papyrus he needs friends thanks for hanging out with him see ya we just said yes I know of pirates finally no no knock no response but the distant trowel of bones I know it this is papyruses house apologies I haven't played undertale in so long like years this is papyrus as a house there he is you didn't they're not gonna lock who are you the human that lives at the top of town Wow my mummy taught me about you does it hurt we made a blood oh my goodness there's so many different places to go I'll fish you good bro what are you doing Oh Chris you're okay I was really worried when you didn't come back where did you go did you skip class well don't worry about it I'm the cool teacher you know you're not in trouble well let me know if you need anything what are you doing did you want to talk about something yeah what are you doing oh these flowers they're from your dad he always asked how you're doing in school then gives me a bouquet of them actually that he always gives me flowers really makes me wonder if he if he likes if he likes you awesome comic silent him honestly he color wise we have a superhero Chris he's huge and could kick my butt I guess so it's a saucer of milk what are you doing I can't even read what's on the wall what do you do in bro chalk Chris even though you never got the chalk you deserve an award for trying so hard to find it I do I do so in return I can let you borrow my um a DVD collection of the symptoms you know sitcom about the middle-class monster family it's got every episode and all 28 seasons it's the funniest most quotable show ever but make sure you don't watch past the second season since they all know she's she's off stop stop please please stop this is taking too long she's done she's done I won't ask you about milk huh you don't want to watch it that's okay Chris I need to ask you about the milk one sec Oh this saucer of milk it's my kitty new all new mousse she's a perfect angel she looked like what I've never actually seen her but ever since I started putting out milk it's been disappearing so I'd like to think that there's a cat my cat Paul it's so cute but he keeps all the flowers in trash cans dirty trash can to trash can outfit your Weird Al's ever see you later where else do we need to go we've been here sans is here I've been in the diner let's go up oh my goodness this world is full I recognise that house too [Music] this is insane wait a second they look familiar as well they're the Knights from the other game this is weird so weird oh wait that's my house let's not go there yet that'd be silly oh hi Chris did you need help with your homework again I know you were having trouble last time so I'm actually got a few things ready for you in case ah wait I can't right now I forgot my house key again and sorry Chris I hope you later if that's okay see you at school Chris did you ever talk about something key huh why don't I ask my mom for the key I mean I you know she doesn't like it when I bother her when she's working don't worry okay I'll just go over to Kathy's all right fine soozee soozee that's right you're a Suzy when you didn't come back to class I was worried everyone thinks like died because of Suzy they do not like Suzy everything turned out okay I think Chris can I ask you something if that's okay Suzy I'm kind of curious what she's like you know I mean who doesn't wonder about her she never talks to anyone so Chris could you tell me about her if that's okay she does through the top one she's nice let's do it what she's a nice person really like honestly truly I mean that's just what I was hoping but wait this isn't another trick is it Chris like when you put ketchup on your arms who told me it was blood really you're serious you're totally serious gosh and maybe I should try talking to her but if I die you're paying for my funeral Chris though honestly if she's nice I might die too that's so cute hello cat friends little Chrissy like what's up give aren't cats your hug waa waa waa waa ha ha I'm not even actually your aunt oh my goodness can I talk to you about something actually like anything though your choice Azrael oh my goodness Azrael like what a cutie pie do you remember when me and him went to the dance that was like the best night ever even though I spilled the entire punch bowl over him and danced inappropriately in front of your mom I got arrested in the parking lot for making a scene haha there was so much fun said if I said I I don't think I'm going to at all neighbors like that green girl next door oh my goodness Christy she's like my life villain like the other day I went to see Kat Pettis too and the only other person in the theater was her then I went to the cue CDs and order the cap cappuccino and she like was already drinking one she's such a copycat copy Gator copy Soros copy stories I like that one copy doll I don't know she sucks it's not very nice she's just a child sister Oh how's Katy doing I have no idea we like totally can't connect at all yesterday I asked if she wanted to hear me play the ukulele she said no and she like told me my playing is the anti blessing from Planet hell what earth Chrissie I don't know that's so cute I love my little sis doesn't sound like it ah Chris like if you want to come in our cat flap is like always open to you I can't fit in that my head we're stuck I have my body in there and my head will just be like no I'm stuck hey neighborhood neighbor when's your brother dog gonna come by huh my girls would love to see him he's a sweet little man he's just got one problem he doesn't like my wife's cooking what's wrong Douglas you know like frozen cat food huh nah no one likes frozen cow for you not even cats hello Chrissy no that's me that's me Hey long time no see what's up did you want to talk about something ah that chick next door drives me nuts I keep seeing her everywhere I go she's a total copycat like why though doesn't she realize you'll never be me Oh cuz she's a dinosaur alligator things suit as well whole family is so trashy once that sister sent me a coffee and I swear I was half Kappa like I can get any girl like your whole body these the some kind of scratching noise coming from inside I think I could tell this ladies go away today I want to talk about something memories remember that time you wanted to hang out with us big kids I was like yeah of course to get some burgers then like amazing you actually got them so I told you to go back and get some french fries too then it doesn't matter how my goodness I'm so hungry in real life right now this is making me even worse than a dozen miniature cakes it was so good I like six and then I like Sonia was so sick I had to go home man so like anyway Chris you busy let's tell her to go away now ah that's no way to talk to your almost sister-in-law now I'm joking but like remember that time I played truth or dare with Ozzy as boys like everyone loves him I like made him give me his first kiss then your mum found out you kissed someone and like I think she basically dial nine-one-one it's where your family went to church like every single day that means maybe you don't appear to be the nicest little alligator do you you have terrifying highs in your window and on your face no not ah I'm afraid no one's home right now darling now why don't you prance on home does it sound like there's no one home is there I'm telling you they're not armed right now ah you just wanted to talk to me my apologies beautiful I'm afraid I'm a bit of a nobody laters I'm going to flower king hold on a second [Music] okay Oh is someone there just a moment however miss finished watering these flowers here we are howdy hello Oh Chris big hugs oh I'm sorry I forgot if you don't like hugs like that well now make yourself a huntress you can help yourself to anything you like have this Dirt's I'd love this dirts without the money the cash register can I have that and the flowers say Chris I was thinking perhaps with Azrael comes home we can all go to diner just like old times my treat doesn't that sound yummy that sounds great [Music] flowers this is creeping me out now yes these flowers are still kicking quite hard to take care of them in this climate are these the flowers I think it I think they are terrifying but actually terrifying it's a door it's locked hmm you're suspicious aren't you I forgot this way oh just blocks the other way you're very suspicious but nice Oh Chris before you go what what are us shoes yeah for your mother our secrets with the bouquet of flowers cutes have a great day Chris so are all the people that look the same not related in any way that might just be being done so that yeah it's my dad's truck so that's my dad's the flow of the frenzy is littered with old papers and country CDs he didn't really say hi like hi son how are you hi daughter whichever one so a little bit confuse them but I think we know what's going on now okay they let me past I can't do anything here it looks like I need a seed nothing better than hanging at the lake with my best bro watching the waves go by I've already I didn't want to talk to you on and talk to your green friend please true do we need a seat maybe there's a seat I think that's where a seed pack up here like right here it's a small TV on top of some size superhero comics clickbait it's a note it says no rent received again stop giving away flowers start selling them you have one month for beer oh it's a flower it's some kind of catalog there's a car magazine underneath he said I could take anything and it's not letting me take anything mind you did give me a bouquet of flowers are we done here there's so many ways to go I think this is a dead end this way we've done this we don't alive Abby we've done the library that was first Town Hall that's a dead end I think we might actually be done now I just need to go home I have the flowers now though it is good yeah I'm gonna head home and see what happens this bit was way more in-depth than I thought and it's way down like the crossovers of the old undertale game this is definitely a prequel like a hundred percent I think we we hinted at at the beginning but this is definitely a prequel let's go home welcome home honey did you have fun with your friend today so just a quick recap before we do this I rather friend was her name why I've got a name already the green one she she was like she could be our sister or brother or something it's it's madness that's that's a plot twist right there and then sands turns up I mean what I had friend yeah I had fun by the way I just finished baking a pie let's go to go to bed I'll be cool when you wake but do not eat it all this time right I can't promise anything Chris what is it honey Chris honey you have grown up so much someday soon you'll be going off to university as well remember when you were little you asked when your horns were going to go in so we bought that head back with a little red horns on it oh you weren't 4 months what ever happened to it I don't know if I want that Azrael remember that video game you and as we used to play what was it called super smashing fighters when he was very little he loved the green lizard from that even when he had a birthday party for him themed around it your father painted all those eggs with spots for the crazies all right Yoshi Oh your brother loved it until the next day your father cooked them all for breakfast your brother just kept crying ever since he's hated that book about eating green eggs where I give it flowers Oh Chris flowers for your mother how sweet these are from him are they not well Rory not Chris I will find someplace for them are they not together did I completely miss that this is my room that's the bathroom I complete I believe lies I think I did this at the beginning the door is so small there's some white fur stuck in the drain I didn't mean to click that it's a butterscotch cinnamon pie it's still cooling it's go to bed this is hot yeah that's our room we can't go in this still it's still locked ah we meet again mirror it's been a long time a lot a lot of stuff has happened but now I think it's time for bed if you go to bed this chapter of your adventures will end will you go to bed you decided to go to bed now the sweet end I like that you can explore the town and see sands of all people oh oh are we dreaming I hope oh dear I'm not controlling this I'm sleepwalking it's so freaky I don't like this and the shadow starts over the edge that you know seem like there's hardly any people that make this game that's amazing this is a great song [Music] a bear a bit a dream I don't know what's the dream I don't know what's reality things that are crazy [Music] yeah I told you chapter two let's go that was long for a chapter one though that took me like three four hours maybe is there anything else it closed it just closed on me no wow how so much fun and I hope you enjoyed it too guys if you enjoyed that please do big fat like that we greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new as well I had a lot of fun playing this game and I can't wait for chapter two are you excited for chapter 2 at lean your theories and stuff in the comment section down below cuz I'm sure there's gonna be many after that fart last part hey guys thank you so much hanging out with me I'm playing this game with me I had a great time hanging out with you and I'll see you guys next time goodbye [Music] posters pass winged wagon candles canvas or fulcrum a band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,185,457
Rating: 4.918973 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, delta rune, deltarune, undertale, dandertale
Id: CDcnE-8lwMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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