Sanding a 67 Camaro for Paint!

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what's going on guys welcome back to another video today we're going to begin working on the 67 cherry camaro so this one was brought in by one of my subscribers nathan garcia and on the last video we talked about what kind of body work he wants done and the color so today i'm just going to go ahead and start by you know taking a few pictures or record a few clips of some of the damaged areas that we can have some before shots and after that we'll just go ahead and get some sandpaper and start sanding it so yep this is the 67 camaro so let's go ahead and get started [Music] [Applause] food [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] two [Music] speeding [Music] alright guys so let's get started [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] all right guys uh so that was those four minutes for you guys with about an hour of work time for me and i got to do like from right here the quarter panel door and the fender at least the upper side um i started doing like shaving off some of the body filler like from right here and over here just to straighten it out a bit so right now it's just at a good spot i'm not going to say it's complete but it's just at a good spot right here too there was a little you know thing a body filler right here so i just shaved it down the upper side the fender right here the hood if you notice there was a pinstripe right here uh between the black and the red there was a pink stripe so i sanded all that down and now you can't feel anything you'll even see that i sanded part of the black and there's some of the red exposed already but just had to sand it because even if we just give it like a light sand but you don't take off that line um when you spray the other color you're still gonna see that line so check it on this side there's that silver line so as i said once you start sanding you'll see like the little i guess somewhere where is it right here you'll see you'll see the glossy or whatever but anyways i send it that down on this side took me the longest right here uh because there was like a big patch of body filler so right there i was doing it with the palm sander and 80 grit and it just i mean it was shaving it down but it was just you know taking a little bit so i grabbed some sandpaper and a door block and i just sanded it down and right now it's in a good spot you know so we can continue uh some body filler or whatever but for now i'm a little bit tired so i'm gonna go out get some lunch and i'll be back we'll continue with this car just sanding getting it ready getting it prepped i still have some hybrid primer i'll throw in some of those areas where i you know sanded down the body filler or i'm going to add some body filler too but yeah we'll continue when uh when i get back from lunch all right all right guys we're back so let's continue sanding [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so i think that's gonna be it for today i gave it a good sanding all the way around i you know like sanded the body filler that it had just to remove as much as i can that i didn't need left some there to work with but you know overall i still need to come back finish sanding but this is the first pass now about the paint i ordered the paint over the weekend and it just shipped out on monday today we're tuesday and it's due here to tomorrow on wednesday so tomorrow wednesday i'll have another video for you guys that way you guys can see the paint i have the other paint that nathan gave me um because at at the beginning he had a nardo gray uh but it was just too light for him so what he did he added a little bit of black in there and he just couldn't get it dark enough so i asked him you know is this naruto gray the one you wanted or is it just something you could afford at the moment or whatever and he said that he really liked the destroyer gray so i told him i'd help him out with the paint and you know with the same budget i ordered the paint and tomorrow wednesday it should be here guys so i'm not saying tomorrow wednesday we're gonna start spraying because we still need a little bit of work here but for the most part uh we sanded as much as i could right now today and i still have the the trunk lid and the spoiler right there and you know the front wiper cowl uh so that wiper cowl um needs a little bit of work also but yep we made some good progress on the car today nathan there's a little update on the car all right guys it seems like we quit just the nick of time because my phone turned off but that's gonna be it for this video i hope to see you guys in my next one that's gonna be it for today thanks for watching peace out
Channel: GT's Performance
Views: 4,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chevy, Chevrolet, Camaro, Silverado, paint, painting, paintjob, paint, cheap, Ebay, how, to, DIY, how to, build, built, garage, online, Amazon, budget, subscriber, free, easy, fast, amazing, compilation, video, videos, tiktok, viral, tend, trending, Honda, iwata, italco, Detroit, destroyer, grey, nardo, friendly, friend, ss, swap, ls, lsx, freddy, cleetus, freedom, 1320, Tahoe, Sierra, Denali, single, can, cab, leo, statik, better, best, pro, professional
Id: BtkUYyjlW5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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