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god has been good to us god has been good to us last evening we learned about prayer this altar of incense and many other little emblems in the sanctuary and we learned that you know sometimes as we trivialize pray we trivialize prayer this incense that goes up to god we need to know who we are talking to that was the title of the message and if you didn't see it i want to remind you to go ahead and re we look at the program after this that's the blessing of youtube we could go back we could look at these things we could study god's word you know going through again what a wonderful blessing we have with this gain to all of this knowledge the opportunity to learn all these new things you know last evening this issue of trivializing praying taking things for granted this week i saw on the news in trinidad you know we had um the ceo of wasser that's our water company he was speaking to a joint select committee and he was kind of telling them and informing them of what happens behind the scenes and it reminded me of my time when i was a student at the university i had to intern at wasa and while working there man i gained a better appreciation for what it takes to just open my tap and get water the amount of things that have to go into place from capturing the water storing it cleaning it sending through the pipes and all the potential things that could happen and again i just took these things for granted i just was able to just open my tap and sometimes you know you would leave the water running and so too on a trivial basis you know when it comes to prayer we kind of trivialize prayer we feel as though we could just come like that and again pastor reminded us yesterday last evening of the seriousness and the power and the privilege we have with respect to prayer we can't take these things for granted it's god the creator god that we are speaking to and if we understand its placement in the sanctuary we understand the process the process it's right there in the most holy that altar of incense what a privilege what a privilege we have as god's people to pray to him to pray to him so now join me as we pray this morning loving father merciful god as we come before you this morning as your people we ask that you forgive us we ask that you cleanse us from all unrighteousness father you said if we confess our sins you are faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us their father from all unrighteousness so we come before you this morning boldly covered by the blood of your son jesus understanding that you are creator god and there's nothing too hard for you father we thank you for the sacrifices that you made for us the provisions that you have made for us the protection everything their god that you have granted unto us we've made it safely through yet another week dear god we're it not for you god you are our protector you have been our provider our deliverer and we your people humbly this morning thank you thank you god we want to thank you for this series that has continually programmed after program message after message reminding us of your love for us god help us there god not to just take this information and just lay it away but to apply it in our lives to gain a better understanding so that we could have a closer walk with you father these are some tough times in earth's history and we need you there god so again humble our hearts be with them a man servant today their god use him in a mighty way be with everyone involved with this program the singers the presenters the musicians the technicians again because why we want to glorify your name be with folks at home humble their heart may they gain receptive hearts to the working of your holy spirit today so inhabit our praise and worship this morning we humbly ask in no other name but jesus christ is our prayer in jesus name amen over to you pristine pleasant sabbat good morning everyone all our viewers in viewerland all our friends from overseas all our friends locally we want to welcome you to another yet another installment of our sanctuary series pleasant sabbah to everyone those of you who not to show what sabbath is about feel free to reach out to us and we'll have a discussion for now we're going to sing we're going to sing some songs of praise unto god and we invite you to join with us our first song would be far from all care number 294 [Music] let's go far from all care we hail the sabbath morning o waving fields and from the distances well swell notes of prison harmony resounding as all creation turns her heart to thee though so man alone lord of thy great creation fails now to [Music] oh [Music] speak to our hearts the peace of thy commandments breathe on each soul fade and follow strong in thy mind strong in thy night and the quiet [Music] [Music] redemption [Music] amen what a privilege it is to be able to come into the house of god and sing praises on to him give me the bible because by the bible i will know how i should live number 272 give me the bible [Music] [Music] give me the bible come on give me the bible holy message shining light shall guide me in the narrow precepts precept and [Music] promise shall vanish me give me the bible when my heart is broken when sin and greed half in my soul with faith give me the precious [Music] give me the bible holy message shining thy light shall guide me [Music] till night shall [Music] the vanish all my steps in light teach me teach me the danger of these runs below that lamp of safety all the clues shall brighten [Music] [Music] come on give me the bible come on give me the fight the holy light message guide me in the narrow way reset and promise loren love combined till night shall manage an eternal day amen okay children happy sabbath to you your section is coming up in a little while so get yourselves together we have a brand new children's story today see you then amen how cheering is a christian so it may not always be rosy and cherry but it's cheering when we think about what we are looking forward to our chairing is a christian soap number four four zero our next song [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] passing through this wilderness [Music] it points us let's go [Music] [Music] with [Music] again [Music] again fly let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] we long to see the amen we long to see the asdau art and reach that blissful home children it's your turn so i hope you're up and ready and waiting for your choruses let's go [Music] jesus loves the little children all the children of the world red and yellow black and white they are precious in his heart jesus loves the little children [Music] jesus loves the little children all the children of the world red on yellow black and white they [Music] praise the lord when the gates are open wide i'll be sitting on jesus i'm gonna sing i'm gonna shop brave what am i gonna sing swing low see chariot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody walk and talk about jesus jesus [Music] i am under the rock the rock is [Music] [Music] stand up and tell me everybody stand [Music] everybody [Music] i want to know [Music] sit down and tell me if you love my jesus sit down and tell me if you love my lord i want to know i want to know if you love my children the time to be happy is now and the place to be happy is [Music] next week [Music] [Music] amen [Music] feliz labido boys and girls i am auntie amanda and today i have come to share a very special story with you now as you can guess my story is from my hometown now i'm going to tell you about a little girl by the name of sarafina now how many boys have girls had ever had trouble with doing the right thing you feel a little bit scared to tell mommy and daddy when you've broken something or even a teacher when you have done something wrong now seraphina was in a similar situation the village where sarafina lived was not a very rich village they lived in huts and they didn't know much about jesus or about the sabbath day so one day why sarafina was helping her mother which was around the house she saw some visitors and do you know what interested sarafina and those visitors the shoes on their feet now sarafina she had shoes but they were sanders and the one she had on her foot was getting a little too small so when she saw these visitors that were smiling and they were dressed well and they had on these beautiful shoes she was very interested in what they had to share now they had come to her village to share the word of jesus and they decided to set up their tent two hots away from her home one by one the villagers went to the meetings every week and soon her family visited they would often hear the singing and was very interested to learn what was going on there pretty soon her whole family was baptized and they were attending those meetings regularly one day while sarfina was coming home from school she saw her mother lying on the ground she rushed in the house she was so scared she did not know what to do her father was in her next village working so she had to send a message to him she was so frightened she said lord please help my mother very soon some of the neighbors came and they assisted her with taking her mother to the bed and they sent for the village doctor her father rushed home from work he did not know what to do as well when the doctor arrived he said that she was not well and that she would need medical attention in another village very far away from where they lived it was very expensive the medication and the treatment oh they could not stand the bills her mother was working two jobs and her father already had to take work in another village to support the family sarafina just did not know how the situation would work out if she could work she would but she was too young and she was still in school unlike her older siblings who could have assisted now and then with some odd jobs so she decided to pray and see how god would work things out pretty soon her family became so involved in the church meetings that her father got a position to assist with charity work meanwhile her mother was getting worse she was just at home and she could not do anything she could not even leave her bed sarafina would have to help her most times one afternoon while she was washing the wheels she heard her mother cry out she ran and to her surprise her mother was leaned over the bed when she picked her up she saw that there was blood on the floor she knew that her mother's situation had gone into a critical stage she sent someone to call her father from the next village when her father came he told her don't worry god will work it out and they decided that they would pray on the next meeting her father decided that he would take a more pivotal role he would do charity work with the people who had come to the village now part of that tragedy work was collecting funds in order to assist people who needed building materials and as well as any medicine from the places nearby one evening there was a heavy rainfall after the meeting there was nowhere to go and because sarafina lived close to the meeting tent the father decided to take their money parcel and put it in a cupboard that he had home all night sarafina thought about that money parcel i wonder if there's enough money to help my mother with her medical bills and her medicine i wonder if that might just be a blessing from the lord she could not sleep that night and the next day when everyone left for work and her older siblings to school and she stayed behind to see about her mother the money parcel was on her mind this was her chance just to see how much money was in there she went to the cupboard she looked around there was no one she opened it quietly so as not to disturb her sick mother and in there she saw the parcel and she wondered should i open it should i count it she took it out she went to her room quietly and she opened the parcel and she had never seen so much money in her life she said this must be a blessing or a sign from the lord so she put it back and then she decided she will forget about it if god was going to work things out he would let she would let him work so when her father came home she spoke to him about what the doctor had said he said don't worry sarafina god will provide but somehow that did not sit right the next day her mother had to be taken to hospital so seraphina sat at home wondering what was going on while she was sitting home a nurse from the hospital came to tell her that she must come and see her mother right away things were getting critical seraphina said oh no should i take the money maybe it might be enough for the treatment just as a nurse left a messenger came from her father saying that the funds that was in the cupboard was needed for a sick child in another village sarafina thought to herself should i take those funds for that sick child when my mother is lying in a hospital bed in critical condition i should use that money for my mother not a stranger but how could she make such a big decision on her own she told the messenger that she would come right away with the money parcel for her father and then she would go and see her mother in the hospital and do you know what sarah fina went straight to the hospital to see her mother instead while there she got information from the doctors as to how transportation will come and take her mother to the other village to get treatment and even the course she decided okay now is my chance i'm going to go into the bathroom i'm going to count that money and if it's the exact amount that the doctor said to me then it is a sign that i should use it so she went to the bathroom and she looked in all the stores and made sure that there was no one there then she opened the money parcel and she counted out the money and to her astonishment it was the exact figure needed to help her mother it was a sign to her so she decided that she was going to tell the doctor that as soon as she got her father's permission they could go ahead with getting the transport so our mother could start the treatment but as she was going out the bathroom door she heard a voice as if someone was standing right next to her saying stop don't sarafina don't do this wrong thing she looked around who could it be she brushed it off maybe it was nothing she exited the bathroom and then she went into the corridor and she heard the voice again saying what you are doing is wrong turn around this instant and carry that money for your father she spinned around but she was alone in the corridor when the doctor came and said did you contact your father she said no sir i did not and i think there's somewhere else i should be about here and she ran out of the hospital and went to the village that her father was in her father said serefina what is wrong why have you been running you are sweaty what happened i have been waiting here for you so long she said oh daddy daddy i am sorry that i am late you would not believe what happened why is that money parcel opening your hand sarafina it was then that seraphina realized that she must admit the truth she said papa i have something to tell you before i came here i went to the hospital where mommy was at and the doctor told me that the exact amount of money in this parcel could help save mommy's life and i thought to myself why can't i not use this money to help my mother another strange child but you know what i heard a voice speaking to me saying that what i was doing was wrong that it would be stealing and i decided to come here right away her father said oh sarafina if you had come a moment later we would have lost the opportunity to help this little child and save their life i am thankful that you listen to the voice of god the voice of god tells our female but i thought there was something in my head and her father said to her yes tarafina the voice of god speaks to us through his holy spirit it as our conscience it was your conscience telling you to do the right thing and bring this money here to save a life and do you know what those visitors that we have been hosting week after week they said that they would help your mother for free they are bringing in a specialist to help her so you see everything worked out you should have prayed and trusted that god will work things out for us really papa said sarafina our mother is still going to get help of course she is said her father that is what happens when you trust in god he works things out safina said i am so happy that i shared with you what i was about to do but then as you said the voice of god as the holy spirit convinced me to do otherwise if i had come a little child would have been in danger and we may have lost mother either way now there's an important lesson to learn from that story boys and girls sometimes we may be doing something that is very wrong and we may think no one is watching or no one saw us and we think we have gotten our way but there is someone above who always sees and knows and we must remember to do the right thing no matter how far we've gone or how deep we think we are in something now seraphina could have used that money but what would have been the consequences her mother would have been critically ill and not gotten better and a little child would have lost their life the bible says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness i hope you enjoyed my story and that you learn a very important lesson until next time bye hi boys and girls it's me and tv and i'm here with two of my children again this morning hi today we are going to see a memory text but you know when our memories at first corner has started what should we have yes our bibles so our memory text is taken today from first john 1 9 and it says [Music] if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness john 1 9 so we are going to lead it this morning and we are going to do what we are custom i am going to say it and then you would repeat okay are you ready let's go if we confess our sins if we confess our sins he is faithful and just he is faithful to forgive us our [Music] first john 1 9 good we are warm i'm feeling you i'm hearing you at home so now let's say it together are you ready let's go if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness first john 1 9 very good boys and girls each week i am so proud of you i know that you all are learning these memory business and it is drawing you closer to god but boys and girls do you know this memory text is in no way implying that it's okay for us to just sin knowing that god will forgive us if we confess but it is telling us that as god convicts us of our sin that is hindering our fellowship with him we must confess it and receive his forgiveness and cleansing that our relationship with god will continue with our hindrance so this upcoming week i want you to practice this memory text remember first john 1 9 be blessed over to uncle brian well well beautiful story again from auntie amanda and we always love those memory verses by auntie v to go be the glory iran good morning again it's it's a privilege for us to be here again to share amen the lesson that we would have studied as as a youth class this last week and it was entitled it is written it is written should could you pray for us before we start yes our father we your humble servants come before your people to present this lesson may you put the words in our mouth that you may be able or that every one that is in over here and even the youngest child would be able to understand be with us as we go through this lesson for this is my prayer amen right so if we if we back up a little bit and we we go into this story that we would have read during the course of the week remembering that that the lesson was entitled it is written you know the story told us that jesus was was filled with the holy spirit and he returned from jordan and then because he was filled with the holy spirit he was led into the wilderness to be tempted by satan for 40 days now while being tempted he was really really hungry very hungry and satan or the devil looked at him and he said if you are the son of god if you are the son of god turn these stones into bread he watched jesus and told him that and as the the lesson said it is written jesus turned to him and he said it is written man shall not live by bread alone and you know that was that was startling as if that wasn't enough the devil took jesus upon a high mountain and he showed him in a moment all these vast nations and he said you know these belong to me these belong to me but you know what i have the option to pass it on to somebody so i would like to give it to you i was the devil talking to jesus there and again jesus said it is written he answered and he said get thee behind me satan get thee behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only shall you worship as if that wasn't enough the devil continued he came at him again yeah he came at him again and he said you know then he brought him to jerusalem and and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you are the son of god throw yourself throw yourself down from here all right for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your feet against a stone and jesus again answered him iran and he said to him it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god now when the devil had ended every temptation he departed from him until the opportune time it is written iran build on that story first while in the wilderness you see we saw that jesus faced one of his greatest challenges he was tempted by satan at his physically weakest point because he hadn't eaten he was tempted with his appetite he was tempted for worldly materialism and he was tempted with presumptuousness but the story tells us that though jesus would have been tempted he did not yield he did not fall no he did not falter and he overcame these temptations through the power of the holy spirit wonderful now he had access to this power because he fasted and because he opened his heart and he opened his mind to sin see a prayer so while though he might have been physically weak his spirit he would have been spiritually strong because he would have been empowered remember your last statement remember so you're telling me this morning that it's important and essential not just to pray but also the fast of course go ahead of course you see when we fast we become empowered by the holy spirit and it is no different with us to know today as followers of christ and as christians we will always face challenges and temptations that will test our faith in god however as youths and as adults we too have access to the same holy spirit power once we are willing to sacrifice our physical well-being and fast and open our hearts and minds as jesus did to earnest prayer we can overcome all temptations because once we put our faith in christ and put our faith in the holy spirit he will empower us and empower us through his power to overcome all challenges now another key tool that was used by jesus to overcome and to resist the temptations of satan is his knowledge of this scripture you see when you you see in the story it says it is written right so jesus boldly declared after every um temptation it is written which shows his reliance on the word of god and his reliance on the scriptures this is an example unto all of us that without daily study without daily prayer it is impossible to face the fiery dots of satan if we are to overcome and if we are to be successful against the devil we need to study and to show ourselves approved wonderful let me say something here iran jesus's victory over temptation shows us how we must meet the devil's suffer trees many times we yield to temptation many times we yield to temptations because we are not inviting the guidance of the holy spirit we take things upon ourselves and we feel that we have the strength to handle battles and we don't have that strength okay it was the holy spirit that enabled jesus to resist satan's temptation and to be victorious this episode at the beginning of jesus's public earthly ministry reminds us that there is no substitute for the leading of the holy spirit the wilderness temptation also teaches us the importance of personal spiritual preparation for the challenges we face and i want to repeat that it shows us that we need to personalize our relationship with jesus we can't continue to listen to what others see but we must have that pus personal relationship it says that jesus quoted in deuteronomy 8 3 deuteronomy 6 16 and deuteronomy 6 13 he read and studied the holy scriptures the writings of moses isaiah and the other testament prophets jesus prayed earnestly and fasted regularly for the power amen that's true and in uh in this week lesson there was an illustration that was made to illustrate house destructive sinners and there was an experiment and experiment that was done by a prestigious university in the east and what they came about in this study was that while studying different animals they studied the uh sleeping patterns eating patterns of these animals and how they would take care of the young and in the experiment they placed an electrode in the brain of the animals and on that left today there was a pressure button and what they realized was that after some time the animals became obsessed with the pressure button so much so that after a while this they forgot about eating they forgot about sleeping they even forgot about their own young and they have to after months of this they began to die out all these animals in the experiment they passed away because they were excessively pushing the button and it shows us that sin is exactly like this button it offers us temporary and meaningless pleasure so much so that when we [Music] that when we as that when sin comes upon us sometimes we to be like these animals we forget all about what christ has taught us and we forget all our responsibilities you see this is not what god wants from us god wants us to be able to withstand against satan and to be able to withstand against all his fiery temptations this is why god allows temptation to come after us to come um for us to deter foster develop is what i'm trying to say you see temptation offers us the chance to build our character you see it is a building block for our character and it is a building block for our faith in christ right so it's temptation what i'm trying to say is that the temptation that we face are basically there to make us strong and to make us wonder in and if there is one one lesson that that i want to remind the youth of this morning is that temptations are real temptations are real but we don't have to yield to temptations we still have the power of god to lead and direct we still have the power of god to enable us to overcome those temptations and i want to encourage all of us not just the youth but even the adult to spend time in the word of the lord to study the word of the lord to spend time in prayer and even fasting and allow god to reveal himself to us let us pray god we thank you again for this lesson discussion we pray god that you will help us to understand that once we spend time in your word and we have a clear understanding of the part you have designed for us once we depend on your strength we will be modern overcomers bless the youth and continue to lead and direct in their lives in jesus name amen amen morning and happy sabbath to each one of us i want to thank uncle brian and iran for that inspirational youth lesson indeed it was a blessing today i have the esteemed privilege to bring you the sabbath school lesson comfort my people and joining me today is ella casper francis thank you happy sabbath happy sabbath all right so before we get into the the crux of the mata with this lesson let's just invite god's presence let's pray heavenly father we do indeed give you thanks for the sabbath day i pray in a special way that as we go into this lesson that you inspire our hearts and our minds to present the message in accordance to your will and so that your people can be blessed is my prayer for christ's sake amen amen all right so we are at a transition point in the book of isaiah allah yes just to give us synopsis of where we have been so far we see that the book of isaiah between 1 and chapter 39 gives a sense of warning to israel because you see israel had found themselves corrupt and they would have moved away from god's will and god was simply trying true isaiah to get them to repent so god true isaiah would have given them warnings to repent and move away from the corruption so that you know they wouldn't face the judgment you know some lessons ago talks about god's root of judgment right and it was saying that that rod will or that judgment will come at the hands of a syrian babylon from way before but you see what you see in the themes here is that the israel had hardened their hearts away from the message that isaiah had to the point where it had the opposite effect imagine that you are telling somebody about god and it drives them food away from god because of their own sin have mercy right so but instead of them moving away israel doubled down on their idolatry and their oppression of the poor so they went further into sin right so isaiah warned them that israel would have been cut down like a tree and left as a stump in the field not only that but that the stump would be burnt so that it wouldn't grow again but isaiah says that with a point of hope that that stump that was burned will become a holy seed okay so it gives a promise and it will survive right yes but you see the the warning the warning comes with hope and that hope comes that there will be a king that will come to fulfill the covenant promises that that same king would lead israel into all obedience to god's commandment so that the blessings of god will flow out of israel right to all the nations of the world but then we see that now in chapter 29 we reach hezekiah and he makes a a big mistake in that when the emissaries from babylon would have come he showed them all the riches of israel and forgot god and when isaiah says when isaiah sees this his conclusion is then only trusting god and repentance could save israel now and then you see and fought in verse 40 going forward you see like a century and a half has changed and there's something going on and it speaks to the future saying that the exile is over hope is coming the kingdom of god is at hand and he gives a sense of comfort in these passages but i i am i'm here trying to figure out allah what is that comfort that god is talking about and how would god comfort his people you want to elaborate all right so then for comfort and you know last night the preacher was saying that when god sometimes speaks us in love we get afraid here's the words isaiah chapter 40 uses the voice of him that quiet in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the lord make straight in the desert a highway for our god does that sound like comforting words it does it does to some people but some people get a friend and say but what kind of words are these but this voice in the wilderness was john the baptist and here he is in luke 3 saying listen the recipe for preparing for god is r and r what is iron are not rest and relaxation but reject sin and also repent so repent and reject sin so that the formula is if we repent and reject sin then we can prepare our hearts for god to come in so it's important that we use the formula which is our and our and once we do that then we would allow and and give the space for god to come into our lives because as we know from our series that god cannot come in a place where sinner belongs yes so that's so important that we understand that we have the recipe to prepare the way for god so that what we need to do is have that that repentance from sin and that we reject sin so that it moves us on to the next question if you have anything else to say on that pastor i just want to add something here in terms of god comforting his people i think i think one of the things that we underestimate allah is that the comfort that the word of god brings right now when we when we reach this transition point here at this point essentially the leaders of israel would have rejected isaiah's message so what he would have done is he would have given he would have continued writing his prophetic part which is was for chapter 40 to 66 and gave it to his well people who were still obedient to god and they would have preserved it and then we see that they would have been true history would have looked at it after the after they would have returned from the exile fulfilling the words of isaiah and vindicating his promises or his prophecies right the point i'm making is that isaiah died waiting for god to vindicate the words that he would have said yes he didn't he didn't see that promise but god did either way right and because of how isaiah's prophecy would have come to pass we can take comfort knowing that the word of god will come to pass as we have been seeing it fulfilled not just in isaiah but in the messiah himself and it will continue so as we look to the book of revelation for the the the promises of things to come you can take solace knowing that god fulfills every promise that he has amen so that leads us to our next question we are successful we we come to god and now comes the part about evangelism the next step pastor tell us about this next step okay so before when we talk about evangelism i i want to go back to the lesson a bit just to say that the purpose of god's judgment was not to destroy israel but rather to purify and to allow the messianic king to take rulership over every kingdom that they would have come into contact with so the point that isaiah is trying to get to is that the repentance to purify was that to fulfill the covenant that they would have had with abraham okay so that they would be a peculiar people unto all nations that they would be the example right so that when we talk up when we look at what isaiah is doing is like isaiah is writing sort of a training manual for evangelism where the same thought process starts to matriculate into the new testament writers and we start seeing jesus embodying these same principles example of that is isaiah chapter 61 where he says the spirit of the lord is upon me to preach good tidings and he gives out a long list of things but when jesus starts his ministry in the book of luke chapter 4 verse 18 you see that jesus is now coming to quote same passage of scripture when when he's going into ministry yes to to now say that the spirit of lord is upon me to do the same things isaiah would have said before but in terms of the birth of evangelism we talk about the forerunners like john the baptist and anna the the the prophetess and we understand the public evangelism aspect of has really become fulfilled in in the announcement of the arrival of jesus by the prophetess anna but you see the jesus's method in itself isn't just you know isn't just you know about you know these small things that we take for granted but let me let me give you some notes here jesus's base or jesus says evangelism is about transformation and not information so what we we try to give people information and say well baptized no but it's about transformation rather information it's not based on membership but rather discipleship okay right and it is not based on occupying space inside the church but it is rather about new transformed life in god right evangelism is not the presentation of a good message but it is rather the presentation of a good god all right so i let me ask you this allah as as as i i know i could talk about the things about evangelism holy but the lesson talks about some themes about god's mercy and we see them coming out more and more in the book of isaiah tell me a little bit about the mercies of god so then god god characteristics where we talk about he's all-powerful and the merciful and he shows his powerfulness by being the creator and and the rule on the throne as our series talks about and his mercifulness by giving us grace when we falter now for me as we continue it's that it's so important to understand those both characteristics the powerfulness and the mercy of god and then it goes on now to talk about the only type of worship that god accepts pastor and what's the only type of worship god accepts as we bring this lesson to our close well you see when we talk about idolatry right we know that idolatry is the extreme admiration love and reverence for something or someone right and we we have and we juxtapose that to the bible we can just simply say that anything that was that is put before god is an idol all right so i want you to imagine this right that you i i'm not married so i can't identify with this but you let let's put it this way you are married and you realize that your wife is quoting somebody else while you're married not saying auntie modeling will do that but i'm just saying think about it from that perspective imagine she's quoting somebody else while you're married you would be angry and upset because of the betrayal of vows and it's the same thing here that idolatry is a spiritual adultery that we have when we commit our lives to god and become baptized we make a vow with god to live in righteousness in accordance to his will all right and reflect his character so when we do the opposite it's like we are courting somebody else it is like we are courting another god if you want to put it that way so that no we become to that we come to that point where we are now betraying our vows by worshiping someone yes yes but i think the point that i want to drive home is that as as christians we have to you know fall on the footsteps of what joshua would have said in chapter 24 and verse 15 choosing this day who you will serve yes right and he gives all the list of gods but he says but as for me and my house we will worship the lord all right because the the concluding point that i have here is that the choices we have is the same as in the time of israel for in the end we will always choose which choose to worship something okay right understood for in the end we will always choose the word something so that it's important as we close as this we leave you this point isaiah name means salvation of the lord and isaiah name was supposed to bring comfort to the children of israel at that point in time but also then when we hear the name of jesus which the lord is salvation also pointed to the promise and the future that listen while we are converted for this time there's a final fulfillment of comfort when jesus comes into the world and completes his mission that we would have salvation in the end so may god bless us as we study his word let us pray father we thank you for today and for understanding that that your name means salvation and that your plan is so perfectly father be with us as we continue this day for christ's sake amen amen and amen amen amen good morning and pleasant sabbat we're here again with you welcome to five rivers st live stream and we are so happy to see so many of you online viewing and we know that just now the church will be filled we know that you have been blessed so far by the messages that pastor manzano has been bringing to us and we know that you're eager to hear what he has today and we want to give him as much time as possible to bring the word to you just a couple of shout outs to all of you all over in delaware new york brooklyn new jersey pennsylvania atlanta georgia anywhere in trinidad and tobago jamaica barbados guyana all over from wherever you're joining us we are happy that you chose five of us as the to worship today some special shout outs go to helena richardson as always we're always happy to have you here with us dianne wiseman flora thomas jacqueline miller neil phillips always locked on karen mcneal wendy horne williams melissa pemberton denise matthias judy dudley david knight locked on and barbados kathy and lewis lester allen vetlin humor alison rice yvonne marshall chanel francis and a special shout out is going out to pamela francis and her husband mr pompey in point forton we are happy that you chose five of us to join us with today angie and kenneth manswell all of you in toronto canada london we are happy that you chose five rivers this morning special special birthday wishes are going out to a father and son in brooklyn who have always been locked onto our program we say to god be the glory we hope that you have been blessed may god continually bless you with riches and the spiritual fulfillment as you continue to join us at five of us so on this day it's always a extra special blessing to celebrate your birthday on the sabbath so sheldon and elton thorpe happy birthday from all of us here at five rivers and to all of you celebrating birthdays in february we say happy happy birthday to all of you continue to have a wonderful sitting male with us may god continually bless you and have an awesome and wonderful sabbath over to you uncle brian thank you very much sister cooper as usual and happy sabbath to all of you may god continue to bless you just a few announcements well we have been really enjoying this sanctuary series with pastor andy manzano and we have been blessed richly unfortunately our series must come to an end and this is the final weekend of our series but we have something lined up for you okay last about we would have had our service morning and evening but because of the in-depth knowledge that we have been getting information that we have been getting from pastor manzano we have added another d so we're gonna continue the service this morning the series this morning and then at 2 30 p.m we are back here this afternoon for another see one another message and then tomorrow evening we bring the curtains down on this spirit-filled soul-searching cemetery series at 7 00 pm tomorrow evening so yes folks we officially end this series not today but tomorrow evening at 7 00 pm shop pastor manzano will be here again with us to bring closure to this series god bless you on wednesday evening our zoom services continue on wednesday evening our zoom services continue and it's from 6 p.m to 7 p.m 6 p.m to 7 p.m we we are blessed when we we see so many of you joining our service and we know that you two are blessed since the services are planned with you in mind at this time we ask you to turn your eyes to the screen as we have a very special announcement it's 2021 and for many of us this year represented hope on the horizon yet here we are still in the throes of the pandemic and even worse it seems as though crime and violence is just escalating all around us we're left asking the questions what's the meaning of all of this is there more to life well i'm here to bring you good news indeed there is more to life and if you want to share in the joy of truly living then join us the seventh-day adventist church in the caribbean for good news 2021 impact series with international speaker dr claudius morgan to join us all you must do is tune in to our youtube page that is caribbean union conference 7 pm nightly starting on february 26th you don't want to miss this because indeed hope in these times is good news yes we are thankful for that piece of information concerning our crusade that starts next friday next friday there's a very special virtual rally in preparation for the commencement of this crusade and it's from 4 00 pm to 6 pm this afternoon so right after our sanctuary service series that's why we starting at 2 30 this afternoon we will join this virtual rally in preparation for this fantastic crusade that starts next friday with pastor claudius morgan all right wanna encourage us to continue praying for our sick members yes we do have quite a few members of our church especially the senior members who are not in the best of health we want to encourage you to continue keeping them in your prayer send them a text send them a voice note let them know that we love them and we are praying for them may god bless you as we worship and praise his name on this his holy sabbath today [Music] we will now sing single things [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] anointing in the sanctuary there is a stillness in the atmosphere [Music] are in the sanctuary one more time there's a sweet anointing [Music] in the atmosphere [Music] where [Music] he is here he is here [Music] he is here [Music] and bless the broken [Music] me [Music] is me [Music] to break the yoke and lift the head [Music] and bless the broken [Music] you wear [Music] amen god is indeed here and when we see god and we come face to face with him all we can do is cry holy holy number seven three holy [Music] holy [Music] early in shall rise [Music] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] thousands and ten thousands worship low before thee which shall be holy [Music] thy [Music] there is [Music] holy [Music] [Music] me [Music] blessed trinity amen we believe in the father we believe in the son and we believe in the holy spirit that's where we get the blessed eternity from amen amen amen it's very important each person in the garden has a specific role amen great is thy faithfulness oh god unto me unto us number 100 great is thy faithfulness [Music] great is thy fatefulness oh god my father there is no shadow of turning with thee thou changest not thy compassions they fail not as thou hast been thou [Music] is forever faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies [Music] springtime [Music] above join with [Music] to thy great fate fullness [Music] faithfulness thy faithfulness new mercies [Music] is [Music] blessings online [Music] great is thy faithfulness greatest high faithfulness morning my morning new mercies [Music] is thy faithfulness [Music] praise god amen amen [Music] indeed it is a a privilege to have that nice wonderful song service but it is that time in our program that we petition the throne of god i want to encourage each one of you as we continue going through this service that there is a link in the description of this video this live stream that you are looking at right now that you can fill in your prayer requests so that we can have it and we can pray for you and with you if needs be right so there is a link in the description that you just follow you fill out the the information so that we can pray for and with you special notice or special purses that we want to shout out right now in terms of needing prayer ajita fraser we are definitely praying for your family kimberly love we are definitely praying for an expedited um intervention into your situation sister evelyn we are definitely praying for your cousin philemon right and we want to pray for each one of you whether you are here or you are at home we are about to pray so just bow your heads with me heavenly father we do indeed give you thanks again for the sabote in a special way there god we your people have come before you with a contrite spirit and an open heart knowing that we have sinned against you their god but you are the true and living god that is able to forgive all sin and we ask for that special anointing of forgiveness their god so father we pray for all these prayer requests all those who would have sent in their prayer requests those who would have have who have heavy burdens on their hearts right now we pray that you intervene into each situation their god whether it be mentally physically uh emotionally their god we pray that you would intervene and bring a speedy recovery and speedy change to the situation's god so that all can be healed and restored and be lifted to serve you once more this is my prayer for christ's sake amen [Music] [Music] i've seen how hard you've tried [Music] walking alone with those tears in your eyes i know just how you feel but you have to surrender come and rest in me i've seen your humble beginnings cause you've been abused and inside you're hurting you've seen the basic side of life but i'm your redeemer come arresting me and i'll be your friends i'm closer than a brother i'm here to the end to walk with you through like fires and when the times you feel like giving love just remember he says i've heard just what those people said they talk about you as though you're not there yeah they did the same to me but y'all wait minutes come on and rest in me i've seen you live around don't to be discouraged come and rest in me and i'll be your friends i'm closer than a brother i'm here to dance [Music] just remember he says preston me [Music] be faithful won't be long now soon you'll be here these streets of gold child will come [Music] fires [Applause] just remember he said rest in me oh remember he's arresting me oh child please remember he's arrested me please remember rest in me would you say praise the lord would you say praise the lord again i'm happy to be here with you again time flies when you're having fun seems like we were here just a couple of minutes ago and we're back again good morning and happy sabbath to everyone did you get a good rest last night i am of the opinion some people didn't rest too well last night after that message well the interesting thing about the gospel is the gospel is never sent to to discourage us god does not send problems god sends solutions hello god sends solutions but god always would indicate the conditions for the the covenant that he has set up with us i want to respond to uh just one statement that i would have seen this morning just reviewing last night's presentation there's one statement let's pray and we begin father in heaven bless us as we begin this meeting today continue to be with us throughout the days the this the hours rather of this day and may our worship or thanksgiving our praise may be acceptable in your sight for we offer it in jesus christ amen thank you this this i'll go back to last evening and i want to say again that this subject of prayer that we highlighted last evening dealing with the altar of burnt incense is one of the most misunderstood probably controversial topics within the christian church this is very very misunderstood very very misunderstood and it is it is misunderstood to the point where it is trivialized and the the whole journey of the sanctuary by showing where god set this thing up this altar of burned incense just before the arc an emergency seat makes a statement i'm taking my time uh the message last evening could not be presented without a certain tone are you with me a certain tone of seriousness because it is serious if jehovah should say if i regard iniquity in my heart you would not hear that's that is i'm trying to understand how else that is to be analyzed if i regard iniquity in my heart you're not going to hear if i have something in my life that i know of that i am not willing to change i'm not repentant you understand i wouldn't you would not hear me if the law says that he that turns air from the law that is turning your air from the law is listening to god hello you know i like to break it down that is the person who is not willing to listen to god when they come to talk to god god says that is filled to me you understand what i'm saying people that's what the text says what happened is there is this misunderstanding between god's graciousness to humanity that is god is gracious god is loving god is loving to the unjust god is loving to the wicked god is loving to the unrighteous for while we were yet sinners christ died that doesn't change the point is god's attitude to the individual is constant yeah yeah to the sinner because if god's attitude towards the sinner was not the attitude of love the sinner couldn't be saved right let me take a little stages so that god loves this sinner and god provided salvation for the sinner at calvary right so god's love is all compassion to everyone so the text that says god causes the rain to fall and the just and the unjust and the sun shall to shine on the just and the unjust that has to do with god's love stay with me god's love his grace whether you are christian non-christian you're a believer non-believer whether you are the best um church member or uh a criminal in prison the love doesn't change are you with me yeah but what people tend to get tied up with is because god's grace towards people is constant they tie that in to pray say with me prayer is relational come on so that jesus said when you pray say what our father here there's a relationship between our father and his child prayer is about a relationship so that the way the bible describes prayer it's about god in covenant with someone and that person in covenant with god so they they have a relationship where god talks to them they listen they talk to god god listens that's what prayer is so don't confuse god's graciousness to all human beings where they receive blessings in the context of what is called general blessings the rain and the sun that is it's up there in the sky and it it is it is for everyone because once you live on the planet you're exposed to the sun and the rain if god treated the sun and the rain in the context of prayer then only the people who in covenant with god would get sun and only the people in covenant will get rain are you listening but god has general blessings and then god has covenant blessings covenant blessings re they are reserved for people who are in covenant with god so a person who is in covenant with god and understands tight and offering when they return their tights and offering they receive the blessings for that covenant relationship a person who's not in covenant with god and not they're not willing to pay tights and offerings they will not receive the blessings within that covenant are you listening to me this morning see god god does not distribute covenant blessings to people who not in covenant come on you see because if god breaks one rule he has to break all and then it would say that the unrighteous can receive the power of the holy spirit take it you have to you ought to every single thing every single thing there is general blessings and there is covenant blessings so listen to the text ii chronicle chronicles 7 14. if i don't have to say anymore no no what's the beginning what's the beginning of the text if if it's conditional if my people which are called by my name now god is talking to my people israel this has nothing this has nothing to do with the philistines come on the sanctuary was set up for israel not for the philistines not for the canaanites not for the amalekites that's what it all these people is strictly israel so when god says if my people which are called by my name shall pray oh now we talking where does it begin with humble themselves that is understand who i am almighty bow before me acknowledging your life is in my hands that prayer the word for prayer is prosuke prosuke means to bend the uh the whole understanding of prayer is when you pray to god you bow and bend and you you don't even look god in the eye that's the word prosuke it means that you understand watch any old movie you know anything with delivered kings and the king on the throne watch the concept when people come in before the king they bow they don't even look up come on people they bow they don't you can't look the king in his eye you bow and you understand that your life is strictly dependent on the mercy of the king if the king decides to chop your neck off your dead if the king says you live you live you move off your whole life is dependent on the mercy of the king that's what it is prosuke so how can you come to god not prostrating not humble not anything and expect god to relate so anytime people praying and stuff and and they're not coming properly they're not really right attitude you know god god has to in a symbolic sense close god's eyes god's it's like i'm not seeing you you don't exist right now you're not in my space because if i have to deal with you is total disrespect and i i come on people pray is trivialized excuse me i have a little um yeah a little bug if if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves pray seek yeah turn then this um tomorrow we will talk about all of this why this thing has reached to this level why this thing has reached this level um the the standards that god has set up um christianity religion christianity the church it is the the faith that jesus has set up it is for what he wanted to what it is today is a joke it's a joke and prayer and everything about what god established to the sanctuary is treated like really nothing and there's a cause for it it's of course you know why you know why prayer is so trivialized because people have been taught that they can do anything and pray that's why prayer has been trivialized that's why religion has been trivialized because people have been taught for 1260 years come on church come on your adventists long enough to pick up where i'm going for 1260 years if if black people were slaves for just over 400 years and still struggling to get that slavery mentality out of their mind if the hebrews were slaves in egypt for just 400 to 430 years and couldn't get it out of their minds come on you know what it is for people to be drugged for 1260 yeah a thousand two hundred and sixty years people have been taught that they could live anyhow and then pee they've been taught they could fit for carnival take off the clothes do what they want and the next day pray come on people you don't want to miss tomorrow night you don't want to miss tomorrow night tomorrow night is house cleaning day that's the same man i'm giving it a name from now house cleaning day in jesus name everybody happy here come on i see some lovely young ladies in the front daddy here with you all daddy where's mommy all right all right you have pretty parents you thought i tell you are pretty children right well if you are pretty parents a handsome daddy and a loving mummy of course you know by product of prettiness in jesus name you know i'm talking slow because it's coming to an end and i'm trying to slow down the clock because we're having such a wonderful time i saw somebody text and say you know i will miss this well it's between you and jesus not between me i'm just a voice sometimes too loud too brash you know i tell people i am not my best fan when i listen to me preacher i don't like to hear me so i wonder how people make out sometimes you know but praise god you listen to the lord through it all listen to the lord and um if you're on the platform or those of you on the platform are you listening learn learn to see beyond the vessel learn to go beyond the vessel beyond the voice to hear the word learn to go beyond the preacher and hear who sent the message because there's one thing i know for all the years i've been around there's nothing like a perfect preacher and there's nothing like a perfect message in terms of delivery but there is a perfect intent from god find your way through beyond this clay find your way beyond this voice find your way beyond and listen to hear thus say it lord yeah we are just eating vessels with a treasure that god has amazingly put a priceless treasure in a price an in in a in a you know thing that has no value only god does that put something of immense value in something that has no value only god and he preserves it father be with us again in jesus name amen today we go again we took the check we took the trek and i want to re revisit this aspect of prayer we know that god is serious about the altar what happened at the altar god is serious if you don't accept what he did at the altar but jesus died if you don't accept that you are lost hello you are lost we know that if you don't come in harmony with the second stage live in accordance with his word you are lost hello we know that when we go to the shoe bread if you do not understand that god wants us to be in harmony that nobody is better than anybody if you don't understand like john said a man can't say i love god and hate his brother because he's still walking in darkness if you if you can't have fellowship with jesus and or and you do have fellowship with your brother so if you have hate for people and you cannot understand that we all stand as one before god you're lost we understand that we understand that if you're not part of the church god added to the church those who are being saved and if you don't have the holy spirit in your life you are lost huh not that you are lost because you are bad but you are lost because you are not accepting what god has provided for you you see lostness is not based on badness being lost is not based on how bad you are being lost is based on rejecting what god has provided because all have sinned be lost but we need to understand too that when we come to pray if we don't appropriate the way god has provided for us be in the same boat we'd be lost yeah we dealt with the mercy seat on the and the ark last evening the mercy seat represents god's throne the ark is his treasure chest he doesn't have the treasure chest in the bedroom he doesn't have the treasure chest in the kitchen doesn't have a vault somewhere god's vault is under the throne the vault is right under the throne so that to get to the vault to get to god's governance to get to god's grace to be responsible for judgment you have to move god come on people anybody who can amend the law has to be god let me fast forward that is why the person who said they changed the law claim to be god anybody who can offer grace and forgiveness of sins has to be god that is why the person who absolves sins and forgives sins claims to be god come on church the sanctuary settles it and anybody who can condemn you has to be god that is why the person who claims to be able to to excommunicate people and condemn them to hell claims to be don't miss tomorrow mr morrow tomorrow's house cleaning today we deal with the daily sin sacrifice and the day of atonement we have gone through the aspects of the sanctuary the sin sacrifice there are basically two there's one sacrifice let me back up there's really one sacrifice jesus christ one but god has put things in a certain way for us to understand how he's working things out the daily sacrifice and the sacrifice on the day of atonement basically is the same but god is explaining it to us so that we can understand what god wants us to understand is how things are worked out be starting with the school session first the sin sacrifice the burnt offerings leviticus 1 6 8 8 to 13 leviticus 8 18 to 21 leviticus 16 24 and he shall lay his hand this is a sinner we're going right back to the altar the sinner comes to confess his sin and we use sin here or his driver in context okay the individual comes to confess he shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering he is transferring his guilt to the sacrifice and he shall kill it at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation aaron's sons the priest shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar wrong the boat the priest shall dip his finger in the blood sprinkle of the blood seven times before the lord before the veil of the sanctuary so beyond the we are in the first first phase i come with my sacrifice i lay my my hand on the head of the sacrifice i kill the sacrifice they burn the sacrifice they take the blood of the sacrifice they put the blood on the horns of the altar they take the blood and they carry it into the sanctuary and they sprinkle it before the curtains right before the most holy place are we together so what happens is that blood is transferred from the altar to the sanctuary on the inside symbolically the sins moving because the life is in the blood the sins moving the the blood carries my sin takes the sin away from me and carries my sin into the only to the place where the only one who can really deal with sin see the thing with human beings human beings know how to make mess but don't know how to clean it yeah we know how to make mess we know how to we know how to create mess but somebody else has to clean it that's why we have swim call yeah it's our garbage come on it's our garbage but we just put it out there for the garbage cleaner to take it up and they take it and they know how to treat it because we don't know how to treat garbage but we know how to make garbage that's my friend today i'm not seeing her come on i need some help i don't know i don't know i want some help today you notice i pulled my water because um my my battery is a little low my throat is itching so i want some help could somebody help me this morning by just amen yeah so we give the sins to the lamb the lamb dies for the sin but the blood is the is the atoning blood so the sins symbolically the lamb is the lamb dies for me and i leave but the lamb dies but the lamb still lives you see if the lamb stays dead i am dead but the lamb has to get rid of the sin so the lamb is alive in the blood the lamb is alive in the blood and the lamb is alive in the high priest so the high priest takes the blood and carries the blood into the most to the holy place and sprinkles it in front of the of the of the of the veil and and blood keeps piling up in there every day blood is sprinkled all over and you know if blood is there all through the year blood spots all over blood spots the place gets stink come on people it's blood all over and it's piling up every day and you know it's not one sin and then he shall take some of the same blood and sprinkle it on the horns of the altar so that the blood is in front of the veil and the blood is mixed with it with the incense so that in the prayer the sacrifice god is showing you that the incense is actually the blood of the lamb when the incense is going up it is really representing the sacrifice of the lamb that our prayer has to be mingled with the incense come on people that's a daily sacrifice now this is that which you shall offer so we have here the individual sacrifice i sin what i do you sin what you do but there is a daily sacrifice other than our offering the bible says now this is that shall offer upon the altar two lambs of the first year day by day every day even though nobody went in with a without with a with a sacrifice if a day passed when nobody went to offer sacrifice alarms still had to be burned are you listening yeah it's eternal the bible says two lambs of the first year day by day every day aaron and his sons will kill a lamb and offer one in the morning and one in the evening they offer one in the morning and one in the evening that is hear what god is saying thank you jesus hallelujah hear what god is saying even if you didn't bring the lamb i want you to know the lamb is always provided even if you don't appropriate yourself to the lamb even if you don't appreciate the lamb even if you don't come with the lamb when you're ready you see because if if our forgiveness is dependent on when we choose to come with the lamb we are in trouble god wants us to know i always have the lamb ready yeah so you killed one in the morning one in the evening one in the morning this is called the daily sacrifice tomorrow we talk about that the daily sacrifice let me cool down a little bit tanty watching thank you watching dante mommy fredericka you know i was talking to dante i told her i said don't you i call her last week i say um i know she watching she laughing right now i could bet you she laughing and had a laugh into as my cousin and dawn all of them from dabadi and if george family you know them the george family yeah they're laughing right now at me i could see all you know dante dante's i told auntie last week i said auntie you know preaching heather call me i said again good schooling you know these brethren's cooling me you know and joanne relax yourself you're jumping up too much and your turns you know what i thought aren't you scared too yet auntie son that's how she talks she says son and now you know but when did the thing get in your imagine my cat she said she said i know you know but when they when when the word of god get imagined my dad they say andy i know how you're feeling i know how you're feeling you can't help yourself so head are you cool can't you tell me i could jump up in jesus name so you have the daily sacrifice every day shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations at the door of the tabernacle where i will meet you so god said god said listen you sinner come with your lamb when you understand that you need a savior come with your lamb baba even before you come with your lamb i want you to know i have made provision for you so that when you're ready to come you know that i have made provision for you is the same lamb you are offering when you symbolically kill the lamb it's the same lamb that iron and they're offering every day it's the same lamb it's not a different alarm it's the same message coming through are we together so far all right now there is a day of atonement the day of atonement and the lord said speak speak unto moses saying on the tenth day of the seventh month there shall be a day of atonement atonement means when you're clear be account atonement mean i took a loan from the bank of a hundred thousand dollars and there's a settlement date atonement means there is a maturity date when it must be settled come on so that on this day it shall be a holy convocation you shall afflict your souls this is not the day when one sinner comes with islam this is not the day when you come with your lamb or you come with your lamb this is a day when everybody has to come together and get their sins confessed cleansed with one lamb everybody this is congregational cleansing hallelujah this is the day not for individual repentance yes it will be done individually but it's one day where everybody must come together for cleansing you shall afflict your souls and offer an offering made by fire unto the lord and you shall do no work on that day it is the day of atonement to make an atonement for you before the lamb before the lord sorry whosoever whosoever soul it shall be that shall not be afflicted in that day if you meet that day and you are not found cleansing putting your life in order you shall be cut off come on i said the overtone atonement now there are seven feasts given to the people of the jews the first one the beginning of the year the passover you know the passover when they came out of egypt yes passover leviticus 23 and verse 5. then there's following that seven days the feast of unleavened bread then there is a feast of first fruits then there is feast of weeks of pentecost then there is a feast of trumpets then there is a day of atonement the passover began the sacrifice and it ended with the day of atonement and then you had tabernacles or boots where the people got together after the day of pentecost oh sorry after the day of atonement when all the sins symbolically cleansed and the sanctuary cleansed and everything put together they had a big celebration we are at one with god so they were celebrating everybody would come and celebrate after the day of atonement the day of torment was a grand thanksgiving everybody was at one at one meant they had one with god come on people five firearms seven feasts now this weight get a little the sanctuary teaches how god saves the feast teaches when it happens you got to get the sinking you know for it to make sense the passover is about a win the tabernacle um the the sanctuary is about how sanctuary has no date in it only bring a lamb bring a lamb this is how it is done come on sanctuary has to be details about how to do what people on the platform you understanding me i want some people in the church could i rent some voices come on could i rent a few voices could they daddy it's all right they they sing they look like singers you think what kind of yes is that the yes is like sometime you know you sing well if you think you have a voice let me hear your amen goes you sing soft why do you even hear the amen come on give me amen amen daddy i think you better go in the back let them talk like when you're not there okay can i get some give me give me some feedback help me with this people come on come on come on the sanctuary talks about how it is done the feast tells us what when it is done the day of atonement is a when the passover is a when unleavened bread has to do with a when it is a yearly feast so what god does is god explains to the sanctuary and the feast he has to bring them together for us to understand what's taking place come on people the day of atonement is the 10th day that's the that's a when of the seventh month 10 day aaron shall or for his bullock what does he offer on that day bullock because because you see when you are when you are small fry in church when you're a small person in church you know like the widow and the orphan and those who are not in high status come on people when you don't have a big income god will take a total dub from you are you listening to me where when you don't have when you're not so big up and you're not high up god will take a lamb from you but when you're big like a high priest you're gonna come with a block are you listening to me you're gonna come with a block because you're a high priest and we've got some people in israel they're high priests but they're bringing lamb baram sawak people like brother rams iraq have to bring what bullock call your high priest are you on top there you know you all have bullock when you have bullock income you have to get bullet offering once you're working for bullock salary can't bring no total dove off in jesus name come on i want every now and then i gotta swing and preach you know people i can't teach all the time you keep teaching i feel like i'm in school and if i feel like i'm in school i'm working i don't want to be in a work mind i want to be in a preaching mind as a sabbath are you listening to me when you have big money you gotta bring big bucks bullock if you please pastor but i'll stay in the back there yeah i'm a pastor so i know i kind of know what kind of money we work for we're not a high priest we just are ordinary priests we're honored everywhere we don't you know we we're in the priesthood we're in the priesthood but you know yeah we we we don't have we we have young cows we can't afford big blocks right but you know but people like pasta moss isn't there when they come into church are you listening to me perception by us and all these fellows up there the high priestess bring your bullock now bring your bullock because you're getting high priests offerings they get the big shoulders of the lamb are you listening to me they got the ties you've got nice treatment when you live large you have to give large oh sorry they passed at the buyer's nephew yeah our pause for preaching a little bit they got some people living block life but they don't want to give bullock tights come on thomas you would the lord says tell aaron all them big sawatee in israel tell all of them big people who have big house and big car and big money and big income and big bank account when you come to me walk with bullock i know i got your attention no come on we are in church and he shall take off the blood of the bullock sprinkle with his finger the mercy seat eastward seven times get back to the mission and he shall take us inside i know again a phone call when i go to homeless house [Applause] but someone said no don't play he just put yourself in trouble am i you know i told somebody the other day i told somebody recently you know i've never been a person that kind of like could you could intimidate and think you know i don't have no ambition you know you can intermediate pastors who have ambition and you know they are the political mommy i want nothing you can't treat me an ambition i just say what god says but he does me you see what god says just say the lord i know listen you know when you you know when you could back me up when you could show me manzier wrong it is not so and up to no i haven't met anybody to show me are wrong you know i'm not claiming omnipotence or omniscient no but the lord guided me pretty good so far you understand what i'm saying so you don't back me up you know but i'm not i'm not ambition i'm not coco in the sun i don't want nothing from nobody so when i get up here to talk they must have a few people like me in israel you know come on can i preach this morning you need you need you need a few prophets in israel not only priests you see a priest live off the income but a prophet is provided by god and you need some prophets in israel to tell it like it is to cut the clouds straight cry aloud spear not tell my people their sins [Music] so i tell people i tell people ever so often you know i almost died january and not over playing a card or just being real and like lazarus you know lazarus was dead for four days and jesus brought him back so when you read an around um john 13 lazarus is sitting by a defeat with jesus and um give me a minute i just taken out two minutes here lazarus is sitting with jesus and he's eaten and they the priests and the scribes and the high high priests under the sword they come and well jesus is pulling a crowd you know he he distilled anyplace he said we had to kill jesus boy and they say well lazarus sit down there well that'd kill us or us too something called lazarus is the big testimony of what jesus can do so i try to get in the mind of lazarus right lazarus sit down there and lazarus here and fellas trying to kill all you know they're planning to kill earlier and jesus sit in there listen to me somebody until you reach here you didn't reach so lazarus sitting there and this fellow's plan and we got done him we killed jesus and killed him i could imagine last year i say no and say okay kill me by the dead already hello i did dead already and i'm back that does scare me yeah you understand what i'm saying that don't scare me you're trying to scare me i've been dead i've been there i've been at the door you can't scare me with death you can't scare me because i was already dead that's why when i preach i preach without fear of favor because i ought to be god rather than man and when i tell the sanctuary i tell it like it is if you come to god without jesus your prayer is a waste of time you fight that you fight that you can plead how much blood you want and you don't want to live straight you could you could do what you want you could sprinkle how much water you want around your house you could hold bible how much and claim claim it and name it you can do what you want waste of time that's what the word says and that's what this preacher will say in jesus name i don't preach to get paid my bill's already paid let me get back to the message and he said he shall put the incense upon the fire before the lord that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat that is upon the testimony that he died the bible says on the day of atonement when the high priest came to offer his bullock and fully you know throw his in his is his blood the bible said you see that day on the day of atonement real incense he said i the lord what the lord is saying he shall put the incense upon the altar that that day you have to put so much incense listen the lord said there must be so much incense in my face in my nose i mustn't see aaron come on you you understand me you understand me the lord said it must cover the mercy seat the lord says on the day of atonement you have to clothe my eyes and you'll come before me i just want to see jesus you better just let me see jesus on that day because the high priest can die he shall take two goats present them before the lord at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats one lot for the lord and the other for the escape goat two goats on that day because the bible wants to remind us that while jesus is the lamb in terms of his nature he's the goat because of the way he's treated he must be rejected and on that day he shall take two goats and the one that the lord's lord shall fall upon he shall bring that goat and offer him for a sin offering two goats one goat must die for the sins and the other one will die with the sins come on somebody we have all kind of stuff going on in israel who is escaped goat and want to make yahushua escape goat but one god dies four what's this watch the the word f o r offer him for a sin sacrifice but the goat upon which the lot fell to be the escape goat he shall keep alive before the lord at the end of the cleansing of the sanctuary and let him go into the wilderness he shall die with sin come on somebody one god dies four the other one stays alive and at the end let me fast forward when they clean the sanctuary let me talk let me let me take it in stages then he shall kill the goat of the sin offering that is for the people bring his blood within the veil this is the atoning blood do with that blood as he did with the bullock atonement sprinkle it on the mercy seat come on come on come on this blood brings the sin in hallelujah the blood brings the sin to god by the blood that brings the sin to god the sin doesn't stay with god he shall make atonement for the holy place we're going to clean it up because of the uncleanness of the children of israel because of their transgression for all their sins so shall he do for the tabernacle of the congregation that remained them in the midst thereof and when he had made an end of reconciling the holy place the holy place is fixed everything is back as it should be everything is in place and he shall bring the life goat and he shall lay both hands upon the head of the life growth the sins came out come on somebody come on stop defiling the name of jesus stop polluting the name of jesus stop desecrating the holy one he paid it once and for all when he takes the sins out of the sanctuary he does not keep it in himself but he takes it to the originator of sin he is not responsible for it confess over all the iniquities of the children of israel he's carrying the sin puts them upon the head of the goat he shall put it on the head of the scapegoat and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man hello come on a fit man into the wilderness and escape goat dies in the wilderness with the escape god dies out there with the sin one god dies for sin the other god dies with sin put jesus in his right place yeah some people let me tell you something about truth and knowledge and bible whenever god reveals it to you and you have it if you have it don't go looking for more the devil loves an itchy air the devil loves an inquisitive mind there's a difference with for and with you see if jesus is escaped good then it says after the day of atonement after the sanctuary is reconciled if after everything is put in place jesus shall be banished are we tying in two things together come on yeah he's in the wilderness you tell me the savior has to be thrown out into the wilderness after he saves everybody well my bible says it is he who invites his people to the marriage supper of the lamb so what the church is actually saying what is this preacher actually saying is that a bridegroom will be put out of his own wedding come on my wedding i invite you and you're telling me i had to put go outside come on huh santilla your wedding done wedding done imagine who could put me out of my wedding you inside because of me and and listen if they if they if they escape what is jesus and he goes out and he's banished how do you remain in how did you get in i am the way shoot on the life no man comes to the father but by me how do you remain in the in with god celebrating boots with jesus out in the wilderness and he shall send him away by the hand of a fit let me tell you who is the fit man let me tell you who's the fit man who carries escape goes out in the wilderness and deals with him the fit man is jesus if you please that's the fit man and he has to be a fit man you know why because he has to carry him in the wilderness he has to carry him there get rid of him and make his way back safely he has to be a fit man come on and he shall do no work in that same day on the day of atonement for it is a day of atonement to make an atonement for you before the lord whosoever soul shall be that shall not be afflicted on the day of atonement that soul shall be cut off that's the day of atonement on the day of atonement the high priest functions and let's look at the high priest the high priest is the only one to work on the day of atonement goes into the most holy place the high priest has a different outfit if you please it's a serious day but it's a sweet day god is the only one who knows how to blend two things that are extreme god could blend the worst and the best in one setting god on calvary come on on calvary god blend two things together on calvary god declared his total perfect hatred for sin at calvary and his perfect love for the sinner on calvary on calvary there is grace and judgment perfect before us on calvary there is execution of judgment on jesus and on calvary there is freedom for the sinner two things perfect at the same time god is the only person who can bring justice perfect and love and grace perfect at the same time god is the only person who has wisdom on parallel god knows all things there is nothing god cannot know and yet still my bible says in the day of ignorance he doesn't know he is the only one who can have perfect hatred for sin and perfect love for the sinner at the same time god is the only one who on the day of atonement can make it the most dreadful day and the most glorious day at the same time man only god can do that only god can do that only god can take you sweetheart only god can take you when you're having that daughter and on that day when you're in the labor ward can i talk to somebody in the labor ward you're feeling the worst pain with your with the child coming out you never felt pain like that but at that same moment you're feeling a joy that your baby is coming out so that you could see your child only god can bring two things together at the same time to extremes at the same time only god can create a service called baptism a baptism is a birth experience you're born again baptism is a death experience you're dying to sin you're being buried baptism is a resurrection experience you're raised with christ baptism represents a marriage to jesus christ only god can bring all these things together in perfect harmony on the day you were baptized you said i died on the day you were baptized you said i'm born again on the day you were baptized you had a resurrection experience on the day you were baptized you were married to jesus only god can't bring all these variables in one when the day of atonement is dread you must be afflicted flick your soul you must be weeping purging and in the same breath you're celebrating slow me down god same day you're feeling dread and joy the same time only god can tell you come before me and pray and when you come in prayer you know you are coming before the almighty god who before him you are dust if he should just wish it you are dead you're coming before god with fear reverence yet still you come in with assurance you come in you come in bold you coming bold come on tobias you're coming come boldly before the throne of grace you're coming before god knowing that god is all holy god is all righteous god is all pure i am nothing in his sight i come trembling but celebrating on the day of atonement god brings two extremes together fear and joy together so the high priest comes and he goes into the most holy place he sells intercedes for 12 tribes he's dressed to kill come on look at his garments i want you to understand what they have atonement because somebody somebody been anxious for pastor manzano to get to the day of atonement when is he talking about the day of atonement when is he talking about the the the type on the anti-type you anxious to get the judgment but if you get a judgment and you don't understand what judgment is judgment will kill you you gotta understand the journey to the most holy place the journey to the altar sin is forgiven you need to deliver you've been cleansed now you are made a high priest the journey to the shoe bread you have fellowship with jesus the journey to the to the candlestick wherever you have power of the holy spirit the journey to the incense altar where you cannot talk to daddy now the big day is here the big day when we're cleansing this sanctuary the high priest has on his head a miter on his head and it's written holiness to the lord that's the mind of christ our high priest that's what he thinks about everything up here holiness to the lord his mind he has two stones in the breast plate come on two stones called the urim and filming they are called light and perfection the prophets would walk with these to get direction from god to know what shall we do and when they light they know that god said yes or no he's breastplate his heart it's covered with the guidance of god come on people you gotta understand what's taking place put the breastplate the urim and they film him and it shall be over aaron's heart come on this is a day of atonement he has his head his mind is the will of god his heart is guided by god dedication and dependence is what he's about he's going to do the lord's work the bible says there shall be two onik stones you shall take two stones two stones and engrave the names of the children of israel six names on one shoulder six names on the other shoulder and he's carrying he got israel come on church he is carrying you the bible says in the book of isaiah and the government and the government shall be upon his shoulder his mind is covered by the by the will of god his heart is wrapped up by dependence of god and he takes you and he takes me he takes the children of israel and he says come on my shoulder because you can't go in for yourself are you listen to me come on come on people you can't go in for yourself so he said hop on in jesus name upon in jesus name i'm gonna carry you [Music] i am the way shoot on the life no one comes to the father but by me he says hop on come on you know what i'm talking about that he's that is you know it when you throw your children up on your shoulder hop on and he sticks six here six there and you're well packed in the pouch on preacher you're packed in the pouch and when it fits you in the pouch you zip it come on people it's time to get excited in the house of the lord when he puts you on the shoulder he zips you on 12 names on each side and you're moving with israel time to go in to meet father and the bible says in the breast split they got 12 jewels you shall make the breast bit of judgment anybody on the platform over there enjoying themselves come on are you on the platform today we celebrated in the house of the lord it can't get any better than this it's our word today it can't get any better than this there are 12 stones you shall take the breastplate of judgment of gold and purple and scarlet fine wool lining the same thing like the covering of the tabernacle the breastplate with the same colors purple scarlet sardis and topaz and emerald the first row sales topaz emerald they represented 12 tribes i want you to understand what's going on here people each gem represents a tribe a gem when you started off by the altar you are a sinner when you started out at the outer court you were condemned then you became a high priest by deliver he became a priest rather by the liver then he brought you into the sanctuary in the holy place and he shaped you like bread and then he brought you over to the incense altar and he made you a little almond you rise first and he filled you with his spirit and then he brought you at the altar of burnt incense and he said we're talking now and when you talk to me with jesus your son's sweet come on by the time you get ready to go into the sanctuary you are gem you are you are precious gem the path of the just brighter brighter the bible says we are transformed transformed day by day in christ by the day of atonement the people of god are like jewels 12 tribes each represent a jewel that you will i didn't plan this but i'll say it you are jewel hello you are jewel jesus looks at you as a gem why you why are you lessening your value cannot can i talk to somebody you are a gem you are paul of price why why are you lessening your value for cheap stuff why you are a gem why are you selling yourself for a boxer kfc you're a gem while you're selling yourself for some domino chicken you're a gem a gem joel selling yourself short carnival just went there carnaval weekend the weekend that was supposed to be carnival supposed to be carnival you're a gem don't sell yourself short god gave you a voice sing for him sell yourself short you don't you don't you don't have to make it on the world stage you're a gem you're a gem soldier you're a gem play for jesus boy play that thing for jesus boy don't you don't have to go out there you don't you don't have to go listen anytime you leave this to go for that it's looking like more it's fool's gold boy that's costume jewelry costume jewelry pray for jesus sing for jesus praise jesus keep your value somebody come telling you if you play outside you will get more if you play outside you all that talent you have and your way of still you're not wasting it brother you're shining for jesus keep your value too many people in in israel being fooled believe and they'll make it big outside if you're in jesus you're big enough if you're in jesus you're big enough man am i preaching to somebody come on keep your value keep your value you're rich in jesus when you leave when you leave and you go outside you come you're like you're like coals you're diamond in the house of the lord and when you go outside you're like calls boy come on the high priest takes you into the most holy place let me check my time magazine hello let me tell you what the high priest is about when the high priest when jesus came to earth we're talking it in context he's a high priest he's the he's the prophet sent from god moses said and the lord shall raise up a prophet like unto me him you shall hear when jesus came our high priest when he came to earth he came as a prophet thus saith the lord he is representing god to the earth he's a prophet the prophet dies the sacrifice as a lamb when he leaves the earth he goes as high priests he's changing rules now here what happened see what happens see what happens in in the garden of eden the devil told adam and eve that they can't trust god did god say you shall not eat of all the trees yes god said we could eat of all except that one you know sin is stupidity you know yeah syndra's sin is the ultimate stupidity you see that one i'm not supposed to touch that he never said that's not true you know that one more important i mean you seem really stupid nice you see that one and listen the reason god said not to eat that it's because if you eat that you will end up like god and you will be the fourth person in the godhead no no i mean people i sin too ice jumping i just jump in one person don't be stupid so it's a stupid stupid thing because yeah this yeah this piece of thing that tree that in the garden is a secret tree i want you to understand this stupidness you see that tree that tree special i'm slowing down a tree special it has a secret formula a secret formula that god doesn't want you to have i want you to understand the stupidness it's secret god ate that to become god because if you eat it you will be so so listen that tree in the middle of the garden in your face not hide away you understand what i'm saying no this is my super tonic you see this tonic when i drink this tonic i become like hulk samson nobody could beat me when i take this tonic okay this is my special brew if anybody drink this they will match me if you drink this i've taken my time once you understand how stupid sin is if you drink the if you drink this you will become like me but i don't want you to come like me so i put it here i left it in the middle of the garden right in front of you where you can get it time because i don't want you to eat it you understand what's going on i want you to put that with everything in your life and realize behind every temptation there is a stupidity to it so adam and eve believed that they couldn't trust god we can't trust god because god lies god said don't eat that because if we eat it we will die but if we really it will be like god so he put it in the middle of the garden so we couldn't get to eat it the bible says they ate and they died and all of that the whole issue of the garden of eden is the devil said you can't trust god jesus came and in the garden of eden god made a statement the seed of the woman i am making a commitment to you that i will send a savior to die for you and buy you back made a promise everything in the bible the devil trying to hinder this thing the flood pollute the earth god pulls out a family and saves them they go down to bebel he contaminates everything god pulls out abraham because god has a promise to keep it pulls out abraham carries the chip makes isaac and isaac has jacob and esau and the devil trying to get rid of that plan contaminates um um esau and makes jacob you know all kind of crazy how mess up the two boys god said i got to keep my promise so he pulls out jacob he says i'll save you if i have to break your foot so he bends his foot and takes out this socket so listen he said if you have to come to the kingdom limping i will get you in he saves him wrong and he takes him he makes children he has 12 children 12 boys if you please and after these 12 boys they just going crazy they try to kill joseph god says i got to keep my promise because i made a promise to save the the family of adam and eve got to keep it and all what the devil does all what the devil does god said i have to stick to my promise and when jesus comes jesus comes to prove that you could trust jehovah that is what jesus does jesus comes and he says if if god made you a promise that he will offer his son to save you and he did it what will you not trust god with so when he comes as a prophet he comes to make god look so good that you can't refuse him when listen when jesus presents god to us god looks so good you can't turn him down because you say like like like philip i want to see the father he said so long have you seen me and you're still asking to see the father for if you see me you see the father he said listen everything i you need to know about god you see it in me so jesus paints a pity in front of us of god that when we see god we cannot say no he did the first work now he puts on a high priest robe and he says i have to carry them into god now come on he said i got to show god to them so that when they see god they can't turn him down and i got to take them now and put them before god so that when god sees them he can't turn them down that's the high priest work when i when when i got to take them into god when i take them in and he sees them can't turn them down that's our high priest when jesus presents god to us we can refuse and when he presents us to god god cannot refuse and he takes us in one two three four five and he goes into the most holy place and he goes now on the day of atonement come on people come on and he goes into the day of atonement and he stands up before the father come on and when he stands up before the father they got 12 gems malachi 3 17 says and they shall be called mine on that day when i come to make up my jewels the church in christ the church in christ from there he brings them before god 12 tribes he said on the outside they were rascals nobodies they were sinners i turned them around and i've been transforming them step by step today on the day of atonement they are jewels before you i present your children before you and when he stands before the shekinah glory are you listening to me when he stands before the shekinah glory there is the glory of god shining at him and the jewels in front there hallelujah the jewels on his chest the jewels on his chest when the glory of god shines on those gems they come back to god in like a rainbow come back to god on the day of atonement is the worst day and the best day for sinners who are outside not afflicting their souls it's the worst day because they're cut off from god but those who are in christ it's your best day the jewels the church in christ when when god looks at those gems come on you got to see in the sanctuary when the when god looks at those gems in christ god sees himself coming back in glory and on that day the bible says in the book of jude 24 now unto him that is able to present you how faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy on the day of atonement on the day of atonement when the high priest comes and presents the church jesus says you can't resist this that's you that's you that's rahab in christ are you listening to me that's nebuchadnezzar in christ that's mary magdalene in christ that's david in christ that's paul in christ that's peter in christ that's that's gyros in christ that sucks us in christ the church of god on the day of atonement stands before jehovah as beauty gems glorious the journey to the sanctuary is the road to glory the church's best day is on the day of atonement it's the best day that's the most beautiful sight that god can see of you is on the day of atonement that's why you need a journey through the sanctuary to get it you can't start with judgment you have to understand what he's doing he's transforming us day by day so that by the time we reach the day of atonement we are precious gems in his sight he's carrying us on his shoulder and ever so often when i remember that i remember this song and he walks with me and he talks with me on my shoulder you're right there you are in his heart you're on his shoulder and ever so often when you can't bear it he just turns and says hang on my child right there you're right there you are conversation level with jesus hang on my child the day of atonement is the day when the church shines but you only shine in jesus if you're not in there you're locked out make yourself into the breastplate make yourself into the breastplate get in jesus and shine let him present us before god the bible says faultless that's what you think jude is talking about what do you think jude is talking about unto him who is able to keep you from falling come on you're there you can't fall keep you from falling and present you fall blessed before his glory that's how you get to look in jesus so you get to look that's the road to glory the bible says now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum we have such a high priest not aaron who is set on the right hand of the throne of the majesty a minister of the sanctuary of the true tabernacle which the lord pitched so this evening we will be dealing with the fact that the earthly is a copy of the heavenly sanctuary and when we come back this evening 3 p.m let's get real let's get ready would you like to shine for jesus he take you in like a gem you know what i love you know what i love about the sanctuary do i love about this [Music] you know i love about this some people feel nice when they wear it some people they obsess about wearing it [Music] some people feel nice when they wear diamonds people feel nice when they wear emeralds they feel nice when they wear it they get to wear a stone necklace jesus said andy don't fuss yourself on earth feeling nice wearing it in me i make you a diamond i don't have to worry about wearing jewelry i don't have to worry about wearing a diamond i don't have to worry about wearing emerald i don't have to worry about wearing topaz i don't have to worry about wearing them i get to be [Music] one i don't waste my money on buying that why buy what you can be why spend money for what you can be getting jesus get in jesus and experience the road to glory the day of atonement is the best day for god's people just make sure that you are in sync with him make sure things are right make sure clean up live it up put things away put your life in order and on that day you get to shine by the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit rest and abide with us now and forevermore amen this is your time to shine tell the person next to you come on this is your time to shine [Music] could we sing our song could we sing our song can i have a request please could you find that song when all my labels and trials are oh do you have that we have um i have a minute it's almost time if you if we don't have time we don't have time but if we have time can we just sing that or just say or just say first or that will be can we sing that verse come on let's let's close with you come on let's sing that line listen [Music] we just sing in the chorus listen we need the clothes we need the clothes holy spirit come on come on oh that will be everybody [Music] that will be glory [Music] thank you ella i couldn't i could not do that i had to feel it [Music] amen amen when the spirit moves you move i know that you were indeed blessed by that message and we thank god for using pastor jonzano again and as he said shine for christ okay we know that you are excited about the message for this evening now the message will begin at we begin the service at 2 30 2 30 we begin and for eastern time we know that the times are not in sync so 1 30 because you're our behind us uh so we start at 2 30 and it's 1 30 so just permit me a little while to send a special but the greetings to kareem williams his birthday is on wednesday so happy birthday in advance kareem and us extra special and extra extra special birthday greetings is going out to brother sukhlal singh he's going to be celebrating his birthday tomorrow and this is a special deep greeting because brother sukul singh was brought back from the pits of debt god saved him on his he is indeed a testimony of the saving grace of god and that god is still in the miracle working business so brother sukul singh from all of us here at five rivers sc a happy happy birthday and may god continue to bless you i know that you were indeed blessed and again you will be blessed this evening so join us once again as we come to worship and honor god because he is worthy of praise so continue to shine for god continue praising him because he is worthy of praise over to you pray esteem amen amen it can't get any better than this [Music] there is a stillness [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] come and lay down [Music] [Applause] [Music] is god bless you see back at 3 pm [Music] you
Channel: Five Rivers Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 9,587
Rating: 4.9117646 out of 5
Keywords: SDA Live Stream Service, Seventh-day Adventist Church Live Stream Service, FIVE RIVERS SDA, FIVE RIVERS SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST, PASTOR ANDY MANZANO
Id: RoHLu5WTldo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 25sec (10825 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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