Samuel L. Jackson, Denzel Washington and Wesley Snipes honor Spike Lee | 2015 Governors Awards

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hello I'm Wesley Snipes I want to talk about my friend [ __ ] Ley you don't know that this sple comes from a village in Africa called Brooklyn it is part of the West West Africa side you know they have a lot of uh people there in this Village they are known for their Artisans they're known for their ability to do uh write scripts and the ability to cinematographers yeah you heard about this Village yeah so I want to say something about this [ __ ] malol Mandela that is his real name how much of an inspiration this man is to me he's a inspiration because I learned a lot about patience working with this man yeah a lot about patience and I'm I'm going tell you a quick stories and I'm going to give these movie stars here their time a couple of years ago I was with Spike and I had the honor of coming with him to the Oscars to represent the beautiful queen mother Ruby D Spike was her date and I was the body God when after the show the award show and everything happened and we're going out the way they say we can go up to the party so Spike say Wesley come with me to the party I said oh I'm going to a party with Spike this is good yeah to the governor's party we get up to the the desk and the little girl says so excuse me sir do you have your ticket and Spike says oh yeah we have a ticket he pulls the ticket out but it's the wrong ticket it doesn't have the little orange or red strip on it you know to get upstairs so the lady says do you have your ticket he says this is the ticket he says say no sir this is not the ticket I'm sorry who are you he says my name is Spike she said what do you say she say my name is Spike she says okay sorry I'm sorry if you want a beverage you can go over there they have the Sprite and Coke and whatever drink that you want over there so I'm looking at this and I'm say oh my God they're not going to light let Spike go upstairs he turns to me he says this is Wesley Snipes and she says who are you so you know what happened they didn't let us come upstairs to the ball for the Governor's Ball and we stand downstairs there and I'm looking like I can't believe it they don't let Spike Le upstairs okay so I want to say why this is about perseverance in patience because look at this [Applause] here sply I can't believe it they didn't want you to come upstairs before the years but look and now they giving you a award to all of you are actors to all of you who are trying this business it is important to understand that sometimes you might not get the award for your craft your acting or your singing or your dancing all you have to do is write some script write some controversial subject matter say something that's going to piss a lot of people off and sooner or later you will too be here getting an award good for you good for you I love you keep going keep it's a true [Laughter] story well there you have it Spike we're here for you our partner Pioneer phenomenon Prophet pain we love you we're here for you Sam really yeah man ahead all right Spike Lee But first you want anything you want to throw in West well I want to say something yeah SK Plus in uh Spike Lee uh Denzel and I were doing a solders play at the Negro Ensemble company when we met Spike Le right yeah he came to the play and he told us he was going to be a director we were like all all right sure uh said I'm at NYU film school doing a movie right now Joe bedy barers shop we cut heads and we like yeah all right uh come down check it out I went down there did you go down there no I a't I went down there and looked at the film and he told me you know he was going to make a film coming up like out of say moh house man we down okay great moh house yeah and then he made sure he got to have it and I wasn't in it I wasn't in it I was Wesley was you in don't talk about the movies I wasn't in okay all right so I said so that's just same dude that came by here and told us we were going to be in his movies right right and we weren't in this movie right then he started doing his next movie school days I finally got a call and I work 3 hours on that movie it's like he looking out for his M house brother yeah right on right on and he do the right thing but by then he he actually had my phone number so Spike had this unique casting thing he would do he would call Sam Spike do the right thing June click I like that mean I got a job sure enough I had a job I did do the right thing next summer Sam Spike Love Supreme click that turned out to be mo better blue better blue I did that next summer Sam SP jungle fever click but I was in rehab so so thank god um Spike didn't recast the road cuz I was in rehab cuz I was actually in rehab cuz I had done the research to do jle F which actually worked out very well for me which um got me actually got me to Hollywood which was awesome I remember that yeah y yep y maybe y so thank you spike for hanging in that with her brother and uh getting me here but through all that and through doing all those films we all discovered that Spike makes films that are very personal to spike that he hopes an audience will Embrace but you really think you care I mean he he wants you to like his films and he wants you to embrace them in a way but he tells stories and he tells them in a way that he doesn't really embrace the fact of people's feelings being hurt or he don't pay nobody either he don't pay [Applause] nobody well we did you get paid did you get paid I used to steal Nike stuff out of the basement cuz he had all this stuff stashed in the basement so I had to go down and get some shoes shirt something you know but yeah scale plus 10 scale plus baby baby um but um Spike Spike spike makes films from his heart except for Inside Man which was like a studio movie and he yeah yeah no we got paid on that y'all got paid y'all got paid on that but um you still getting paid you still getting you w in that no me either me either me but um Spike has gone on to tell the story of Katrina um three little girls he makes amazing amazing amazing documentaries um he actually did a film about um a really we had a really really great basketball player that played for the Lakers for a long time he's still playing for him but that's another story um and uh he makes these wonderful wonderful films and documentaries and and he's he's told the story of our people in his way uh and his politics are the politics of I guess you know an American Anarchist in a way and I like that about him I've always been I guess on the other side of that also so it's it's it's been a wonderful Journey with a wonderful friend who um inspires me a lot and it was always wonderful to have the summer at Spike Lee film camp with all the wonderful actors that were around us Bill Nun fish D Wes John Carlo there are a lot of people that have come out of what Spike started and allowed us to be a bigger part of and learn how to work in films um that have become sort of Staples in this business that we have called Hollywood um so thank you for that Spike front of behind the camera yeah in front of and behind yeah Ernest Ernest Dickson yeah a lot of people um have have done that and Spike Le has put more African-Americans to work in this business in this business than anyone else in the history of this business yeah that's right that's right and and don't call me Tyler Perry don't you call me and M was first yeah right and um all those years when Spike made those films that were so great like do the right thing historical film uh Mo Better Blues awesome film you know jungle fever awesome films films that never were in 3000 or 2,000 theaters but they had to compete with films that were uh and they still made money and they are still being watched by audiences all over the world uh and he's inspired an amazing number of young African-Americans and Hispanics and Asian people to go out and learn the film business and become film directors because he made it viable to tell your story your [Applause] way and for all those times that you didn't get that statue Spike and all those other things that didn't happen your community loved you and we still love you and uh these days I haven't even greater reason to love spike cuz he actually directs my Capital One commercials uh and uh know that oh yeah man oh yeah man yeah yeah yeah yeah we knocking it out uh so now instead of uh me asking that other question I can ask you tonight Spike what's on your Manel please come receive your honorary should be official Academy Award for being just a I'm G say it bad [Applause] [ __ ]
Channel: Oscars
Views: 5,163,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Governors Awards Ceremony (Recurring Event), Academy Honorary Award (Award Category), Honorary Oscar, Honorary Award, Wesley Snipes (Celebrity), Spike Lee (Film Director), Samuel L. Jackson (Film Actor), Denzel Washington (Celebrity)
Id: 74JzKYF0zvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2015
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