Samsung Tab S9 Review for Note-taking Apps | S Pen and NotePaper Screen

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well it's that time of year again in Samson just released this new line of products and today guys we're going to talk about one of those products the tab S9 now this comes in three different sizes that you can use for digital planning note taking productivity you can use it for email browsing internet even media consumption as well as game playing today we're going to show you how this device can be used for productivity apps especially in the field of note taking and journaling we're going to show you the S Pen and the new accessory that allows you to write on the screen with a little bit more Precision so if you want to learn about these accessories this tablet and what applications are going to work best for you stay tuned [Music] so before we jump into the meat and potatoes of this video we'll talk a little bit about the device and some of the accessories and how that sort of help improve your experience first off when I got the device itself overall on unboxing it looking at it the form factor it felt a little more polished a little smoother something that I could find myself holding on to a little bit more ease than previous editions I really like the strength and durability of it the metal casing really adds a lot of strength to it makes me feel like it's an industrial product and as I looked at getting this product I started to look at some of the other things that it had to offer such as the S Pen now the S Pen is something that we're used to especially in the tab lineup and it's one that I've grown very accustomed to across all my note taking but what intrigued me about this year was the addition of a screen that allows you to have a paper-like experience now when I first saw this online I thought to myself is it just going to be like a paper-like screen cover that we apply to the actual device and in my hurry up ordering process I didn't really dive into the actual accessory take a peek at it so to my surprise when I opened it up and saw like this little like widget with some pins I'm thinking well what what's going on here well that actually attaches to device itself and folds over and acts as an actual screen cover now I have to imagine because there is those pins that there is some type of software integration between this cover and the tablet itself but lo and behold when I was able to power up this device and start utilizing it I was really impressed with the little bit more functionality that I had with the writing of it in various applications using Samsung Notes application it actually created a sound feedback that we've seen before but now it actually felt like there was something there besides just a sound that I was hearing so utilizing today's applications we're going to utilize it with this screen cover on I can tell you firsthand that if you're going to use this device for any heavy journaling or note-taking or daily planning it's definitely an add-on that you're going to want to get you might want to look at an actual screen layover like a paper-like screen cover just because it is permanently there but for somebody that has the ability to quickly throw it on and take it off this does add a matte finish if you then want to take it off and have some type of media consumption or utilize the keyboard that is one thing to note you can't have the keyboard attached at the same time you have this detached so it's kind of one way or the other granted I don't see myself in a position where I'm utilizing the keyboard a lot and writing at the same time I might be poking or playing or tapping on various Fields but I'm never actually writing in a horizontal position so let's talk about the applications that I recommend now when it comes to note taking journaling it's all about what does your entire ecosystem look like if you're somebody that wants to be able to synchronize these notes across a Windows Android and even an apple ecosystem you don't have a lot of options matter of fact the only option to date is OneNote now this application is very Universal the only downside to it is on an Android based device the features aren't as prevalent as you would see on a Windows based device or even an apple based device and I'm not sure what's the reason behind that but it still allows you to have those basic note-taking features and we'll show you those just in a moment the other two I want to show you is PDF based note-taking applications or PDF annotation apps is what they're better known for now there is a lot of different templates a lot of different planners out there a lot of different templates that you can download that are PDFs that you you can load into this device through one of those apps and a handful other PDF annotation apps but these are the two that I recommend and here's why when it comes to the Samsung Notes application and I have a full video on how you can utilize that application it's in the description it's up here or maybe it's here somewhere up here or it could be at the end of the video that's going to give you a deep dive on how to actually use that application but it's pretty powerful it's absolutely amazing the biggest downfall to it though it doesn't synchronize across any other devices other than Samsung devices now if you have the Samsung 360 book and you have the new full five or s23 and this tablet your ecosystem is Samsung and that works great but if you're looking for an app that's going to sync across all Android devices then you're going to want to look at penly now penly is a great app because it introduces something I think that's really awesome in the PDF annotation world and that is the ability for you to be able to actually create hyperlinks and be able to tag those in to your planner or other aspects of your note taking so let's go ahead let's jump into each of these and show you for yourself so you can see which one first hand would be best for you so the first thing we're going to do is jump into OneNote application now with one note as we said the interface is a little bit different than what you would see in other devices but for the most part it has all the basic functions you have the ability to go ahead and type if we had the keyboard enabled I can go ahead and disable my draw tool here and tap on my finger and spring up a keyboard if I go back in the home at that point then I'm able to access the different fonts type be able to take tight measure and you can go ahead and you can type pretty easily with this device now I've noticed with the cover on itself the typing experience is a little tougher for probably a good reason but if you can just peel that back and type a Word you'll see it does pretty good job there's a little bit of sound click feedback there for you guys but if I go ahead and enable that pencil tool I have the ability to go ahead and start to take annotations with my S Pen now I had to be able to click on here choose different colors adjust thicknesses I can have a couple different presets I also have the ability to highlight as well as erase and as well as select or using the lasso tool so how does this work well let's start backwards let's just say today is Wednesday the 8th and because I'm doing this video I wasn't able to complete my task I'm going to take the lasso tool I'm going to go ahead and copy those hit copy I'm going to go ahead and jump into the next page of my planner which is the ninth with the lasso tool still enabled I'm going to go ahead and click and hit paste and it's going to go ahead and put those dates there so that allows me to have that carryover effect from one day to the next day when it comes to handwriting I can go ahead and choose my pen and let's just say for example I'm going to change the destination of our lunch by using the Eraser tool I'm just going to go ahead and erase that and we're going to meet actually at Applebee's maybe I want to make that a little bit thinner and it was to say I want to make it orange I'm just going to say the location is in Marshfield now I can go ahead and I'll use the highlighter tool and highlight that the other thing that works really good for the lasso tool is being able to come in here and move that now one thing that's really awesome about OneNote that has the ability if I have in this planning system I have all these different templates of various pages and different things you can do we have a section of tiles that you can utilize these different backgrounds that are present throughout our planning system and across all the different tiles and anytime I can come in here and I can tap on one of those and then you can go ahead and hit copy and if I want to go back to that daily page that I was on I could paste that tile in here so that allows you to add additional note Pages different task pages right to your actual planning page so the other thing I can do is I can also take these templates say if I want to have that sermon template that's here I can click and hold on that and go up here and I can go ahead and create a copy or I can move it to a different segment in my planner now what's unique about everything that happens in here again it synchronizes across all your different applications you can go ahead and import different video files audio files photo files and add annotations to those as well jumping into Samsung Notes that PDF annotation app looks like this now what's really cool about PDF annotation apps is the ability to navigate you saw in OneNote we had like that kind of expanding file look well with PDF annotation apps we have the ability to have hyperlinks so if I go into reading mode here I can go ahead and click on any one of the hyperlinks and get throughout the actual finding system so I can click on the year at a view here this gives me an entire look at the year I want to get to August 2nd I can click on August 2nd it'll go there if I want to get to the 10th I can click on the 10th I can also go ahead and scroll now you can adjust this to go horizontal or vertical if you choose to but what's really neat about hyperlinks is you really have the ability to navigate throughout the system if it'd be a planner or a notebook of any kind and do so when it comes to note taking and writing you need to enter in an editing mode or outside of reading mode and now I have the ability to access my various tools one of those being the pen tool which I had the ability to see different ends that are here I can go ahead and choose to add favorites so let's just say I wanted to make a pen I want to make it say red and I want to make that there maybe I also want to go ahead and make a black one add that to my favorites if I go in here now I have two pens now let's just say I don't need that red one I can go to these little dots and hit delete and remove that red one and now this one here's my favorite pen now I can come in here and write a note and with that writing screen not only do I have that sound effect but I also feel like I have a lot better stability and friction it feels like a paper of like experience now I can also choose to highlight that I can choose to use the eraser now what you need about the Eraser is I can go ahead and tap on that eraser and I can erase entire area or highlight only so let's just say I want to delete highlight only I could come in here and I could erase this but it's not affecting any of the actual type that I had now I can then turn that off automatically or tap on here and go back to stroke now I could also then go back in here and choose my different highlighter tools different colors and I'm going to come back in here and just highlight now one thing I like about highlighting I like to organize my planner and highlight Things based on if it's a work related item if it is a meeting if it's personal that way when I look at my calendar I have a good idea of what kind of balance I have throughout my day when it comes to different work activities as well as personal activities now there's a lot of other cool features as you can see in Samsung Notes and if you guys want to see those definitely encourage you to jump into this video and you're going to see that you're going to see how it also synchronizes with other devices the last thing I want to show you as far as an app is penly and paneling again is a unique application it's an Android application it works very similar to Samsung Notes and the fact that there's a PDF annotation app that allows you to navigate throughout the system using hyperlinks but at the same time I can go ahead and make annotations so I'm going to go ahead and jump in to January 2nd and I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to just right here meeting I'm going to change that a little bit to a thinner text and write meeting now one thing that I find that's so cool about this particular thing is I can go ahead here and I can create a box and I'm going to create a hyperlink now it's going to ask me to link to a page so I'm going to hit page link now what is the page number that I'm linking to which is the important part so I'm going to show you this again by going the correct way about it so first off I'm going to go back in here and go into my meetings page and I'm going to go to this page here I'm going to write meeting with Tom Bradford now if I tap on page one here after disabling the pen tool I'm going to see this particular page this is my meeting page and anytime I want to access that page I can go ahead click on meetings click on this one it'll take me there but what I like to do is when I have my planner in front of me be able to link directly to my meetings so I can see this is Page 637 and just to make this easy I'm just going to put Tom in big letters here we're going to do this disable it and click on 6 37 go back to that January 2nd Date I'm going to use this tool here go across there click on hyperlink and put in page link remember what that number was 637. hit done hit OK now if I disable this tool and let's just say I'm going through my entire calendar but I want to go ahead and look at my meeting notes for Tom I can tap on that it takes me right there and that's what really separates penalty from all the other PDF annotation apps is my ability to start utilizing this planner or any of my notes to be able to link and configure and make my own navigational process throughout the system you can do that in OneNote too which is really powerful but seeing it in a PDF annotation app this is the only place you can do it with the only app that synchronizes across Android devices the rest of the features are very similar to that you would expect in any PDF annotation app as far as highlighting goes as far as erasing goes and you have the ability to add shapes and text and even additional media so again photos files and so forth this does have the ability as well as all the apps that I showed you today has the ability to Cloud backup which that's what gives it the ability to synchronize across other devices yeah so that is a look at the new Samsung Tab S9 and some of the different applications that you can use for note taking and journaling if you want to learn about our planning system the key to success planner go ahead and check out key to and you can learn all about our planner it works for anyone that's in the personal professional or business role if you're someone that is looking to organize your life or manage your business or help grow your organization there is a system that is there for you we have full support So jump on our site start a chat with us and we're there to help you through it if you guys learned just one thing in this video today please do me a favor like the video if you want to learn more about different devices and Tech regarding note taking and journaling and how to become more productive with them go ahead and subscribe to our Channel as we cover this and a slew more of information as we move throughout each and every year guys I'm Brandon boner for Creator and founder of the key success planner and Lord willing we'll get to see each other all again in the next video God bless you and peace on Earth [Music] foreign
Channel: Branden Bodendorfer
Views: 74,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Samsung Tab S9, Note Paper Screen, Samsung Tab Note Taking, Samsung Tab Note-Taking, OneNote, Samsung Notes, Penly, Android Note taking app, Andriod Note Taking App, S Pen Handwriting, Samsung Paperlike Screen, Samsung NotePaper Screen
Id: vOlCZDfhT8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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