Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 - 50+ TIPS, TRICKS, & HIDDEN FEATURES

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hey guys shock here from saki Tech and in today's video we will be sharing over 50 plus tips tricks and hidden features for the Samsung Galaxy z-fold 5. the z-fold 5 is the best foldable in the world right now and it is full of deep and Rich features and of course I want you guys to maximize your ownership of this fantastic device or if you're looking to buy one this is the video to watch to learn as much as possible so let's dive in and get started right away with some amazing tactics all right the very first thing I want you guys to do is I want you guys to check the battery status of your brand new smartphone you paid a lot of money for this phone you want to make sure that the battery is in fact in good condition now to check the status what you do is you go to the app drawer and you search for the Samsung member application which comes pre-installed with most Samsung Galaxy smartphones and of course if you don't have it just download it from the play store but go inside and if you see this for the first time just tap on later at the bottom go to support and then what you want to do is you want to go to phone Diagnostics you tap on this guy and what you want to do is you want to look for the battery okay so let's look for that it's at the bottom here tap on battery status that's going to run a quick test and then it's going to give you a status what you want to look for is you want to look for normal and where it says life that should say good if it says anything else other than these two that means you have a bad battery and you might want to return that phone and get a brand new one with a normal battery status now I do want to let you know if you go to the settings over here settings and if you scroll down and if you go into battery and device care and go all the way at the bottom you can also access the Diagnostics menu from here by tapping this button and tapping the phone Diagnostics again and if you have the time you can run the full test if it's something you want to do but mostly I am am interested in the battery all right the next thing you want to talk about has to do with your phone application so I'm assuming you're going to make calls with this Smartphone and you're going to have a bunch of contacts so pick any contact you want I'm going to be using the test contact right here and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to tap on edit and there's a couple things that are pretty amazing first and foremost on the top if you tap on the photo you are able to give your contact any contact a unique identity a photo identity you can pick from Gallery you can pick from existing stickers you can pick from anything that you want as you can see there are so many options and you can assign any one of these to your contacts now on top of that let me just save this for a minute before you tap the edit button on the contact screen you can tap on more and here there is something really amazing you can tap on edit call background and that is going to actually allow you to put a background video for your contacts so when your contact calls you first you're going to see their photo in the middle the one we just picked and then on the rear in the background you are going to be able to put any video that you want so you can tap on background and you can see we have some default options this is just an example I'm sure a lot of people are not going to use this okay but you can have it like that so the contact name would be here the image the name the number and the video in the background or what you can do is you can tap on plus and you are able to add any video that you downloaded that you shot with the camera as a call Background which is going to give you exceptional customization for any contact of your choice so that's that but one more thing I want to show you guys is also back at the screen you can also give your contact a unique ringtone or a vibration pattern so tap on ringtone and you can basically pick any music or any ringtone by tapping plus right over here allow if you have something in your phone it's going to show up right here you can assign that so your contact can be completely customized as you please all right the next thing that you want to make sure that you set up from the get-go to be fully protected is go to the settings and then scroll down and go into battery and device care now at the bottom over here it says device protection Okay click it and just activate that that is going to activate the built-in free malware that is going to protect you against viruses and spyware so by default it is turned off you can turn it on and once you do that it can start to scan your phone so I can tap on scan it's going to scan the entire phone to see if there's any malware spyware or viruses on my apps or in my system files and of course if it finds something it is going to in fact the same enable it so that's great I'm going to cancel for now but it's right there for free now I do want to let you know some carriers might block this feature so if you don't see it it is probably just blocked by your carrier I have an unlocked model so it is in there if you do have it after you enable it tap on this button here go to device protection settings and make sure all these things are in fact enabled this is going to make sure your phone is in fact secure by the way you can also further customize your Galaxy fold with unique icon packs so all you do and this is all free stuff pinch the screen and of course unlimited options you go to themes right here and you go to icons okay now you're gonna see some of these icons are in fact paid but you're going to ignore all that unless you really like them so normally what I do is I go to top and I tap over here and I tap on free and that's going to give me a bunch of free and and really nice icon packs so for example if I grab this one right here and if I download it cancel to the agree stuff and then if I apply this I want you guys to notice all my icons are not going to be different and I have a whole lot of options but look at this looks absolutely beautiful if I go inside here they get this nice design on the actual icons so remember you can customize your icon packs and there's thousands of free options and one more thing that's very cool is a lot of you guys are going to have this bar here by default that's the Google search bar I want to let you know that this is customizable with any color that you like so what you would do is you would tap on the G right here it'll take you inside then you tap on your icon account right here and you go to settings once you're in the settings scroll all the way down and go to the Search widget you tap on this guy from here you can customize a widget and what you can do is you can change the colors and even the shape so I can have a rectangle rounded rectangle Ultra rounded rectangle as you can see but the best part is I can tap over here and I can pick between different colors and Styles as you can see okay so from here I can make a full modification on exactly what I want and if you go back over here we have a see-through option and a full solid option tap on Save go back out you're going to see your customized widget all right the next thing you want to do is you want to give your phone a unique name so you want to go to your settings okay you want to scroll all the way down and you want to go to about foam and you can see by default it's just going to say something like this z45 with a photo of your device you want to tap on edit and you want to give it a more unique name so in my case I want to make it sake fold five and this is a way of customizing your phone but also this is the name that's going to show up on other devices when you try to connect via Bluetooth or share something with somebody else via Wi-Fi this is the name they are going to see so that's going to be great now your phone has the exact name that you want it to have the next thing that you want to quickly do is you want to modify this taskbar at the bottom you can see when I launch any application that is down here or any application up here that row of applications get dumped to the bottom here as a taskbar and that is useful to do multitasking so you can grab other apps from here and dump them right here to quickly start a split screen multitasking now what you want to do is you want to to make sure you just edit these so you have all the apps you want to be able to quickly access so basically if you want to edit this area all you do is you grab and hold and drag and drop applications into it and you can go and add eight applications as you can see so just make sure those are the exact applications you need for quick access it's not a huge deal because even when you go to the task bar you are able to tap this button and you are able to access all the installed apps on your phone as well so you're not limited to these applications but it's easy to just glance and quickly access these applications all right the next feature I want to quickly talk about is the flex mode this is a special mode only available on the foldable smartphones when it is in fact half folded like this you can see we have the screen split into two but we have this button at the bottom when you tap on this button you get this control panel to control the upper part of the actual application and then you can tap it again and that goes back to the standard view which is still a Flex View but this button just gives you that control panel to play with certain applications I'm going to show you guys how to enable this for most applications now before I show that to you I do want to let you know that when you use the camera application in the flex mode You by default get the control panel right here that's to take the photos and all that stuff to change the settings that's the viewfinder here's the camera and then over here you can see if you take a photo you can see the preview right there but then you also have this button available for many other applications let me show you how to enable that alright so to enable the flex mode you go to the settings all right then you go to Advanced features right here and then you go to labs and then at the bottom you have the flex mode panel and what you are able to do is you're able to enable this and then it is going to activate that button for basically every app so the phone is flex now and let me just launch the calculator application okay and then I can tap and you can see we have this touchpad that just appears and I can actually use that and there's a mouse as you can see which is quite crazy now in this application it's probably irrelevant but in other applications it might be very relevant look at this you can tap this and that allows you to even do split screen uh from that little button okay but again you want to play with this stuff and see exactly what's available for what application and again if you don't need it you just disable it now one thing with the taskbar I want to let you know is if you do go to the settings and if you go into display there's going to be a taskbar option here that actually allows you to turn it off okay so when you turn this off you're not going to see it so that might be a little bit more immersive for you to play with because you see the full screen of whatever app you're in so if I'm in the phone app I'm going to see the full screen I can swipe up to go back it's right here but I think most people are gonna like the taskbar so you can enable it but there is an option when you go into taskbar you have this option at the bottom so if you press and hold here if you're in an app and you're looking for full immersion you can press and hold here and it actually is going to make that taskbar disappear that's going to be temporary you can always press and hold in the same area to bring it right back up so this is the option I would enable for the taskbar now one more quick thing I'm going to show you guys really quick that is very useful is for applications that you use all the time you can create specific shortcuts so for example for the uh camera application if you press and hold on the camera application it gives you a bunch of options you can see there's a take selfie option record video option take portray option what you can do is you can grab any one of these shortcuts and drag it onto your desktop okay to turn that into a quick shortcut for that particular application as you can see now I can tap this button it goes straight into record video I can tap this button it goes straight into the selfie camera which is right here looking at us right now the next thing you can do which is very cool is if you have an application running if you want to quickly start multitasking for any application and let's say you have your taskbar turned off what you can do is you can use two fingers and swipe inwards from any side like this to activate multitasking and then you can from here pick another application and that will give you a quick split screen multitasking you can do it from this site or this site does not matter now for this feature to actually work you do have to go to the settings and you do have to go to Advanced features right here and then what you want to do is you want to go to multi-window option and you want to enable swipe for split screen okay while we are here you also have the option to swipe for pop-up so let's just launch an application here calculator and what you can do is you can swipe from the top inwards and that is going to convert that application into a pop-up as you can see okay you can use this as you please and then you can tap this button here and you can minimize it and have it on the side and only access it as you need it do something here tap this make calculation go down boom boom it's fantastic additionally back in the settings under Advanced features right here there's this new option that says show multi-window menu with one window so look at this I have it enabled okay and as I enable it you can see there's a bar that is showing up on the top if I disable it that bar is disappearing on the top so that's going to be available for all applications so if I do this application you can see we have a bar okay basically that bar is the multi-window menu that you can tap on like a Windows computer and from here you can X out of it okay let me go back into one more here you can X out you can activate pop-up right from here or let me just maximize this you can tap it again and you can do split screen from here as well so so many options to activate multitasking and work with Windows in multi-tasking mode Let's go back to settings one more thing that's very important right there under Advanced features is when you tap on Multi Window you can enable this option this is full screen in split screen so if I have split screen like this right now we don't have full screen because you can see the taskbar and you can see the status bar but if I enable this it makes them both disappear giving you a full view of all apps hiding everything else okay and of course you can always swipe up they'll all come up and you can swipe away and move on by the way some people may not like this swipe gesture navigation structure so if I have the phone to go back home you swipe up if I'm in a setting or anywhere in anywhere I would have to swipe to go back some people just want the buttons you have that option so you can go to the settings you can go to display you can scroll down to navigation bar and you can switch between buttons where you get these three buttons home button recents button and the back button or you can just go with the swipe gestures which is what I have started to prefer over the buttons because it is so smooth now so you can go from either swipe gestures to button gestures it's all going to be up to you now if you are in swipe gesture mode you can hide this gesture hint bar at the bottom so look at this if I tap it that bar disappears if I tap it again that bar reappears it's all going to be up to you how you want to set your phone let's just launch an application real quick I just want to grab up the keyboard tap right here so real quick the keyboard is going to have a bunch of options on the top here so if you're holding the phone with two hands this keyboard might be too large you can tap this and split it this way for easier typing or you can tap it again you can connect it together you also have the option to do a floating keyboard which you can have on the screen like this now I prefer personally this one but again we are doing this so everything fits your own personal needs next thing that's very important this device is going to be a multimedia Powerhouse so you want to make sure when you're watching movies watching videos playing games you get the best quality the brightest Clarity so launch the settings go into advanced features and then scroll down and go into video brightness under video brightness select bright okay and what that's going to allow you to do it's gonna allow you to activate Apple locations where you want to use this option and this option will increase the brightness and make the colors more vibrant so videos look even better so you have that option for video enhancement now after you do this go up here up here and go to sound and vibration again this is a multimedia device so what you want to do is you want to scroll down go to sound quality and effects and make sure you play with the Dolby Atmos enable this to get the best possible sound experience from the built-in speakers I would choose this to be Auto but you can if you're watching a movie you can use movie mode you can do music mode or you can make voice mode maybe if you're listening to a podcast and then if you go back you can see you also have Dolby Atmos option for gaming which is going to give you a realistic sound when you play games and one more thing that I want to quickly mention is if you go to display right now you can see you have this split screen view for settings some people might not like it so you have the option to go down here go to screen layout and zoom and just go with the standard view so everything looks like a regular screen as you can see so now the settings are just one column and you have to tap in to go inside now in my case I prefer to have it this way so I'm going to keep it multi-view and while we are in the display settings you can also let's go back here be aware of the fact that you can enable and disable the eye Comfort Shield if you're in bed at night and you'll get this big display your eyes are going to get stressed so what you want to do is you want to turn the Comfort Shield mode and get that Hue on the phone with the warmer colors to go easy on those eyes you can even do enhanced Comfort to maximize the comfort you can do adaptive or custom based on your specific eye situation you'll know which one is going to be less strainful on the eyes at night time you do not want to look at a bright white display at night time now one more really amazing thing with the Galaxy Z fold is the outer display and the inner display are separate entities so if I press and hold here and tap on wallpaper and style and if I change a wall paper here it is only going to change the wallpaper on the inner display similarly if I go to the settings and if I go to display and let's say I come here and I change the motion smoothness to standard and I tap on apply that is only going to apply on the inner unfolded display in fact if you look over here it even says it adjusts your main screens refresh rate close your phone to adjust the refresh rate for the cover screen let's go back to Adaptive let's go back to the auto speed remember this wallpaper you can see back over here we have a different wallpaper so if I pinch the screen go to wallpapers change the wallpaper from here let's just use this one as an example all right tap on done you can see we have this wallpaper on the outside and on the inside when I unfold it we have the other wallpaper so two different wallpapers for two different screens and the same thing is going to apply to the lock screen so on the outside I picked a different lock screen so on the inside we're still going to have a different lock screen the one thing that does not change on the lock screen is if you go to the settings and if you go into the actual lock screen here and if you modify your lock screen by tapping edit here changes you make on the lock screen are going to be applicable to both screens as far as these app shortcuts are concerned so you have two app shortcuts here that you can change as you need right now I have flashlight and calculator I also have a signature here I typed in my channel name sake Tech that's going to show up on the lock screen and then I can tap right here and I can pick different clock Styles as you can see change the size if that's what you want to do even change the color that's all going to be up to you there's a lot of options here to customize this stuff but if I tap on done here and if I go to the lock screen here you can see we have those shortcuts the signature and the clock if I go to the other display you can see the wallpaper is different but the shortcuts remain the same the clock Remains the Same and also the signature Remains the Same so it's a little complicated but you're going to get used to it after a little one more very important feature to protect the battery of your smartphone is if you go to the settings and if you scroll down and go into battery and device care and then tap on battery and then scroll down and tap on more battery settings you can enable this feature known as protect battery so when you charge the phone it's only going to charge it up to 85 percent max instead of a hundred percent by doing that you are going to be extending the battery of your smartphone this is a great feature to use if you know that you're going to be using this phone for a long time if you upgrade every year probably not a big deal but if you're going to keep this phone for four or five years you want to preserve that battery as much as possible so do the protect battery you're only going to get the 85 maximum charge so it is going to affect your battery life but on the flip side you're gonna get some battery protection now one more thing I want you guys to know is as you're arranging your home screen and moving apps around okay some people just do it one by one which can take a lot of time now with these Samsung phones what you can do is when you press and hold on an application you can tap on select you can select multiple apps at the same time grab them as a batch and move them over as a batch okay so that's going to make it very easy to move stuff around and organize your phone as you please you can also press and hold select and on the top you've got options to uninstall in a batch remove in a batch or create a folder in a batch so if I select four applications and tap on create folder those apps will get dumped into a folder I can give it a name X and then I can tap over here pick a color folder folder and now I have a folder almost instantly and inside the folder if I want to end the folder press and hold select the applications you don't want grab them all together drag them outside and now the folder is gone we're back with all the apps very easy to manage the home screen all right next up you can actually swipe your screen to the right and you are able to access Google news but I do want to let you know you have the option to turn this off so let's go back over here pinch the display go over and you have the option to choose between Google discover and Samsung news you can go with either option that you like you can play with both but if you don't want any of these and in my case I don't like to have these on the side for some reason I just disable this and now when you go back home and you try to swipe over it's not going to go that way and of course one more thing that I love to do with my home screen is when I find a gorgeous wallpaper that I want to see all the time what I do is I pinch the screen okay and then I swipe over and I add a brand new home screen once I add a brand new home screen on the top I tap the home button and that makes that the home screen so when you unlock your phone or when you are going back to the home from another application it's going to show you your gorgeous wallpaper right here okay so then I can swipe over for the other options but I like to keep this a nice clean look as my actual home wallpaper now if I go to any settings over here and if I go back it dumps me to the home screen where I can see the wallpaper that I chose and if you prefer apps on your home screen you can tap the home icon and that makes sure that remains as the actual home screen when you unlock your phone or go back home from any other application now even though we have the taskbar at the bottom here you can also have an edge panel you can pull in to access even more applications so you can have a horizontal taskbar and a vertical app bar based on your needs to access another set of applications now to activate these you do have to go to the settings and you have to go to display at the bottom you want to go to etch panels and make sure they're enabled once you enable them you can tap on panels and you can see you have all these panels accessible I like to enable the apps panel and then tap on edit and modify light as I need to remove an application just tap on minus to add an application just tap on the application you can choose any application installed on your phone of course the edge panel is even more advanced so you can in fact go over here and you can add things like weather and tools I like to keep it simple so I'll just have normally the apps but as you can see you can have additional panels based on your needs now one more thing you can see there's a panel right over here okay so you can in fact edit that so go to the settings under panels tap on handle so that's the handle right there you can move the handle anywhere you want you can change this color to make it more visible you can change the transparency and even the size based on how important that panel is for you access that panel you can make all these changes right from here so that's a handle now modified more easy to see and I can pull it right in to access certain panels alright so that brings us to the end of this video if you have any questions comments or concerns drop them down below let me know for now guys have a fantastic day
Channel: sakitech
Views: 130,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sakitech, z fold 5, samsung galaxy z fold 5, tips, tricks, features, hidden features
Id: _tbYQWV84IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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