5 Powerful S-Pen Features on Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 - Tips and Tricks

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hey guys Chuck here from saki check out in today's video what we are going to do is we are going to be sharing five powerful features of the S Pen for the Samsung Galaxy Z fold five so as you know z45 is fully compatible with the S Pen so let's explore some of its best capabilities all right the first trick has to do with the calendar application which is right over here now there's a couple ways to get this trick done let me show you the first way so basically just grab your S Pen whatever type of S Pen that you have and then launch the calendar application now once you launch the calendar application if you have an S Pen enabled device on the top you're going to see this little pen icon and if you hover over it it says right as you can see so then all you do is you tap on this one okay and now what you can do is right after you tap you can actually zoom in onto your calendar onto specific days and write on it with the S Pen this is absolutely fantastic okay because you can Arc you can write you can take notes for a particular day and then when you save it it stays just like that and even when I exit the application and come back to it it's going to be right there let me just exit completely go back into it and it's going to retain the handwritten note for that particular calendar so this is an incredible trick to to bring your calendar to life with the S Pen again you tap this button activates like I said you can zoom in up to 400 percent so you can get that Precision writing and of course because the display is so big it's much more easier to take notes on this uh beautiful display so that's one way to activate this feature now another way to activate this feature is you can press and hold and real quick if you guys want to buy the z45 there's going to be links down below with the lowest pricing and the best incentives and as of right now the link down below is an exclusive link when you click it you simply get fifty dollars Samsung credit that you can use as a discount so the links and details are down below if you want to buy one so that's one way to activate this feature now another way to activate this feature is you can press on hold on the pen button every pen is going to have this button and when you press it it brings up the air command now under Air Command you're going to see this icon right here okay when you click it it brings up the calendar with the writing mode enabled automatically alrighty so real quick let me show you one thing if you press and hold and if you tap on settings right here okay and if you go into Air Command and if you go to shortcuts what you are able to do is this thing right here may not be here by default but you can see it says S Pen features so you can tap on it to actually put it into that Air Command menu and it says right on calendar so now it's at the bottom so if I press them presses it's going to come right here so when I click it boom it's going to bring again it start writing on the calendar of course you do not want to be as messy as me but you get the idea zoom in right safe boom you're done all right so let's move on to number two all right so next feature if you go into any field into which you can type with a keyboard I'm just going to bring a quick example if I pull this up you can see there's a search bar here that means I can tap here and I can actually use the keyboard what you can do actually is you can use the S Pen to input directly into the text fields in fact when you bring your S Pen close to the screen you can see you're going to see that little scribbling icon okay so look at this I can either search for stuff from here so let's just say I was searching for Netflix or whatever or what I can do is I can when I bring this up so look I can just tap and I can start writing Netflix right here and look at that it converts that to text automatically so I have Netflix right here now I could have used a keyboard or if I'm just holding the S Pen it's going to be easy boom boom you're good to go you can do this with any application education so even if I go to Chrome browser and if I just tap right over you can see we have that scribbling icon showing up so if I tap right here I can just start writing right here as long as we have a field into which we can type with the keyboard I can now just go www dot and I can continue as you saw so that's another fantastic feature you can use with the S Pen on your fold five the next feature is known as air view feature now this feature you saw this and probably did not notice it but let me give you a more pronounced examples so if I go to my gallery application let's see right here so here we have a random album Now Air View allows you to hover over objects and get feedback so before when I touch the screen I'm able to get air previews of items I'm interacting with so for example here's a bunch of photos look at this if I bring my finger close to it nothing happens I have to tap it to uh bring it into the foreground but if I just have my pen I can hover over these and it's going to give me a quick pop-up preview I'm not touching the screen okay it's almost like magic you can see and I can come over here and I can share or delete you can see when I hover over the options it pops up and tells me what that option can do same with the delete option even that is part of air view let's do that on this one right here okay and let's do it right over here so before when I open the photo I can just quickly preview a larger version to see if I want to move forward or not now this feature does have to be enabled it should be enabled by default but let's just see real quick okay what you do is you go to the settings you go into advanced features you go to S Pen and it should be right here it says Air View okay you tap on this one and look at this it is either enabled or disabled you can only enable previews or if you want you can only enable the pointer the pointer is this little dot you see on the screen when I bring the pen close to the screen now you may not see it in this video here because it's very light but I would just keep it right here previews and pointer to make it all inclusive so fantastic feature now the next feature is something I use all the time so basically this applies to the Samsung Notes application this is a application and that's built in to all Samsung phones and with S Pen you get additional functions so it's right here if I'm if I go inside what I can do is I can tap right here and I can start a new note and here's what I'm going to talk about so basically note taking is going to be very nice on this foldable tablet like phone so one of the biggest things is going to be when you choose the pen and you draw something look at these circles and triangles and squares they don't look that nice so there's a way to make them look perfect and it's very simple all you do is choose a pen that you want okay pencil pen whatever let's just go with the red color to differentiate so what you do is you draw a circle and then you press and hold and that turns that into a perfect circle okay let me just go back down here let's say we want to do a triangle so let's do it press and hold boom got a triangle okay and then square or a rectangle boom we got that and as a matter of fact anytime even if you do a curve and you press and hold it's going to give you a cleaner curve okay now there's an additional feature in relation to this one now this feature was where I have to draw something if I just leave it nothing happens okay so I have to actually hold it in place till it settles itself into a circle but there's another option on the top you got this toolbar if you scroll over there's an icon here that says Auto fix shapes so when you click this guy everything is now automated so look at this if I go to a new page now I just have to draw a circle and let it go and it's going to autofix it triangle same thing okay and I think now the arrow is going to work too so let's see there we go okay so now we're getting perfect Arrows with the auto fix shapes you can use it without this guy but you have to press and hold with this guy you just draw it's going to Auto fix it for you fantastic it's going to be very helpful to draw flow charts or maybe if you're a student studying math it's going to be very very helpful now one more cool thing with the S Pen is it comes in with built-in sound so if I launch a Notes application or any other application where I can use the the S Pen so let me just create a new note and I want you guys to listen to this so when I write it's going to give me feedback okay that's the sound of a pencil writing on a screen and it's a really nice feedback there's no question about that however some people don't like that sound also when you do certain things it might be distracting or whatever so what we do have is we have the option to disable this sound so what you do is that's going to essentially turn on the silent mode for the s-men so go to the settings go into the advanced features right here then go into the S Pen and all you do is you scroll down where it says more S Pen settings you click on it okay and all you do is you simply disable the sounds once you disable the sounds now when I go back here it is going to be in silent mode and this is going to have a side benefit of saving you some battery life if you're going to be working on that fold for a while just to produce sound you need battery consumption with this one it is going to eliminate that additional consumption all right so that brings us to the end of this video and like I said if you want to buy the Samsung Galaxy z45 there's going to be links down below with the lowest pricing and the best incentives to grab one any questions comments or concerns drop them down below for now guys have a fantastic day
Channel: sakitech
Views: 63,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sakitech, fold 5, features, tips, tricks, s pen, s-pen, samsung galaxy z fold 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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