First Foldable after TEN years on iOS — What it’s REALLY like!

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I have been an iOS user for 10 years or more solidly I'm sure you've seen a plethora of videos recently about switching to foldables and moving on from Apple and I just want to be clear that I'm a genuine case this phone is bought with my own money and it's going to last me for the next two years or more so if you want a genuine real-life experience of what it's like swapping from iOS to Android this might be the video for you so this is how I've set up my screen I think the stock Samsung launcher is missing a trick to be honest you can only get five or six icons and I think when the screen is this big it's just a waste so I've downloaded Nova Launcher and I now have 10 beautiful tiny icons and two screens only I have this cool Parallax sort of wallpaper which also looks really good on the front screen and I just think the 10 by 10 icons make the most sense because you've got so much screen real estate you might as well use it they do appear slightly smaller on the front screen and you do need a little bit of muscle memory in order to use it in both scenarios but after a day or two I found that I remembered where everything was and if I do get stuck at any point I can always just swipe up and search oh one thing I found quite lacking on iOS is widgets I know there are a few in the recent iterations of iOS but there's nothing quite like having the customization options that we have on Android I have a lovely see-through calendar widget which shows me in my next few days and on the other side I have a to-do list which is very imaginatively named to-do list which is the app that I use and it enables me to have the transparent background so I can still see my childish silly wallpaper so talk about the hardware and just day-to-day life for the foldable I've found compatibility very very good I have tested around 100 apps and there's only one app that has not been compatible with the full screen which I'll talk about in a bit I've found as other people have said that when you are looking at the screen the crease disappears so don't let that put you off the only time you ever really notice it is if the light hits it or you've got the screen very very dim but I think it's a very small price to pay for the screen real estate on the whole content consumption YouTube videos things like that just look brilliant now we do have a split keyboard on the main big screen and I think I'm uniquely suited to just getting on board with this straight away because this is the keyboard that I use in my day-to-day life so physically holding the phone is a little bit of a learning curve on the left hand side which is how I would usually hold a phone it feels a little bit less fun on the right hand side it feels quite nice you've got a really nice grip but what you will notice and what a lot of people don't realize until they have a foldable in their fund is it's not quite like a tablet experience because you do have half glass and you are touching glass a lot of the time so it is something to get used to in something to bear in mind another thing to bear in mind is some apps like one of my very favorite games in the world brotato obviously it loads in this orientation so you have the glass at the bottom and that means when you are playing it so your thumb will be over here you are holding the glass screen at the bottom and some apps you just have to roll with whichever orientation they give you you can't change it and that's something that's a little bit strange for me because I was expecting maybe I could have a DS like clamshell experience for gaming or just a tablet experience and having the glass involved in a lot of these sort of scenarios is a little bit weird it's not the end of the world but just bear in mind that your front screen will get a little bit Grim because you are holding it and touching it a lot more than you usually would if you have tiny hands I would highly recommend this case I have the S Pen case as well which I think is really nice I tend to gravitate towards this one because there's no sensible place to put a pop socket or anything and just if I've got tinier hands it's the best way to deal with it and if I'm out and about and I'm in the closed mode it's actually such a tactile nice safe experience to be sort of navigating Google Maps or taking photographs as a tourist and you've just got absolutely a full grip on it and it's really really good feels much more secure in my hand than my Apple phones it's a life organization this is something that I use my mobile devices for a heck of a lot with the full screen you can have a full view of your calendar your daily hourly blocks with no compromise things like Miller note notion look absolutely wonderful in fact I'm using notion right now as my script and it looks just like it would on the desktop whereas on the Apple device it's very much a more limited experience because the screen is so small so let's talk a little bit more about closed mode I might be the only person in the world that really likes the tinier narrower screen I like that because I have smaller hands I can hold it very well and I can truly type one-handed on it or two-handed absolutely fine never in recent years because I tend to have the iPhone max phones I don't have a one-handed experience sometimes if I've got my hands full I'm literally like typing things with my nose to sort of say yes to things because I can't have a one-handed experience with the larger phones with this it's absolutely the best of both worlds because I've got the very nice neat narrow screen to be getting on with for quick tasks and then I can open it up and I've got the larger screen for things that are a little bit more heavy you can also instantly swap from one to the other on every app that I've tried I think so it's really really intuitive and fast but what about I hear you ask well this was the biggest thing for me and the biggest friction that I was expecting to have however I have a free solution for airdrop that actually works it's a app called tailscale which is sort of a VPN between all of your devices and with this app you can share in both directions just using Wi-Fi very quickly it is not as streamlined as airdrop in the sense that if I'm copying over 10 photos it'll work first time if I'm copying over 50 photos I might have to do it in batches of 10. yay there is a workaround and I don't think it's a workaround that a lot of people know like I was furiously Googling this and came up with all kinds of weird apps and none of them worked or some of them only worked one way this works both ways and it's free tail scale teaching from IOS this is probably the biggest barrier I think people think it's a very daunting and stressful task and yes it can be there are a few things to make it easier the biggest one and the most important one is making sure you have a password Vault that isn't tied to Apple or Android I use one password hashtag not sponsored other ones are available and all you need to do is copy your Apple Vault into one password and then when you install that on Android in theory all of your passwords will copy over and that's perfect dead seamless no problems right wrong some apps on Android won't allow you to have the pop-up so sometimes you have to type things in manually to begin with and then it will save it's a little bit more of a pain in the backside than I was anticipating but at the very least you know that you have your passwords safe independently of which operating system you're on if you have a third party password manager given that my Android experience in the past was quite dated you know pretty dated I was expecting the worst 2012 Android was like some of the actual crippled some of them weren't as feature Rich some of them weren't there at all this whole experience has been completely Night and Day to my previous Android experience everything works in basically the same way I've found nothing overly different from Apple to Android now everything has worked really well if you've had an older experience of Android wipe that from your memory everything is working great now in 2023 gaming I love gaming as you can tell on this channel and I must admit having the larger screen was a big draw to me for wanting to change I love the big screen it's vibrant it's responsive it's wonderful certain games just look Epic on this screen I've also been using really chill games like Alto and also I've got Minecraft I think there's a lot more ports on Android compared to iOS and of course we have emulation I've got I can never say this do dry shoe Jack I've got this and having the nice non-cripled file system in Androids means you can just put your ROMs in a folder and it works very quickly and intuitive for emulation and another big draw for me to move over to Android was my rocket Max AR glasses which notoriously don't work on iPhone without a lot of workarounds and a lot of headache if at all so I'm very happy to say my rocket Max glasses work perfectly out of the box with my lovely new fold five remember that one app that wasn't working big screen it's the rocket Max app of course it is there are a few benefits of having your rocket Max with Android so you can pin windows in AR space for instance I'll have a full video or two on the channel which I'll link somewhere now I'm really honestly thinking do I need my iPad Mini anymore as much as I love it and I do this does everything that I wanted the iPad Mini for it's my media station my rocket Max I've got the pencil and the S Pen does anyone want to buy an iPad Mini so what will I miss it's not all roses I'm not saying everyone should jump ship and never touch an Apple product again because I run a lot of my life through apple and I love them there's pros and cons to both here is what I will miss Maya Tags I'm so salty that I have to buy Samsung air tags now my Samsung phone will recognize my Apple ear tags and just tell me that I've got one on it on me but not allow me to do anything else hi dog so yeah really annoyed that that's not compatible and you do need to think about things like I've had to buy the Android watch I'm going to have to buy the ER tag equivalents but you've got to sort of pick a team and some of that can involve a little bit of investment I've got this annoying thing at the moment with Outlook in Gmail where if I delete an email five minutes later it comes back like a Spooky Little Ghost if anyone knows how to fix that please let me know in the comments another thing I do miss is the silly little bubble numbered notifications on Android all your notifications are on the top shelf rather than on the apps I'm sure there is a way to do it but using Nova Launcher I don't think I can with no way that I've set my phone up and it's great because it stops me from being hounded by the bubbles of Doom and wanting to clear them all but sometimes I feel like I do miss important things because I don't see the notifications as clearly but here are some things I won't miss I won't miss the boring layout that never changes in iOS from year to year it honestly feels so dated after using the foldable for a while I won't miss my battery dying at 4pm every day because I dared to have a phone that was over two years old and I certainly won't miss paying nine pounds a month for the privilege of being able to take my photographs off my phone into my computer I really hate how limiting the Apple software is unless you use iCloud or iTunes or iPhoto you know what I mean you can't just stick it in and drag them off it's really irritating and I really won't miss that whenever I have my airpods Pros in and I'm sort of editing a video and I pick up my iPhone the airpods automatically synced to my phone own and it really annoys me I haven't got my Samsung buds yet they made you exactly the same thing so take that with a pinch of salt so expect a headache for the first week I would highly highly recommend keeping your old phone with you in case there are important passwords or things that you've forgot to sort of transfer over if that's at all possible expect to fall in love with some Innovative and different hard work if you're coming from the same old iPhone it really is a joy to try something different probably expect to fall in love with the customization and waste hours of your life setting up your games and your wallpapers and getting your phone exactly how you want it and if those things sound appealing to you then the swap will work I think now iPhone is for people that want the technology to get out of the way it's just the it works it's frictionless but it's kind of boring I think Android is for someone who wants to customize everything and tailor their experience and really enjoy the technology like I I think getting a new phone should be like Christmas Day it shouldn't be like oh it's basically the same as last year but now the camera is slightly better I want it to look different I want it to be personalized to me and if you love technology you will not regret switching if you're not too fussed about technology and just want things to work then stick with apple they're both brilliant and I'm definitely not bashing one or the other they are both brilliant and it's really a privilege that we get to choose watch these videos next and check out some more on my channel and thank you so much through listening to me waffle for so long about my phone but I'm really excited it's nice to be excited about phones again honestly
Channel: Emily Lowrey
Views: 99,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samsung galaxy fold 5, switching from android, android airdrop alternative, best android airdrop alternative, airdrop alternative 2023, fold 5, fold 5 from iphone, foldable phone, switching to foldable, galaxy fold 5 review, fold 5 real world review
Id: 6I5C4-7cJXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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