SAMSUNG PHONE Tips, Tricks, & Hidden Features most people don't know

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if you have a Samsung phone there's a good chance you're not using it to its full potential I'm always amazed by how many people have a Samsung phone and use it every day but have absolutely no idea about some of these amazing features so in this video I want to share with you 30 of my favorite hidden features and some of my top tips as well that can bring your Samsung phone to the next level and the best thing is most of these tips work on just about any Samsung phone out there but in this video I'll be showcasing them on the Galaxy s23 Ultra so the first one is Samsung's object eraser if you just open up the gallery and find any photo say something in the background that you don't like you want to get rid of that you can tap on the edit button on the bottom on the bottom right you can tap on the three dots and select object eraser and then simply Circle what you don't want and watch it completely disappear this is impressive because Samsung barely mentioned it and it's basically the biggest feature the pixel has been advertising the second one on here is Samsung Dex a lot of people didn't realize this but most Samsung device cases double as an entire desktop so not just a phone but if you plug this into a TV a projector a computer monitor it unlocks an entire desktop experience you can use a mouse a keyboard use a file explorer drag and drop do everything you normally would on a laptop but it's powered by your phone simply plugging in an HDMI through an adapter to your USB type c now personally I use this a lot for hotels it's an easy way to get Netflix on the TV you could use this for meetings if you want to just bring a presentation and and set it up with your phone it's honestly super useful but the next one on this list is actually extending screenshots so many times I'm sure you've done this you've had a long web page maybe an email or something and you take a bunch of screenshots as you scroll down well with this you can actually take one screenshot and then once it pops up on the bottom tap on the bottom left that little down arrow and it'll keep scrolling down as much as you want to have one really long screenshot instead of taking many screenshots at different points on the page the next three on this list allow us to really customize a lot on our phone but they do require one app so if you go into the Galaxy store and you download what is called good lock you'll be able to go in good luck and get something called registar so once you have those you can go to good lock open registrar and you'll see there's a bunch of things here the first one is actually choosing the side key press and hold so it's your power button if you press and hold it by default it opens Bixby personally I don't like using Bixby instead I would much prefer to use Google assistant so I can turn this on and we can actually do a lot of things here you can take a screenshot you could access Google Assistant that's what I'm going to do or you could turn on the flashlight you could turn on auto rotate there's a whole list of different things it can do including open other apps maybe for example if you want to open SnapChat or something like that now the next two are kind of bundled together so I'm just counting it as one and this is double or triple tapping the back of your phone once again within the registrar app here if we say back tap action we can choose double tap and we can choose this to maybe show notifications or show recent apps or it could you know start a pop-up window and so if I just say access Google assistant and I'm anywhere on my home screen I can double tap the back and it'll open up Google Assistant just like that now that is just one of the many things you can do with that that's why I recommend getting that app and honestly there's another dozen that I could add from that next up we have camera flash notifications if you miss texts and calls all the time because you're in an environment where you need to have your phone silenced maybe flash notifications are the right thing for you so if you go into your Samsung settings go down to accessibility go to Advanced you can enable camera flash notifications and that way whenever you get a text or a call it'll flash on the back and so you can see that and you respond without distracting anybody else with loud noise and then of course we have my absolute favorite when I'm traveling a feature that I wish every other phone would copy but so far nobody has done it like Samsung does it and this is dual Bluetooth audio so if you have two different pairs of earbuds or speakers connected to your phone you can play audio on both of them simultaneously so where would you use this maybe if you're on a plane and you are watching a movie and your your spouse or your friend or whoever's next to you wants to watch that as well instead of each having one earbud and then like you don't get active noise cancellation and you hear the plane in the other ear and the volume's cranked up no you don't have to do that you can both have a pair of earbuds both connect to this it'll play simultaneously you can both enjoy any media on here at the exact same time personally that is a feature that always brings me back to Samsung phones and I really like having it next up we have one-handed mode of course it's no secret Samsung makes some pretty gigantic phones this one in particular and a few of smaller hands it could be really difficult to use this phone with just one hand unless you use one-handed mode all you have to do is swipe down from about a centimeter above the middle of the bottom of your phone and that'll bring it into this mini phone mode within the giant display takes up maybe a third of your screen and it's really easy to access with one hand personally I don't really need to use that often but it's a cool thing to have speaking of cool accessibility features there's also the Palm swipe screenshot which means you don't have to worry about tapping both buttons at the same time you can just swipe your hand across the screen as long as using the edge of your palm and it'll take a screenshot for you now if you have a Samsung laptop a galaxy book then this next feature is one that you can definitely use and this is called multi-control Apple made something similar they call it universal control and essentially you can drag your mouse between your laptop and this phone an easy way to share files or just move things around it makes it feel like a more cohesive ecosystem which reminds me I'm actually working on a video it's going to come out really soon comparing the apple and the Samsung ecosystems if you want to see that video be sure to go down and click that subscribe button I'm digging deep into the differences the features the similarities and everything like that I'm excited about the video and I think you'll probably want to see that as well moving on even though large screens like this are kind of difficult to use with one hand they're really great for multitasking and if you want to multitask you can do a split screen on here but there's a little bit more than that so rather than just doing split screen so let's just say I have Chrome opened and I have maybe Microsoft OneNote opened if I swipe up from the bottom and I get to all of my apps there I can tap and hold and I can go into a split screen mode so if I go to split screen mode that's great but if you tap on the three dots in the middle you can tap the little star and add that to your home screen so you can make a split screen shortcut on your home screen so that if you want to go and it's like a common thing you always want to open up like maybe Spotify and Maps maybe Google Chrome and OneNote something like that you can just tap that it'll open them in split screen it's super useful especially for people who are looking for shortcuts to speed up and improve the productivity so we're cruising right through these this next one doesn't require any settings it's one of my favorites and it's the ability to double press the side button the power button essentially to open your camera this is great because if there's a quick instance when you want to take a photo it's the quickest and the easiest way to open your camera so you don't miss the shot maybe your kid did something great in a sporting event maybe it's a nice Sunset maybe you saw Bigfoot or aliens whatever it is you're not going to miss that shot because you now know how to open your camera very quickly so whenever you get that shot of aliens or Bigfoot be sure to tag me speaking of camera if you go into settings and you go down to shooting methods you can actually enable the floating shutter which means that you can move it around again with the concept of having a large screen here sometimes you want to hold your phone in a different orientation and it's just easier to access the shutter if it's not all the way on the bottom maybe you want in the middle or wherever you can move it anywhere you want and have a second shutter super useful to have speaking of the camera app you can also use the camera app to scan documents I'm always amazed by how many people have a Samsung phone especially a newer one like this and then they'll go and download a scanning app now there are some benefits to having some scanning apps I get it but in general this does a fantastic job and I use it for almost all of my scanning that I need to do you simply Point your camera at any document it'll outline it in yellow and you just tap scan it'll scan it for you and save it but besides photos and document scanning your camera is also very useful for something called Google Lens so from your home screen you probably have a search bar from Google if you tap on the camera on the right side it'll open up Google Lens you can take a photo of anything maybe a bug or a tree and it'll identify what it is for you I personally use that in the garden if there's some kind of disease on a plant you could take a photo it'll do a great job of leading you in the right direction or maybe translate you could do another thing you could translate from another language for example I went to Japan a couple weeks ago and I could not read the menus I don't speak Japanese but using my phone was able to translate that and it was super easy to read the menus in English but ordering was still pretty difficult next up we have the ability to protect files photos documents whatever with a secure folder so if you scanned a document and it's some kind of sensitive information or if you took photos that I mean I don't judge if you don't want people to see them you can move it to a secure folder now the secure folder is a great way to keep it as a essentially password protected folder that other people who maybe you hand your phone while you're driving they won't be able to see that next up we have the ability to privately share for secure file sharing again if you want to send things and you want to make sure that you know their shared safely and securely you can use this feature getting back to the Samsung photos app you also have the ability to create a gif it's essentially like a little moving photo a little tiny short video you've seen them on your keyboard sending them whatever but you can do this very easily by selecting in so if you just go into your gallery and then you choose the photo you tap select and then you can say create and you can create that now there's other things you can create as well if you want to make like a little highlight reel or something like that but personally I found out creating gifs is the most useful we also have the ability to use Bixby now hear me out on this one I know use Bixby some people don't use Bixby at all but you can use Bixby routines to automate things so you can tell your phone when I get to a certain location I want this to happen I want my smart home to do stuff besides Bixby routines you can also automate your phone settings using custom Focus mode so if you go into Focus modes on your phone so you can simply swipe down down and go to right now my work one is on and with this you can enable you can customize volume you can customize wallpaper power saving modes you can disable apps and you can do all of this based on time of day or based on location and you can tell it also to exclude federal holidays and things like that so that for example if you go to work every day and you want your phone to definitely be muted when you get there then you can have that so that when you arrive at work it'll notice that you're in that location it'll silence your phone across the board you don't have any kind of embarrassing notifications when you're in a meeting now speaking of work and home life you can also set up dual messenger this is something that again is pretty specific to Samsung phones most other phones don't do this and so if you have two whatsapps or Facebook or whatever you can have dual messenger which allows you to message from the same app with two different accounts it allows you to essentially download a duplicate of that app to enable that super easy you just go to settings and you can just search for dual messenger enable that and choose which apps you want that to apply apply to kind of going along with the notifications idea I mentioned with the flashlight we have custom Edge lighting so the edge lighting is going to be kind of a ring of light around your phone when you get a notification and so with this if we simply go into our settings and search for Edge lighting you can customize this to be different colors different styles different animations and it's just a fun way to get notifications on your phone Samsung's always been really big on productivity and one of the big things I like having on here is actually Edge panels so on the right side most people don't even notice it's there there's a tiny little translucent bar and you can tap and slide it up and down right now mine's right next to my volume rocker and I can swipe over from the right side and it brings up this panel of different apps but if you actually go into settings and you search for Edge panels or just type in Edge you'll see Edge panels pop up if you tap on panels you can choose what these are so they don't have to just be apps even though you can customize the apps of course you can have things like smart select a great way to take screenshots of different parts of your screen you can have of the weather you can have tools like a compass or a ruler for example you can have reminders you can have a clipboard so it can really do a lot that kind of brings your phone to the next level now if you've ever swiped away a notification that you really wish you saw you can actually go into notification history and see things that maybe you accidentally got rid of so if you go just into settings again and you can search for notification history you can simply tap on that you can tap on notification history and make sure that is enabled that way you'll be able to see all your notifications even after you get rid of them next up if you're using Samsung's keyboard and you just type stuff and you really wish you could undo it you can very simply swipe from the left to the right so you can go down to swipe touch and feedback then tap on keyboard swipe controls and then go down to cursor control and this way when you go to your keyboard if you want to undo something you can swipe from the right to the left so if I just type stuff I can swipe from the right to the left it'll undo that and another cool thing is you can actually tap and hold your space bar to relocate the cursor within the text is kind of the next one on my list is tapping and holding and you can slide it left and right so you can delete a specific letter without like tapping and trying to get it exactly on the right spot going back to our settings if we go to accessibility and then go to Advanced you can actually choose what you want when you swipe up with two fingers so for me I can set that to mute all it's a great way to silence everything on my phone again if you're going into a meeting next up we have the digital well-being on our phone so if you just go into settings you can go down to what Samsung calls digital well-being and it actually really came a long way in the past couple years no longer does it just tell you your time that you were on your phone in the day but you can actually see a lot more than that like driving monitor tells you how much you used your phone while you were driving I hope you're not using your phone while you're driving but it'll remind you if you are you'll see it right there you can also see a volume monitor a great way to make sure that you're not damaging your hearing and all of that is in digital well-being a feature that a lot of people might not even know even exists there this next one has been blowing the minds of iPhone users for years because Samsung has really for a while been able to have video wallpapers which personally I've always really liked but more than just a video wallpaper you can actually select a gallery of video wallpapers so that every time you wake your phone you have a different video wallpaper so all you have to do is go to your wallpaper so if you just tap and hold on the home screen we can tap on wallpaper and style we can tap on change wallpaper we can tap on gallery and then all you have to do is go down and select the videos you want you can choose up to 15 different videos and you generally you generally want them to be shorter videos like maybe 10 or 15 seconds would be ideal and your phone will cycle through those different videos every time you wake your phone and now last but not least when you're setting up your phone I hope you're using widgets there's a lot of really cool ones you can add on here but did you know you can actually create a stack of widgets so if I tap and hold on my home screen I can tap on widgets and let's just say I want to add maybe a widget for my battery so if I add this 4x2 battery status one and then if you tap and hold on the widget you can go and tap on create stack now once you create a stack you can have as you know multiple different widgets on here and you can just swipe up and cycle through them so you can have one for the weather you can have one for your stock portfolio and it's a great way to save space on your home screen by having one stack of widgets so that's it those are my top 30 tips tricks features onto Galaxy phones if you enjoyed this video consider liking and subscribing and of course leave a comment below letting me know which features I didn't mention that you really like using on your Samsung phone so I'm Michael Bryan thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Mike O'Brien
Views: 596,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GVnA2pjCnA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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