MPC Live 2: 16 Sampling Tips You Should Know

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hello and welcome i'm dj at mccree and this is 16 sampling tips that you should know if you are a mpc live x1 or mpc key owner tip number one is a pretty easy tip find the right sample for the job so what i'm going to do is press shift and menu and i will have these samples linked in the description box it is called voyage from saturn and let's hear [Music] let's go ahead and pick out one [Music] i like that let's go with avenged so what i'm going to do next is press shift and the mute button which brings me into sample edit now we have the sample in front of us let's hear it [Music] crazy right many people don't know that you can detect the key of a sample inside of the mpc live x1 or whatever mpc that you own in its current gen via standalone or the software let me show you how it is simple as hitting this arrow button right here on the sample edit screen and then you'll see key detection right here but since i already have the samples labeled in the sample pack you see that is a d sharp minor here and it's a d sharp minor there so that is perfect a lot of producers tune their samples the wrong way and i think this tip will help you out a lot usually producers go right over here where it says tune and then they'll tune the sample and this is what happens [Music] the sample is playing slower though it is lower by a semitone or two and then if you hit key detection it doesn't detect it well you're losing all the power of the mpc's ai as far as spectral analysis so what you want to do is go over here and press the process button navigate to pitch shift and then pitch it down here if you accidentally do some small increments you can always double tap on that parameter and then you can reset it by double tapping again so let's go ahead and press down on this data wheel and then press do it and it will go through the process now that we have done some pitch shifting and we press the key detection button detect key look it says c minor now and let's play the sample it's not playing slower hey you beautiful producers you do you like this hoodie well it was made by me and so 100 you can get it by going to the link in the description box and checking out the midian's so 100 hoodie that's for the 2000 xl even though we're using the mpc live 2. don't worry that's coming soon but yeah let me know if you like this hoodie this next tip will come in handy if you want to trim your sample while you're in the trim tab well you can pull and pitch by using this gesture that i'm doing right now which is called pull and pitch and you can get a smaller detail smaller increments of the sample and you can mess with the starting end points so if you want to discard it though and get the to this part of the sample let's say you want that well you press process go over here to discard hit do it boom and now the sample is chopped if you don't like what you did you can always press undo and return to what you had before and then adjust the end point this next tip bpm chopping is superior remember i said it so it might be right i might know what i'm talking about you trust me so just to get into the bpm chopping i will go over here to this trim tab right here and press on it and it will go to chat there are different modes but let's talk about bpm mode right here and you'll see why i'm what i'm and you'll see what i'm talking about [Music] so within me just doing this right here you can hear you have different chops and it takes advantage of all 16 pads [Music] which is always a good thing to fill up your pads when you are sampling something you can easily adjust those slices if you want to do just eight [Music] but i just use 16. but you might have noticed popping that's not what we want if you have super producer ears then you have noticed that there was some popping in that sample how do we get rid of that to get rid of popping you will press and hold shift and press zero snap from there you will make sure that the q link is on this right here which is number one use q link one and then you would use this q link right here which gives you smaller increments the further down that you go you get smaller increments so let's go ahead and adjust that and the popping is gone and continue that process until you're done another simple tip is learning the phrases and what is good phrasing so this tip is pretty subjective because some people might like the phrasing of this right here [Music] and you got to keep in mind what you're aiming for so if your bpm is faster then you might can fit some of those phrases in here [Music] or you might do phrases like this maybe perhaps not that bad but you get the point many people ask me this question and i might as well add this as a tip and that's converting your sample chops over into a program so once you've already established what you want to do with your chops or whatnot you can press shift and convert and it will tell you a new drum program using slices which i think that's the best way to do it because it is non-destructive slices meaning that you can always mess with those slices after you convert it so hit do it and now everything is done and then hit main in the mpc 2.10 firmware update there was a new feature called sample tails so what does that mean and why is that a tip so on npc live 2 let's go ahead and press menu and pad 14 if you have the mpc one or the mpcx or the key 61 you would hit the edit button but let's go over here and hit the sample tab [Music] and you'll notice something called tail lymph well that is a sample tail so if we adjust that sample tail guess what happens to pad number four [Music] we get a tail this is very useful for doing drum breaks like if your drum breaks in abruptly and you want to give a little bit more tail to those drums or even for samples like these so what if by any chance you was a part of the machine plus machine gang and then you join the npc gang but you're used to messing with the master pitch well here's a tip for you from the same program edit menu you can go over here to global and then you can mess with the pitch over here so i'm gonna go ahead and use this data wheel right here and bring it down three more semitones [Music] and it will still have the same effect as is if you tuned it beforehand and without doing pitch shifting and yeah it will be slower but you know you still get that vibe i'll lay out a drum beat so we can go on with these next tips all right let's do it [Music] [Music] i bet y'all wasn't expecting that so the next tip is a quick mixing tip and that would be just to turn down the sample a little bit and give it a little bit more space you know the lower that you have like your main melodies and stuff the harder your drums will appear to hit so just keep that in mind but the main one would be filtering so how would you filter out a sample and every producer should know this so going over here into the program which is selected which is the sample i will go into the insert go into no effects here or into a effect slot go to eq and filter select that and then i would choose a high pass filter i think that will fit the bill for this job and mess with it and tune it so for the next tip let's add some effects so to add an effect it's as simple as you just going into the same kind of ordeal where you hit this eyeball sign and go right into here select an empty insert slot and selecting an effect that might work i might add a reverb just a slight reverb to give some presence to that sample so i'll go into the spring reverb here and i will turn the mix down let's go ahead and preview that and simple as that experimenting is key however there is something that us mpc heads and even the machine guys can do pretty well and the people that make beats on computers they can't do and that is utilize the 16 levels yeah where i got the name of our new movement so let's clear that sample track for what it is and what we're going to do is go into 16 level now 16 level you can control all kinds of things like velocity and more importantly tune so if you like the sample well perhaps you might want to mess with just one part of the phrase so for this instance like any house person would do back in the day and that's as simple as that and you can also pick out different pads uh obviously you would have to get out of 16 level or in 16 level you would pick out the pad that you you would like to mess with and then you would just figure something out so i saved the best for last the last tip how would you time stretch so going back into this project let's hear it i like it but what if i want to go at a lower bpm and let's hear how those chaps sound like well i'm kind of a king at this but let's say let's go up to uh the original bpm which is 113 and let's go ahead and sample what we got in this track so i would hit the pencil sign here and then i would choose bounce to sample boom from here i will just create another drum program and then i will select assign samples find that bounce sample assign it to a pad and then i will go from here where i will go to the main screen and then i will go to warp samples and then warp that sample we hear the sample now and what i'll do is i will layer that out real quick two three four and now let's go ahead and solo let's hear it and i can stretch it all the way down stretch it all the way up it does have a little bit of art affecting but i actually like that a little aliasing in there doesn't hurt [Music] and that's time stretching in a nutshell [Music] you
Channel: Ave Mcree
Views: 36,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc live, akai mpc, mpc one, avemcree, ave mcree, mpc, akai, akai mpc live, akai mpc live 2, akai mpc live ii, mpc live ii, mpc sampling, akai mpc live sampling, akai mpc live ii sampling, sampling tips, sampling tips fl studiopc sampling tips, mpc tips, akai mpc live tips
Id: u5KulsEijLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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