Advanced Sampling MPC ONE MPC LIVE 2 & X

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you [Music] do today I'm going to go over some Advanced sampling techniques and uh what I'm going to do is I'm going to build a Beat from start to finish but I mainly want to focus on the topic of sampling and using some of the tools that we have in the MPC as we're sampling and building a track the reason why I wanted to do this video is because this happens to us a lot it happens to me where I build a two bar four bar Loop and I just get stuck right there I don't know where to go after that uh go back to the record and keep digging don't just sample the first bar of the song like listen to the middle the core is the bridge the outro there's so much little small Snippets you could add on to your beat that you've already created uh something real quick I'm going to jump into my sampler and go over uh most of us are used to just sampling using the sample method and the slice method but we have forgotten about this pad tap and Pad hold which are very powerful tools and today I'm going to jump into utilizing those tools and just let the beat keep going don't just let it die off so let's have some fun let's have a good time again for those of you that just picked up the mpc1 or the mpcx or the MPC live and you're new to sampling in these machines check out this video that I did a while back ago I go into the basics of sampling in this video I'm going to go somewhat fast and this is going to be for those of you that already kind of have the information but just want to take it a step further so let's have a good time let's jump right into it all right so right here I have this record I'm going to go ahead and listen to this record and grab a small section sample it into the NPC just using the sample method I'm not even going to use a slice mode this is a record that I had a sample in a previous video but we're going to flip it again so let's jump right into it you're mine I'm gonna climb I actually got some stuff right there I'm gonna name this a sample and I'm gonna go ahead and chop this up I'm gonna just trim out the first few seconds that I do not want to have I want this to start right on the downbeat actually zoom in right here make sure zero snap is on crosses discard now I'm on manual chop mode I'm going to go ahead and start manually slicing this sample up I mean I'm not going to go into detail with this but I'm gonna just uh okay so as you guys just saw right there this is actually I'm using 2.11 I've been getting so many DMS on this and I'm actually glad we're going over it um just a really quick I'm gonna run down through this this I just hit pad one and it just slices up in a random location I don't know why is slicing up pad one in this weird random location I go to pad two three four five six is throwing all my slices in this same location which is very weird I'm not sure what's going on right there but a work around that is hopefully this can get solved sooner than later but right now I'm going to delete all those slices I'm going to clear all once I have all those slices cleared up what I'll do is on the first slice it just drops it randomly anywhere and I don't know why but I'm gonna just manually grab this pull that cue point back to zero and I'm going to grab this first slice and throw it all the way back to zero so it's now starting where I want it to start once I have that out the way I can go ahead and do this the way I'm used to doing it [Music] so now I'm going to convert this and it's going to create its own program hit do it go to my main page track one I'm going to name this sample I want that to be my sample and on my program I'm going to select that program that we just created with those chops which I it was called sample and now I have that right here your mind awesome now I go to my program editor and I'm going to drop this down about two semitones let's see how that sounds [Music] awesome so now that I have those chops I'm actually gonna load up some drums let's call this track number two drums and then on that track number two I'm gonna go to my program and assign a new program this is an empty program there's nothing in this this is just called zero zero two I'm gonna rename zero zero two to uh drums and as I have that loaded up I'm gonna go into my browser go to My Places and I'm gonna go into my sample pack uh if you guys have not tried out my sample pack make sure you guys go down in the description I have my sample pack I'm gonna get a few kicks load that up right there grab a few snares load those up right there awesome and now we go into some hi-hats load those up right there so we got a little sun right there all right so at this point I'm just drop down a drum Groove onto the grid and let's go ahead and rock with this [Music] all right cool so we got some drums right there on the grid and now we go back into our sample and just play with the sample see what feels right and what we come up with in a two bar sequence all right so we got something going on right there it feels right it's a two bar Loop but at this point what happens to some of us is this happened to me before so uh we just kind of it stays there and I'm just like man I don't know what direction to go to next well something I would recommend is going back into the record and listening first different parts of this record that you could continue to sample again I only sampled a few seconds it was just like a a bar of the record and a lot of the times we just listen to the intro we get excited we sample the intro and then we just stop right there but hey what about the bridge the core is the outro there's so many other small seconds in this record that we could continue to add on to this already put together sample program but what happens with other Samplers and I've noticed this because I've used other Samplers is that I cannot add in put new slices into this already created program which makes it a little complicated because just to add a different second of the record I have to go through so many settings and menu diving and all that and it just kind of kills My Vibe but with the mpc1 and PCX or MPC live we could simply go back into our sampler and once we're in our sampler we're going to go from sample to pad tap what pad tap is going to do pad tap and Pad hold are the same thing I'll explain right now what the difference is but on pad tap every time I tap a pad and you know right now Bank a is all filled up as we see all the yellow pads that means that there's something there's audio samples on the yellow pads but if you see a pad that's not lit up yellow if these are just black that means that those are empty pads every time I I hit a pad it's going to sample whatever is playing back into that pad that I tapped whenever I tap the next pad is going to jump into the next pad and Sample and so on and so on which is very powerful because it's just building into what I've already created I don't have to go slice it up later and I don't have to add it to this program later it does it all for me and I can just keep getting inspired by different sections and keep building with what I already have [Music] as you guys just saw I just stopped recording I hit main I go back to my main page and now my main page I don't have to do anything else those new slices are already right here and they're already pitched down two semitones like I did already to this program nothing and then we have our other chops that we had done in the very beginning [Music] and now we have the new chops so at this point if I want I can grab that sequence hit this little pencil icon I'm going to copy the sequence and paste it to sequence number two now that I'm in sequence number two I'm able to uh select my sample track go into my grid editor and select all the performance that I have in the grid editor and delete it I actually want to come up with a new sequence of sample chops on the sequence number two just so I can have sequence number one with the way I I originally had it and then it could jump into sequence number two with these new additional slice foreign [Music] Vibe right there and I love that because that actually sounds really good as well what if I actually just want to stick with that you know you kind of have different uh sequences and the way I like to treat sequences is kind of like a puzzle you know I have sequence one sequence two sequence three and it's each sequence contains its own ideas well my own ideas that I've come up with and right now that I just came up with this new groove I actually like how this sounds who knows maybe this is actually going to be my go-to sequence and this is going to be my main sequence and the other sequence that I originally started with might just be a bridge so this is what I'm talking about like having fun with your sequences and your sampling and again uh do not stop at the first bar you captured continue to sample continue to listen to others I mean if it needs it now if the song is done it just feels right and you continue to look for things to add to the song and nothing clicks that means that the song is done just drop it stop it mix it Master it and put it out but in this case a lot of the times that we just feel like man it's missing some more I just don't know what else to add try using that tap pad tap and Pad hold feature and and continue to sample different sections and on this sequence too we could even take it a little step further to you know the drums are just copied and paste but you know we don't want the drums to be too repetitive you could get freaky with it and start adding so many different elements to your drums but in this case I'm going to go ahead and just uh go to my drums and I believe they're right here I'm going to grab this hi-hat I'm going to go to note repeat onto 1 over 32 and I'm going to drop this on top of what we already have [Music] once we have that roll in on 2.11 we have this new feature let's go from velocity and I'm going to go into probability open up my little automation window do oh grab this little pencil uh tool and just bring this down [Music] at about 50 probability yeah it's kind of adding like a swing to this performance now and what I could even do is go to this hi-hat right here go into my inserts just on the hi-hat not on the whole entire program I'm going to put a low pass filter on that second hi-hat that I added right now go to the eqs and filters go to a low pass filter hit select open that up and uh let's just [Music] thank you [Music] now uh that that sounds really good I love how that sounding again uh the creativity is up to you however you want to add switch up your drums but just kind of keep the flow going keep the vibe going like that's that's what it's about you know when I'm making beats I love feeling that you know that build up I love feeling like man I'm going from here to there to there to there but again it happens to me and it's happened you know many times where I build a song and I'm just done and I'm just like man I'm so stuck I'm blocked mentally like I do not know where I was to take it uh in this beat we just build it and I'm kind of going with you as we're building it together and I'm I'm vibing with this and I'm loving where it's going now if you're at this point and you already build sequence one sequence two and sequence three and you have a bunch of sequences together and you're ready to put these sequences together in a song uh make sure you check out this video I'm Gonna Leave right here in this video I go over how to build your song in song mode and you can start are putting all this together and actually finishing a beat in in the NPC so make sure you jump into that video and I'll catch you right there [Music]
Views: 19,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc one tutorial, mpc one workflow, mpc live 2, mpc live song mode, akai mpc one, akai mpc one jam, mpc x beat making tutorial, mpc one hip hop beat, mpc one beats, mpc one sounds, mpc live sampling vinyl, mpc live tutorial sampling, how to chop samples, mpc one sampling workflow, mpc one sampling, mpc one sample chop, mpc one making a sample based beat, mpc beat making tutorial, MPC ONE Sampling Tutorial, MPC ONE Sample Chop, MPC ONE Tutorial, mpc one sampling vinyl
Id: SCuTUM3Acl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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