Sammy the Bull Responds to Pitbull Dissing Him: F*** Pitbull in His A** (Part 14)

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a few years ago they made a John Gotti movie and in the beginning of the movie there was a song by pitpull you know what I'm talking about yeah I I don't know the song what happened but but in the song you know when pit was rapping he said uh there's rules and codes you don't break them for no one unless you're a fool like that [ __ ] prick Sammy the bull uh who said that pitpull yeah well you know I I didn't hear it but [ __ ] Pitbull and his ass I mean maybe he's interested in that uh prison where they're pimping people off or whatever the [ __ ] he's doing but [ __ ] him in his ass okay you know it's nice you know it's I I love when guys talk they have a habit of talking about things and people and situations you know I love a guy who's talking about black people he's a white guy he never walked in anybody's [ __ ] shoes he never went to prison don't don't have a [ __ ] clue what a black guy is he doesn't have a clue what I am he doesn't have a [ __ ] clue he's hip hopping all over the [ __ ] stage and talking big he's Cuban I believe I don't know what the [ __ ] he is but uh whatever he is he is but yeah I mean I didn't hear that song I tell you the truth so whatever it is it is they could say whatever they want you know you hear all these things all the time like I said you know you got to walk in people's shoes and go through some of the things that these people went through you talk about some black people come out of ghettos it's it's oh that's terrible go in a ghetto and live go and go before you open your [ __ ] mouth about what he's doing or not doing go in the [ __ ] ghetto go live there see how you [ __ ] feel well you said that uh Joe Biden Hunter Biden are worse than you and John Gotti he said you guys look like choir boys compared to them yeah I didn't say about me and John Gotti I mean I think that we as thees are like Cho Boys compared them we did crimes I'll give you an example we ran unions women's clothes address instead of costing $16 cost $18 uh bread instead of costing 18 cents a loaf cost 23 sets Al Loa we took our little piece we ate other people ate this these administrations these politicians want to eat all of the party they don't want people to eat they just Rob everything and they and they don't care about nobody who dies who lives they don't care whether you're white you're black you're purple you're green they don't give two shits they don't care about men or women or children they care about power and greed they care about keeping racist thing things going people hating each other they do that so that so they could have their undercover [ __ ] while we're arguing a black guy and a white guy we're arguing about nothing I don't even know what we're arguing about and while they're stealing everything they love that that's their cover racists went away in my opinion a long time ago when Obama came in I thought it was going to be great here's it's going to even get better it get 15 times worse he was horrible uh completely horrible what did he do for black people nothing well I think he gave him a symbol of what you could achieve a lie of what you could do and what I could do for you but never did it I understand what you're saying and he was he didn't specifically help out black people but you know you have a a biracial child or grandchild yeah grandchild grandchild for the first time in history that that child could say I could be president one day because up until that point every president was white come on with that [ __ ] remark [ __ ] yeah anybody can be president any time they want come on look you got Joe Biden it's better than any black person that if that could be the president then anybody could be the president not that just because Biden got uh Obama got in listen I was in prison when he got in black guys were putting a picture on every cell I went in yeah I'm sure by by the end of the first time or beginning of the second or middle everyone I went in there the rooms the pictures were gone okay no black guys that I knew in prison liked them okay you got on you got in and you didn't do what you were supposed to do in any way shape or form we could agree disagree on this yeah well I respect your opinion I I personally likeed Obama no it's not my yeah it's that you like him I'm not you're not a black guy no I'm not I know but but you don't they do a lot of stuff in the black community all right but uh you what did they what did he do tell me what he did tell him he what what governor Nome is doing what is he doing you're a Democrat this good yeah I'm a Democrat what is Nome doing he's going to run for president not what is he doing is he really going to run for president that's what they're saying well I mean Biden you live in California you live in California am I correct yeah in La what is he doing for you I'm not a huge fan of Newsome but Newsome is not gonna as a Democrat you can't run against an incumbent president unless the president decides to step down right Biden is gonna run again so being a Democrat I don't know about that unless he just feels like he's too old and he's not going to run so we'll see what happens but you know this conversation can go on for 3 hours you know we got we got a lot of cool get let's get out of there
Channel: djvlad
Views: 111,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9syr1Mq0P4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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