We Blind Tested 5 Jarred Sauces And Were Shocked By The Results

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these are five of the most popular Jarred sauces on the market and today we're going to answer the question you have are any of them worth buying compared to making your own super easy quick sauce so a little ground rules James and I don't know what any brands are power picked up 12 different jars she's going to select five and we're going to put construction paper over them real scientific this is number one James what do you smell here sounds like there's like a time of season ing seasoning all right let's try it [Music] and you don't have to finish it all James on each one after that Spoonful you really get the idea of this sauce so guys we're rating this out of 10. James gonna pick first just so I'm not influenced James zero being horrible ten being amazing what do you think this sauce gets because like it's like way over seasoned James is good um but James is being generous with this rating here I'm giving this a two honestly I shouldn't even be giving it a two what is it about it that you're giving it to you know we can look at the ingredients after there's a ton of sugar in there there is a ton of like just sweetness like sweet dried basil in there chill out when I'm going a little too aggressive oh God imagine if this is the best one I'm confident that there will be a couple better ones we're gonna say how much these cost because that will be a factor guys like if like this one that I don't think is good is a third of the price of say the really good one that'll also add into the calculation of it foreign [Music] I really like this one zero to ten I don't know I think it gets a six and we're judging Jarred sauce here so it's not like I'm judging this versus like you know like my homemade sauce no we're just judging sharks could I give it like a high rating then we'll let them change it yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna give it a nine I'm gonna give it a nine as well and you know to be honest with you if this was the last one and it was the best I'd probably give it a 10. this is really good tara this does not taste anything like Jarred sauce that I am aware of no I just think it tastes like all of these sauces are all marinara sauce okay this is excellent so yeah um let's go up let's go on to the next one all right I'm excited for this one too this is the most fun I've had making a video since I've started YouTube I'm not I'm not I'm not lying I really I really mean it foreign [Music] score at first before I say anything I really like it but I don't like it either what it was you got James zero to ten like a two and a half Clash Jay why yes it doesn't have like the right consistency it's almost like it's like and usually I like creamy stuff but this is like a weird kind of creamy it's like it like there might be a little bit of um you know a lot of like fat in there like extra oils but that's not my criticism of it don't what else is wrong with it like the aftertaste of it I don't know what's in it but like at first it tasted like just like a regular Jarred sauce but it tastes like really weird after it so it's gonna taste sweet though to you it tastes good it like it almost just tastes like they added like it's like dumped like tomatoes in there most of them put like like pepper salt like oregano like a bunch of stuff and then they just like got a can of sugar and then this one gets a two and a half it gets a little bit better than the first one because the first one was even worse because the first one had a massive amount of dried basil in it let's move on to the next one number four is up it looks not bad but who knows that's what I said about the last one though [Music] I have something to say but I'm gonna wait this one I'm a little conflicted with yeah they just did one thing and it would actually be good I don't think it's bad I mean so what what do they need what is that one thing what's wrong with it James I'm gonna give this a five right in the middle because there's one thing to highly boost up salty so you can even at five okay I'm gonna I'm gonna give it regardless if the saltiness and I'm not sure if it's overly salty compared to the other ones I'm gonna give this a seven this is substantially better than the two really the ones that we've really gave all ratings to I agree and that's why I think it's kind of unfair that I'm giving this a five in the and the first one got four and a half but like there's nothing I can really do about it because I think this is like right in the middle maybe a six I'm gonna let him do that I do think this isn't isn't bad so I'm gonna give a seven this is the last one I'm actually really looking forward to the reveal after this yeah I have a feeling that this one is either gonna be like really good or like really bad like like at 10 they're like yeah I can already smell it and it smells like spices I think it's really bad I think you're right well I know you're right I don't need to taste it again really um so James why is it bad I don't even know if there's any tomatoes in this I think it's just like red food coloring and like basil and oregano there's definitely tomatoes in there I don't even taste a single tomato I'm giving this a one that's harsh I'm not going to give it a one I'm actually going to give this a three I do think it is a tiny bit better than the two the one I gave a two and a two and a half too unfortunately this one like those other two they're all the same they're like it's almost like the master mixologist of is like working Moonlighting for the other two companies they're like I don't really taste any difference Tower they're very very similar which is odd because the other two are completely different this one also has the dried basil taste to it it has a lot of sweetness basically the three that I rated the lowest have a ton of Sweetness in there to me anyway do you agree right it's time for the reveal guys so we'll do number one first we'll start there so just to recap James you read it this one a four and a half and Jim you rated this one a two two so this was my well I was writing right this was your lowest rating James what is it let's see I did not expect that I didn't even know you were buying this one that is Whole Foods 365 brand I'm actually surprised that like it like tastes that like sweet for like so this is number one again guys Whole Foods I'm perplexing yeah especially since like non -low fat vegan this one actually came in at a very good price point this one was 2.69 wow that's no sugar added organic diced tomatoes uh tomato juice organic tomato puree organic tomato paste organic garlic organic garlic water organic or extra virgin olive oil onions salt organic garlic organic basil organic oregano organic black pepper a lot of organic stuff in here um total sugars four grams um you know the sweetness honestly I'm tasting is the basil dried basil which is why I don't use it in any of my I don't use it for any dish like full stop I will never use it Italian seasoning that stuff they sell in the stores never I I always I mean I've said it in videos I say throw it in the garbage because that has dried basil in it and it's not good it will ruin all of your food Tyra tasted these too Tyra did you think this one was good or or did you agree with like the low rating I was thinking that it might be good but it's I wasn't a fan he's so artificial so James what did you just say this is going to be a very what very easy video to edit James has an idea of how these videos well just take and these videos are a lot easier to make than obviously the the other videos that we do I hope you guys like this and uh we'll do more of them if you do so please let us know in the comments if you like them okay all right number two jeans you gave this one a nine and Jim you also gave this one a nine so this brand was the most highly rated pull it off what is that oh Victoria so Victoria is a hot I don't know but it is a higher it is a higher end brand it is 8.49 I'm surprised uh not that I not that I thought Victoria was bad at all I never this one is going to be the one that everybody's talking about I forgot the name of it well you'll know you'll know when we get to it okay let's let's give a little suspense here okay guys I got nothing bad to say about this one this isn't it oh and we'll get the ingredients here this is another thing versus this one had about 28 ingredients this has whole tomatoes and Juice onion olive oil sea salt garlic basil and spices it says basil doesn't say dried basil okay I think it's a big distinction essentially the ingredients in here James this is exactly what I put in my sauce this tastes remarkably close yeah no because I just tried your sauce earlier it's like the spaghetti meatballs yeah that and that Olive would barely let's go to number three right now James you read it number three a two and a half and Jim you also rate it number three a two and a half okay James pull it off Francesco Rinaldi oh I didn't know what Tara bought either back in the 80s when we were kids I think Francesco Rinaldi must have had really good marketing because I remember growing up thinking Francesco Rinaldi was like the you know the epitome of like the Italian wine market yeah yeah so I just remember thinking that and thinking it was like the best but it must have been the commercials and this one also came in at two dollars and 49 cents making it very affordable tomato puree water turn your piece citric acid diced tomatoes and tomato juice sugar salt sugar is the meat and that's not even the bottom ingredient that means there's a lot of sugar in it citric acid that's like sour citric acid is the actual what you do when you when you can your own Tomatoes you add it to your tomatoes so that they are preserved there's actually no dried basil yeah let's move on I mean I don't I don't know if we should Linger on that um Tire what's what's the next one okay so number four James you rated this one a six and Jim you rated this one a seven is the one you were talking about okay so Rayos this is very good marketing this company they're like everywhere people are always talking about it rayo's costs eight dollars and 19 cents for the jar so it's expensive too then where to buy rails like buy this instead because they're like pretty much the same price and this is like way better it's I don't know if it's way better it's definitely to me it's definitely better yeah and the ingredients in rayo's uh whole peel tomatoes olive oil onion salt garlic basil black pepper oregano exact same exact same ingredients as the Victoria I wonder why this one is like they're similar they're very similar right thing what about the last one James you rated this one a one Jim you rated this one a three okay I'm pulling it off all right what is this Newman's Own now this Newman's products have been around forever for my whole life I always remember like my mom buying the Newman's salad dressings and she never bought the sauce we weren't allowed to have Jarred sauce when I was a kid my mom my mother my grandmother lived with us if you watch the channel you know my grandmother you know we had The Upstairs Downstairs kitchen and she would always cook the sauce for us the meatballs the project everything and she um it was like sacrilege to ever buy Jarred sauce plus you didn't have the selection back then that you do now the only time I ever got to experience Jarred sauce was in the hot in the school cafeteria and I actually kind of liked it because it was super sweet and mush the pasta was mushy and the meatballs would bounce like eight feet in the air and it was just like it was just like a completely different experience okay so this one has no sugar added the ingredients are tomato puree Waters tomato peas diced tomatoes and tomato juice extra virgin olive oil sea salt onion basil garlic citric acid black pepper fennel seeds fennel seed you can go with sauce I mean it shouldn't really it's I you know people now people will put it in now because they're trying to be like fancy but normally if you get fennel sausage that's enough you don't have to add fennel seed to to your sauce um you don't want to overpower it with that so Newman's Own was middle of the road as far as pricing goes it was 3.39 and I'll give them a pass because 100 of their profits go to Children according to the label I feel bad like I wasn't singling out these companies that I truly didn't know which which sauce was which I was going under the assumption that the expensive ones were going to be the better ones because it's a supply and demanding you know if the company has is popular and again Rayos has way better marketing than Victoria does you never really see anybody saying like Victoria is the best you go on Facebook and people are literally fighting each other about you know like shut or showing off that they bought a case of rails you know at like Marshalls when it was like this discounted like so Rayos is eight dollars so that means you get 24 ounces of sauce that's made so now think about I'm just gonna just break it down for you guys during the week this is great this will this will hit one pound of pasta perfectly because normally with a pound of pasta you need about two and a half cups to three cups of sauce this is exactly three cups I would I would definitely recommend um either one of these two James do you agree with that these two are the best if I made a sauce like this I would be very proud of myself this is very hard to distinguish right James yep so Victoria give me a call [Music]
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 1,257,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jarred sauce taste test, jarred pasta sauce, blind taste test, sip and feast
Id: Vz2A7zLQpzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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