Sambuhay TV Mass | 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) | February 10, 2019
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Channel: Sambuhay TV Mass
Views: 21,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sambuhay, Simbahay, Sambuhay TV, TV Mass, Live TV Mass, Live Daily Mass, Daily TV Mass, Daily Mass, Sunday Mass, 2019, 365 Days with the Lord, TV Maria, St. Paul, ST PAULS, St. Pauls, Paulines, Healing Mass, Mass for the Sick and Elderly, OFW, Overseas Filipino Workers, Catholic, Homily, Bible, Sacraments, Society of St. Paul, SSP, Alberione, Apostolate, Catechism, St. Paul Seminary, Jesus, Pope Francis, #sambuhay, #sambuhaytv, #sambuhaytvmass, #stpauls, #simbahay
Id: xHHabSmI4_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 58sec (4918 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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