How to Dominate Marketing like Sam Ocean

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how did you grow a YouTube channel to 182 subscribers in less than a year 182,000 subscribers pardon me yeah the the secrets will be revealed so this it all started with I had I was sitting on my couch one day just stuck there doing nothing because a few days earlier I had torn my achilles tendon fully off the bone just sna couldn't move my foot any of that stuff so I got surgery two days later and then boom I got this cast I'm sitting on the couch at the time I was just starting up on my own businesses I let go of all of my clients and some things were going slow so I had a lot of time to think to peruse on the internet but I wasn't consuming I was looking I was searching I was searching for an answer and the the question I was asking is how can I start a business without creating anything new how can I take something that already exists and is already working in the world and value to it somehow and benefit from it here's what I found I started seeing a bunch of YouTube channels that were in English but they also had these channels that were in Spanish and then there's a podcast that came out between Mr Beast and Joe Rogan and there's a 60-sec part of that podcast where Joe Rogan's like so how many subscribers do you have now 100 100 million and Mr Beast is like about 200 million now if you count the other channels and Joe he freaks out he's like what do you mean he's like oh I have my same videos but in different languages and it counts for nearly half of like the other subscribers and he was like I'm surprised why you don't do it Joe and that it's things like this where I'm like ah as an entrepreneur what I can go do is I can just go take an existing Channel and I can go take it into a new language if you don't get to copy and paste all the subscribers or the views or anything over you still got to start from scratch and build it but some of the heavy lifting has been done because because I understand YouTube so much in content because I had worked with about five channels that did a million subscribers or more I was like I want my own channel but I didn't want to put my face on it so I created the criteria I went and the first company I called emailed they called me within an hour from the phone number and my email thing and then we quite literally just did the translation process did the launch process the growth process and Lady Luck decided to kiss us because about two months in we had a video go viral and I don't know if a lot of people haven't been behind a viral video before but it has some cascading effects on the rest of the business one video goes viral you get four more videos that go semi viral you get a big cash influx and because I know what to do with that money we then uh leveraged it created systems and we're able to keep growing it and so that took us up to about 182,000 in under one year which I don't want to say I wasn't surprised but it it's not like that's not what we're aiming for yeah that's incredible what was your pitch to the channel because you were reaching out to the channels to sort of say like hey we want to take this and translate to another language and you know and sort of scale it there like what what was your approach there oh that I mean you kind of just said it in a nutshell so in my pitch I did I I didn't do cold email blast I did custom emails per person but it was kind of an easier thing because one I just listed Out The credibility of the channels I'd worked with for and then two I mentioned hey there's a new opportunity that we see that no one else is doing only the most successful channels and we want to partner with you to do it it is taking your channel and your business into a new language the the reason it hits so hard is because we covered the costs so they didn't pay us money for this I didn't want a client I wanted a business I wanted ownership I wanted control to do that you need to put risk on your own shoulder you need to have skin in the game and so that's what we did and boom it like it just the deal closed like that yeah that's such an important distinction there um so Switching gears a little bit I heard you on the motive podcast it was such an awesome interview you talked a little bit about cutting your teeth in direct response marketing can you talk on that and maybe some lessons learned yeah for sure so direct response marketing what it's it's like my first love when it comes to this game it is a style of marketing very unique where if you write an email you write a post you write whatever it is whatever you write whatever you publish online the call to action or the goal is always to get them closer to buying if you can get them to buy in the same day so the epitome of direct response is when you can put an ad out on any social media platform like one of those annoying paid ads somebody clicks it and then they go to a page on your website and that page is written so well that by the end of it they're buying something and that all happens within a 20 minute time frame stranger to pulling out the credit card to buy that is direct response it's collapsing the sales cycle from weeks into a moment you only need to convert a small segment of the market like most people uh they ignore those ads they don't buy but there's a small segment of people who do and that's the only segment you need to get to buy to then cash flow and fund the next steps in your business and to make that whole thing profitable so uh that's the game I grew up in my the first company I worked at was a big 8 fig direct response marketing company I didn't even like Marketing sales but I saw what you're able to do with it and I was like ah I suddenly love it because I could probably learn those skills and benefit myself so I've um a lot of what I've created and done in marketing has not been tweets and content and things like this although I know that very well it's been funnels and offers and things deeper in the sales process that get people to pay anywhere from five bucks up to $50,000 and that's all B direct response yeah that's incredible what kind of lessons I've heard you talk a little bit about like Hermos approach and like to me it seems like that's sort of informed some of how you position offers or how you think about stacking value um or just some of the different work that I've I've done but um what kind of what kind of impact has has his work had on on you yeah I mean it's so interesting because I remember clearly he his whole claim to f the moment he became horos to like the mainstream the mass Market is when1 million offers came out of course he had he was crushing it at stuff before this I have uh mentors who used to work with him and partner with him on things so I got a unique insight into who he used to be that book everyone loves it because it talks about offers I didn't care about the offer part I haven't memorized his formula I don't use his formula I think it's a little bit complicated to be honest but what I loved about it is how specific in detailed he got he was was able to go down to the number each kpi the different numbers the average results someone would get after this time frame and I was like Ah that's what Excellence looks like I had never saw that before in this kind of wishy-washy General vague theoretical Guru World here's this guy who like was in the trenches and then he came out and he's like here's what I've learned so that demonstration is what I've always wanted to do for myself which is why I'm never going to just teach I'm always going to keep doing and the biggest lesson and I'm just integrating this lesson now is he said you cannot be you'll never see a CEO of two companies as a creative marketer that's tough because I got so many ideas I want to do so many things and that literally is the weakness when you know at the start it's the weakness it can be the Achilles heel and so um if I'm doing more than one thing I seriously question myself and I'm like I'm breaking I'm breaking an important rule there's I'm not I'm Not Who things it down one and you'll happier so that's the less that's always just helped me a lot from him yeah that's super powerful and I think personally that's something that's hitting right now I'm like that makes that makes a lot of sense um well you know like thinking about like I you you're partnering with some some you have partnered and and do continue to partner with some massive Brands some really big names in the personal branding space and I've heard you you know talk about a few of them I know that some of them obviously you can't um what have been like the big lessons or unlocks that you've had in the last year with working with some of these like Mega creators or or really big people in these spaces yeah it's it's something we may talk about on uh right here about this idea of Optics and just covert influence it's this whole thing of it's why I love the Creator economy so much is because there's a level of marketing ability that you have when your name means something and it's this idea of status and influence and reputation that holds in my opinion the ability to just flip reality upside down and you create your own reality Distortion field in business and what I mean by that is there are there are rules of nature there are laws of physics that just kind of exist but when you're a personal brand and your reputation is there you don't play by those laws of nature you have your own set of laws and as people come into your world they play by your rules and a specific example to get less poetic about it is I remember working for one of these guys he used he you know he he sold a big company made a ton of money and then started talking about it became super popular and then started teaching people about this stuff I saw people pay him $30,000 Upfront for 30 days of Consulting you know you see horos video of like I paid what's his name gr Cardone $100,000 for four calls I saw that firsthand on a smaller level and then that same Creator would turn around to me and pay me 3,000 bucks to go deliver all of the stuff and I was like wow he barely he didn't have to do any like that guy just threw money at him and I and and he gets to keep all the money and I was like hm someday it would be cool to just be that guy who can get directly paid the Third rather than needing someone to go sell that and then I go deliver on it so that's what I look at when I partner with creators there's all these intangibles these hidden things beyond the copy beyond the content Beyond The Funnel beyond the offer even that can lead to sales and conversions and I call it it's hidden in plain sight uh we don't see it because it's right in front of our face I've started to see it and now these are the things that I uh work with when I do these type of businesses that's cool it's the criteria there like I think I've heard you talk about it before like some mix of like Charisma and some business savvy and like what's what's the magical formula like the the triangulating thing principles you're looking at there yeah there are three main things I've always looked at I call it one is charisma two is the archetypical story and three is what I might call The X Factor I just came up with that today that last one Charisma is less about you know the type of Charisma where we can walk into any room and you just like crack a joke and make you know friends with strangers not that that type of Charisma it's this Charisma where if you're on video I'm specifically talking video Charisma because if you can if you have this then it can translate into text but just because you can do text doesn't mean you can do video and video is what scales in my opinion anyways that's a different subject the the Charisma is like you just have this presence um you have this relatability to you you just there's something about you where it's a little bit I don't want to it goes it's contradictory to what is about relatability but there's an element of like unhuman like you there's something aspirational about you and it's like you belong in the spotlight and we're so used to that in society of like there's just people in spotlights and people who aren't people who are leaders or celebrities and people who aren't like if you can if you can see that person who's like ah that person like belongs Center Stage that's number one um and I'll give an example soon number two is archetypical story Rock Bottom to rock star Zero to Hero Rags to Riches there's a reason Hollywood uses the same story formats over and over and over and just dresses it up differently because it's what touches hearts in the mass market and so with direct response we're always trying to scale as big as we can tens of and hundreds of thousands of customers we want to reach the best way to do that is with a story that hundreds of thousands of customers can relate to or want to live and so we have seen funnels that have the worst Co like it doesn't even need a lot of copy it doesn't even need to be the best but if the the personal Brand Story is really good like we just talk about that and people start buying another one about the Charisma um the the partner that I have with the YouTube channel now right the she's so charismatic on video that the rest of the funnel is very decent but the Charisma is what's doing the conversions the Charisma is what's like warming people up because there's an energy uh transfer marketing is just about making people feel things and what better way to do it than to be charismatic and actually portray that energy through a video so you can achieve the same goal that marketing does but without the marketing if that makes sense um final one is X Factor so if you do have followers do they love you or do they just kind of Follow You the example is if you post and you see the comments is it just like oh cool post or oh awesome or are they like oh you've changed my life and oh this is the best thing I've seen all day you look for that because at bigger levels with bigger audiences those are just more quality like it's not about the quality of the audience per se it's about the quality of the relationship between the audience and the guru that thing I just blacked out I'll shut up that was no that was amazing I uh I absolutely love what love you said what you said there um and it I'm thinking of like two ways to ask to ask like a foul out there right like I guess which ever one is is better for you how do you coach people on you know on on doing that or how have youve done it for yourself right because the those pieces that you just described I see like big aspects of them in terms of your brand and where you've weave them in but I'd be really curious from you either how you would help somebody do that or how you've managed to do that yourself two great questions because how I help someone do it is very different it's been it's a different answer than how I do it for myself so historically I never did it for myself because those thing like one I was never charismatic or I never found my Charisma style you could say two I never really had that type of super relatable story or I didn't think I did until recently and then three I just never had an audience so I didn't know if I had that like relatability factor it's why I was always behind the scenes I'm like I don't need to be personal brand but I'll work with the personal brand because what I saw all of these big creators it was never just them so many of them had a hidden business partner behind the scene let's call it you have a ghost writer who writes all your content let's call it a ghost Guru the the person who runs the business and I'm like ah I want to be that guy maybe that's my purpose so that's how I learned all of this stuff because I just saw it firsthand from being behind the scenes and seeing what works and what doesn't and so the first step in teaching people is I don't teach people I just find people who have those things because it like there are things I can do I can create offers I can write copy I can do strategy but that's in my control what's not in my control is how charismatic someone is what's not in my control is what someone's backstory is so if I can just go attach what I do onto someone who already has the goods that's the combination I'm looking for and there's such an abundance of creators that it's easy to find that and those are the people where I'll do big projects and I'll spend my own money because it's more of a guarantee that it will work um two what I've done for myself this is the first year where I've really put myself out there so I've tried to start a personal brand four times in the last nine years I failed and quit each one I deleted all my social accounts this year on Twitter is the first time where I like finally did it again and I think I cracked the code so everything I've learned I'm like I'm gonna apply it to myself and I've been able to and I've just found ah there's different contexts and ways to do this and I've discovered some things I didn't discover before so it's been tough because I still if I had to choose one or the other Sam you can either be a personal brand or you can go behind the scenes I'm going behind the scenes that's where I love to be so I'm I'm like balancing Both Worlds at the moment which I think is teaching me a lot about marketing as well yeah have you had to like do any dual icps like in terms of like your craft or if you had to really like sort of write to different you know personas like while you're doing something knowing that you've got these sort of Shifting Sands or for the most part it has been all right I'm going to focus on putting out this like amazing micr Creator content and just have this be the flywheel that attracts people in my way yeah I mean so for myself personally it's funny I didn't even know what an ICP was until this year we always just called it like an avatar or market research so I for myself I never did the ICP thing and how do I put it I don't want to say I don't think about like the market when I write and I I also don't do the thing where I write to who I was like three years ago I see that's common advice I'm like like interesting what I focus on is I'm like again if everything is an energy transfer which ideas bring me the most energy so as I'm writing that idea I can write it with life I can breathe life into it and if I can breathe life into an idea or a post I would rather put that into the world than to right kind of mechanical robotic post that like hits the pain points of the ICP yeah right and so that's what I focus on so it's very much focused on me selfishly and my signal my North Star is am I excited to write about this yeah I love that I think that's just such great advice especially for people that are struggling in sort of space of finding stuff and it kind of brings me into another question I was thinking about with you is like you seem to have like carved out like this fast fascinating like brand position um you know for your for yourself personally and doing it for clients how do you think about positioning like I when I read your posts on different stuff like I it seems like you're just bringing a different level of like Insight or thinking perspective there that it's Unique so I'd love you to just maybe sort of talk on how you think about that well I appreciate the compliment to receive some to to have someone say oh it seems like you've carved out this little piece that's the highest compliment because that's the number one thing you want to try to achieve with marketing because that's not even the end goal that's just the first step and then that can start to scale into much bigger things and so it's it's very interesting because I tell people the world I come from that whole direct response world I am not some a-lister you could even argue I'm not a b-lister now I play uh I know all the big guys I play in those circles but I'm just not the best however I'm one of the few people who understands hardcore marketing with this kind of personal brand content like organic approach and I uniquely am excited about this intersection between the two bringing direct response to these personal Brands bringing real marketing business to these people who have all this attention and so um I can just talk about it better than most because I spend the time doing it again all of my other buddies their whole thing is they're not on Twitter they're not building personal brands or hopping on podcast because why would they if they can just go spend time actually building a business doing it and making a ton more money I made the commitment that I'll spend at least an hour a day on this and it's allowed me to formulate my thoughts way better so when it comes to positioning I I just started making posts about this today that's all I focus on every day whether it's offers content branding whatever it is is positioning doesn't exist in a vacuum and I've learned a lot of this from my buddy Sebastian he told me you don't create your positioning uh like your Market chooses it your positioning exists in the minds of your Market and so positioning doesn't exist in a vacuum you have to position against something and this is just how the human brain works like there needs to be edges and boundaries and walls and barriers because then we know where not to go whereas if we're just in this white omnipresent like multidirectional space we don't know where to point and so the best way to do positioning is to find something that already exists and to go against it I'm not saying to be controversial that's where most people go I'm just saying to create that contrast the contrast creates the the source of attention of what grabs attention and now you've at least got attention all it all it serves is to get people to pay attention so I usually focus on this less for personal Brands I'm still learning how to do that on a personal Brand level but I'm really good at doing it for offers things we sell that's counter to most the advice I hear which is kind of that throw rocks at you know the enem is kind of a thing or like find the hill that you're going to sort of stand on how are you doing that with offers that's like such a fascinating thing yeah so with the so I'm still finding my Hills I think and I before I ever teach this stuff I'm always one to go do it so I can see firsthand and then ah here's what I've done and the the hill I know for sure there's some hills I know for sure I'm standing on is one transparency so I've built a name for like being more transparent than others I took build in public to a different level right and I just love that stuff that's just related to me so if I wanted to go position myself I can start to go throw stones at anything that's untransparent as an industry Insider I uniquely know what's going on I haven't started doing it but I could do it any moment now so I'm waiting I'm waiting um how you do it with offers is slightly different you have to look at other offers and other Solutions in the market and the question you need to ask is what are my what are the what is the market what Solutions is the market currently using that they're fed up with dot dot dot and how can your solution do it better faster cheaper easier more Superior whatever benefit it's this idea that your customers are all buying stuff similar to yours and whatever they're buying has advantages but there's also disadvantages to those Solutions you need to position your offer against those disadvantages and then that's what's going to make your standout so a um an example maybe I'll give two I learned this from my mentor he he he teaches people how to sell High ticket offers it's a very common thing you know to teach that and one of the most accepted versions of this methodology is you do this content make your offer you hop on a sales call close the deal boom now you made sales well what's the disadvantage of that a lot of people don't like sales calls so he positioned against that and he created a solution where you can close High ticket sales without ever hopping on a sales call and it's like that is music to certain people's ears you're saying I don't have to get on one of those nerve-wracking sales calls and I can still close High ticket yes and I'll Teach You How in my offer you see how that just flows very easy yeah um there's a there's always a market for that that's the thing it's you're not going to get the whole Market but you're going to get people who like that over the other solution so today right there's a I was looking at personal branding I'm looking at all the offers in the market and I was looking at the disadvantages of those offers and one of the big disadvantages especially on Twitter LinkedIn is this idea that I hate creating this content because a day later it like disappears and I have to create more like it dies so fast and that eats away at certain people and so a good offer would be well what if you could build your personal brand without without creating content that dies but creating content that actually lives forever it doesn't just die you can keep using it over and over and over and it actually like grows people love that and all that is is YouTube long form blog posts whatever it's kind of like what Dan Co might teach in the two hour writer positioned that way you will attract people who hate the thought of doing work that doesn't live on you know and that's just one thing so I'll stop great example I'm going off no great example um and like the dumb follow-up question that I have to ask is about how did you like get to this level of doing it right because like this is something that I I see so many beginners struggle with so much and like you have to just iterate forward with it um but how' you learn to position at the level that you are oh I mean I feel a sense of relief because I've done it and there's still so much to learn but I feel very confident now I just spent n years behind the scenes studying doing taking reps failing a lot I failed a lot and what failure failure looks like for a marketer is you write an email and it sucks it gets no sales you do this funnel and it's like oh it didn't work and then maybe the client's mad and you have to deal with that for like so much of that right but I have won quite I've I started winning a lot more too which is how I got to the level on that today so it wasn't from books where else are you are I I don't know any book that teaches stuff like this the one PE the one book people bring up is Jack Trout's 22 irrefutable laws of positioning or something I can't even really remember what's in that book I've learned more from my buddy Sebastian about positioning than anything there's not a lot on offers which is why horos book popped off um and there's just not many people doing it so one one stone I could throw is how uh people teaching offers the only offer they've ever made is the offer that's going to teach you like how to you know that's not enough and I I just know this from experience like there's so many different contexts and problems and things nuances to consider I've seen it all so now I'm at a point where I that's why I started building my personal brand again now I feel I can I can start to teach this even sell this um I just took a lot of swings at the swings at bat so yeah and youve sort of position yourself as a positioning expert in the space of sort of doing this which is which is really really cool yeah I the on my website I have this section which I say I'm not the best at content at um offers or even marketing but what I am the best at is creating a category of one because when you create a category of one and you can create something that stands out from the crowd everything else becomes easier right so as a strategist I'm just focusing on the higher level lever that I can pull that just makes everything else easy and that's how I've been able to comp compete with people from my former industry even though I'm not the best at copyrighting or the best at this thing I'm the best at these at like differentiation and standing out and combining certain elements that create this like like this thing you can't look away from which is all that matters in marketing how to be different not better how to be 1% different not 100% better yeah yeah and if like if if you were looking at or like you know if if you had like three clients that you're working with how would you like what are the or maybe the better question is like what are the biggest mistakes that you're seeing in terms of their positioning and then like what are the quick fixes if you will or the things that you'd sort of just say like hey here's some lwh heating fruit like don't do this got it so there are problems and mistakes related to positioning and then problems and mistakes just related to business the first things that came to my head are usually business I'll try to tackle both the first thing that most of the the clients are part Partners I've worked with deal with is their their marketing to the whole world which is fine they're big I usually work with people who have 100,000 500,000 a million plus type of audiences but they're missing out they're marketing to everyone but they're missing out on the most profitable segment of Their audience which is usually one the people who've already bought from you so what's something how can we sell them again and it's usually something higher priced so that we call that a backend um which is maximizing TV those people are ready to buy today because they've already bought from you and so this is commonly one of the first things I do when I go into a business I take something they haven't sold a lot before or I repositioned something that's high priced and then we just go activate their database AKA we just go sell it to the their existing lists and we bring in 100K plus and then that's a great way to start an engagement um two that same thing exists in the market so even if they haven't bought from you there are people who are on the fence about to buy either from you or somebody and if you can just put an offer in front of their face before anyone else and make it good and direct and strong and powerful and different they'll buy from you this is what I call ignoring the 97% of the market that wants to learn and going after the 3% of the market that wants to buy so everyone's missing that hot segment of the market especially content creators they're so focused on creating free content value they're forgetting that like you can you can write a post that won't get a ton of Engagement because it doesn't add value but it brings a tons of dollars because a few people are going to buy from it number one the positioning mistake is I mean to be frank a lot of people don't know positioning or if they do it's it's a it's very amorphous vague concept that no one's been able to teach so they are usually just trying to Market harder they're just making bigger claims so if you're in the weight loss space it's like how to lose 10 pounds how to lose 20 pounds how to lose 30 pounds you're just saying this crazy stuff and it's some point the believability goes off the chart charts and it doesn't work well the way you compete is not by going bigger but you just you you just shift and you just do something different and so they they usually try to compete in that way go bigger and I just I just help them you know instead of doing that just like step to the side step out of line and then you'll Stand Out instantly um if that makes sense it does kind what I just said before about no it does well and I've seen you sort of like talk on and sort of integrate in different pieces like storytelling and the sort of brand narrative pieces that sort of go in that how does that connect to that concept so um in indirect response we use storytelling as a conversion tool so we don't just tell any story we tell a story that moves people through the sales cycle so if the sales Cy uh maybe that's the wrong term the awareness stages it's like you start with problem whereare oh I got a problem with the solution boom now they're solution aware what what's the best solution boom now they're like ready to buy from you we we tell stories in that order too and so uh we would write it on sales Pages we use little bits of it in an email and you can position offers this way also so you can have a direct offer or you can have an aspirational story-driven offer so a direct offer could be like hey if you are interested in getting this outcome without having to do ABC xyz123 DM me and I'll send you the details for how we work like that's an offer a story driven offer take that same idea but tell it in a story right SE like five years ago for me I used to hate marketing and sales but then I but then I stumbled across a simple little discovery that allowed me to to go into any business and bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars for them like that and so suddenly I love marketing in sales if you want this same skill and this same ability so you can go become an in demand marketing specialist DM me and I'll show you exactly what I learned like you know you can just tell the story of how you discovered it um and like I said it goes back to the Creator thing is like the point number two is do they have an archetypical story it's a thing that uh hits deepest so if you can position anything as a story an offer a piece of content an email whatever it is it'll just hit better but it's it's just harder to do yeah that makes a ton of sense I mean you're you're leveraging archetypes you're leveraging you know clever narratives to sort of move them through the SLE cycle um how are you balancing that sort of that drive of because you seem to do this really well of like the like driving eyeballs but remaining like authentic and transparent like there's a real tough middle ground in there that I see you navigating in a unique way uh can you talk on that yeah first first of all Mike you're asking all these wonderful questions I'm very happy talking about this so before I forget let me thank you for shining the spotlight on me I truly do love talking about this the you know I I look at things very tactically and like I just try to look at tactically strategically on a principal basis I know tactically um you never want your hook to be bigger than what comes after it so the mistake a lot of people make is they're so focused on the hook because to get attention that they make a hook that's a little bit too big for them to deliver on and so you might get attention but then and there's an emotional high but then what you say afterwards is like an emotional low and so that difference from high to low is the impression you're going to leave your market and that impression is going to make it's going to give them the feeling of oh this guy's kind of a Sher or oh like that that label that you don't want oh he's just a guru right you want to flip that you want your hooks to be smaller than what comes after it's almost like a layers of hooks like like Inception but with hooks so you have the hook that gets your attention and it's like oh guess what there's actually a bigger cooler thing you're going to get in this and so now you're going from like low to high and that impression is what people will remember and so everything I do tactically whatever my hook is it's like whatever comes after it has to be better yeah now the way the way I've kind of balanced getting attention is it's the zigzag principle the the market everything's always in flux everything's always changing which means positioning can change okay if my whole thing is transparency how do you position that when everyone starts to become transparent if I'm building in public what do I do when everybody starts to build in public these are questions a lot of people don't know how to answer well you just have to look at what are the advantages and disadvantages of building in public and then how can you just go against it right and so I am always I call it uh layers so layers of transparency I am transparent enough to where it's obvious that I'm like actually doing stuff that other people aren't if I wanted to start throwing stones I'd be like the reason you don't see other people build in public is because they're not building anything at all and that plants a seed of doubt in people's minds and they're like huh that's a good point I see Sam what he's doing but how come I don't see what they're other what they're doing cuz they're not doing anything and I know that as a little secret behind like I could do that if I wanted to play that game um there's always something else that I'm holding back though so for the ones who see it there's like an extra layer that I really like hook in and see it in there there's like another layer of transparency that very few people see those are the ones who like DM me and they're like whoa Sam I've read that post but are you saying d d d you know and I'm like yes good spot and so that's kind of what I do um I don't know if that answers the question but again I'm just trying trying to be different right now in a world of free content and I think horos is probably going to push that to be super popular with his last thing in a world where everyone's trying to make content and be a content creator they're they're creating content more than they can execute so a lot of the content's about to become very theoretical and very soft and so Now's the Time to double down on action because just opening a window into that action that type of content is going to stand out if that makes sense it makes all the sense and I love what you said like it I mean you're you're doing this uh because it was I was trying to sort of like put my like my finger on like what is about Sam's brand that's kind of unique and what you said around that driving essentially like driving curiosity and these sort of open Loops that you're sort of like continuing the sort of like tease at and poke at in some of your posts that's something unique and I like I was sort of subscribing the word of like sort of magic or something to it when I was looking at it because I was just like there's something else going on here that I'm not I like I know enough about copyrighting to like kind of get it but like I know there's some intention behind it but I don't know what the intention is so that's kind of closed the loop for me that that's a so that so look at that that's awesome you just said that because that's one of those things where not everyone notices it but when you look a little bit deeper you see ah like Sam just did that thing but he didn't like continue or he didn't whatever where is that what is what is he you know and it starts to create more questions so this goes into the opposite of transparency and again I'm I'm a huge fan of this I don't like the word authentic for some reason which is why I always go with transparent because I know at the highest levels authenticity can be faked authenticity can be scripted and people are like oh like what do you no it can't what do you mean it's like well again take a Hollywood movie they're not they're not doing that off the cuff there's literally other people who script wrote how it should look how you should act how you should feel they got the little things that you put the little uh whatever you rub under your eyes and it makes your eyes water they fake the feeling that it's real and that still transfers emotion into the people who watch so it works and it's like this is what we do at the highest level with creators everything is Mega scripted and we script it to look authentic you see what I mean so that like that Charisma stuff that Charisma stuff relates to this it looks authentic it looks off the but no they've practiced this down to a te you know what I mean and so um I'm always practicing that behind the scenes it's much more covert and I just call it story open Loops there's micro storytelling and macro storytelling so I'm trying to build a macro story with my brand which is I have this main story line where I'm like building businesses and sharing what I learn but I'm GNA Branch off these like Min stories I'm about to Branch one off or I'm about to take a mastermind trip down to Mexico that I told you about that's going to be a month-long story and in that story I'm going to be meeting with some of the biggest behind the scenes marketers and copywriters and we're going to share the greatest lessons of 2023 with each other I may or may not share them with you we'll see what happens right like I love oh give me some more and so I'm just trying to do that as much as possible because I just want to create that feeling with my own brand that's incredible and I think that's a perfect place to end it Sam where can people find you is Twitter the best space yes for now Twitter is the best place the Sam ocean I am currently experimenting with what I believe is going to be the content strategy of the future it is a crossplatform multi-channel you know organic paid advertising hybrid approach that I'm learning from somebody right now and so I'm going to be starting to post on LinkedIn YouTube um what else is it running ads on different platforms and I have an email list all those platforms I'll just be building in public and sharing everything that I'm doing with you I'm pumped for it I know other people will be too subscribe to his newsletter check him out Sam is incredible and thank you so much for being here man oh thank you man this is again this was a
Channel: The Actualized Self
Views: 1,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike, Sam Ocean, Riverside Chats, thought, Riverside Reflections, podcast, conversation, Tranquility, episode, mikecrack, mike stud, The Actualized Self, ideas, Thought-provoking
Id: hrYn6KuV8rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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