Salmon with a lemon butter sauce in 10 minutes!

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all right hi guys today we're gonna make some salmon we're gonna do real quick preparation using just a couple of ingredients we're gonna season the fish we're gonna sear it in a pan and then we're gonna make a little sauce with some lemon and some compound butter let me show you how it's done we're using our house seasoning we want to season it from up high that way it just kind of falls away and doesn't get clumpy in one spot we used about a tablespoon for both both fillets of fish we'll bring the fish over here to the tow we're gonna cook it in this pan I've already got it set to medium we're gonna add a little bit of avocado oil this is just gonna help to sear the fish and keep it from sticking well know it's ready because we'll start to get a little bit of Sheen on the on the oil it'll start to move around in the pan I've got another pan over here getting water and to that we're gonna reduce some lemon juice and fold in some butter and that'll be our sauce all right what I'm seeing on the oil is I'm seeing it starts to ripple just a little bit that lets me know that it's getting hot so then we'll add the fish in then we're gonna go flesh going to go flesh side down into the pan first and that's your presentation side because we're gonna serve it skin side down all right while the fish is cooking we'll we'll start making our sauce over here in the other pan it's just a warm pan we've got it set to medium I'm going to turn it up to medium high we're gonna take a lemon squeeze the juice in the pan and on me but in the pan invest all of that foaming is telling me that the pan is nice and hot and that the water is evaporating out okay we're gonna take some of this compound butter and we're gonna begin to velvet the sauce this is cold right now and as that melts into there it's gonna begin to emulsify a little bit and it'll it'll make what's a sauce now you've got to be careful at this point because you're not trying to boil the butter but you want to use the heat to melt it and that's what's going to give it a nice flavor it's incorporating with the lemon juice and making a nice velvety texture and if you see these little streaks in there you want to make sure that you have a couple of those whenever you're finished because if not your sauce is probably going to break on you now at this point I've got most of the butter melted we've got a little clump there I'm gonna remove it from heat I'm starting to get some boiling we're gonna remove it from the heat and allow the heat to dissipate in the pan and that's it your sauce pretty much is ready we'll pour this on top of the fish now we're gonna take a spatula and flip the fish if you notice right here on the side you can see how the color is changing you can really tell on this piece right here how there's a difference in color and what you want to do is click it until this all becomes opaque so we'll let that go we probably looked at about three minutes away from turn down the heat a little bit to medium I don't burn or you don't want to get a birth taste in there and the sauce the sauce has helped together pretty nicely 1:38 in the middle all right we're gonna get some carryover cooking is its small piece of fish we'll remove it we'll place it on our platter over here we'll take this butter sauce [Applause] and just scoop it on hey guys you wanna try some fish you like salmon we're making a video you want to let me know if it's any good alright fresh fresh off the grill or off the pan we did a little butter sauce and let me get you some utensils I've got some spoons right up here [Music] be straight amber tour so we've got a nice pink pink middle they're part of the flavors delicious thank you perfect that's what I like enjoy thanks guys you want to try it and [Music] the lemon with the butter and the Christmas it's just I'm getting barren that's I love my job
Channel: Chef's Backyard
Views: 7,242,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #salmon, #lemon, #butter, #fish, #cooking, #delicious, easy salmon recipe, how to cook salmon, salmon, recipe, pan seared salmon with lemon garlic butter sauce, salmon recipe, how to, lemon butter salmon recipe, pan seared salmon with lemon butter sauce
Id: OgiNtbwLyhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2015
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