Sally’s Tragic Backstory: Life BEFORE Halloween Town

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hello fun people I'm Isaac Carlson and we need to explore the tragic backstory of Sally because of the new Nightmare Before Christmas novel long live the pumpkin Queen which I'll be sharing spoilers to in this video we now know where Sally came from before she arrived in Halloweentown her relationship with Dr Finkelstein has changed forever how she was really created has been revealed and it turns out she's not the only Ragdoll across all of the holiday towns almost a year since the Pumpkin King took over Christmas Jack and Sally got married and through that event Sally transformed into the pumpkin queen of Halloweentown she Rose far above her station as a former prisoner and servant which set her on a path to discover who she truly was but with the help of today's sponsor established titles you don't have to be royalty to earn a respected title you see it's a historic Scottish custom that land owners are referred to as Lords and Ladies so when you purchase a title pack from 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infinite magical places to explore which is obviously so exciting to find out as someone who loves Disney lore because this completely expands our understanding of The Nightmare Before Christmas's world right now I'm currently working on a complete breakdown of what's inside every holiday town so make sure to subscribe for that that video so you can see it as soon as it comes out on Halloween now on one of those many doors there was a crescent moon and a pathway to a place called Dream Town the magical place responsible for drifting people to sleep this is where the Sandman came from but he didn't rule that Community dream town is actually led by two ragdolls named Albert and Greta they are the governors of dream town and they are Sally's true parents Sally wasn't an invention or a creation she was born was named after her grandmother and had a happy life in dream town until she was taken at the age of 12. you see back when Dr Finkelstein was a younger man even before he was bound to a wheelchair he admitted that he had tried for many years to create his own daughter but all of his experiments to create a rag doll of his own had failed at the same time he also became obsessed with searching for the other Realms that he had learned about in one of the books within his lab what intrigued him specifically was a magical particle called dream sand which was a dust that could put people to sleep so he went looking for the town where it was made so that he could study it for himself but when he arrived in dream town and discovered Sally he decided to take her to study and to pass off as his own creation instead of taking the dream sand he did this so he could attempt to become a respected scientist and inventor within Halloween Town while the governor's Butler luckily saw Finkelstein steal Sally from her childhood bedroom by the time Albert and Greta were able to go after their daughter it was already too late in hopes of no one discovering his treachery Dr Finkelstein blocked the dream Town's doorway into Halloweentown so that no one could come searching for Sally and to ensure Sally never tried to return to Dream Town Finkelstein used a forgetting potion of bat wings and swampwater to race all of her memories of her home he locked out Sally's family poisoned her mind and went to great efforts to ensure the doors to all of the Realms were left forgotten Finkelstein even took out Sally's stuffing as she was originally filled with air puffed Dream Town cotton and replaced it all with old Autumn Leaves he defiled her to boost his own reputation kept her locked away so he could study her and attempted to control her entire life Sally was destined to rule a completely different world that was taken away from her by an Insidious self-absorbed and domineering being Dr Finkelstein tried to keep her submissive by dismissing her curiosity punishing her often and mocking her by calling her a foolish dreamer but nothing he could do would keep her from who she was meant to be in Dream Town they produced fields of lavender and in Halloweentown Sally was captivated by her work in the gardens growing up she constantly looked to the Stars was in her own head and daydreamed of fairy tales and that was all because she was a child to people who adore the night the calmness of sleep and the power of Dreams her connection to Dream Town could even explain how Sally was capable of having a prophetic Vision that showed Jack's Christmas becoming a disaster the dreams she had at night and during the day were powerful because she descended from the beings who led controlled and are connected to dreams now there was one time where Sally was said to have discovered the book that described her original home but when Finkelstein found her with it he took it away saying it was not for her he punished her and told her that she was better suited for making and serving him meals instead of worrying about other worlds of course Sally wasn't willing to completely Embrace finkelstein's words though she rebelled so she could search for adventure and love whenever she had the chance Sally would poison Dr Finkelstein Escape through her window and run away supposedly she became quite the potion maker after all those years in finkelstein's lab because she longed to be free with the Skeleton Man she loved Finkelstein did everything he could to keep her within his prison as a slave and to some extent it did work and long live the pumpkin Queen Sally explained that even after she was married to Jack there was a part of her that felt like she didn't deserve anything better than her old life because she had experienced it for so many years one of my favorite songs from The Nightmare Before Christmas is Sally's Song she sings about how sad it makes her that the man she loves is obsessing over something that could be his undoing and now knowing that she had suffered for so many years unnecessarily because of Finkelstein makes her moments of sadness even more tragic in a life with her parents in Dream Town she would have never had to experience that kind of pain she would have never put herself in position to be destroyed like Jack almost did when the truth about Dr finkelstein's stretchy was eventually exposed the Pumpkin King definitely took care of it because he had already built up a deep resentment towards Finkelstein for the way he treated Sally under Jack's commands Finkelstein was sent away to serve the citizens of dream town for a century and he was commanded to provide Sally with unlimited access to his Gardens and lab for the rest of time while there were moments when Sally didn't believe she had a desire to be a leader when she reunited with her parents discovered where she truly came from and defeated the Sandman after kid been Unleashed upon all of the holiday worlds she finally saw that she was capable of so much more than she had ever been taught to believe after she traveled to all the holiday worlds saved her husband and discovered who she truly was that's when she embraced her new role as the pumpkin Queen to experience the whole story of long live the pumpkin Queen I highly recommend getting the audiobook through my audible trial link in the description I personally listened to this book through audible as I do most books now and I appreciated all the music and narration that made the story very entertaining to listen to using my link will allow you to get this audiobook or any audiobook of your choosing for free and you can keep it forever even if you don't renew your subscription while you're down there if you like to get my extremely comfortable queen of Halloween t-shirt or you'd like to get some other magical clothing and goodies check out the relaunch merch shop at finally thanks for watching and have a magical day
Channel: Isaac Carlson
Views: 149,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WuH4g86UqU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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