The CREEPY Origins of Coraline's Button Eyes

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Friends and fiends, there’s been something on my mind lately. (Breathe in) Buttons. You either love them (Aw! Cute as buttons!) or they trigger something in your soul that makes you just a smidge... uncomfortable. Or you just use them to fasten clothes and such and don’t have any weird emotions tied to them. Lucky you. BUT! After today’s video, you may have an altered (haha, a little sewing joke) outlook on these little disks. WHY does this little fastener cause so much of a stir? If you’ve seen or read “Coraline,” you may have more than an inkling! But before we follow this thread too far… Today’s video is sponsored by Surfshark! Surfshark is a VPN that protects you on your online adventures! I mean, it’s dangerous enough going OUTSIDE in the real world right now, so make sure your online world is safe too! Use Surfshark browser extension on your computer, or the app on your phone to begin today! You can use one account on an unlimited number of devices! Depending on where you live, you may or may not be able to go around and mingle and move outside as much. GOOD THING SURFSHARK enables you to travel to anywhere in the world, right from your own devices! Stuck in a country where “Coraline” is not available for streaming on a popular service? TERRIFYING! But, NO PROBLEM! Just boot up Surfshark and begin country-hopping and movie-binging, today! To get started, use my code ABITFRANK to get 83% off plus 3 extra months for free! Surfshark offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try this for yourself, risk-free. Check out the links in the description below. Thank you to Surfshark for sponsoring today’s video! There’s no doubt about it - the thought of sewing buttons on top of your eyes is… really creepy and, if you’re squeamish, nauseating. And there may be a really creepy reason (well, a few reasons) that buttons seem so creepy! The movie and book “Coraline” bring these plastic disks front and center. Our very first visuals into the Movie world of Coraline are of the Other Mother sewing a doll together with… of course… button eyes! Yikes! BUT it Kinda makes sense.. Movie other mother has button eyes on all of her creations and constructs that inhabit the Other World. Rats, Mr. Bobo, even Ms. Spink and Foricble’s dogs (?) have these creepy manufactured eyes. I think these buttons mark creatures as “hers” - whether they be her creations or her victims. Maybe they are a metaphor, or maybe they literally make her minions see only the things she wants them to see, (Literally blocking their vision from reality!) or maybe she can see through their button eyes! Hive Mind Eyes Spies! (Whew!) While there is no creepy Coraline doll doppelganger in the book, buttons are just as prevalent. On page 45 of 162, the Other Mother and Father say that in order for Coraline to be with them “Forever and Always” she only has to sew black buttons over her eyes! And it won’t hurt a bit! (which book Coraline takes to mean that it will hurt quite a lot! And I’m with her there!) The movie goes extra hard and uses buttons and sewing from the very start and throughout to drive home the idea that the other Mother is like a spider literally threading a web through and around her world and the people and creatures in it. And, while I could dive really deeply into the metaphors about said creepy button eyes, I’m of course more interested in where this potentially chilling association originated from. Because you know that has to be creepy! SO, WHERE DO BUTTON EYES COME FROM?! And, why are they so creepy? But here’s a button that’s not creepy! The SUBSCRIBE button! Some of you spooky souls watching these videos are floating through, but why not stay and make this your haunted home? Subscribe (and bell click!) to this weird channel today, and never miss a creepy cool thing. I promise we’ll have fun, forever and always.... Ok. Back to the creepy buttons! Let’s talk about dolls! Another thing that you either love or get shivers from. Many with button eyes are creepy in their own right - the way the light catches them juuuuust right to make them seem… alive! Did it move? Is it closer than it was a bit ago? There are so many old fairy tales and stories that have dolls coming alive, either to help, or to hurt, and there are a lot of modern stories that make these uncanny-lifelike-yet-not (maybe?) figures even more terrifying. (chuckie, etc) But getting back to buttons, in the case of dolls and toys - buttons take something that was not alive and GIVE it a bit of life. Buttons. Eyes. Windows to the Soul. Throughout time and stories and rhyme, the eyes were thought to be the window to the soul. And, if a soul were to vacate a body (ie. a person were to die), the eyes they leave behind… start to get weird. Lifeless eyes are unnerving in their own right. But. Warning here as I’m getting more realistic and graphic, once a body dies, muscles stop working, and skin dries out and… you get the picture. Coins, ceramic pieces, or anything else, really, were used to ensure that the eyes remained shut after death. Hold the lids closed to hide the lifeless eyes, and to keep the face looking peaceful. In recent times, eyelids were glued shut, and today there is even a disk that sits under the eyelid, but atop the eye that “grabs” the eyelid and holds it shut for viewings and such. (not a button, per say, but it sure functions as one!) Ah, sweet repose! In other rituals and body preparation, the eyelids are SEWN shut… which brings us erriely back to Coraline and the Other Mother and sewing buttons on eyes! Yay?! Maybe the Other Mother is really marking Coraline for death - I mean we knew she meant to drain the life out of her like she has done to the other children, like a spider tying up her victims (FRODO SHLOB), but this really brings it home. Did Coraline skirt death? Or did she die? Is she actually living in the afterlife? She DID partake of the Other Mother’s meals afterall, in a Persephone-and-Hades type arrangement. The husks of the drained children she set free may help answer that… p. 83: “Names, names, names,’ said another voice, all faraway and lost. ‘The names are the first things to go, after the breath has gone, and the beating of the heart.” (That sounds like “death” to me!) In order to set the children free, in the book she was finding their “secret hearts,” their SOULS. In the movie, their EYES. Interesting word choices and concepts, right? In the book the worlds are parallel and opposite, and Coraline’s potential straddling the line between life and death makes an already eerie and chilling story that much more hair-raising! Another metaphorical take-away: (yeah, I know I said I wouldn’t but here we are) In order to WILLINGLY stay in the Other World, Coraline has to willingly sew her own eyes shut. Sew and shut out the truth of things and only see what the Other Mother wants her to see. Through a button. In this case, she would be willingly giving up her will and life essentially, and marking that with the ritual of sewing her eyes closed - like a corpse in repose. Speaking of death, In mythology, souls were transported from the world of the Living, across the river Styx, to the Underworld by the ferryman Charon. The fee for bringing the body/soul to the proper place was coins - which relatives or those morning a person were sure to place in or on their dearly departed’s mouth, or around them somewhere. This is known as “Charon’s Obol,” and is also considered “sustenance for the journey,” referring to the roads of the afterlife or whatever the culture thought awaited them after death. Without those coins, the soul would be forced to roam endlessly for ever after and eternity. And would probably haunt and torment those left behind until they themselves died! (Yay! Fun!) Now, ritually, coins don't’ appear to placed on eyes, aside from the whole weighing down the eyelids thing, but sometimes large Ghost Coins were! Super cool name, and rather interesting concept. Basically, rather than depart with actual money, the living would place an Impression of a coin or icon into a piece of metallic foil, and would place that in the body’s mouth. Or larger ones over their eyes. This not-a-coin coin is dubbed “ghost coin” because it’s there, but not really there! But now it’s time to button this up! (haha.. sorry) What are some of your thoughts? How do you feel about buttons NOW? And, if you were to stay in the Other World forever and always, what button color would you choose? I’d probably go for purple. NOT that I’d go through with it, but purple is a good color! Thank you, friends and fiends, for stitching with me through this weird button hole dive thing. If you are new here, say hello! And subscribe and bell click if this creepy weird stuff is your jam. Ok, I’ll see you soon in the next video. Good bye!
Channel: abitfrank
Views: 478,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, obit frank, abitfrank, coraline, coraline buttons, other mother, coraline other mother, button eyes, coraline theory, coraline button eyes, coraline but creepy, coraline movie, Coraline origins, coraline creepy origins, coraline origins, coraline doll, coraline mom, other mother coraline, other mother making coraline doll, other mother doll, coraline intro, coraline sewing scene, coraline book, beldam, why button eyes, coraline animation, caroline, did coraline die
Id: cJapoYrW2IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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